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Defend your hoard. Send forth your raiders. Battle your rivals. Become the Dragon King!
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<li>Recruit more powerful raiders</li>
<li>Build even deadlier rooms</li>
<li>Unlimited Orbs of Mastery</li>
<li>Fullscreen mode</li>
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<p>Dragons love nothing more than a great, big pile of treasure on which to sleep. The wealthier a dragon is, the more powerful it must be, so they will go to any lengths to increase their hoard of gold. The open war between dragons that was fuelled by this lust for wealth, was destroying the realm of Dungaria, so the gods decreed for it to become a more ritualised form of combat.</p>
<p>As the dragons are no longer able to engage in open war with their kin, they've taken to recruiting raiders to assault the dungeons of other dragons and steal their treasure. In Dungeon Assault, you must take on the mantle of dragonhood, strengthening the protections around your hoard and sending out raiding parties of your own.</p>
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<div class="faqsList">
<li><a href="#faqs_q1">Why are there two menu options locked when I first play?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q2">What is Renown and why is it so important?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q3">I've run out of Treasure to spend; how do I earn more?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q4">How come my dungeon can be raided when I am not logged into the game?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q5">How do I change my dungeon's layout?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q6">What are the Orbs of Mastery?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_spec">What are the minimum specifications for this game?</a></li>
<div class="faqsAnswer">
<a name="faqs_q1"></a>
<h3>1. Why are there two menu options locked when I first play?</h3>
<p>These two options - 'Dungeon and Stable' and 'Dragons and Raids' - only become available after you have completed the Dungeon Assault tutorial. This game has a lot of depth and we wouldn't want for any player to be at a disadvantage, by not learning the game's intricacies first. The tutorial only takes a few minutes to play through and covers all aspects of the game.</p>
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<a name="faqs_q2"></a> <h3>2. What is Renown and why is it so important?</H3>
<p>Renown is the measure by which all dragons regard each other. Great and mighty dragons are as such because they have high Renown, whereas a dragon with low Renown is considered with less regard. As your Renown increases, more highly skilled raiders and dangerous monsters will be drawn by your reputation, which will allow you to better defend your hoard and raid your rivals' dungeons with greater ease.</p>
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<a name="faqs_q3"></a> <h3>3. I've run out of Treasure to spend; how do I earn more?</H3>
<p>Successfully raiding another dragon's hoard will give reward you with a percentage of the gold stolen as Treasure for you to spend. You will also receive some Treasure once every hour, even if you're not logged in, based upon how successful your raids and dungeon defences were in the previous hour. Note, however, that as your Renown increases, the amount of gold you receive in this way will decrease. Dragons do not gain respect from just lazing away on their hoards of gold, so get out there and raid!</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q4"></a> <h3>4. How come my dungeon can be raided when I am not logged into the game?</H3>
<p>Dungeon Assault is a persistent-world game, meaning that your dungeon exists in the game world even when you are not logged into the game - this is the case for all players. You need to make sure that your dungeon is well defended before you head off on a raid of your own, or before you log out, as it's near certain that another player will be raiding your dungeon before long.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q5"></a> <h3>5. How do I change my dungeon's layout?</H3>
<p>The layout of your dungeon is randomly generated when you first gain access to it. Constructing an Orb of Mastery will also randomly change your dungeon's layout.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q6"></a> <h3>6. What are the Orbs of Mastery?</H3>
<p>The Orbs of Mastery are powerful artefacts imbued with ancient magics from a time before the Binding (the gods' decree to stop open war between dragons). These orbs have various properties and only the most powerful of dragons are capable of wielding them.</p>
<p>One of the side effects of constructing an Orb of Mastery is that doing so will randomly reorder your dungeon's layout. The other, more notable, effect is that your Renown will be reset to it's starting value. Don't worry, though, as once you have constructed an Orb of Mastery, it is yours forever, and your rise to prominence will be that much easier next time...</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_spec"></a>
<h3>7. What are the minimum specifications for this game?</h3>
<p>The minimum specifications we recommend for this game are:</p>
<li>1.0 GHz
<li>128 MB RAM
<p>The <b>recommended</b> specifications for getting the most out of this game are:</p>
<li>1.5 GHz
<li>256 MB RAM
<p>Below is an explanation of the terms in our technical specifications.</p>
<p><b>Megahertz (MHz) / Gigahertz (GHz)</b> is a measure of how fast your computer's processor is. This affects how quickly you can run things like games and applications.</p>
<p><b>Megabytes (MB)</b> are used to measure how much memory your computer has. This affects how quickly your computer runs when using large programs such as games, or when you run a lot of programs at once.</p>
<p>Click <a href="http://www.java.com/getjava" target="_blank">here</a> to get the latest version of Sun Java.</p>
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Development Team
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<b>Development:</b> Mark T<br>
<b>Graphics:</b> Anthony A,&nbsp;David H,&nbsp;Kristian F,&nbsp;Peter S<br>
<b>Audio:</b> Adam B<br>
<b>Quality Assurance:</b> Joe C,&nbsp;Sally R,&nbsp;Michael T,&nbsp;Ken W L,&nbsp;James H<br>
<b>Editing:</b> Stephen R
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