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�110+Death Before Dishonour�

08-Jul-2010 05:43:34
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 23:12:10 by DBD�Younq
*Thread 3*
)��������^*���(Welcome to 110+Death Before Dishonour Player vs Monster/Warring )����*^��������(
"Our clan has boot and no other clan does...that is the one reason why you should join us, haha nublet :)"

Times for events everyday
6 P.M Pacific / 7 P.M Moutain / 8 P.M Central / 9 P.M Eastern / 10 P.M Atlantic
� Clan Leader: DBD Younq
� Clan Homeworld: 56
� Clan Chat: DBDClan
� Clan Youtube Channel: DBDClanTv - Watch our videos
� Timezone:
GMT -8 Pacific Time (US & Canada)
GMT -7 Mountain Time (US & Canada)
GMT -6 Central Time (US & Canada)
GMT -5 Eastern Time (Us & Canada)
GMT -4 Atlantic Time (Us & Canada)
GMT -3(US & Canada)

======.Overall Clan Stats.======

Total Members: 57
Average P2P Combat: 122.33
Average F2P Combat: 113.9
Average Hitpoints: 93.61
Average Overall: 1,792
Total XP: 4,709,846,870
Category: Official Clan List
Stats Last Updated: 12th Jul 2010

08-Jul-2010 05:43:52
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 15:31:22 by DBD�Younq
�-���`�._Contents Page_.�����-�

�-�._Page One_.�-�
�Post 1: Introduction
�Post 2: Contents Page <-- You are here.
�Post 3: Rules
�Post 4: Event Schedule / Upcoming Wars
�Post 5: Member List
�Post 6: Explanation of Clan Chat Ranks
�Post 7: Clan Jobs <-- Want to apply for a job? GO HERE
�Post 8: Event Attendance
�Post 9: Explanation of Rank Promotions
�Post 10: Suggestion Template

�-�._Page Two_.�-�

�Post 1: War Inventory
�Post 2: War Applicaton
�Post 3: War Record
�Post 4: Recruitment Letter
�Post 5: Application Templates <-- Want to join? GO HERE
�Post 6: Accept/Decline Template
�Post 7: Event Idea List
�Post 8: Drop Log
�Post 9: Members List Continued
�Post 10: Reserved

08-Jul-2010 05:45:21
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 23:12:30 by DBD�Younq
Try and log into world 56 everytime you log in unless you need to do things in other worlds.

� In game and forums
� No participation= NO FUN!
� No abusive or offensive language, this is a mature clan. No threats or criticizing. Be careful when teasing, not everyone may realize you are �just kidding.�
� Be in clan chat as often as you can.
� Only exception to this rule is if you�re in a soul wars, barbarian assault, or pest control clan. If you are in a clan like this you need to report the names of them.
� Don�t beg for higher ranks in clan chat. This could lead to you not getting a higher rank in the future. If you want a higher rank work for it, it�s not free.
� If you change your name inform us, so it�s easier to change your name on our member lists.
8) Last but not least HAVE FUN!
========== Warnings ==========
Everyone will get one warning before getting kicked from the Clan Chat. After the the first warning/kick kicks may be given without a warning. A Second Kick will result in a removal from the clan.
=====Warning #1=====
Bubba Hotep
=====1 Kicks=====

=====2 Kicks=====

08-Jul-2010 05:45:45
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 23:15:33 by DBD�Younq
'*~-.�-War/Event Schedule-,.-~*'�
The event will be posted in the clan cc name.
Example: (CM sun 10est)
CM = Clan meeting
Sun = Sunday
10est = 10 eastern

NOTE: During an event, if someone is to die, you MUST have a minimum pray of 50 before blessing. This is to make sure that the person that died can get there.

Every first Monday of every month there will be a clan meeting to discuss changes or to make suggestions
�'*~-.�-(Upcoming Wars)-,.-~*'�
Proposed Terms:

All Styles of Combat)
Pvp ON
Summ OFF
Lunar ON
Cannons ON
Turrets (all 3)
Food and Pots Allowed
4 EST / 9 GMT
Sunday 18th July
World: 77
Both clans need a ref.

Memberlist's to be posted 24 hours before the war.

Round 1: BV Attack
Round 2: BV Defend
Round 3 if needed: Highest Opts Attack.

