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The Phoenix 110+ (RT 5)

03-Jul-2010 01:27:35
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03-Jul-2010 01:27:58
Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 19:40:35 by SeiferAlmas
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The Phoenix 110+ Named Best Clan (100+) The Runescape Awards 2010

Clan Requirements: A member (p2p) with 110+ Combat.

The Phoenix was a legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live again!

As the mythical phoenix died and was reborn so have we emerged from the ashes, and have been reborn.

All rights reserved by Tim4ketc and Venturer07 10/5/09

Membership Count: 40

Correct as of: 03-Jul-2010 01:27:58


~Page 1~
1-2. Introduction
2. Contents Page/ Our other threads
3-4. About Us/Drop archive
5. The Council/and gardians matchup
6. Membership Application
7. Ally Application
8. Acceptance Notification
9. Non-Qualifying Notification
10. Our Bump / Recruiting Template / QFC�s

~Page 2~
1. Clan Rules
2. Things for recruiters to follow
3. What is an acceptable application
4. Head recruit gardian tracking and notes

Our other threads
Discussion Thread: QFC: 90-91-891-60543744

Goal and Achievements: QFC: 48-49-706-58672957

Suggestion and Polls: QFC: 176-177-990-60841557

03-Jul-2010 01:28:26
Last edited on 03-Jul-2010 19:34:14 by SeiferAlmas
Welcome to our 5th Clan Recruitment Thread.

We are a fun non-warring clan, aimed at helping each other better ourselves. Our aim is not to risk our own and others items in search of more.

All Forum Rules and the C.O.C apply, anyone in breach of these will answer to the forum Moderators. Their decision will be final.

Head Recruiter

Assistant Head Recruiter
Blake xy69


Head recruit gardian

Recruitment Guardians
All of Council

03-Jul-2010 01:28:49
Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 22:05:08 by SeiferAlmas
THE PHOENIX, was formed on the 11th of May 2009, and is a Clan that encourages its members to enjoying the game of Runescape. We are a fun clan, a group of friends that work together and support each other to get the best from the game.

Our ideals are based on Integrity and Honesty. We help each other to increase skill levels; and play mini games etc. We try and offer friendship of team events, something for everyone:

> Competitions,
> Castle Wars,
> God Wars,
> Pest Control,
> King Black Dragon Hunting,
> Giant Mole,
> Kalphite Queen,
> Barrows,
> Skills Days,
> Tournaments,
> Soul Wars.

And more, we encourage our members to come up with ideas for main event and side event, and if they are able; lead that event.

We are a friendly and active clan! So if you would like to join us then simply copy and paste the application form below into a message at the end of the thread and fill in your details.

We hope to see you very soon.

Drop archive

Godwars items:
Steam staff.....4
Dragon dagger..3
godsword shard... 4
zamorak spear..8
Zamorak hilt...1

Dks items:
d axe......1

Kbd items:
Dragon spear
Dragon med...4

d plate chunck...1

profit from dry runs: 2359k

Database started on: 7/12/09

03-Jul-2010 01:29:11
Last edited on 04-Jul-2010 17:27:43 by SeiferAlmas


Advisores to the leaders
KBD quennie
Warp Blade

blake xy69

Sugar Nova
Kitten Poop

Alex SOA
Legit Thug

Clan Chat

Head Event Coordinator
KBD quennie

Head EC assistant

Head Recruiter

Head recruit guardian
Warp Blade

Head Quest and Skill Helper

Clan Reporter
blake xy69

Clan Thread advisor

03-Jul-2010 01:29:36
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 14:05:41 by SeiferAlmas
Please fill in all questions below or your application may be rejected.


