2022-01-16 08:44:10 -05:00

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title: The Staff Team
tags: community
layout: guide
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<h1 class="plaque">
Our Staff Team
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<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Staff</span></span>
<div class="links"><a href="#ceikry">Ceikry</a> | <a href="#bracket">Bracket</a> | <a href="#woah">Woahscam</a> | <a href="#kermit">Kermit</a> | <a href="#summer">Summer</a> | <a href="#ryan">Ryan</a> | <a href="#sparrow"> Sparrow </a> | <a href="#dan"> Dan </a> </div>
<p id="ceikry">
<img height="100" src="../2009scape-resources/img/game_guide/staff_images/ceikry.png" style="border:black 1px solid; border-radius: 50%; " width="100"/> <b>Ceikry</b>
Ceikry other otherwise known as Celery is the lead developer of 2009scape. Some may say he has a temper or is overly blunt. Despite
these opinions he cares deeply for this project and so much so that he spent 10 hour days for majority of days in 2020. He has made the
most contributions out of everyone on the server so make sure you tell him how much you appreciate his work!
<p id="bracket"><img height="100" src="../2009scape-resources/img/game_guide/staff_images/bracket.png" style="border:black 1px solid; border-radius: 50%; " width="100"/> <b>Bracket</b>
Red Bracket, The founder of 2009scape. Unlike Ceikry, the other owner of this project is quiet and may at times seem distant but all it takes
is you pinging him and he'll come with a smile on his face. Sometimes known as the nicest developer on our team he is sometimes
being too nice.
<p id="woah"><img height="100" src="../2009scape-resources/img/game_guide/staff_images/woah.png" style="border:black 1px solid; border-radius: 50%; " width="100"/> <b>Woahscam</b>
The behind the scenes guy that makes the show happen. Woah is our Host of 2009scape, many people do not realize that one of our own member's hosts this
out of the kindenss of his heart. He has also put a ton of work into the project. While you won't find him in discord you can find him ingame with his super
friendly self. Stop by and say hi to him it'll make his day!
<p id="kermit"><img height="100" src="../2009scape-resources/img/game_guide/staff_images/kermit.png" style="border:black 1px solid; border-radius: 50%; " width="100"/> <b>Kermit</b>
<br/> Kermit is the developer known for the Pest control bots with the help of Ceikry and the Adventure bots by himself. If you would like
to learn more about the adventure bots check out this <a href="../game_guide/adventurebots.html">link</a>. He was the previous Community
Manager but due to schooling was unable to keep going with the Community Events. He is sometimes in the Discord so make sure you say hello!
<p id="summer"><img height="100" src="../2009scape-resources/img/game_guide/staff_images/summer.png" style="border:black 1px solid; border-radius: 50%; " width="100"/> <b>Summer</b>
The Website developer who is in control of the website's design and content. Summer, is the passionate staff member that makes sure everyone is aware of her existance while joining the server. Very quick to defend the rules and sometimes
can come off as a tad mean as well. Overall Summer cares very deeply about the project and what the future has to bring.
<p id="ryan"><img height="100" src="../2009scape-resources/img/game_guide/staff_images/ryan.png" style="border:black 1px solid; border-radius: 50%; " width="100"/> <b>Ryan</b>
Ryan has been with the community for awhile. You may know him as the guy who linked to the joke about Barbarian Assault. Despite all the jokes
people may or may not have with him he still holds being treasured by the community. He is acting Community manager starting since January of 2022.
<p id="sparrow"><img height="100" src="../2009scape-resources/img/game_guide/staff_images/sparrow.png" width="100"/> <b>Sparrow</b>
An ex developer who was here in the very early stages and has stuck around in the discord this entire time just to check on how the server is going.
He is being added to the list out of respect for some of the bot work he did in the beginning
<p id="dan">
<img height="100" src="../2009scape-resources/img/game_guide/staff_images/dan.png" style="border:black 1px solid; border-radius: 50%;" width="100"/> <b>Dan</b>
The developer who isn't a full developer. Dan got this rank for doing a ton of client clean up work. I am adding him to this page out of respect of
what he has contributed.
Keep in mind that our staff team are all volunteer and are not paid for their customer service.
Rule #2 of our server is to not disrespect any staff member. While it's not severe for instant ban it is bannable if continued over and over.
We're here to build an amazing server and help anyone with any questions they may have of our server. Do not ping a developer unless you are unable to login
Staff Team
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