�'*~-.�-(Event Schedule)-,.-~*'�
Monday �
�Event: War Practise
�Time: 6 P.M Pacific / 7 P.M Moutain / 8 P.M Central / 9 P.M Eastern / 10 P.M Atlantic

Tuesday �
�Event: KBD
�Time: 6 P.M Pacific / 7 P.M Moutain / 8 P.M Central / 9 P.M Eastern / 10 P.M Atlantic

Wednesday �
�Event: GWD
�Time: 6 P.M Pacific / 7 P.M Moutain / 8 P.M Central / 9 P.M Eastern / 10 P.M Atlantic

Every Thursday is Clan Barrow trip

Friday �
�Event: WP
�Time: 6 P.M Pacific / 7 P.M Moutain / 8 P.M Central / 9 P.M Eastern / 10 P.M Atlanti

Saturday �
�Event: GWD
�Time: 4 P.M Pacific / 5 P.M Moutain / 6 P.M Central / 7 P.M Eastern / 8 P.M Atlantic

Sunday �
�Event: Clan Cup Event / War
�Time: 4pm Eastern
�Place: Meet Wildy Volcano

08-Jul-2010 05:46:58
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 06:11:14 by DBD�Younq
�-���`�._Member List_.�����-�

Leader (Gold Star)

�-� DBD Younq
General (Gold Star):

DBD Ep1x
Captain (Silver Star):
Goober Dan-+++++/+++++/+++++/+++++/++++
Ronbon Gt5-+++++/+++++/+
BUBBA H0TEP-+++++/+

Lieutenant (Bronze Star)
KFC Product-+++++/+++++/++++
New Jerseyy-+++++/+++
Sergeant (Three Bars):

The Fir3god-+++++/+++++/
Drr QT-+++++/+++++/+++
Valhala DBD-+++++/+++++/+
Mr West-+++++/+++++/+++
Bro Rob-+++++/+++++/+++++/+
Lonan Arikos-+++++/+++++/++++
F R l G I D-+++++/+++++/+++
DBD Delta-+++++/+++++/++++
Atomic ZER0-+++++/++++
Sick Kitties-+++++/+++++/+++++/+
Optic Slay-+++++/++++

Corporal (Two Bars):
Drr King-+++++/+++++/
Fine Kills-+++++/+++++/++
Rng So Nasty-+++++/+
Best Alive-+++++/+
TF Shanghai-+++++/++
Fire Men2-+++++/+++

Soldier (One Bar):
ugot WRECK3D-++
Pyro ynot-++
Dead4 Sky-+++++/
Anoth3r Pr0-+++
Crypt Hunter-+++++/
Rosy Darling-+++
Big baby325-+++++/

-----People who just joined the clan..
(Will be moved When I Update Runehead)
Us SemperFi-+++
Iiiiits Juli-+
SBK Welfare-+

------People taken off member list..

08-Jul-2010 05:47:10
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 00:10:21 by DBD�Younq
�-���`�._Clan Leadership Roles Explained_.�����-�
Clan Chat Rank Equivalents

Leader (DBD Younq):
The leader of the clan, has the right to make events, lead events, accept members, kick members, promote members, accept/decline alliance or war applications, and has the final say on any clan-related issues

General- (Gold Star):
DBD Younq's right hand people. A proven member who is dedicated to the clan. Has the power to lead events, make events (when approved by the leader), accept/decline membership applications, and can kick members if necessary. Can vote on leadership decisions, propose major rules or ideas to the clan, and can attend leadership meetings.

Captain-High Council(3) (Silver Star):
These members now have the ability to kick people from the clan chat (when necessary, of course). They can lead events, vote on council decisions, and can recommend people for promotions and demotions. Handles all disturbances as far as rules, etc.

Lieutenant-Low Council(2) (Bronze Star):
Can accept/decline membership applications on the forums. Can kick clan members from chat, but not from the clan. Can vote on leadership decisions and attend leadership meetings. Now in a leadership position, Can recommend for promotions and can start to help run the clan.

Sergeant (Three Bars):
Their responsibility is to look over the two lower ranks. They can recommend for promotions. Can accept/decline membership applications on forums, and alliance/war applications..They're in charge of getting people into using the forums.

Corporal (Two Bars):
No longer a new person to the clan, has an idea of how things work in the clan, and can start throwing ideas out. This promotion means that we believe that you will go far in the clan

Soldier (One Bar):
New to the Clan. Must attend events and get the hang of things

Smiley Face:
Friends to the clan

08-Jul-2010 05:47:22
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 00:52:16 by DBD�Younq
�-���`�._Clan Jobs Explained_.�����-�
Jobs are for people who will take the job seriously and want to earn a decent rank in the clan. You must apply for the job by asking the leader(DBD Younq).

