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The Triumvirate: Guide & FAQ
Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 11:54:00
Last edited on 25-May-2010 17:42:15 by Mod�Crow

The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.-Sun Tzu, the Art of War

Personal ideals help shape every decision we make. Someone who believes that standing up to others is right will make a very different decision to one who feels that keeping out of conflict is the way forward. Sometimes we may find others with similar ideals and in doing so a bond is formed. It is through these groups that three factions have managed to emerge in the community, each vying for dominance over the other.

One comes to establish a new order built on principals and traditions. Another comes to maintain the balance in the world and challenge those who would attempt to tip the scales. The final comes to tear down what came before and revel in the chaos. The question is, which side would you choose?

These three organisations are seeking new recruits and allies to help them in their quest for dominance over the others. Each clan is based on a philosophy and mindset so you're sure to find one that suits you! You can earn influence for your organisation through various tasks and challenges as well as recruiting others to the cause. Even entire clans are welcome to join one of these organisations and help increase their standing.

Once you are part of the organisation you can gain special ranks and status. Over time you may even become part of the organisations inner circle and help guide future decisions.

So here it is RuneScape. Choose your allegiance!

How it works | The Organisations
The Influence System | Improving Your Rank | Losing Infuence/Ranks
Frequently Asked Questions | The Current Scores

Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 11:54:28
Last edited on 20-May-2010 06:16:27 by Mod�Lorenzo
How it Works

As a member of one of these organisations you can help to increase the influence and power of the organisation as well as increase your own rank within it. Influence works on a point gaining system, where the organisation with the most points is considered to be the most powerful and influential. There are multiple ways of gaining influence:
  • Competitions/Challenges
    You can earn influence for your organisation by obtaining victory with in game challenges and events, as well as with winning certain competitions.

  • Army
    Each Clan that joins under the banner of one of the organisations will increase the size of that organisations army influence. Differing sizes in points will be awarded depending on the size of the clan. Any clan, corporation or business is welcome to join the army of an organisation.

  • Individuals
    Each individual user that signs up to an organisation will contribute towards that clans influence. Individuals and Army are separate so not everyone in a clan needs to sign up to a specific organisation should their clan join and they choose not to.

  • Special
    These are special points that can be given at whim by a J Mod if they feel that you have made a notable community contribution.
These points will all add up to show the total influence of that organisation and it's foothold over RuneScape.As well as being able to earn points for your organisation you will be eligible to take part in special events and community activities.

Each organisation will have a group of J Mods acting as the overall figure heads. However, players who rank highly in the organisation will be able to set challenges, help run events and take part in diplomacy. However, only J Mods will be able to award influence or resolve rulebreaking and disagreements.

Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 11:54:49
Last edited on 23-Jun-2010 17:10:06 by Mod�Crow
The Organisations

There are three organisations vying for the highest influence over RuneScape. Each organisation represents their own philosophy and has their own set of tenets.

The three organisations are the Lords, the Judges and the Reavers.

The Lords

The Lords are the champions of order and control. The Lords are made up of many different types of personality, all united together in order to do their duty. There are the paladins of honour, individuals who fight within their code, to do what is right. There are also the tyrants, using rules and laws to keep themselves at the top and others beneath them.

Symbolism is very important to Lords and so their attire and homes often reflect their wealth and achievements. It is rare to see a badly dressed Lord, though of course even the Lords know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
The Lords do not believe in compromise, to do so would be to give way to the forces of the Judges and Reavers. They consider themselves to be like stone, unchanging and indestructible. Order cannot be undermined and so Lords must always strive to make sure that their vision or viewpoint is the one that wins out of any conflict.

Lords always follow the rules of the land and many of them work to preserve those rules. Knights of duty fight to stop those who challenge the law, whilst Lords seeking power work to use the laws to their own ends.

The Details

  • Philosophy: Order
  • Focus: Duty, tradition, control
  • Colours: Blue and Silver
  • Element: Stone
  • The Royalty: Mod Calm, Mod Craddock, Mod Mark H, Mod Howes, Mod Raven, Mod Johan, Mod Leeny, Mod MattyC

The Tenets

  • Ensure thy dominance
    As a Lord you must be the paragon of Order. This can only be achieved by making sure that both yourself and the rest of the Lords are at the top in all things.

  • Uphold thy honour
    You cannot spread the word of order if you yourself do not reflect an honourable image. Maintain your code of honour and more will join under your banner.

