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09-Jul-2010 02:29:53
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<div class="sectionHeader" style="width: 100%; height: 26px; clear: both;"><div class="left" style="float: left; height: 26px; width: 71px; "></div><div class="plaque" style="float: left; width: 100%; margin: 0 -71px; text-align: center;">First 4 Hours</div><div class="right" style="float: left; height: 26px; width: 71px;"></div></div><div class="section"><div class="article_theme_1"><div class="article"><div class="topshadow"><div class="bottomborder"><div class="leftshadow"><div class="rightshadow"><div class="leftcorner"><div class="rightcorner"><div class="bottomleft"><div class="bottomright"><div style="padding: 30px"><font color="#8b4513"> <br> <br>Hi guys, <br> <br>We'd love to hear what you think of the beginning of the Runescape experience; what you like or dislike, what you would like to see or feel is really not needed, maybe even ideas on how new players could be helped to get through those early stages and get a real feel and love for the game. <br> <br>So if you feel you have got anything to contribute, please post it here. I will be regularly reading and posting on this thread and will ensure all good feedback/suggestions are highlighted for consideration. <br> <br>Thanks, <br> <br><font face="bernard mt condensed" size="4">&#9553;<u>Don Lorenzo</u>&#9553;</font> <br></font><center><img width="100%" src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/hr.png"></center></div><div class="search"><div class="searchtop"> <br><div class="bottombordershad"><div class="leftshadow"><div class="rightshadow"><div class="topleft"></div><div class="topright"><div class="bottomleftshad"><div class="bottomrightshad"><div class="searchtext"> <br></p> <br></p> <br></p> <br></p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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09-Jul-2010 02:57:02
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My First four hours of the game were great, however when I recently started a new account i noticed that the tutorial didn't really seem to prepare me for the game like the old tutorial. The old tutorial may have been long but it really got you ready for the game. Maybe there could be 2 options, a quick abbreviated version and the normal version. Also all the guides and things that are given to you at the beginning should only be by request. Like maybe a right click option on the stat on the skills page if it is below 10, that says *help* or *guide* or something along those lines. But overall I think the first 4 hours of runescape are great
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09-Jul-2010 02:58:17
<br/>Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 03:09:14 by R_________R
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When I first played RuneScape it was 2005. To be honest, I enjoyed the old tutorial rather than this thing where we burn down a cave on a dragon. The old tutorial was a good length, and taught us most of what we needed. But I believe there needs to be more things on the tutorial like a crafting guide. Also there should be a member's tutorial for those who just become members. <br> <br>However, the bad thing baout tutorial island was that I've heard many people say they get stuck in tutor island. I know lots of people get turned off and then quit RuneScape altogether since they can't leave tutor island. I believe tutorials should be very, very direct and straight forward. There should be things that circle and highlight where you should click to make it very easy to understand. It should almost be as easy to understand as if someone were next to you in real life guiding and pointing at the screen. <br> <br>After tutor island I was at lumbridge castle and there was a mess of people standing walking and talking. I think Jagex needs to get rid of spammers because it does get pretty overwhelming. <br> <br>One thing that needs to get fixed is the General Store. That was an amazing place where you could go as a noob and find almost anything you would need from food to gear. There was usually a bunch of people in the shops and items were constantly being sold and bought. Now you will get ripped off since items are Grand Exchange priced. That also scares away potential sellers and customers. <br> <br>Also it would be pretty neat if there were more armour/weapon shops in RuneScape like in lumbridge or varrock. It wouldn't hurt to have multiple helm/shield/platebody etc shops.
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09-Jul-2010 03:01:42
<br/>Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 03:20:22 by R_________R
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I think the important thing to see as a noob in RuneScape was higher level armour and gear. I remember chopping regular logs and selling it to the general store for about 1gp a piece. Then I remember reading the woodcutting guide to see the various trees I could cut. Eventually I clicked on a tree which I could not cut and it was an Oak tree. I enjoyed the simple challenge of getting 15 woodcutting and finally cutting oak logs to sell for 2gp a piece! <br> <br>At the general store I saw some amazing iron gear and from time to time some amazing steel weapons. I remember selling my bronze square shield and longsword just to barely afford that iron longsword. <br> <br>I have to be honest though, I wouldn't understand how things work today. The game has changed for the worse. Yes, there are many great updates but the game isn't what it used to be. The Grand Exchange changed the game completely and now prices have changed and everyone seems to be obsessed with getting 99s for skillcapes. New powerful gear has sprung up but I guess that's part of the game. <br> <br>Back then, the game was more like DIY. A lot of people would DIY and it was fun. But then we started getting used to instant trades through the GE. This gives people more time to skill or train. Then everyone is after 99s or buying the best weapons and gear.
