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Join the Judges Here!
Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 12:14:20
Last edited on 19-May-2010 12:04:48 by Mod�Crow
Judges - Individual Sign Up

The Judges - Individual Sign Up

�Judge a man by the reputation of his enemies� - Proverb

Welcome friend to the Judges. As a Judge we stand as sentries ensuring that the balance is never disrupted or altered. We like to take our time and make sure we always reach a decision based on strong information and clearheaded thinking.

By joining us you will help our cause by adding one point of influence and will also be able to help us gain more in the future.

Sign your name and lets make sure that justice prevails!

What the Judges Represent

The Judges represent balance, nature, wisdom, preservation and caution.

Their members consist of druids, scholars, townsfolk, explorers and the unaligned.

Things to think about once you join

Colour scheme: If involved in a challenge or event where you wish to represent the Judges we recommend choosing something in green and white. Something that represents nature also helps.

Posting: Let everyone know you are a Judge by using the term 'Judge' in your signature!

Attitude: By all means act like a Judge but avoid doing so if it spoils someone elses enjoyment or thread.

This thread is for individuals to sign up to join the Judges. If you want to sign your clan up then please use the Clan sign up thread

Forum Mod

19-May-2010 15:28:09
Sign me up; Balance ftw ! :)

19-May-2010 15:31:36
Last edited on 19-May-2010 15:32:42 by Water�Mage
hey kizow remember me? and yes sign me up too balance owns
ps nice eyes j mod :P
Forum Mod

19-May-2010 15:32:36
Not really, you have an original username?

19-May-2010 15:33:03
talk in rs i dont wanna spam here i was in legion
Jagex Mod

19-May-2010 15:34:45
Hey guys,

Can we please use this thread just for sign ups. If you fancy a chat then you should be the first to use the Judges Home thread!

- Mod Crow -

19-May-2010 15:36:21
Last edited on 19-May-2010 15:37:18 by Mic�of�TIL
sign me up!i wanna be a judge lol

19-May-2010 15:36:30
Sign me up :D

19-May-2010 15:36:49
You may sign me up to

Sibberke, a warrior for balance/Guthix ftw!

19-May-2010 15:36:55
Last edited on 19-May-2010 15:37:43 by Caistlyn
Sign me up! ;)

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