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Fansite Support Information
Jagex Mod

08-Apr-2010 10:27:29
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 09:14:35 by Mod�Hohbein
Fansite Support

If your fansite doesn�t appear on any of the lists below, don�t worry! You can recommend fansites to us here

Jagex Fansite Support Programme

Did you know, Jagex supports around 30 fansites...? Some have been running for years, and others are springing up all of the time � in fact, on a weekly basis, we come across more and more fan-run sites, and we�re blown away by the dedication, content and community minded focus of all of them.

Why do Jagex support fansites?

Fansites are a fantastic source of help for many players and they often form entire communities of like-minded players around them. We�ve always loved the fact that fan-run sites often develop their own collective personalities and we find a lot of useful, honest feedback comes from their communities.

To us, those who are fansite admins are true community pioneers � they give up their own time to help other players, to build communities, and to offer support, help and game playing advice to their community.

Since 2009 we have been building relationships and contacts with a great many of them - we want to show our appreciation to these fan-run sites publicly by actively trying to help them, and we also want to encourage more dedicated players to set up their own community sites.

What does support mean?

We offer a number of key areas of support to fansites, for example; exclusive interviews with members of Jagex staff, concept art from certain updates, support with competitions/events they run and even the occasional sneak preview. Through this support we try to help fansites grow their communities.

What this is definitely doesn�t mean, though, is that we want to control the discussion or opinions on those sites � whilst our support is conditional in terms of sites upholding our rules, being safe, and wanting fan-run sites to ensure there are no real world trading or gaming ads, we neither want nor expect to have any editorial control. We understand that fans have frank opinions and discussion, and we want this to always be the case � in fact, it�s great to have feedback whether we like it or not!

How we want to support fan-run sites from now on

We�ve learnt a great deal over the last year or two, and now we want to make it much clearer what we consider when looking at supporting a fansite. So, we�ve created the fansite support programme which has four levels of support.

To keep things simple we called these levels Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each level unlocks support depending on a number of factors including the size of a fansite, how community orientated they are, and how much they support they offer players:


Welcome on board! You may be a big or small fansite, but we have made contact for the first time, and we like the look of your site. We�ll get to know each other, send you the introductory fansite pack, and start talking!


You�ve clearly put a lot of work into maintaining your website with a number of regularly updated guides and tools. Importantly, you understand the damaging affect Real World Trading adverts have on the game and you actively block/remove these from your website. You�ll have built a strong community around your site and you might have seen an increase in visitors. We�ll give you a helping hand with occasional announcements.


You offer players an array of useful, frequently updated tools and guides and, as with Silver fansites, you will have built a strong community around your site and may have started to have a real impact on the game�s community. Gold fansite owners not only understand the damaging effect Real World Trading adverts have, but they also understand that gaming adverts push players away from their website and from the game they support, so they actively block/remove these from their website.

In return, you can expect far more support than Silver or Bronze fansites, with regular staff interviews, artwork, and even the occasional scoop! Importantly, you�ll be among the core of fully recognised fansites and we�ll see what we can do to help you grow with professional website advice, advertising support, access to our hidden fansite admin forum and merchandise for competition giveaways.

Hey, we might even invite you over to the Studio! ;)


Platinum level fansites are, quite simply, awesome.

They�re often the first websites you think of when you�re after help, events, information, tools or when you�re just looking to get involved in the community! By focussing on keeping their website completely up-to-date while supporting and growing their communities, they manage to attract a huge number of players to their website on a daily basis.

We�ve reserved the majority of exclusive concept art, staff interviews and competition merchandise for these and we�ll work very closely with them to help them grow. To give us a chance to catch up, we�ll also invite Platinum fansite owners to a Jagex jolly once a year!

Here�s a table to explain what fansites need to do to unlock each level of support:

  • These are safe websites who understand the basics of supporting players
  • Initial advice/pointers from the fansite support team
  • The fansite starter pack (if applicable)
  • These are safe websites who understand the basics of supporting players
  • These websites do not support Real World Trading and block adverts for any such services
  • Jagex are acknowledges whenever any copyrighted content/images are used
  • These websites have a friendly atmosphere and encourage players to help each other out
  • These websites are a good resource for game-related help and offer a number of frequently updated tools and guides

    Small Non-English/Non-RuneScape fansites judged on case-by-case basis
  • Initial advice/pointers from the fansite support team
  • The fansite starter pack (if applicable)
  • Occasional feedback and announcements from the fansite support team
  • Support in removing RWT/gaming adverts from your site (if applicable)

    Small Non-English/Non-RuneScape fansites judged on case-by-case basis
  • These are safe websites who understand the basics of supporting players
  • These websites do not support Real World Trading and block adverts for any such services
  • Jagex are acknowledges whenever any copyrighted content/images are used
  • These websites have a friendly atmosphere and encourage players to help each other out
  • These websites are a good resource for game-related help and offer a number of frequently updated tools and guides
  • The website owner(s) focus solely on the game they are supporting. They understand that gaming adverts will push players away from the game and their fansite and block/remove these from their site

