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General Billing FAQs
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<div class="faqsList" id="withlinks">
<b><a name="payment"></a>Payment</b>
<li><a href="#methods">Which subscription methods do you offer?</a>
<li><a href="#pay">Can I pay for someone else?</a>
<li><a href="#renew">How can I renew my subscription?</a>
<li><a href="#family">Is there a family or group discount available?</a>
<li><a href="#forever">Once I subscribe with one payment method, do I have to use the payment method forever?</a>
<li><a href="#available">Why aren<65>t all payment methods available in my country?</a>
<li><a href="#listed">I want to pay in my country's currency, but I can't see it listed on your site?</a>
<li><a href="#loyalty_discount">Is it possible to get a loyalty discount?</a>
<b><a name="membership"></a>Membership</b>
<li><a href="#freeze">Can I freeze my membership?</a>
<li><a href="#much">How much membership credit do I have left?</a>
<li><a href="#when">When will my membership start?</a>
<li><a href="#howmuchperpayment">How much membership credit will I receive for each payment?</a></li>
<b><a name="account_anchor"></a>Account</b>
<li><a href="#existing">Can I add membership to an account that is not created yet?</a>
<li><a href="#switch">Can I switch membership between accounts?</a>
<li><a href="#computer">Do I pay per computer or per account?</a>
<b><a name="cancellation"></a>Cancellation and refunds</b>
<li><a href="#cancel">I cannot access my RuneScape Jagex account. How can I cancel my subscription?</a>
<li><a href="#banned">My account has been banned. How do I cancel my subscription?</a>
<li><a href="#refunds">What is your refunds policy?</a>
<b><a name="website"></a>Website</b>
<li><a href="#secure">When I go to subscribe or unsubscribe, I go to a page that doesn't look like RuneScape. Is it secure? </a>
<b><a name="contact"></a>Contact</b>
<li><a href="#query">What is a billing query?</a>
<li><a href="#contact_billing">How can I contact Billing Support?</a>
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<a name="methods"></a>
<span class="title">1. Which subscription methods do you offer?</span>
<p>The subscription methods available to you will depend on the country you live in.</p>
<p>A full list of payment methods, including cost, will be displayed when you select <a href="https://secure.runescape.com/m=billing_core/paymentoptions.ws">Upgrade Your Account</a> on the RuneScape website, in the 'Account' drop-down menu. They are also mentioned in the <a href="general_billing_overview.html">Billing Overview</a> section of the website.</p>
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<a name="pay"></a>
<span class="title">2. Can I pay for someone else?</span>
<p>You can only do this if the person you are paying for is a member of your immediate family. This is necessary to help us detect fraud. Ignoring this warning could result in any associated accounts being banned.</p>
<p>If you wish to purchase membership for someone outside of your family, we recommend you give them the money to allow them to directly purchase the membership for their account. Alternatively, you may purchase one of the following pre-paid payment methods: Ultimate Game Card, <a href="voucher_payment.html">RuneScape Game Card</a> or <a href="wallie_card_payment.html">Wallie Card</a>. Pre-paid payment methods vary by country, so be sure to check that the recipient of the gift will be able to redeem the card in their country.</p>
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<a name="renew"></a>
<span class="title">3. How can I renew my subscription?</span>
<p>If your membership is running low and you wish to renew your subscription, you can <a href="https://secure.runescape.com/m=billing_core/paymentoptions.ws">extend your subscription</a>.</p>
<p>There is no need to do this if you are paying by credit card as payment will automatically be taken each month until the subscription is cancelled. </p>
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<a name="family"></a>
<span class="title">4. Is there a family or group discount available?</span>
<p>We do not currently offer any discounts for multiple subscriptions from the same family or group. Each account will require its own subscription in order to access the member benefits. </p>
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<a name="forever"></a>
<span class="title">5. Once I subscribe with one payment method, do I have to use the payment method forever?</span>
<p>You are free to use any of the payment methods offered to you when resubscribing. You are not locked into using one payment method. </p>
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<a name="available"></a>
<span class="title">6. Why aren<65>t all payment methods available in my country?</span>
<p>We do our best to make as many different payment methods available in as many countries as possible. However, it is not always possible to do this.</p>
<p>Please rest assured that we are looking to increase the number of payment methods to all our players. If a particular payment method is not available in your country, please do not submit a query regarding this; instead, keep an eye on the news sections of the RuneScape front page for information on any new billing options.</p>
