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Live Q&A New Skill - Answers
Jagex Mod

20-Apr-2010 16:20:50
Last edited on 21-Apr-2010 20:20:47 by Mod�Kat

Thank you for all of your questions. The Q&A is now closed.

You can find all of the questions here.

Mod Kat
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:05:25
Good afternoon all, let's get this underway!
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:10:26
Let's get it started in here!
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:10:28
Last edited on 21-Apr-2010 18:20:02 by Mod�Trick
Do you plan on realeasing new dungeons(separate) to daemonheim...
-bow to james

There is currently no plan to release Dungeoneering dungeons outside of Daemonheim.
... That doesn't mean it won't happen though. Get your suggestions in at the Suggestions forum.

Dungeoneering Credits
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:15:40
Hey Dalek, thanks for your questions!

1. You reduced the cost of all the items, did you do this in anticipation of the 89 questions that were going to be about the cost of items?

No, we did this because the token cost of the items was too high - it was calculated based on our first draft of the XP system, which changed dramatically before release. We neglected to then update the cost of reward items, and so rectified the issue with our changes.

2. Do you think it has a more "mini-game feel", then a skill style?

Please refer to the update's FAQ thread in Recent Updates for this one.

3. When are you going to fix all the bugs? One in particular is "You need 105 Smithing to open this door".
Are you planning on doing one BIG update to fix them all?

The bugs that are coming in we're fixing thick and fast - over 100 separate issues, tweaks or feedback changes were addressed in the game update today alone. As for the 105 Smithing doors, that's not a bug - you're going to need to make a skill boosting potion to open that door! ;)

4. Are you aware that people smuggled out the armour/weapons due to the rollback?

We are aware of and have taken steps against bugs that enable the items to get to the surface. However, there is no advantage given to these players - as soon as they try to use or drop these items outside of Daemonheim, they will all disappear! :P
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:18:07

"I have a couple of questions/comments about dungeoneering and how the xp system works:

1. Could you do anything to tweak the prestige system? it works to prevent players from grinding the same dungeons over and over, but it is very annoying to do the very first few floors in order to get the experience you want at higher floors.

2.Why is it that doing a 5 man dungeon is more beneficial than doing a solo? Shouldn�t the number of people not be a factor in the xp/hour rate so as to reduce the dependency on other players to level up fast?"


1. It does indeed work that way to prevent that people just grind the deepest floor they have access to. We want players to get some diversity in environment and NPCs, and also give people a reason to play with friends of lower Dungeoneering levels without feeling like they are necessarily wasting their time. There are currently no plans of changing this system.

2. Since it is a multiplayer game and we don't want everyone to hide away in instances on their own, we want to encourage players to work together. 5-player dungeons also require more effort in organising and they are also at greater risk of party members leaving at unfortunate times.
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:18:57
Last edited on 21-Apr-2010 18:20:16 by Mod�Trick
"First of all, I want to heartily thank you for the [rewards cost reduction] update today."

Thanks. Mod_Chris_L deserves the credit! ^_^

"Is there any chance you could release replica armour for use outside of Daemonheim?"

As you mentioned later in your post, we do plan to put some photo booths in there, so that'll allow you to show off your Dungeoneering kit on your plog and the forums.
As for releasing kit to the surface world, there is currently no plan to do so. Sorry

Dungeoneering Credits
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:22:17
Hi there, Mat Amr!

Hello, Dungeoneering developers. First i'd like to tell you that i love the new skill and its simply awesome. Great Job.

Well, thank you very much, we�re all thrilled you�re enjoying it so much! :)

Anyway, theres still somethings im worried about.

1) Are you adding High-Level content to Dungeoneering? Even if i'm still a noob in it, i'd like to have a reason to train other than rewards. Currently floors end at 35 (Level 69), bosses end at Bal'lak (Level 66) and rewards at Chaotic Weapons/Shields (Level 80).

There are plans to add higher-level content to Daemonheim, yes. As for what they�ll be, well, I wouldn�t want to spoil the surprise! ;)

2) Is there a batch 2 of dungeoneering coming, much like Summoning had? (I'd just love to see Lava/Magma themed floors)

There is a second batch of Dungeoneering in planning that will contain the higher-level content mentioned above. Again, my lips are sealed! :P

3) About rewards, today you lowered their price, but theres still some errors. Look at the bonecrusher: 34k Tokens. Thats 340k EXP, but its requiriment is still 21. Are you gonna add another way of receiving tokens?

There are no plans for alternative sources of Dungeoneering tokens.

4) Any chance of a scroll-like reward to make us able to mix spellbooks like we have inside Daemonheim? Or an high-level mage spell with scroll requiriment? (Like augury and rapid renewal scrolls)

There are no plans for a reward that allows you to mix spellbooks outside of Daemonheim. There�s always the spellbook swap spell!^_^

Thats all, thank you for the fantastic Job
~Mat Amr

Thank you for your questions, and your kind words! :)
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:25:29
"Will you be raising all the skills to 120, in the future?"

That's not a dungeoneerin question! :@


... I believe the FAQ already has an answer to this one :)
(QFC: 15-16-509-60760272)

Dungeoneering Credits
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:25:58

"What was your reasoning behind stopping at 120, what made you choose that level over 110 or 130?"


We didn't want Dungeoneering to become just another skill in the list of 99s (e.g. "first I'll max out Crafting, then Smithing, then Dungeoneering, then Thieving, etc."). It was always intended that having high levels in other skills would help you when training Dungeoneering, so we want to give players the opportunity to actually get a feel for this. In the early discussions regarding XP rates for the skill, we were looking at making it very slow at any given level. However, we want players to feel that they are making decent progress, so in order to be able to give out what is considered good XP at higher levels, we instead chose to increase the level cap. The reason we chose 120 was partially because it just "looks good" and also because we were happy with the amount of XP that would require. It allowed us to keep XP per hour rates we were happy with and still stayed in line with the amount of time we wanted it to take players to max it out, compared to other skills.
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