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From jumpers-for-goalposts to Premier League...
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Kickabout League Features
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<div class="benefitsContent">
<div class="benefitsList">
<li>Online multiplayer for up to 8 people.</li>
<li>Players improve with experience.</li>
<li>Buy and sell players in online auctions.</li>
<li>Work your way up the leagues to the Diamond Division.</li>
<li>Play in Rated games.</li>
<li>Earn some Achievements.</li>
<li>Play for FREE!</li>
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<a name="description"></a>
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<p>Kickabout League is an arcade-style five-a-side football/soccer game. It can be played by up to eight people in online multiplayer matches (the goalkeepers are controlled by AI). It's not just about playing (and winning) games, though - with each match, your players will gain experience and improve, or you could always sell them on the open market and buy a top-notch Elite player to fill their place in your squad.</p>
<p>As you win (Rated) games, you'll work your way up through the various leagues, until you're good enough to join the Diamond Division, and play each week for the Diamond Trophy! Or, if you're not feeling so competitive, you could just have a friendly (Unrated) kickabout with some friends...</p>
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<div class="faqsList">
<li><a href="#faqs_q1">Why are the players jerking/jumping about my screen?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q2">What are the rules of the game?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q3">How does the league system work?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q4">Which is the best character class?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_spec">What are the minimum specifications for this game?</a></li>
<div class="faqsAnswer">
<a name="faqs_q1"></a>
<h3>1. Why are the players jerking/jumping about my screen?</h3>
<p>Ah, the dreaded lag monster. Being the first fully real-time game on FunOrb means that Kickabout League may be more succeptible to lag in certain conditions. To this end, we've included "lag-o-meter" bars in a corner of the screen, while games are being played. These will display the ping times of various other players in the game. For optimum results, we recommend playing with this number being at least below 200ms.</p>
<p>There are many factors that can increase the ping time of your computer's internet connection, such as the physical distance between your computer and the server. As such, we also recommend that you play Kickabout on the nearest server to your location, against other players who are doing the same. Some people's internet connections will be fast enough that this shouldn't be a problem for them regardless of who they play and where they are, but we're not all so blessed.</p>
<p>Also, please don't be too harsh on other players who are lagging in a game - it's not their fault! Rather, try to help them by suggesting things they can do to improve their, and your, Kickabout games.</p>
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<a name="faqs_q2"></a>
<h3>2. What are the rules of the game?</h3>
<p>The first rule of Kickabout League is DO talk about Kickabout League. Tell your football-loving and/or game-playing friends and get them on FunOrb for a kickabout. The more people playing Kickabout League, the more games will be available!</p>
<p>The second rule of Kickabout League is that, er, actually, there aren't any more... This is no-holds-barred football: no fouls, no throw-ins, no corners. There are no halves, you just play until time runs out. The team with the most goals wins!</p>
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<a name="faqs_q3"></a>
<h3>3. How does the league system work?</h3>
<p>At the end of every game, the winner is awarded either 30 (Rated) or 3 (Unrated) points. The loser's score is reduced by 10 (Rated) or 1 (Unrated) point(s). Nobody gains or loses points for a draw, and your score can never drop below 0.</p>
<p>As your score increases, you will move up the various leagues. Pebble Playoffs (10 points); Cobalt Conference (180 points); Sandstone Series (560 points); Quartz Qualifiers (1700 points); Crystal Circuit (7000 points); and Diamond Division (14000 points). Once you've gone up a league, your score will then not drop down below the threshold score to enter that league. This means that, once you reach the Diamond Division, you'll always be in that league.</p>
<p>The Diamond Division works a little differently. Once you reach this league, your League Points are replaced with Diamond League Points. These points are reset at 10pm GMT every Tuesday. The player with the highest score each week will win that week's league and be awarded the Diamond Trophy (and the We Are The Champions Achievement). Do you think you have what it takes to win the Diamond Trophy?</p>
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<a name="faqs_q4"></a>
<h3>4. Which is the best character class?</h3>
<p>All of the character classes have their advantages and disadvantages. The Ranger moves like lightning, and can sprint-dash even when he has the ball, but his tackle isn't worth much. The Tank may be sluggish, bue he's an unstoppable brute when he gets close enough, and can turn while tackling. The Hotshot is a key offensive player, able to make super-strong kicks to power the ball past the goalkeeper, but he's not so useful in defence.</p>
<p>Elites, on the other hand, have no single special ability, but can inherit one or more bonuses from the other classes through using trinkets. For example, you can create a Ranger/Hotshot hybrid who can sprint with the ball AND power-strike it into the back of the net.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_spec"></a>
<h3>5. What are the minimum specifications for this game?</h3>
<p>The minimum specifications we recommend for this game are:</p>
<li>1.0 GHz
<li>128 MB RAM
<p>The <b>recommended</b> specifications for getting the most out of this game are:</p>
<li>1.5 GHz
<li>256 MB RAM
<p>Below is an explanation of the terms in our technical specifications.</p>
<p><b>Megahertz (MHz) / Gigahertz (GHz)</b> is a measure of how fast your computer's processor is. This affects how quickly you can run things like games and applications.</p>
<p><b>Megabytes (MB)</b> are used to measure how much memory your computer has. This affects how quickly your computer runs when using large programs such as games, or when you run a lot of programs at once.</p>
<p>Click <a href="http://www.java.com/getjava" target="_blank">here</a> to get the latest version of Sun Java.</p>
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FunOrb Members' Benefits
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<p style="padding-bottom: 5px;">Members get:</p>
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<li>Trinket Expansion Pack - purchase special abilities for your players.</li>
<li>Access to all the Achievements.</li>
<li>Fullscreen mode.</li>
<li>No adverts during gameplay.</li> <li>Complete access to all members-only content on FunOrb.</li>
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Development Team
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<b>Development:</b> Tom R,&nbsp;Iain S<br>
<b>Graphics:</b> Adam S,&nbsp;David H,&nbsp;Peter S<br>
<b>Audio:</b> Adam R,&nbsp;Chris J<br>
<b>Quality Assurance:</b> Joe C,&nbsp;Ken W L,&nbsp;Michael T,&nbsp;Sally R,&nbsp;Alex P,&nbsp;Mirza J<br>
<b>Editing:</b> David O
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