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Locked Account Recovery
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<div class="links"><a href="#account_recovery">Using the Account Recovery system</a> | <a href="#why_is_my_account_locked">Why has my account been locked?</a></div>
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<b><a href="../../loginapplet/loginappletef7e.html?mod=accountappeal&amp;dest=lockchoice.ws">Click here</a> to log into the Account Recovery system</b>
<b><a href="https://secure/m=accountappeal/trackinginput.ws">Click here</a> to track a recovery request</b>
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<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Using the Account Recovery system</span></span>
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<img src="../../img/main/kbase/password_recovery/login_password_recovery.gif" alt=""/ width=350 height=181>
Account recovery login screen
There are certain occasions when we may find it necessary to lock your account. This could be because your account has been identified as stolen, for instance. You can try to retrieve your account by submitting an Account Recovery form. To find this form, go to the RuneScape <a href="../../index-2.html">homepage</a> and click on 'Account'. This will take you to Account Management; click on 'Recover Account' at the bottom of the page.
On this page you will need to enter your username and then press 'Submit'.
If you have registered an email address for your account, you will be asked to provide it. If we can confirm that the provided email address has been registered and verified, we will then send a security code to the provided email address. You should copy the code from the email and enter it into the appropriate box on the account recovery form. If you have not registered an email address for your account, or if you have forgotten which address you registered, simply leave the email box blank and carry on with the account recovery process.
The Account Recovery form will then appear. This needs to be completed to the best of your ability. It may be the case that not all the questions are relevant to your account, but those that are should be filled in clearly and correctly. The more relevant the information we receive, the better the chance we have of determining the true owner of the account. The information you will need to provide is:
<ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; ">
<li>Your recovery answers<br>
<li>Previous passwords</ul>
There is also a field for providing extra information to prove your ownership of the account. Usually, you can find your transaction ID and other billing numbers in the notification you will have received confirming your payment. For this reason, it is very important that you do not throw them away or misplace them.
If you do not know or cannot remember all your account information, please try to provide the earliest information you have for each of the categories requested. This will ensure that your request is dealt with as quickly as possible. We can only issue a new password to an account once we are satisfied that it will be returned to the correct owner.
Try to fill in as much information as clearly as possible, to increase the likelihood that your request will be successful. You will also need to supply a new password; we recommend you read <a href="password_support.html#good_password">this article</a> to ensure that your new password is suitable.
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Query Tracking
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Account recovery tracker screen
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In order to track a player<65>s Account Recovery request, they are given a unique <20>Tracker ID<49>. To follow the progress of the query, go to the RuneScape <a href="../../index-2.html">homepage</a> and click on 'Account'. This will take you to Account Management; click on 'Track Recovery' at the bottom of the page.
This will bring up a page asking you to enter the Tracker ID.
Type in your tracker ID and you will be told what stage your Account Recovery request is at. Please note that some Account Recovery requests may take longer to process than others.
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<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright">Why has my account been locked?</span></span>
If we suspect that someone other than the original owner has access to an account, we will lock the account to ensure that none of the items on the account are stolen and it is not used to deliberately break the rules. If you indicate that someone else has used your account when appealing an offence, your account will also be locked. To find out how to recover your account, please click <a href="../../loginapplet/loginappletef7e.html?mod=accountappeal&amp;dest=lockchoice.ws">here</a>.
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