Combat Level:
Mage Level:
Range Level:
Strength Level:
Defence Level:
Attack Level:
Summoning Level:
1) How did you find out about us?
2) If this was from a member of the Clan, please give their name:
3) Have you been in a clan before?
4) If you have been in a clan before which one was it?
5) If you were in a clan before what was your reason for leaving your old clan?
6) Are you listed as a member of another clan?
7) Have you read the clan rules (listed page 2 post 1 of this thread)?
8) In your own words what does rule 3 of the clan rules mean?
9) Are you a member(p2p)?
10) What time zone do you live in?
11) How often are you online?
12) Will you follow instructions and guidance:
13) Will you please read our thread daily to find out what is going on?

If you do not have 200 a/p within the first two weeks of joining us, you will be removed from our membership. In addition we have a bi monthly sweeps that last a week. During this week you must participate in at least one event. Failure to do so will also mean removal from our membership.

14) Do you accept that it is your responsibility to be aware of the above details?

15) When checking high scores to verify your stats is there anything special about your user name i.e. two spaces between characters?

16) If you have changed your display name what was it previously?

03-Jul-2010 01:29:55

Name of your Clan:

Quick Find Code:

What is your position within your Clan?

What is your reason for wanting to become our Ally?

How did you find out about us?

And do you acknowledge the fact that we are a friendly non-warring, community based Clan?

!!!Please note that all ally applications will not be decided on until our next council meet which we usually have the last week of each month!!!

03-Jul-2010 01:30:14

Welcome (Name goes here), you have been accepted into THE PHOENIX.

You will be assigned a Guardian for your first 2 weeks, ( It will be posted on the DT ) They will try to answer any questions you may have, and guide you in the ways the clan works, We'll see you out there, have fun !

Please come to our discussion thread (DT). You can find the DT by searching for the following:

Quick find code: 90-91-891-60543744

Once there, We is suggest that you read as much of the first 4 pages and a few of the last pages,so that you can familiarize yourself with how we work and what is going on.

Our Clan Chat (cc) is PHENIXCHAT, you will be added as soon as possible,

We use team 49 capes during events that allow, you should be given a cape when you attend an event, or simply ask one of our cape collectors, these are listed under clan helpers on page 1 of the DT.

(*) Please not that I am not on 24/7 so please be patient with me.

03-Jul-2010 01:30:33
NON-QUALIFING and other notifications


Clan Requirements:

A member (p2p) with 110+ Combat.

(Name goes here)

Unfortunately at this time you do not quite fit our requirements.

Multi clanning:

Thank you for your interest in our clan but you are still listed on another clans members list (insert part of other clans name). I sorry but until you are removed i can not accept you.

Incomplete application:

Thank you for your interest in our clan but i can not accept as your application is incomplete. Please edit you application and fill in the rest it and you can then be accepted.

03-Jul-2010 01:30:54
Last edited on 03-Jul-2010 19:44:37 by SeiferAlmas
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Hiya, I see you're interested in a good clan!

We are an active 110+ p2p clan full of experienced players from USA and GMT and all around the world, and focus on helping each other. We are not a warring clan, more of a skilling and fun clan, What is really great about this clan is that the members are all ways thinking of new fun things to do ! any member can become an event coordinator (E/C) This way, if you want to do a certain event, you can be the one to run it. If you would really like a welcoming friendly atmosphere, this is your kind of place. You can read the recruitment thread (RT) and the discussion thread (DT) to find out more about us, the qfc's are below, If you wish to join, there is an application on the first page of the recruitment thread.

You are more than welcome to message and talk to me or any senior member in-game. A list of our seniors can be found on the first page of each of the QFC's listed below. This way you can ask any questions you may have, we look forward to seeing you in the clan chat

Some of the events we do include:

-God War Dungeons
-Kalphite Queen
-King Black Dragon
-Pest Control
-Barbarian assault
-Stealing creations
-Soul Wars
-Hide and Seek
-Dagannot* Kings
-And many others
-And open to new ideas !

Discussion thread: 90-91-891-60543744

Recruitment thread: 92-93-433-61243820
Quick find code: 92-93-433-61243820