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Official Poll Feedback & Ideas
Jagex Mod

19-Apr-2010 16:02:39
Last edited on 15-Jun-2010 14:53:30 by Mod�Howes
Official Poll Feedback & Ideas
This thread is not for game feedback or game suggestions or requests for account help. This thread is ONLY for discussion relating to our Official Polls!

Hi everyone,

As the helpful title suggests, this thread is for the discussion of our official polls and their related results!

Here you can tell us what you thought of the latest poll and also tell us about why you voted the way you did, what you think the results will mean for RuneScape and also what you think we could improve upon for next time!

Mod Emilee and Mod Howes will try to answer all of your questions and we may even post a few of our own for you to answer!

And if discussing the latest poll here wasn't enough - we're also taking suggestions for future polls! But before you get stuck in, here are a couple of pointers to help you use our polls feedback service effectively:

Thread & Email Address Rules
  • Update Cool-Off Rule: As voting on updates as soon as they've come out would never be productive, please refrain from suggesting we run polls on any updates that have only recently been released. We already pass on extensive player feedback to our content team and so there's no need to duplicate it.

  • Post on-topic: The polls feedback thread is only for discussion of previous polls and the suggestion of new poll topics. Therefore, please don't give us game feedback or debate the updates themselves on the thread.

  • Email on-topic: The polls email address is provided only for you to submit your poll ideas to us. All emails not on this topic will be deleted without being read - so please don't suggest new content or ask for help, as we can't respond to any emails sent to this address. This is also why we're unable to confirm we've received your poll suggestion, but rest assured that we have!

Right, those are the important tips to remember - now you can get involved!

To submit your poll suggestion, please copy the template below into an email and then send it to our official polls address:

Subject: Poll Suggestion

Main Subject:

Suggested Title:

Suggested Question 1:
- suggested answer a
- suggested answer b
- suggested answer c

Suggested Question 2:
- suggested answer a
- suggested answer b
- suggested answer c

Suggested Question 3:
- suggested answer a
- suggested answer b
- suggested answer c

Suggested Question 4:
- suggested answer a
- suggested answer b
- suggested answer c

Your Username:

Think hard about what questions will produce the most interesting answers and hopefully you will see them published sometime in the future! :D

Want to know if you are a lucky winner of our weekly prize draw? Check your message centre for a message entitled "RuneScape Polls - Congratulations!".

Jagex Mod

19-Apr-2010 16:03:23
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 22:03:25 by Mod�Howes
Latest Official Poll - Vote Now!

The latest poll is:


"Player Submitted Poll #22"


To vote, point your browsers HERE!


19-Apr-2010 16:41:37
Slightly off topic but there's absolutely nowhere else to put this:

Is there any reason for there being a completely new thread rather than just moving the old one?

There doesn't seem to have been any real changes, except of course that every post on the last thread has vanished. Which means that if the person who asked a question a day or so ago regards to the poll I submitted checked back they wouldn't be able to find an answer, despite me spending about 10-15 minutes this morning posting it.

Of course, it isn't the end of the world, and compared to a lot of the other forum changes that have happened today this one stands out as one of the better ones as a result (just because there isnt all that much wrong with it). But I was just wondering if there was any particular reason for that?
Jagex Mod

19-Apr-2010 16:45:28
Last edited on 19-Apr-2010 16:47:15 by Mod�Howes
Hi there!

I'm sorry if there has been any confusion. With the forum re-organisation today, there were 4 duplicates of this thread and as I didn't want to risk any problems in moving one of those duplicates from the "Forum Communities" section into this shared section, I thought it would be best to start afresh.

We do apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope you can re-post any important questions again in due course, as we'll be only to happy to help. :)

Mod Howes

EDIT: Tell you what, make a post with just a word in it and I'll edit your last post from the old thread into it. How's that? ;)

19-Apr-2010 16:48:33
Last edited on 19-Apr-2010 16:51:30 by Mod�Howes
---EDIT: Copied over from old thread by Mod Howes---

Aryanna45 -

Question 1) Reguarding what is most important factor take into consideration when training a skill
Reply/Comment - You really should have had another option at the bottom - such as : Other or All of the above or : I train a skill because I need to get my overall level up.


I think "None of the above" sums up "Other" fairly nicely.

If you want to pick more than one option, just go with the one that is the most (after all, "most" is in the poll question). If you really cannot decide, then just pick one. :P

As for the last thing, the original question I submitted was "When looking into how to train a skill, what factor is generally most important to you?". As you can see, the "need to get overall level up" isn't really all that relevant to that. Jagex altered the question slightly, presumably to make it fit (although question 3 is longer). Which is fair enough, but has the side effect of adding possible answers (like that one) that were not really answers to the original question. As it is, there is always the "none of the above" option. :)

19-Apr-2010 17:17:06
I hope there's a new poll this week! I am glad polls will be back on a regular basis- at least 1 every 3 weeks.

I do wonder how I can track down a certain Mod about the spotlight suggestions thread. There wasn't a new one last week and I grow restless.

Jagex lite is gone too.

Ok, well I guess I just really wanted to post on this thread!

Have a good week everyone!

~Sacornus the acorn
Jagex Mod

19-Apr-2010 17:32:49
Following on from where we left off on the old thread, thanks for the feedback Aryanna45 and PlqX!

As you surmised, we sometimes have to modify questions slightly when using player-submitted polls, as we need to make sure they fit with an overall theme and style guide.

So that might explain why when your question was modified, it didn't have every possible answer included with it. Mind you, we do keep a note of all feedback and we're getting better at making sure each question has a sensible but extensive set of possible answers. :)

Jagex Mod

19-Apr-2010 17:48:46
Hi Sacornus!

We're really glad you're appreciating the frequency of the new polls - we're really happy about that too, as we love running them!

Regarding the "spotlight suggestions thread", can you remember what J-Mod used to assist with that? Or perhaps what forum it was in? I can try and help you out with that if I can get a bit more info from you. :)

As for Jagex Lite, as our FAQ says, we think that the old "chat" type threads will work well in General, the "yay for Mod X" threads will be good in Compliments and the many misplaced requests for help will be better in Contact Us. Hope that all makes sense. ;)


19-Apr-2010 21:30:10
I think these player submitted polls are great, but I think that many questions are related to past polls.

Like the D&D Question, I can remember it has been asked before. And like the evil character.

Nice to see a way we get involved in polls:)

19-Apr-2010 21:52:27
Heya Howes, I believe that the polls ae great way for Jagex to get Direct answers from players quick and efficiently, usually i answer them the best I can.

I was thinking you should have one about this new Forum thing, personally i agree with it but It's just a thought.

Anyway, might come up with some questions for you and your polls.

Take care!
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