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<a name="listed"></a>
<span class="title">7. I want to pay in my country's currency, but I can't see it listed on your site?</span>
<p>If your currency is not listed then the Billing system will default to US Dollars, UK Pounds or Euros. The card company works out the exchange rate and will bill you in YOUR currency. There are NO extra charges placed by Jagex. </p>
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<a name="loyalty_discount"></a>
<span class="title">8. Is it possible to get a loyalty discount?</span>
<p>If you maintain membership on an account for a year, with no break longer than 14 days, you will qualify for a loyalty membership rate. The exact rate varies depending on your chosen payment method, but payment by credit card, for instance, reduces the price to USD$5 / GBP<42>3.20.</p>
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<a name="freeze"></a>
<span class="title">9. Can I freeze my membership?</span>
<p>It is not possible to freeze membership <20> one day of membership credit will continue to be used each day until the membership credit on your account has expired.</p>
<p>If you have a credit card subscription, payment will continue to be taken each month until the subscription is cancelled.</p>
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<a name="much"></a>
<span class="title">10. How much membership credit do I have left?</span>
<p>The number of days of membership credit remaining on your account will be displayed on the welcome screen each time you log in to the game. It can also be found in the 'Account' drop-down on the front-page, in Account Management, under the heading 'Account Information'. </p>
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<a name="when"></a>
<span class="title">11. When will my membership start?</span>
<p>Your membership will begin as soon as we have received and processed your payment. </p>
<p>Credit card subscriptions are generally processed immediately.</p>
<p>PayByPhone and PayBySMS subscriptions take around 15-20 minutes to be processed, after which you may redeem your PIN on our website.</p>
<p>If you subscribe through PayByCash please note that the payment type you use will affect the time taken to start your membership. Further details of these can be found when you subscribe.</p>
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<a name="howmuchperpayment"></a>
<span class="title">12. How much membership credit will I receive for each payment?</span>
<p>You will receive the same number of days of membership credit as there are in the month the payment is made. For example, if you make a payment in January then you will receive 31 days of membership credit.</p>
<p>This is to ensure that payments made over a 12-month period will give you 365 days of membership credit (366 days on a leap year).</p>
<p>This does not apply to RuneScape membership pre-pay cards, which always provide either 30 days or 90 days of membership credit.</p>
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<a name="existing"></a>
<span class="title">13. Can I add membership to an account that is not created yet?</span>
<p>You will only be able to add membership to an account that has already been created. During the subscription process, you will be required to enter the username and password for the account you wish to add membership to. </p>
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<a name="switch"></a>
<span class="title">14. Can I switch membership between accounts?</span>
<p>Membership cannot be switched from one account to another. You will need to cancel your existing subscription and subscribe the account you wish to be a member. </p>
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<a name="computer"></a>
<span class="title">15. Do I pay per computer or per account?</span>
<p>Each RuneScape Jagex account you wish to have access to the member benefits must have its own subscription. You do not have to pay per computer.</p>
<p>You will then be able to take advantage of the members-only features of the game with that account using any computer with an internet connection.</p>
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<a name="cancel"></a>
<span class="title">16. I cannot access my RuneScape Jagex account. How can I cancel my subscription?</span>
<p>If you are no longer able to access your account, you should submit a password request to recover it. You can do this by selecting 'Recover Password' from the Account Management link, in the 'Account' drop-down on <a href="../../index.html">the RuneScape front page</a>. You must be logged in to see this menu.</p>
<p>Once the account has been recovered, you will be able to cancel the subscription by selecting 'Cancel Subscription' found in the 'Account Management' section of the RuneScape website, under the 'Account' dropdown. Here, you can either click on the 'Account' link or enter the details of the credit card you use to pay for your subscription. If you click 'Account' you will be led to a page that allows you to unsubscribe.</p>
