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Control hordes of zombie minions, wreak havoc on the 'non-deads' and take over the world!
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Zombie Dawn Features
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<div class="benefitsContent">
<div class="benefitsList">
<li>24 levels of zombie-filled mayhem</li>
<li>3 varied bonus levels</li>
<li>8 types of power-up</li>
<li>Zombify guards, detectives and MIBs</li>
<li>Conquer the White House</li>
<li>Hard mode for the truly evil</li>
<li>Several Achievements</li>
<li>Play for FREE!</li>
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<p>The undead apocalypse has arrived, but, fortunately for you, you're the one in charge! Command your zombie horde through 24 brain-chomping levels of puzzle-ing mayhem, with the sole aim of storming the White House and conquering humanity. Then, prepare yourself for another 24 levels as you take the UK (and Buckingham Palace) by storm. Zombie Dawn is full of action, strategy, puzzles and sheer undead fun.</p>
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<div class="faqsList">
<li><a href="#faqs_q1">What is the goal of Zombie Dawn?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q2">What power-ups are there?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q3">I've messed up the level; what should I do?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q4">Where do the soldiers come from?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q5">How do I get a better score?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_spec">What are the minimum specifications for this game?</a></li>
<div class="faqsAnswer">
<a name="faqs_q1"></a>
<h3>1. What is the goal of Zombie Dawn?</h3> <p>The goal on each level is to trap all the humans and turn them into zombies. The undead aren't the most obedient creatures and, once they get close enough to a yummy survivor, they'll uncontrollably start lunging at them. Get them to zombify every remaining human on each level to win!</p>
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<a name="faqs_q2"></a>
<h3>2. What power-ups are there?</h3>
<p>There are eight power-ups introduced in the Washington DC levels, which are:</p>
<li>Curse - instantly turns one human into a zombie</li>
<li>Detonate - explodes your zombie and anything else near it</li>
<li>Disguise - humans won't run away...until it's too late</li> <li>Meltdown - your zombie melts into a pool of sticky goo, slowing humans down</li>
<li>Phantom - leaves a ghostly imprint that humans treat as a real zombie</li>
<li>Screech - roots humans to the spot in fear, for 15 seconds</li>
<li>Speed - doubles the shambling speed of your zombie</li>
<li>Tough - it will take three shots to kill a tough zombie</li>
<p>The UK levels introduce a further six power-ups:</p>
<li>Breach - makes a hole in a wall to open a new path</li>
<li>Fear - causes even the bravest of humans to run away in panic</li> <li>Miasma - creates a barrier of acidic gas that humans can't see or move through</li>
<li>Quake - smashes all windows on a level and knocks down all humans</li>
<li>Shackles - slows down humans and zombies within an area</li>
<li>Shockwave - breaks open doors and knocks down any nearby humans</li>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q3"></a>
<h3>3. I've messed up the level; what should I do?</h3>
<p>You have the option to retry any level, to a maximum of three retries per game. To do so, press 'ESC' to open the pause menu, then click on 'Retry'.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q4"></a>
<h3>4. Where do the soldiers come from?</h3>
<p>On most levels after the Mall, you'll have to work against the clock to catch all the survivors. Army soldiers are moving through lower floors and underground tunnels to your position... When the time runs out, they will emerge from the hatch on the level.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q5"></a>
<h3>5. How do I get a better score?</h3>
<p>It's all very well overwhelming those squishy humans with sheer numbers, but some of them can take out a few of your minions in return. Try to find a sneakier way to clear each level - the more zombies you keep alive - or moving, at least - the more you will score. Also, playing on Hard will net you 50% more points for any remaining time or zombies.</p>
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<a name="faqs_spec"></a>
<h3>6. What are the minimum specifications for this game?</h3>
<p>The minimum specifications we recommend for this game are:</p>
<li>500 MHz
<li>128 MB RAM
<p>The <b>recommended</b> specifications for getting the most out of this game are:</p>
<li>1.5 GHz
<li>256 MB RAM
<p>Below is an explanation of the terms in our technical specifications.</p>
<p><b>Megahertz (MHz) / Gigahertz (GHz)</b> is a measure of how fast your computer's processor is. This affects how quickly you can run things like games and applications.</p>
<p><b>Megabytes (MB)</b> are used to measure how much memory your computer has. This affects how quickly your computer runs when using large programs such as games, or when you run a lot of programs at once.</p>
<p>Click <a href="http://www.java.com/getjava" target="_blank">here</a> to get the latest version of Sun Java.</p>
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FunOrb Members' Benefits
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<p style="padding-bottom: 5px;">If you enjoyed the free game, try the members' expansion. Members get:</p>
<ul style="line-height: 22px;">
<li>24 more levels of British zombifying action</li>
<li>3 even-more-varied bonus levels</li>
<li>6 more power-ups</li>
<li>New enemies that fight back, including hunters and grenadier guards</li>
<li>Take over Buckingham Palace</li>
<li>Loads of extra Achievements</li>
<li>Fullscreen mode</li>
<li>No adverts during gameplay</li>
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Development Team
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<b>Development:</b> Tom R,&nbsp;Pedro R<br>
<b>Graphics:</b> Adam S,&nbsp;Anthony A,&nbsp;Kristian F,&nbsp;Laura W<br>
<b>Audio:</b> Adam B,&nbsp;Chris J,&nbsp;Ian T<br>
<b>Quality Assurance:</b> Joe C,&nbsp;Michael T,&nbsp;Sally R<br>
<b>Editing:</b> Stephen R
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