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Classic platforming action with lots of deeeeeepth...
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<p>The original Jagex 3D platformer returns, featuring huge levels to make your brain boil, deadly traps, portals and plenty of paint. Vertigo 2 brings you the complete original game, improved graphics and two all-new modes.</p>
<p>For all of you who don't remember the first game: Vertigo 2 is full of pure platforming action. Can you complete all 50 levels? Can you bear to look down? Will you fall to your doooooom? Try it now and find out.</p>
<p>Not only have we brought you the complete single-player experience from the original, we've also brought you the complete multiplayer experience, but this time online! Team up to play through 30 co-op levels with a friend or compete in the frantic Paint-off mode.</p>
<p>On top of that, Vertigo 2 now sports a brand new Time Trial mode across all 50 single-player levels. Log your fastest time for each level and compete with your friends to set the fastest times.</p>
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<div class="faqsList">
<li><a href="#faqs_q1">How is total time for Time Trial mode worked out?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q2">I've painted all the blue blocks purple, but the game says there are still blocks I need to paint! What's wrong?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q3">There are some blocks at the bottom of the level, but when I drop down to them I can't get back up!</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q4">Are there alternative movement controls to using the arrow keys?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_q5">Who is able to play Rated multiplayer games?</a></li>
<li><a href="#faqs_spec">What are the minimum specifications for this game?</a></li>
<div class="faqsAnswer">
<a name="faqs_q1"></a>
<h3>1. How is total time for Time Trial mode worked out?</h3>
<p>Your total time in Time Trial mode is worked out by adding up the fastest times for each level you've complete, plus 10 minutes for each level you have yet to try. Even if you don't think you can complete a level very quickly, it's always worth having a go, as it will likely knock minutes off of your total time.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q2"></a> <h3>2. I've painted all the blue blocks purple, but the game says there are still blocks I need to paint! What's wrong?</h3>
<p>Some blocks are blue, but can't be painted. In single-player and co-op, cracked blocks count as blue blocks. You'll need to move over these blocks to get rid of them. If you can't see any cracked blocks, try going through all of the portals you can see. Sometimes they lead to places you might have missed.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q3"></a> <h3>3. There are some blocks at the bottom of the level, but when I drop down to them I can't get back up!</h3>
<p>Firstly, if this is the case, make sure you take all the paint you can and perhaps leave them until last. Secondly, check for any vertically moving platforms. Moving platforms can sometimes move further if a block that is in its path gets destroyed.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q4"></a> <h3>4. Are there alternative movement controls to using the arrow keys?</h3>
<p>Yes. For movement, you can use either the arrow keys or 'W', 'A', 'S' and 'D'. To jump, you can use either 'SPACE' or 'RETURN'. These can be used in whatever combination you find most comfortable.</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_q5"></a> <h3>5. Who is able to play Rated multiplayer games?</h3>
<p>Rated multiplayer is open to both members and non-members!</p>
<div class="hr"></div>
<a name="faqs_spec"></a>
<h3>6. What are the minimum specifications for this game?</h3>
<p>The minimum specifications we recommend for this game are:</p>
<li>1.0 GHz
<li>128 MB RAM
<p>The <b>recommended</b> specifications for getting the most out of this game are:</p>
<li>1.5 GHz
<li>256 MB RAM
<p>Below is an explanation of the terms in our technical specifications.</p>
<p><b>Megahertz (MHz) / Gigahertz (GHz)</b> is a measure of how fast your computer's processor is. This affects how quickly you can run things like games and applications.</p>
<p><b>Megabytes (MB)</b> are used to measure how much memory your computer has. This affects how quickly your computer runs when using large programs such as games, or when you run a lot of programs at once.</p>
<p>Click <a href="http://www.java.com/getjava" target="_blank">here</a> to get the latest version of Sun Java.</p>
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Development Team
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<b>Development:</b> Duncan S, Liam D, Tom P, Ben W, Ben D, Mark T, Pedro R<br>
<b>Graphics:</b> Anthony A, David H, Peter S<br>
<b>Audio:</b> Grace D, Ian T<br>
<b>Quality Assurance:</b> Ken W L, Michael T, Sally R<br>
<b>Editing:</b> Stephen R
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