-War General: Organizes and leads war events, You need experience or willing to learn about the RSB ladder fourm(I will give you the thread name to read about) You will need to war clans on the RSB ladder and accept the responsiblitys like msging a clan leader and figuring out the rules for the battle and updating the clan about the war / taking attendance

-GWD/DKS/Torm Generals:
1 General for each boss that will leads the scheduled event. He/she will help the members with the set up and keeps order at the event and looks after the members at the event

-Event Manager:
Hotsts the scheduled events located on page 1, they must attend those scheduled events and update the clan on when the events will take place and make sure everyone knows that an event will be on that day/time. They must take attendace and post the attendance on the forum for the leaders to update

-Quest Helper: Self-Explanitory

-Tanks: For events such as(GWD,ect)

-Recruiter: Recruit clan members in rs forums with the clan invite located on page 2 and accept/decline them with te clan acceptance note located on page 2 aswell. Whenever they are on rs, they should be online on the forums bumping and pasting recruitment letters in the "Looking for clan" category on rs forums.

-Video Recorder: Videotape the events and post on youtube

GWD Leaders:
-Dr3 All Day

DKS/Torm Leader:
-Bubba HOTEP

Video Recorder:

War General:
-DBD Younq

Event Manager:
-DBD Younq

Quest Helper:

-Mr West
-Drr QT

-Ronbon Gt5

08-Jul-2010 05:48:18
Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 02:24:13 by DBD�Younq
�-���`�._Clan Attendance Explained_.�����-�

Note: You get 2 points for attending a war.

Attend 5 events---------Chance to get your Corp rank.
Attend 10 events--------Chance to get your Sergeant rank.
Attend 15 events--------Chance to get your Lieutenant rank.

Silver and gold star members are the only people who can take attendance, if a gold/silver star isn't present at an event, it doesn't count as an event.

For every event you attend you will receive an attendance point next to your name on the clan member list. To earn a point attend a scheduled event(Posed on Page 1) or ask a gold/silver star rank to start a random event that atleast consists of 5 members and you will earn a point.

Bronze/Silver stars are mostley for people who take up jobs in the clan and take it seriously.

After 20+ you are eligible to be nominated for a bronze+ star rank, Contact the leader/council to discuss a promotion.

Keep in mind that events are not the ONLY way to gain a rank: obtaining rank also includes being active by bumping the forum, helping out clan members, and being a overall good clan member

08-Jul-2010 05:48:29
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 23:20:42 by DBD�Younq
�-���`�._About Promotions_.�����-�

Okay I know most of you in the clan kept asking �How do you get a higher rank?� Well I finally made a guide telling you (: But please, don�t think of this as a �Guide to getting a higher rank in DBD.� I want you to do this, because you want to help the clan..not just be a higher rank in the clan.

First of all bumping the thread is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. It puts the clan on the front page of the clan recruitment forum and lets potential members see that we are active. If you�re looking for a rank, you should try to bump the thread at least 10 minutes everyday. Even ONCE a day can make a DIFFERENCE.

Second, being ACTIVE on both forums and in Runescape. Being active on forums requires you to bump the thread, as said above. You can also be active by checking the news and what event is occurring on that day. You can also RECRUIT on forums to be active. Being ACTIVE in Runescape means attending at least two event per week. Taking up a job and being dedicated to it will earn you a fast rank up.

Last but not least, be patient and have a good attitude. This means not causing drama in the clan or degrading someone. Be respectful to all your clan members and the higher ranks. If you have a problem with someone come to me, don�t flame them or name call. Also be patient for a rank. Don�t keep asking for a better one or even better don�t BEG. Begging for a rank makes it less likely to even get a higher rank.

Aside from you trying your very best to help this clan and be a part of it, people can recommend others for higher/faster promotions. Bronze/silver stars can only be attained by having a fellow clan member recommend you and Striizzy and other co-leaders will see if he/she deserves this promotion.

08-Jul-2010 05:48:42
Help us, to help you, in DBD, all peoples opinions will be accepted, and are encouraged to be shared. No persons opinion will be valued higher, as for the most part we are all equals, and for sure all have equal rights to post opinions. When posting an opinion, it can regaurd anything, ranks, events, or any suggestions really. We do however require you approach it from a mature standpoint, and don't just bash someone for whatever reason.

Below is a suggested format to orchestate your ideas in a convinient manner, though it will of course not be ignored if it's not in this format.

�What is your proposed idea?:
�How would this differ from currently?:
�How would this benefit the clan as a whole?:
�Are there any disadvantages to your idea?:
�What do you hope to accomplish with this?:

*'**-.*-(Letter of Recommendation)-,.-~*'�
Who Deserves this promotion:
Why does he/she deserve it:
What rank should this person be promoted to:
Quick find code: 92-93-982-61281145