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Mod Mark's Sticky

15-Jul-2010 19:01:47
I'm purposely double posting this in the Member's 1800 community since it does effect them. Feel free to lock this but I just want to get the information out there to those it effects. I posted in everybody but of course it doesn't show here. Another flaw in my opinion since I am an 1800+ member.

I've seen a few posts about the glassblowing pipe "vuvuzela" update. I remember seeing and reading Mod Mark's sticky but wasn't able to reference it yesterday and assumed it was taken down. I then found a QC that another Mod had posted and sure enough there it was. Turn's out the sticky is only available in the community "members". When I'm in the "members 1800+", it gets hidden. It's also hidden in "everybody". I think this needs to be addressed. The filter seems to be omitting posts that in my opinion it shouldn't. Now I'm wondering what else I may have missed.

15-Jul-2010 22:39:22

15-Jul-2010 23:51:18
Thank you for the bump. I thought other people would care more.

16-Jul-2010 01:01:49
wow I didn't know this I seen someone had posted about it and I tried to search for it but couldn't find it now I switched to mems only like u said and it shows thanks for pointing it out and here is the code for anyone else having trouble, hope I didn't miss anything also

Quick find code: 239-240-606-61275570

16-Jul-2010 01:24:14
Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 01:25:03 by TheBlackHawk
Thanks for pointing this out I had been wondering if I was going crazy or hallucinating or something when I couldn't find the sticky I had saw just yesterday. :O
Forum Mod

17-Jul-2010 04:20:08
Glassblowing isn't a skill that f2p can participate in. So, I can see why it might not be posted there. Not sure why it doesn't show up in this forum, though.

17-Jul-2010 15:50:19
lol. bump.

17-Jul-2010 21:51:16

Dragons and the "Love Story" quest are also not f2p but both of those stickys are visible in the "Everybody" section.

18-Jul-2010 09:47:05
So I got an official answer from Mr. ModMark himself posted in the identical thread located in the "Everybody" section. I'm feeling quite honored. He was just 6 below the OP :)

"I don't think this was intentional, I'll poke Mod Emilee about it on Monday to make sure stuff like that is cross-posted in the future.

~ MMH ~ "

Quick find code: 15-16-379-61314606
Quick find code: 164-165-189-61314689