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09-Jul-2010 07:30:29
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Thanks for your feedback so far. <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>I'll be sure to pass any points of interest on for consideration. <br> <br><font face="bernard mt condensed" size="4">&#9553;<u>Don Lorenzo</u>&#9553;</font>
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09-Jul-2010 13:16:06
<br/>Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 13:36:29 by Trizimo
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WOOT - First Page! <br> <br>Well i think the first four hours of the game are just confusing. Here is why: <br> <br>(1) Tutorial Island - The old tutorial island (the one on the world map) was the best tutorial island there was. It was extremely helpful and showed every f2p skill. I enjoyed being able to learn before i actually played the game. <br> <br>Now - Honestly im not sure what it is now because last time i made a new account for the fun of it, it was a 'quest-based-tutorial'. I really disliked this. It didnt show me how do do half of the skills and it was some stupid quest that isnt going to do anything for me. <br> <br>(2) First time to members - The first time i became a member i didnt know anything, not one thing - which i extremly dislike. <br> <br>I think there should be a members tutorial island. This way you are learn each skill and how to do it. It would have really helped me out, and i think i would of had a better understand for the game. If you do make a member tutorial i would like to see it be like the f2p old tutorial, not another quest tutorial. <br> <br>(3) Armour - In the 'Quest-based-tutorial' i believe that they give you armour to fight a goblin or something, but at the end of the quest they take it away from you. So it seems like the NPC are playing with the newer players - &quot;here some armour - okay give it back now&quot; <br> <br>I think that instead of haveing to give it back they will be allowed to keep it. If you dont like that idea then you should give them money to go get bronze armour. <br> <br>Trizimo <br>Yo hablo Espa<70>ol
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09-Jul-2010 13:26:21
<br/>Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 13:54:15 by Trizimo
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Here more ideas: <br> <br>(4) Enforce the rules - when you come out of the tutorial you are standing right out front (or if not - pretty darn close) to the lumbridge castle. There is a lot of spammers that sit in there - some advertising web sites, some just annoying people - well the newer player have no idea what is good and bad in runescape yet. <br> <br>Here would be an idea - a mini stronghold in a tutorial. This way they are learning the skills, rules, and maybe as the price of finishing it you give them armour or something (like i said above) <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>(5) Forums - i remember before the forum update that there was a &quot;welcome&quot; forum. Inside of it it said &quot;Getting started&quot; I really liked that forum. It help me understand so much about the forum. <br> <br>Idea - you should either bring it back or make a forum tutorial (i know im stuck on tutorials today) that will help new player learn the ropes. Hope this will cut down on spam, flam, and threads in the incorrect forums. <br> <br>(6) Death - okay so if you were like me you like the killing mosters part of runescape. When i came out of runescape i wne and started killing goblins, but i had no idea of anything involving death intill i experienced it outside of the tutorial. <br> <br>I personally think that the new player need to understand death before they leave the tutorial. Maybe having them look at 'items on death' while in tutorial (wearing bronze armour) might be handy. <br> <br>Trizimo <br>Yo hablo Espa<70>ol
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09-Jul-2010 13:46:19
<br/>Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 13:57:11 by Trizimo
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(7) Free stuff <img class="sm6" alt=":D" title=":D" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> - in the old tutorial i really like when you finished, they gave you pretty much everything that your going to need. With the new tutorial it doesn't (correct me if im wrong - havent made a new account in forever). So its not giveing you any chance of going out and working on that skill you like! <br> <br>I think you should give items that will help you in every f2p skill. This way they can go out and start what they like doing. So where do you put these items? - leading to my next point <br> <br>(8) Banking - in the old tutorial, there was a part in it where you had to talk to a bank person and hope an account. I really like this idea, helping me to know where i can store items. <br> <br>Besides the fact of the new tutorial doesn't have that, there is no real strong emphasis on going to the bank on top of lumbridge. i think this should be changed. <br> <br>More idea coming <br>----------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>Anyways i hope you take this seriously and give thought to what i and other above (and below) have said. Hopefully we can make the first four hours of runescape easier to understand. <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Thanks for wanting to hear from us Jagex! <br> <br>Trizimo <br>Yo hablo Espa<70>ol
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09-Jul-2010 14:15:23
<br/>Last edited on 09-Jul-2010 19:00:56 by Penguinmb
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First Page! <br> <br>Well, I made my account a while ago... I saw my brother playing and I asked him what the site was. <br> Anyways, I have made several accounts, some with the old tutorial and some with the new. I like the old one better as it covers every skill, maybe slowly, but clearly and accurately. What I mean by &quot;accurately&quot; is for example, when you light the pillars to kill the dragon, that isn't really firemaking. You need logs to do it. <br> Also, I liked how you got a starting 25 gp to get your finance rolling, and I don't see why you took it away. <br> <br>When you first appear in Lumbridge, for both old and new tutorials, a couple thoughts go through your mind. <br> <br>1. Finally! Runescape at last! That tutorial was a waste of time! (Even though it wasn't, because you learn how to play) <br> <br>2. Woah, this is cool. <br> <br>3. Where am I? (You'd probably open up your map) <br> <br>4. Time to explore RuneScape! <br> <br>Another thing I'd like to say is how you could see other players doing the old tutorial. Now they're gone! Even if you couldn't talk to them, they were an inspiration to complete the island. <br> <br>Where'd the progress bar go? I found that REALLY useful. It would be nice to have it back. <br> <br>The real main difference between the tutorials is that first impression. Look at the difference. <br> <br>Old: Okay, done customizing my account. What next? No one even told me how to talk, yet they expect me to find someone? (You experiment for a while, find the first person, and start the tutorial) <br> <br>New: ROOOAAAARRRRR! The dragon (With wonderful graphics by the way) is battling with the knight! Who will win? AUUGGGHH! The assistant (I forgot his name) is burnt! Who will help the servant? <br> <br>The newer seems much more epic and attractive to a new player. Is that why you implemented it? <br> <br>P.S. (Forgot to add) I was also a bit disappointed when there where no more voices in the real game. <br> <br>Well, that's all, <br> <br>Your #1 Fan, <br>Penguinmb
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09-Jul-2010 18:57:12
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I had mixed feelings. <br> <br>First I felt, &quot;It's going to take forever to get these levels if 99 is the max!&quot; <br> <br>But taking a stroll onto the guides, I was very impressed by how many different ways there were to train skills (for example mining iron or coal). I thought that everything would be a different experience to have, and you wouldn't have to be stuck with the same thing. <br> <br>The graphics were great in the tutorial, but got a little worse as you progressed into the game, but why ruin the looks of classic items? I wouldn't risk it. <br> <br>I saw too many monsters to think of killing first. <br> <br>Chickens, goblins, rams, cows, guards, zombies, etc. I liked the variety. <br> <br> <br>Ahren03
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