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Reporting Bugs
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<b><a href="../../../services/m%3dbugtracker_v4/index-2.html">Click here</a> to report a bug</b>
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<li><a href="#reporting_bugs">How to report a bug.</a>
<li><a href="#what_is_a_bug">What is a bug?</a>
<li><a href="#when_to_report">When should I report a bug?</a>
<li><a href="#bug_abuse">What is bug abuse?</a>
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<a name="reporting_bugs"></a>
<span class="title">1. How to report a bug.</span>
You can report a bug by clicking <a href="../../../services/m%3dbugtracker_v4/index-2.html">here.</a>
When filling out the bug report form please make sure you put in as much detail as possible. This will help us find the bug and fix it as soon as possible. Once we receive the form, a member of the Jagex staff will investigate it. Please note that Jagex does not give rewards to players that report bugs and we cannot guarantee we will reply to every bug report.
Only report a bug if you have witnessed it yourself, not if you have been told about it by a friend or read about it on a forum.
A report should include as much detailed information as possible to help us reproduce the bug. A simple variable such as what item you have worn or kept in your inventory can be the difference between a bug appearing or not.
An example on an unhelpful report would be as follows: 'A player is stuck near a tree in Varrock'.
Just sending in this sentence does not help us to locate whereabouts in Varrock the tree is or the whereabouts they are in relation to the tree.
A better report would elaborate on this; 'A player is stuck one square south of a normal tree. If you start by being outside of the East Varrock Bank at the bottom of the stairs, walk nine steps to the east and two steps north you will find the tree. Before they got stuck they had just finished the Cook's Assistant quest and started to attack a goblin with a bronze battleaxe'.
The only things that you should use Bug Reporting for are the game itself and our website. If your query relates to Billing issues, Technical help, Advertisements etc. then please try these respective links: <a href="billing.html">Billing</a>, <a href="technical.html">Technical</a>, <a href="advertising.html">Advertising</a>.
If you cannot find a solution to your problem at this stage, then please contact the corresponding department for further help. We will disregard any bug reports that are not strictly bug related. For more information on what a bug is, click <a href="#what_is_a_bug">here</a>.
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<a name="what_is_a_bug"></a>
<span class="title">2. What is a bug?</span>
A bug is an error in the coding of the game that affects the way it runs. We consider a bug to be any piece of broken code that stops RuneScape working as it should, e.g. Being awarded 10000 experience instead of the usual 10 experience for completing a common task.
If you think you have found a bug you can find instructions for reporting it <a href="../../../services/m%3dbugtracker_v4/index-2.html">here</a>. If you find you can gain an unfair advantage by replicating the bug, please do not abuse it. Bug abuse is against the rules and players caught abusing bugs will be banned.
You can find a detailed explanation of bug abuse <a href="#reporting_bugs">here</a>.
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<a name="when_to_report"></a>
<span class="title">3. When should I report a bug?</span>
Do not submit a bug report if you simply need to contact Jagex.
Also, do not send in bug reports if you are simply stuck on part of a quest. Try all available options before submitting a bug report. Try talking to all Non-Player Characters (NPCs) related to the quest to see if there are any clues that have been overlooked. In some cases, NPCs will check to see if you already have an item before replacing it, so make sure you check your bank and your inventory for it first. You can also try asking other players both in the game and on the forums.
Only submit a bug report if you are sure you have tried all other options. Players are reminded that we never replace lost or stolen items.
Jagex will take action against any player found abusing the bug reporting system.
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<a name="bug_abuse"></a>
<span class="title">4. What is bug abuse?</span>
This is when a player has found an error in the game and is exploiting it for personal gain. When a bug has been found and can be reproduced to gain an unfair advantage, please send in report by going to the <a href="../../title.html">RuneScape Homepage</a> and clicking <a href="../../../services/m%3dbugtracker_v4/index-2.html">Submit a Bug Report</a> under the Help menu, or by clicking <a href="../../../services/m%3dbugtracker_v4/index-2.html">here</a>.
Please note that bug abuse is against the <a href="rules_of_conduct.html">RuneScape rules</a>. Action will be taken accordingly, including banning the account, against any player caught abusing bugs to gain an unfair advantage.
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