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Welcome to the report a bug page. We work hard to make sure the game is as bug free
as possible and rely on user reports to keep
it that way. Please fill out the form below and provide as much detail as you can.
I will be going over how to properly report a bug. <b>Do note that bug reports that are not well written out will be thrown out.</b>
It just wastes the Developers time having to work out all the other bits and pieces making the report useless. If a bug report is
thrown out, it will not count as a report. <b>Exploiting the bug is a bannable offence.</b>
<li> <b>Describe the bug : </b> We need to know exactly what is going on by telling us where the bug occured. <br>
<b>Example: </b> " During the What Lies Below quest, after the player tells Surok Magis, "Surok, your plans have been uncovered!"
The player is taken to an instance with an intro cut scene and a missing outro cut scene. The outro cut scene should be one of Zaff confronting and
preventing the escape of Surok Magis. Instead Zaff only gives his opening dialogue informing the player, "The king's mind has been restored to him and he has
been teleported away to safety."</li>
<li> <b>Expected behavior: </b> In this section you will tell us what is supposed to happen instead of what did or did not. <br>
<b>Example: </b> After Zaff informs the player character that, "The king's mind has been restored to him and he has been teleported away to safety".
This is followed up by Surok Magis Exclaiming, "No! All is lost! I must escape!". wherein Surok Magis attempts to flee using a teleport spell yet is stopped by Zaff,
corrupting his teleport spell. </li>
<li> <b>Sources: </b> In this section you will provide sources to prove that the bug is an actual bug and the "expected behavior" is valid. You <b>must</b> provide links.<br>
<b>Example: </b> One video uploaded Mar. 21st, 2008 citing the intended quest game play and cut scenes,
https://youtu.be/33oi3gugkPo?t=378 Skipped to King Roald encounter for convenience.
See, my video displaying the potentially unintended quest game play and cut scenes. <br>
See also two quest guides: <br>
One last updated, July 25th, 2012 http://www.runeslayer.com/quests/what_lies_below/index.php <br>
Another last updated Feb. 21st 2012 https://web.archive.org/web/20120221232916/https://www.runehq.com/quest/what-lies-below </li>
<li> <b>Additional context: </b> In this last section you will list the npcs or items involved. You can use the bug-commands section on discord or you can turn on the debug in-game by using the command
on this page : <a href="../../site/game_guide/the_commands.html">here</a> <br>
<b>Example: </b>
King Roald (Npc ID, 5838)
Surok Magis (Npc ID, 5835)
Zaff (Npc ID, 5836)
Beacon Ring (Item ID, 11014) </li>
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