  • Spread the word
    New nobles are always welcome into the family of the Lords. Work to bring more under our banner.

Why should I become a Lord?

Become a Lord if you consider yourself honourable or like to work within rules and order. Join the Lords if you want to roleplay a good or heroic character or if you consider personal gain to be of great importance.

The Judges

The Judges are the guardians of balance in the world. They aim to keep the natural order of everything in check and prevent anyone from upsetting the delicate balance of what they refer to as 'good' and 'evil'.

The Judges like to weigh up the pro's and con's of every situation and make their decisions accordingly. They view their order as a fluid organisation, like a river they shape themselves to follow the contours of the landscape. They do not make any decisions without first thinking things through.

The Judges focus on living a life of needs, not comfort. They prefer to use the tools that their environment provides them with. They are not quick to jump on the bandwagon of any new tactic or technology, but likewise they are not wholly against embracing something new once it has been reviewed.

Whilst they may represent and uphold the balance of nature the Judges are no push overs. They can be fierce warriors and ruthless businessmen if needed. Their fluid nature means they should never be underestimated.

The Details

  • Philosophy: Balance
  • Focus: Neutrality, caution, wisdom
  • Colours: White and Green
  • Element: Water
  • The High Council: Mod French, Mod Markg, Mod Hohbein, Mod Jon H, Mod Kathy, Mod Murray, Mod Hiisi, Mod Sommerz, Mod Edu, Mod Argus

The Tenets

  • Preserve the Balance
    The Judges should reflect temperance and calmness on all occasions. Leave rash thinking to others.

  • Balance requires respect
    Judges should remain neutral by avoiding being drawn into any negative conflict where possible. Sometimes a confrontation is inevitable but that doesn't mean a Judge has to lose their cool nature.

  • Judges should not be alone
    The Judges should work with each other, helping out where needed. Judges should always seek to spread the truth of balance to others.

Why should I become a Judge?

Become a Judge if you consider yourself as someone who can keep their cool in all situations and isn't swept up by new things or held back by tradition. The Judges may be right for you if you like to roleplay a neutral or indifferent character

The Reavers

The Reavers are rebels with a cause, the individuals who like to throw themselves at life. They represent a chaotic approach, enjoying the constant changes in the world and the destruction of things that no longer serve a purpose.

The Reavers value a life in transit, never sticking to the same routines for long. They liken themselves to a raging fire, ever changing and consuming.

Although they value chaos and discord Reavers are not stupid and know that they cannot defy the laws of reality. Although they wish to spread devastation they still have a strong sense of self preservation!

Whilst some consider the Reavers to be nothing but savages they are in fact a tightly knit group of strong willed and imaginative individuals. All Reavers are considered as valuable as each other.

The Details

  • Philosophy: Chaos
  • Focus:Mayhem, change, impetuosity
  • Colours: Black and Red
  • Element: Fire
  • The Fallen: Mod Crow, Mod Timbo, Mod Mat K, Mod SteveW, Mod Poppy, Mod Paul M, Mod Achilles, Mod Karolina

The Tenets

  • Change is good
    A Reaver's life should never be static. All Reaver's should try and do something new as often as possible and to help others learn what they can do to be...different.

  • Caution is survival
    While the Reavers strive for chaos and to live a fiery life they must not try and break the fundamental laws of the land (The rules of Jagex).

  • There is no I in Reaver
    Work together with your fellow Reaver's and work to bring more into the fold. No Reaver should place their own entertainment and worth above those of their kin.

Why should I become a Reaver?

Become a Reaver if you enjoy constant change, like roleplaying the 'evil' or 'anti-hero' role, wish to focus on group work rather than individual work, like to prevent things being static and if you fancy yourself as having a fiery personality.

Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 11:57:48
Last edited on 20-May-2010 17:56:54 by Mod�Crow
The Influence System

By now we have hopefully made the basics of the organisations clear to you, so now we are going to expand upon how you can improve your organisations influence.

Each clan has a running total of influence which shows their power in comparison to the power of their opponents. This total influence score is made up of points earned from the number of members, number of clans and the size of those clans, challenges and competition points and of course special points.

Individuals & Groups

The simplest way for an organisation to gain influence is simply by recruiting new members. There are two ways of doing this:
  • Individuals
    For every individual person who joins an organisation that organisation gains 1 point of influence.
  • Clans/Corporations/Businesses
    Also known as the 'Army', clans and large player groups can sign up to be affiliated with an organisation and gain influence simply from their size and the challenges they overcome.

