--- title: Archived Post -The April update tags: news layout: newspost date: 2021-04-08 00:00:00 +0000 authors: ?? avatar: avatar8fa9.gif excerpt: "" ---

Okay, what an Easter! We had a few people get the cute Easter emote from turning in eggs and the easter egg hunts were super fun to attend! Sadly, people found a small bug where you can find an infinite amount of eggs and one of the rewards being credits from turning in eggs this caused the Easter event to be shut down early. With this we also had an unplanned early release of an update.

Also the beginning of the 2.009 progress has started which is our new core being coded from scratch. The progress will be worked on for the next couple months before any real news will start being released. The first bit of content will be the f2p content and getting that completed. But worry not there is a way to keep track of the progress thanks to the new member to the bot team, Zanik! Zanik comes in with a cute command *2.009 that allows you to check the progress of the new core.

I will say from now on these pages may slow down a bit but all updates will end up on the website as promised! I worry that discord will be that one place that a lot of us may avoid one day and it would just be nice to be able to have another place to see all upcoming updates!

Lletya Expansion Shilo Villages Fixes Farming Fixes Hunter Fixes Thieving Fixes Fishing Fixes General Fixes: