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Combat - Weapon Types
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<div class="links"><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a> | <a href="#melee">Melee Weapons</a> | <a href="#magic">Magic Weapons</a> | <a href="#ranged">Ranged Weapons</a></div>
<a name="introduction"></a><br class="clear">
<div class="headings">
<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Introduction</span></span>
<img class="imgright" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speedanim.gif" alt="[image]">
Below, a number of weapon types in RuneScape are detailed, please note the 'Speed' bar.
The more the speed bar is coloured in, the faster the weapon/weapon type is.
(m) = Members only
<br><a name="melee"></a><br>
<div class="headings">
<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Melee Weapons</span></span>
<table align="center" width="600" style="text-align: center">
<tr height="30" class="row_a">
<td width="33%"><b>Weapon</b></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_dagger.gif"><br><b>Daggers</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white (m), mithril, adamant, rune, dragon (m), bone (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The dagger is one of the faster weapons in RuneScape. Generally, the dagger's best attack style is stabbing, although it also is suitable as a slashing weapon.
On <a href="../../../secure.runescape.com/m%3dweblogin/members/members.html">members'</a> servers, you will notice that daggers are more useful, as they can be poisoned. With the combination of poison reducing your opponents life points, and your fast attacks, they stand a slimmer chance. If the opponent is a player, it may be a good 'starting weapon', enabling you to quickly poison your opponent and then change to a more powerful weapon.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_sword1a.gif"><br><b>Swords</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white (m), mithril, adamant, rune)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The shortsword is a fast stabbing weapon, which deals significantly more damage than a dagger. A shortsword can also be used as a slashing weapon. It is generally a good all-round weapon and is not too expensive.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_longsword1a.gif"><br><b>Longswords</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white (m), mithril, adamant, rune, dragon (m), Vesta's (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The warrior's friend. The longsword is excellent when stabbing or slashing opponents. It can deal a good amount of damage, and is faster than the two-handed sword, battleaxe or warhammer. Like the mace, the longsword also has a 'controlled' fighting option.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_scimitar1a.gif"><br><b>Scimitars</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white (m), mithril, adamant, rune, dragon (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The scimitar is mainly a slashing weapon, although it does have a less effective stab attack. It's not as flexible as the shortsword, but it deals slightly more damage. Slashing weapons are good against cloth and leather armour.
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_mace.gif"><br><b>Maces</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white (m), mithril, adamant, rune, Void Knight (m), dragon (m), the Ancient Mace (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Maces are primarily crushing weapons. Faster and more flexible than the warhammer, RuneScape maces have little pointy studs to stab with. Crushing is particularly useful against plated opponents. Maces are also the preferred weapon of priests as they carry a Prayer bonus.
The mace also has a 'controlled' fighting option which allows you to spread your experience points between the four combat stats.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/items/axes/rune_axe.gif"><br><b>Hatchets</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, mithril, adamant, rune, dragon (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The humble hatchet is a simpler weapon, primarily meant for <a href="woodcutting_the_basics.html">Woodcutting</a>. It will serve as a sturdy weapon if nothing else is at hand, though.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_battleaxe.gif"><br><b>Battleaxes</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white (m), mithril, adamant, rune, dragon (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The battleaxe is another weapon that is faster than the two-handed sword, but does a little less damage. In the PVP combat areas it's very useful, as it can do a significant amount of damage in slashing and crushing modes, which will get through any player's armour.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_warhammer.gif"><br><b>Warhammers</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white (m), mithril, adamant, rune, Statius's (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The warhammer consists of a large metal 'head' on the end of a pole. It's not the subtlest of weapons, but is great for smashing your opponents. Again, it's slightly faster than the two-handed sword, and, can be used in conjunction with a shield. The warhammer is perfect for fights against plated warriors. Statius's warhammer not only has the advantage of fantastic attack bonuses, it is also slightly faster than a normal warhammer.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_2handed1a.gif"><br><b>Two-Handed Swords</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white (m), mithril, adamant, rune, dragon (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed7.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The mighty two-handed sword packs an incredible punch, but at the price of being the slowest of all weapons and removing the option to carry a shield. The damage it deals is considerably higher than any other weapon made of the same material. Although it cannot be used to stab, very few pieces of armour can stand up to its power.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_spear.gif"><br><b>Spears (m)</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, mithril, adamant, rune, dragon)</i><br><br style="clear: both;"></td>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/godwars/zamorak_spear1.gif"><br><b>Zamorak Spear (m)</b>
<br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
</tr><tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/combat/pvp/member/spear.gif"><br><b>Vesta's spear (m)</b>
<br><br style="clear: both;"></td>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The spear is the most flexible of all the weapons in RuneScape, although because of this it sacrifices speed and power.
