--- title: Archived Post -Rolling the credits tags: news layout: newspost date: 2021-03-21 00:00:00 +0000 authors: ?? avatar: avatar8fa9.gif excerpt: "" ---

It's inching closer to the end of March and we just had three big updates back to back and now we have another one! Exciting news on this part is this update is an update that was planned out accordingly and has a beautiful new addition to our 2009scape. So, let me not talk up a storm this isn't discord after all this is our website.

Content Additions

The time is here, our credit wallets are completely full and some of us got our streaks for voting and some got our new Hall of fame titles. If only there was a shop to where we could spend these beautiful credits? oh wait.. A shop you say? Look not further! we have a brand new shop with new ways of earning credits! Last update I went into a few details of what was added inside our Random events; however, our credit system is so big that I needed to write an entire other page explaining how to get them! Check this out HERE.

A few more things have been added as well check them out in this list!

Bug Fixes:

Website/Discord Updates:

We had a close call this week with our votes. But the votes are in and I'm happy new announce the streak winners for Mar 15 - Mar 21 is Daniella, Joep, Pebol, Ryannathans, & Slow!

I would love to congratulate S on x20 rate for 99 Hunter, Thieving, Fishing, Ranged and Magic.
I would love to congratulate Unrealhaze on his x20 RealHaze account for Attack and Hp & his other x20 Unrealhaze for 99 woodcutting.
I would love to congratulate Bowdi on x20 account achieving the fire cape by defeating Jad!
Cave goblins like shiny gems