<p>For customers that do not subscribe using a credit card, it is only necessary to cancel direct debit payments, as all the other payment methods are one-off, non-recurring payments. </p>
<p>To cancel a direct debit payment, please e-mail customerservice@paybycash.com</p>
<p>If you are having difficulty cancelling your credit card subscription, please contact Billing Support at <img style="vertical-align: bottom" src="../../img/privacy/billingsupport.gif">.</p>
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<a name="banned"></a>
<span class="title">17. My account has been banned. How do I cancel my subscription?</span>
<p>If an account is permanently banned when payment is due, the subscription will automatically be cancelled and no more payments will be taken. It is not necessary to manually cancel the subscription in this case. </p>
<p>For customers that do not subscribe using a credit card, it is only necessary to cancel direct debit payments, as all the other payment methods are one-off, non-recurring payments. </p>
<p>To cancel a direct debit payment, please e-mail customerservice@paybycash.com</p>
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<a name="refunds"></a>
<span class="title">18. What is your refunds policy?</span>
<p>Refunds are given at the discretion of the management.</p>
<p>We do not normally refund victims of in-game scamming, as there are many warnings about avoiding this on our website. We will, however, do everything we can to assist players to recover their accounts.</p>
<p>We also do not give refunds to players who have been banned from the game for violating the terms and conditions of use, including the <a href="rules_of_conduct.html">Rules of RuneScape</a>.</p>
<p>If your case is exceptional and you feel that a refund is justified, please contact <a href="https://secure.runescape.com/m=ticketing/billingsupport.ws">billing support</a> providing as much detail as possible. </p>
<p>For PayByCash customers, please note that when making a PayByCash payment for a RuneScape subscription, you agreed that:</p>
<p><EFBFBD>No refunds can be offered for unwanted membership and membership cannot be transferred between accounts.<2E></p>
<p>As such, we are unable to offer refunds on PayByCash payments.</p>
<p>For other payments types, please contact <a href="https://secure.runescape.com/m=ticketing/billingsupport.ws">Billing Support</a> for assistance, providing as much information as possible.</p>
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<a name="secure"></a>
<span class="title">19. When I go to subscribe or unsubscribe, I am taken to a page that doesn't look like RuneScape. Is it secure? </span>
<p>As long as you have arrived at the billing system from site, www.funorb.com or one of our affiliates (such as www.miniclip.com), you have nothing to fear. Our billing system has been refined to make it simple to use and very secure. When you log into the system (note that some users will need to specify which country they are paying from), you should see this page:</p>
<p><img style="display: block; margin: 0 auto 0 auto" src="../../img/main/kbase/safetyguidelines/billing_optionsc81e.gif?2"></p>
<p>The payment areas of our website use industry-standard SSL encryption when sending your details to the server. This makes it virtually impossible for anyone else to intercept your credit card details.</p>
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<a name="query"></a>
<span class="title">20. What is a billing query?</span>
<p>A billing query relates to a problem with subscription details, subscribing, payment or cancelling problems. This could be experienced with all the different payment options, including PayByCash, PayBySMS, PayByPhone or credit card. </p>
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<a name="contact_billing"></a>
<span class="title">21. How can I contact Billing Support?</span>
<p>You can contact us by email, at <img style="vertical-align: bottom" src="../../img/privacy/billingsupport.gif">, or you can send in a billing query.</p>
<p><a href="https://secure.runescape.com/m=ticketing/billingsupport.ws">Click here</a> to submit a query about credit card payments.</p>
<p><a href="https://secure.runescape.com/m=ticketing/billingsupport.ws?cat=3">Click here</a> to submit a query about PayByCash.</p>
<p><a href="https://secure.runescape.com/m=ticketing/billingsupport.ws?cat=6">Click here</a> to submit a query about PayByPhone.</p>
<p><a href="https://secure.runescape.com/m=ticketing/billingsupport.ws?cat=7">Click here</a> to submit a query about PayBySMS.</p>
<p>Please note that this is only for billing queries, so only queries relating to your billing problems should be submitted.</p>
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<a href="general_billing_overview.html">Billing Overview</a>
<b>General Billing FAQs</b>
<a href="credit_card_payment.html">Credit Card Payment</a>
<a href="paybycash_paymenthtml.html">PayByCash Payment</a>
<a href="paymo_payment.html">Paymo Payment</a>
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