It is the only weapon that can effectively stab, crush or slash, and can also be used to poison your opponent. The spear also features the 'controlled' fighting option. It should be noted that spears (other than the Zamorak spear) are the only weapon that can have karambwan poison applied to them. For more information, try the <a href="tai_bwo_wannai_trio_members.html">Tai Bwo Wannai Trio</a> quest.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_claws.gif"><br><b>Claws (m)</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white, mithril, adamant, rune, dragon)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">A player with claws can attack as fast as a player with a dagger. Claws have a better slashing attack than a dagger, although they cannot be poisoned.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/rune_halberd.gif"><br><b>Halberd (m)</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, black, white, mithril, adamant, rune, dragon)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed7.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The halberd doesn't hit quite as hard as the two-handed sword, is very slow, and cannot be used with a shield. However, it makes up for all of this by having a long reach, allowing the player to attack opponents over short distances and even over small obstacles. Unlike the two-handed sword, it has a reasonable stab attack, along with a substantial slash attack.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/items/pickaxes/rune_axe1.gif"><br><b>Pickaxes</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adamant, rune, dragon)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Any weapon is better than no weapon, and although a pickaxe is mainly used in <a href="mining_the_basics.html">Mining</a>, it will serve as a weapon if nothing else can be found.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/granitemaul.gif"><br><b>Granite Maul (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed7.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Giving a large bonus to crush attacks, the damage a granite maul can inflict can be devastating on player and monster alike. These bonuses and the overall strength aspect of the granite maul come at the price of a very slow attack speed.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/tzhaar/tzhaarsword.gif"><br><b>TokTz-Xil-Ak (m)</b>
<i>(Split sword)</i>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/tzhaar/tzhaarmaul.gif"><br><b>TzHaar-Ket-Em (m)</b>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/tzhaar/tzhaarmace.gif"><br><b>TzHaar-Ket-Om (m)</b>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed7.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/tzhaar/tzhaarknife.gif"><br><b>TokTz-Xil-Ek (m)</b>
<i>(Knife)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Weapons from the TzHaar city are available to the humans who trade or fight in their arenas. Because they are designed by the stone men beneath Karamja volcano, they come with a much higher Strength bonus than most normal weapons of their kind.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/abyssalwhip2.gif"><br><b>Abyssal Whip (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The abyssal whip comes with a 'flick' attack style and a very fast rate of attack, ideal for training Attack and Defence at a good rate. The whip cannot be used to train Strength, unless the 'controlled' attack style is selected.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/barrows/dharok_weapon.gif"><br><b>Dharok's Great Axe (m)</b>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed7.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/barrows/torag_weapon.gif"><br><b>Torag's Hammers (m)</b>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/barrows/guthan_weapon.gif"><br><b>Guthan's Warspear (m)</b>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/barrows/verac_weapon.gif"><br><b>Verac's Flail (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">If you are lucky to receive a melee weapon as a reward from the <a href="barrows.html">Barrows</a>, you have a powerful weapon indeed. Not only does the weapon offer exceptional combat bonuses, but if you complete a set (full armour set and weapon), you can unleash a deadly 'set effect'. For more information, see the <a href="barrows_rewards_page.html">Barrows rewards page</a>.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/godwars/godsword1.gif"><br><b>The Godsword (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The godsword is possibly the most powerful weapon in existence, and the last almighty battle of the god wars that created the Wilderness was fought over it. It has a decent attack rate and a hefty Strength bonus, but it can also unleash four different <a href="special_attacks.html">special attacks</a>: entirely appropriate for a weapon that is rumoured to be capable of killing a god!</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/godwars/saradomin_sword1.gif"><br><b>Saradomin sword (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">One of the truly ancient weapons of RuneScape, the Saradomin sword was once held only by the most powerful of Saradomin's warriors. With the opening of the <a href="godwars.html">God Wars Dungeon</a>, though, it once more sees the light of day. It is a powerful two-handed weapon that strikes like lightning, and its <a href="special_attacks.html">special attack</a> literally does so!</td>
<br><a name="magic"></a><br>
<div class="headings">
<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Mage Weapons</span></span>
<table align="center" width="600" style="text-align: center">
<tr height="30" class="row_a">
<td width="33%"><b>Weapon</b></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/nonbattlestaff/staff_of_fire.gif"><br><b>Staves</b>