    Small Non-English/Non-RuneScape fansites judged on case-by-case basis
  • Initial advice/pointers from the fansite support team
  • The fansite starter pack (if applicable)
  • Occasional feedback and announcements from the fansite support team
  • Support in removing RWT/gaming adverts from your site (if applicable)The website will be officially recognised by Jagex and included on the recognised fansite list
  • Support with events (advertising on the forums, the official Jagex Twitter account and Facebook)
  • In-game JMod support with events (when possible)
  • Syndicated staff interviews
  • Syndicated concept art
  • Occasional exclusive staff interviews
  • Occasional exclusive concept art
  • Occasional merchandise from the Jagex Store for competition giveaways
  • Access to the hidden fansite admin forum on the official RuneScape forums
  • Advice on search engine optimisation
  • Possible invitations to Jagex and Jagex's future events

    Small Non-English/Non-RuneScape fansites judged on case-by-case basis
  • These are safe websites who understand the basics of supporting players
  • These websites do not support Real World Trading and block adverts for any such services
  • Jagex are acknowledges whenever any copyrighted content/images are used
  • These websites have a friendly atmosphere and encourage players to help each other out
  • These websites are a good resource for game-related help and offer a number of frequently updated tools and guides
  • The website owner(s) focus solely on the game they are supporting. They understand that gaming adverts will push players away from the game and their fansite and block/remove these from their site
  • Platinum websites are some of the first go-to resources for many players and attract a large number of visitors every day

    Small Non-English/Non-RuneScape fansites will be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • Initial advice/pointers from the fansite support team
  • The fansite starter pack (if applicable)
  • Occasional feedback and announcements from the fansite support team
  • Support in removing RWT/gaming adverts from your site (if applicable)The website will be officially recognised by Jagex and included on the recognised fansite list
  • Support with events (advertising on the forums, the official Jagex Twitter account and Facebook)
  • In-game JMod support with events (when possible)
  • Syndicated staff interviews
  • Syndicated concept art
  • Occasional exclusive staff interviews
  • Occasional exclusive concept art
  • Occasional merchandise from the Jagex Store for competition giveaways
  • Access to the hidden fansite admin forum on the official RuneScape forums
  • Advice on search engine optimisation
  • Possible invitations to Jagex and Jagex's future events
  • Guaranteed invitations to Jagex and Jagex's future events
  • Regular exclusive staff interview
  • Regular exclusive concept art
  • Regular merchandise from the Jagex Store for competition giveaways
  • Update support (exclusive staff interviews and concept art following the launch of large updates
  • Advertising support or management from Jagex (if applicable)

    Small Non-English/Non-RuneScape fansites will be considered on a case-by-case basis

Recognised Fansites

Now that we�ve explained the four levels of fansite support, it�s time to see who we�re supporting!

Introducing our Platinum level fansites!

RuneHQ (

Sal's Realm of RuneScape ( (

RSCommunity (German) (

Gold fansites (Dutch) (Finnish) (Swedish) (Portuguese) (Polish) (Spanish) (Spanish) (Danish)

As well as our officially recognised fansites above, we�re working with a number of Silver level fansites with an aim to move them to the Gold level, allowing us to offer them much more support. The Silver fansites we�re currently working with are:

RuneScape Wiki
Runeslayer (Dutch)
Francoscape (French) (Portuguese) (Polish) (German)

If your fansite doesn�t appear on any of the above lists, don�t worry! You can recommend fansites to us here.

Jagex Mod

08-Apr-2010 10:27:47
Last edited on 02-Jun-2010 09:18:14 by Mod�Hohbein
Fansite Support

27th May 2010

Elemental Workshop III - your questions please!

RuneHQ are currently taking questions for their exclusive interview with the developers behind Elemental Workshop III! Click here to take part!

25th May 2010

Dungeoneering interviews/artwork

A number of our Gold fansites recently submitted questions to our very own Mod Mark about the Dungeoneering update. These interviews should be going live shortly on the following fansites: (Dutch) (Finnish) (Swedish) (Polish)

Furthermore, we've also released some Dungeoneering artwork to all of our Gold and Platinum level fansites! So don't forget to check that out too.

If you haven't already seen them, we also recently released some exclusive interviews and pieces of artwork to our Platinum level fansites! So, don't forget to check those out, too. :)

- Hohbein


09-Apr-2010 13:35:29
Good to see this back up, but when is Jon H's thread coming?
Forum Mod

09-Apr-2010 13:39:18
Awesome, this is back! :) I'm glad!


09-Apr-2010 13:43:19
what about ***** aren't they one of the biggest ones out there
Forum Mod

09-Apr-2010 14:06:42
Interesting to see how it is all working now :)>

09-Apr-2010 14:07:26
Last edited on 09-Apr-2010 14:13:08 by Im�For�Guard
Tip.It not being platinum. I am dissapointed. O_o

Also : "Jagex are acknowledges whenever any copyrighted content/images are used" What?

09-Apr-2010 14:09:13
Last edited on 09-Apr-2010 14:12:22 by Migy�M
Yey!! ^_^

Hohbein, I've made some major changes to my fansite! Would you like me to give you the details?

- Migy
Forum Mod

09-Apr-2010 14:15:53
Last edited on 09-Apr-2010 14:16:34 by Mattonline
Im For Guard, I agree. Tip.It is my fave fansite, I'm sure there are reasons though.

Also, that sentence you quoted seems to have a typo in. If it is changed to 'acknowledged' it makes much more sense, meaning Jagex is given credit for any copyrighted images used.
Forum Mod

09-Apr-2010 14:21:47
Last edited on 09-Apr-2010 14:22:06 by Nas275
I'm surprised to see no mention of the Runescape Wiki... 13500 articles and 100 million site visits not good enough? :P
Quick find code: 103-104-6-60844459