    A clan doesn't need to maintain a certain number of people to keep it's points. Once you have achieved one of the size milestones below you will permanently have that influence for your organisation.
    • The minimum size of a group/clan must be 10 people.
    • A clan of 10-39 gains 1 point of army influence.
    • A clan of 40-99 people gains 2 points
    • A clan of 100-149 people gains 4 points
    • A clan of 150-199 people gains 6 points
    • A clan of 200-299 people gains 8 points
    • A clan of 300+ people gains 10 points
    The members of that clan do not need to be affiliated with the organisation for the clan to join. As the army and individual influence scores are separate a member of clan may sign up again as an individual of that clan or sign up to another clan.

Challenges & Competitions

The next method of gaining influence for your organisation is through taking part in challenges or competitions.
  • Basic Challenges
    Any official of an organisation can initiate a challenge with another organisation. These challenges can be pretty much anything, from an in-game/forum debate through to an all out PvP war. Challenges will be posted by an official on the challenges thread for a J Mod to review. Once approved the winner of a challenge can earn an agreed upon influence amount.
    • Minor challenge victory = 10 points
    • Medium challenge victory = 30 Points
    • Large challenge victory = 50 points
    • Epic challenge victory = 100 points
    The J Mod who approves the challenge will state the reward amount.
  • Official Challenge/Competition
    These are events set by a member of Jagex staff. They offer high influence rewards and are an excellent way of gaining notice in your organisation. The amount of influence you can earn is entirely dependent on the size of the event but it is always worth giving it a go if you can!

Special Influence

The final way of gaining influence for your organisation is via the 'Special' method. Special points are provided for when a J Mod associated with the organisations spots something of yours they feel deserves additional praise. This can be anything from a well thought out suggestion, epic thread idea or even something like a YouTube video sent in to the RuneScape Channel. A J Mod can only give 1 point for a special reward but earning one will gain you high praise and notice within your chosen organisation.

Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 11:58:09
Improving your rank

Whilst improving the overall influence of your organisation is the major goal of this ongoing conflict, there is also the opportunity to increase your own personal influence by rising through the ranks of the organisation.

Each organisation is governed by a number of Jagex moderators, however they will mainly work as advisors for the organisation. It is the player officials and ranked individuals who will get to initiate challenges, arrange for diplomatic negotiations or organise special events/recruitment drives. Each organisation will have it's own special ranked positions, however there are some set ranks which are universal to every group.
  • Initiate
    Each individual person who signs on to an organisation is classed as an initiate. They are the backbone of the organisation.

  • Adept
    Adepts are players who have earned notice within the clan, either through completing a challenge or being awarded a special influence point. Earning a single point is enough to become an adept (Simply signing up does not count as a point).

  • Champions
    These are individuals who have earned enough challenge or special points to be able to initiate challenges of their own. The amount of points required may vary, the Jagex Mod's in charge of the organisation will state how many points are currently required.

  • Minister
    This is a special elected position. The minister acts as the spokesperson of the organisation and can resolve disputes, initiate diplomatic talks and set their own challenges. They must answer to both the Champions and the Jagex Mods in charge. Ministers will be elected from the list of Champions when a J Mod opens up the voting process.

In addition to ranked individuals it will also be possible for Clans and groups to gain positions of recognition. Like individuals high ranking clans will be able to initiate their own challenges in order to gain influence for their organisation.

As with individual ranks, each organisation may select it's own specialist ranks, however here are some universal ranks:

  • Militia
    This is the basic clan rank.

  • Infantry
    Any group which earns 1 point of influence will become a member of the Infantry.

  • Battalion
    Once a group has earned a specific amount of influence points (As stated by their organisation) they will become a Battalion. Battalions are able to initiate their own challenges with other organisations as well as represent their organisation in major events.

  • Elite Task Force
    Whichever group is currently gaining the most challenge influence for their organisation has the honour of being referred to as that clans Elite Task Force. They have the same ability as a Battalion but influence gained from challenges involving them (or against them) will be higher.

    Should a group be able to hold on the title for at least one month they will be recognised in the hall of fame. If they are able to hold on to the title for three months then they will receive a unique title which cannot be taken from them in future.

Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 11:58:35
Last edited on 19-May-2010 11:49:50 by Mod�Crow
Losing ranks/influence

Most actions you perform for an organisation will gain you influence and help increase your rank, however it is not impossible for a player to be demoted or for influence to be removed because of their actions.

How influence can be lost

  • Leaving an organisation
    You are welcome to leave an organisation at any time, be it to pursue your own goals or even to join up with another organisation. As the organisation will be down one member they will lose a point of influence.

    Any influence earned as a result of challenges, competitions or special rewards will stay with the organisation you earned them for. If you switch organisations you won't be able to swap them across.

    If you are ranked in an organisation and choose to leave you will have to start as an initiate if you come back later or if you join a new organisation.

  • Challenges
    Certain challenges may play for larger stakes. As a result of this the losing team could lose influence (Think of it like being on a PvP world). These events are likely to be fairly rare but should prove worth the risk in terms of gain.

  • Major Forum Rule breaking
    Once you join an organisation you become a representative of it. Being a major forum rule breaker won't endear you to the rest of your organisation. Posting large amounts of spam, offensive language or serious flaming could result in influence being taken away. If you are ranked within the organisation this could result in you dropping below the required points threshold and therefore you would be demoted.

    For initiates, if you lose influence twice (From rule breaking) you will unfortunately be removed from the organisation and will not be able to sign up to other organisations or take part in future events.

  • Active defiance
    You can lose influence by actively undermining the rest of your organisation when it comes to decision making. What this basically means is that if you are told not to do something by your organisation (I.e. hold off challenges for a day) but go ahead and do it out of spite you would lose influence and the ire of your fellows. Don't worry about this happening by accident though, this will only apply to people actively causing issue

As these organisations are very community focused a record will be kept of why influence has been lost. As such others will know if you've lost them points and may not look kindly upon you (This only applies to points lost through rule breaking or defiance). On the other hand, if you gain points you're achievements will be recognised and your friends may look upon you with awe!

Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 11:59:49
Last edited on 19-May-2010 11:51:30 by Mod�Crow

Is this a new addition to RuneScape lore?

No, this game is separate from the lore and quests of RuneScape. It is a community activity rather than game content.

Do I have to leave my own clan to join?

Nope! In fact it would be awesome if your clan could sign up to join one of the organisations and gain 'army influence'!

What happens if my clan signs up but one of the group joins another organisation?

Individuals contribute differently to clans. So long as being in different organisations doesn't cause your clan any conflict it shouldn't be a problem.

Can Corporations join an organisation?

Of course! The more the merrier! If you're a big corporation you'll also help add quite a lot of influence to that organisations army!

My clan is a skilling clan, we don't want to fight in an army

Don't worry. Being in the army won't force you to fight anyone. It's just a way of including clans as well as individuals in gaining influence.

I want to change organisation, can I do that?

Yes but you need to give notification via the 'Leaving Thread' so that you can be moved to the other organisation. I am afraid that any points you earned whilst in that organisation will stay with them though.

What organisation ranks are available?

That depends on the organisation itself but the basic ranks are 'Initiate', 'Adept', 'Champion' and 'Minister'.

I want to make a challenge event, how do I do it?

First you will need to have a high enough rank to challenge others. Once you are ranked as a Champion or higher simply bring your challenge to the 'Challenge' thread and wait for either a Mod or ranked official from your organisation to confirm it. Please note that J Mods will set the influence rewards.

Reavers sound cool, are we allowed to break the rules?

No! Whilst the Reavers represent chaos and disorder they are still bound by the rules of the game and the forums. You don't have to be a troll to be a good Reaver!

If I join the Lords does that mean I can become a Moderator?

Sorry but no. Joining an organisation won't affect your chances of becoming a moderator, it's just a fun way of meeting like minded people and engaging in a spot of world domination.

What do the Underlined Mod names mean?

The Mods who have underlined names are considered the council heads. They don't rule the council, far from it, but they act as the main spokesperson.

Jagex Mod

17-May-2010 12:00:08
Last edited on 25-May-2010 17:42:56 by Mod�Crow
Questions & Answers

Got a question about the Triumvirate system? Then this is the place for you! Just post your question here and a J Mod will answer you as soon as they can.

Please only ask questions or provide feedback about the Triumvirate system as off topic questions won't be answered here I am afraid.

17-May-2010 12:05:49
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17-May-2010 12:34:33
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