<i>(Staff, Magic staff, white Magic staff (m), elemental staves)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Where a staff's name is preceded by the name of a rune, the wielder will never need that rune to cast spells. For example, a staff of fire or a fire battlestaff replaces the need for fire runes if they are equipped.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/battlestaff/firebs.gif"><br><b>Battlestaves (m)</b>
<i>(Lava, mud, steam and elemental battlestaves)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Battlestaves have increased stats, and provide a better form of weaponry as the stats are similar to adamantite longswords.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/battlestaff/mud_staff.gif"><br><b>Mystic Battlestaves (m)</b>
<i>(Lava, mud, steam and elemental mystic battlestaves)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Mystic battlestaves have increased melee stats, and provide a better form of weaponry than other types of staff (the stats are similar to rune swords).</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/nonbattlestaff/sarastaff.gif" alt="[image]"><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/nonbattlestaff/guthixstaff.gif" alt="[image]"><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/nonbattlestaff/zamorakstaff.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>God Staves (m)</b>
<i>(Guthix, Saradomin, Zamorak)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The god staves are gained at the <a href="mage_arena.html">Mage Arena</a>. They can be used to cast the corresponding god spell (Claws of Guthix, Saradomin Strike or Flames of Zamorak).</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/items/slayer_item/slayerstaff.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Slayer Staff (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The Slayer staff is a useful piece of equipment for people who want to use their Magic to train Slayer. You can cast Slayer dart with this staff.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/nonbattlestaff/ibanstaff2.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Iban's Staff (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">You will gain Iban's Staff during the <a href="underground_pass_members.html">Underground Pass</a> quest. You can cast Iban blast with this staff.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/tzhaar/tzhaarstaff.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>TokTz-Mej-Tal (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">This TzHaar staff will serve as a good combat weapon, while also being able to cast spells, not to mention that it also provides a good Prayer bonus.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/ahrim_weapon.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Ahrim's Staff (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Ahrim's staff can be obtained as a random reward from the <a href="barrows.html">Barrows</a>. With a full set of Ahrim's equipment, you stand a chance of reducing your opponent's Strength with your attacks.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/mage/nonbattlestaff/staff_of_zaros.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>The Ancient Staff (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/combat/pvp/member/staff.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Zuriel's Staff (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">You must complete <a href="desert_treasure_members.html">Desert Treasure</a> to gain access to the Ancient Staff. The Ancient Staff is a relic of ages long past, and can be used to cast the devastating <a href="magic_the_ancient_magicks.html">Ancient Magicks</a>. Zuriel's staff can be won by fighting powerful enemies on <a href="pvp_worlds.html">PvP worlds</a>, and allows Ancient Magick users access to the miasmic spells.</td>
<br><a name="ranged"></a><br>
<div class="headings">
<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Ranged Weapons</span></span>
<table align="center" width="600" style="text-align: center">
<tr height="30" class="row_a">
<td width="33%"><b>Weapon</b></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/magic_longbow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Longbows</b>
<i>(Wood, oak, willow, maple, yew (m), magic (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Bows are the favoured weapon of rangers. They can fire normal or poisoned arrows, which can inflict additional damage on an opponent. Longbows are more powerful and have greater range, but at the price of speed.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/magic_shortbow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Shortbows</b>
<i>(Wood, oak, willow, maple, yew (m), magic (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Shortbows are a handy weapon to have due to their compact size and excellent rate of fire, but they sacrifice power to achieve this.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/composite_bow_magic.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Composite Bows (m)</b>
<i>(Willow, yew (m), magic (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Composite bows fall somewhere between long and shortbows, gaining some of the speed of the shortbow, but losing some of a longbow's power. They cannot be fletched, but can be won from <a href="treasure_trails.html">Treasure Trails</a>.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/ogre_bow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Ogre Bow (m)</b>
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed8.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/composite_ogre_bow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Composite Ogre Bow (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Ogre bows are powerful, but extremely slow - entirely suited to the ogres. You will learn how to make an ogre bow during <a href="big_chompy_bird_hunting_members.html">Big Chompy Bird Hunting</a>.
