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am i ready yet?

18-Jul-2010 07:07:58

i have all the rquirements for summers end... but im not sure i'm ready to go up against a corporal beast! do any of you guys think i can??? and if so what weapons and armour should i use???

18-Jul-2010 07:14:14
theres no fighting the corpreal beast at all. its all just running around in circles while doing certain tasks to drain his hp and then finally sealing him in the last room. you dont actually fight him. so all you need really is hp lol :P

18-Jul-2010 07:29:29
Haha Summers End is way over rated seriously.
I think you should just grab a tinderbox and hatchet, take a dip in ooglog salt water and run in and test it out.
Its very easy. I ate 3 monkfish the whole way through:)

18-Jul-2010 07:31:00
ok and i meant like what lvl should you be to fight corpral beast

18-Jul-2010 07:35:43
well if you plan on soloing you're literally gonna need like max combat and tons of other 90+ stats! even with a team you're gonna need 90+ stats

18-Jul-2010 07:39:50
what if i team with like 10 other people?

18-Jul-2010 07:41:58
still the LEAST you would need is 85+ and it'd be hard to get a team with you still.

18-Jul-2010 07:44:05
my team is all like 115+ though

18-Jul-2010 07:46:04
then that just makes it even worst lol. I suggest looking up videos on this to see what I mean. because corp can hit all of you at the same time. which is why it's most suggested that you have people 120-130+ with you and a big team at that. because even though he's now soloable you would need max melee to do it and a lot of cash at that. but still corp isn't nice at all and 115+ people wouldn't really make that good of a team :/ yes I've gone to corp many times and I'm lvl 133 and I've gone with a team of 5 lvl 135's+ and we still failed to beat him
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