Composite ogre bows are even more powerful, as you can use brutal ogre arrows - which have nails instead of bone for arrowheads! You can learn to make an ogre composite bow during <a href="zogre_flesh_eaters_members.html">Zogre Flesh Eaters</a>.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/seercull.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Seercull (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The <a href="special_attacks.html">Seercull</a> is a random drop from the Dagannoth Kings found on Waterbirth Island. With its <a href="special_attacks.html">special attack</a> you will find that your opponent's Magic level is decreased by the amount of damage inflicted.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/dark_bow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Dark Bow (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed9.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Although an incredibly slow weapon to fire, the dark bow fires two arrows at once, and is the only bow that can fire dragon arrows. It also has two <a href="special_attacks.html">special attacks</a>, depending on your choice of ammunition.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/crystal_bow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Crystal Bow (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The crystal bow is a reward from the <a href="roving_elves_members.html">Roving Elves</a> quest. Although no ammunition is required, you'll need 70 Ranged and 50 Agility in order to wield it. The crystal bow is an amazing form of Ranged attack. </td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/items/crossbows/runite_yew_crossbow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Crossbows</b>
<i>(Normal, Phoenix, bronze (m), blurite (m), iron (m), steel (m), mithril (m), adamant (m), rune (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Crossbows use bolts as their ammunition, fire at a good rate of speed, and can be used with a shield for extra Defence. Crossbows from bronze and above can use gem-tipped enchanted bolts that can trigger magical effects. </td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/items/crossbows/hunterscrossbow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Hunters' Crossbow (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The hunters' crossbow is a curious design that uses the natural flexibility of animal remains to give it an exceptional rate of fire. It can only fire kebbit bolts, which you can make quite readily from some kebbit remains.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/bone_crossbow.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Dorgeshuun Crossbow (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The bone crossbow used by the Dorgeshuun is a stealthy weapon ideal for taking foes by surprise. It can fire a range of bolts, as well as being the only weapon that can fire bone bolts.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/karil_weapon.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Karil's Crossbow (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">You can get Karil's crossbow by playing the <a href="barrows.html">Barrows</a>. Unlike other crossbows, Karil's crossbow requires two hands, but it does have a much higher rate of fire to compensate. If you are using Karil's crossbow, you will need to get special bolt racks, which can be bought from the traveller found on the docks of Port Phasmatys. If you have a complete set of Karil's armour to wear at the same time, you have a chance of reducing your target's Agility.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/rune_dart.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Darts (m)</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adamant, rune, dragon)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed3.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Darts have an excellent rate of fire. Combining a dart with poison can inflict further quick and lethal damage to an opponent. Obtaining darts is much easier than knives as you get more darts 'per bar' when smithing.
Dragon darts can be found in <a href="impetuous_impulses.html">Impetuous Impulses</a>.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/rune_knife.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Knives (m)</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adamant, rune)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed3.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Knives have an excellent rate of fire. Combining a knife with poison allows you to inflict further lethal and quick damage to an opponent. While you do not get as many knives as darts when smithing, knives have a slightly increased attack range, and are stronger.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/hand_cannon.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Hand cannon (m)</b>
<br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The hand cannon is dropped by chaos dwarf hand cannoneers in the <a href="chaos_dwarf_battlefield.html">Chaos Dwarf Battlefield</a>, after completion of <a href="forgiveness_of_a_chaos_dwarf_members.html">Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf</a>. The hand cannon uses hand cannon shot (also obtainable from chaos dwarf hand cannoneers on the battlefield) and is highly powerful but takes a while to reload. <br><br><b>WARNING!</b> - There is a chance that the hand cannon will be destroyed when used, which is increased if you use its special attack, 'Aimed Shot'. The higher your Firemaking level, the lower the chance that your hand cannon will explode.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/rune_thrownaxe.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Throwing Axes (m)</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adamant, rune, Morrigan's (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed5.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Throwing axes can be used to obtain a more powerful attack, but they come at the price of being slower than the other thrown weapons. Unlike many other thrown weapons, they cannot be poisoned.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/rune_javelin.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Javelins (m)</b>
<i>(Bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adamant, rune, Morrigan's (m))</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed6.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">Javelins have a medium rate of fire and can inflict a fair amount of damage. As with many other thrown weapons, they can also be poisoned.</td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/melee/tzhaar/tzhaar_ring.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>TokTz-Xil-Ul (m)</b>
<i>(Throwing ring)</i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speed4.gif" alt="[image]"></td>
<tr class="row_b">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">The TzHaar have learnt combat skills in Ranged, and they have deadly throwing rings, with a high attack bonus, making the option for a shield available.</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/ranged/cannon_barrel.gif" alt="[image]"><br><b>Cannon (m)</b>
<i></i><br><br style="clear: both;">
<td><img style="display: inline;" src="../../img/main/kbase/weapons/weaponspeed/speedanim.gif" alt="[image]"><br><i>Depends on number of monsters in area</td>
<tr class="row_a">
<td colspan="2">
<table width="600" style="text-align: center">
<td colspan="2" style="text-align: left">With completion of the <a href="dwarf_cannon_members.html">Dwarf Cannon</a> quest, you can buy a cannon that, when set up (and filled with cannonballs), will automatically fire at nearby targets and hit with incredible force.</td>
<div class="backtotop"><a href="#top">Back to the top</a></div>
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<b>Combat - Weapon Types</b>
<a href="defence_armour_types.html">Defence - Armour types</a>
<a href="melee_the_basics.html">Melee - The Basics</a>
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