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10-Jul-2010 02:19:30
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 00:02:29 by Tztok-Colo
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=======- Join the official cc - Falador RP! =======- <br>=======- We have a meeting time! Check news section! -======= <br>=======- We have a meeting time! Check news section! -======= <br>=======- We have a meeting time! Check news section! -======= <br>=======- We have a meeting time! Check news section! -======= <br>=======- We have a meeting time! Check news section! -======= <br>=======- PLease, all faladorians, add me on Rs -======= <br>=======- check the recent news regularly! -======= <br>=======- All Falador members please bump to let me know you are here -======= <br>=======- Read the Rules -======= <br>=======- Join Falador RP official falador cc! -======= <br>=======- Join Falador RP official Falador cc! -======= <br>=======- Join Falador RP official Falador cc! -======= <br> <br>You no longer need to add me in game to join the cc! <br> <br>The City of Falador... A city with a great history... <br> <br>Falador is a large, wealthy city located in the Kingdom of Asgarnia. there are many attractions here, including the Falador Park and the Falador Party Room. Falador also has a great military, known as the White Knights. The White knights are enemies with the Black Knights and the soldiers of Burthorpe. They also have a Secret agency, known as the Temple Knights. Falador truly is an interesting city in Runescape, along with it's many men and women that live there. <br> <br>There are in game role plays for many cities, yet I have not seen one for Falador, which is a great role play area. This is an in game role play of life in Falador, and you can apply to take the role of any position I offer, or maybe even a new position that you have come up with as long as it is okay with me. I hate to sound bossy, but you need my okay for anything new. Also, a few things may need to take place outside of Falador, as there are no fishing spots in Falador and things of that nature. <br> <br> <br>[][][][][][][][I ask that you create a bio of your character, and I have a layout for it on post three. Enjoy the Falador role playing experience![][][][][][
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10-Jul-2010 02:19:43
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 00:09:40 by Tztok-Colo
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Table of Contents=========Table of Contents <br>Important posts will have these [][][][] (boxes) around them <br>Character bios will have these {}{}{}{} around them <br>Important points made by players will have ()() around them <br> <br>{}{}{}Page one{}{}{} <br> <br>1)[]Introduction and overview[] <br>2)[]Table of contents (you are reading it now)[* <br>3)[*Biography layout[] <br>4)[]Available positions[] <br>5)[]My bio[] <br>6)[]Positions taken and by whom[] <br>7)[]Races part one[] <br>8)[]Races part two[] <br>9)[]News - Please check back here often for Falador updates[] <br>10)[]Rules of Falador, read these before joining.[] <br> <br>[][][] Page two [][][] <br> <br>2)Other Role plays with us <br>4)RES <br>7)RES <br>8)RED <br>9) THE STORY THUS FAR <br>10) Rankings
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10-Jul-2010 02:19:52
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 05:25:46 by Tztok-Colo
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===============-Character Bio-================= <br> <br>Copy and paste this bio to your own post to fill out. Note that i am not asking for your real name or age, i am asking for what you would like to be called and how old you are in the role play. The race is not White or hispanic or anything like that. The race is supposed to be human, elf,dwarf, gnome, vampire, etc. Please also make your age relate to your role. If you are the king, you must be older than me, and not just by one year, so please make it realistic. <br> <br> <br>Copy and paste character bio <br> <br>Name - <br> <br>Age - <br> <br>Gender - <br> <br>Role - <br> <br>Race - <br> <br>Strengths/weaknesses - <br> <br>Appearance - <br> <br>Rs god i follow - <br> <br>Short history about myself - <br> <br>Extra information you should know - <br> <br> <br> <br>do not copy anything from here on! <br> <br> <br>If you do not understand one of these, please post it and I will explain it.
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10-Jul-2010 02:20:01
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 21:42:39 by Tztok-Colo
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=======-Available positions in the role play-======= <br> <br>I am looking mostly at the moment for a messenger and a public relations expert at the moment, as I will need one of each to contact the City of Varrock Role play. <br> <br> <br>1. King (taken) <br>2. Queen (must be human to accept this role) <br>*************. Chef <br>7. Lord/Lady <br>8. Princess <br>9. Peasant <br>10. Party room owner <br>11. Guard <br>12. Bartender <br>13. Wealthy civilian <br>14. Mid level wealth civilian <br>15. Thief <br>16. Merchant <br>17. Assassin <br>18. Messenger (needed) <br>19. Hunter <br>20. Craftsman <br>21. Runecraftsman <br>22. Herblorist/Druid <br>23. Lumberjack <br>24. Fisherman <br>25. Pyromaniac <br>26. Priest/Monk/Druid/Chaos Druid <br>27. Fletcher <br>28. Slayer <br>29. Miner <br>30. Blacksmith <br>31. Black knight warlord (taken) <br>32. Black knight <br>33. Chaos temple knight <br>34. Public relations (taken) <br>35. King's advisor <br>36. Prince's advisor (taken)
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10-Jul-2010 02:20:11
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 05:24:42 by Tztok-Colo
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Name - Prince Colo <br> <br>Age - 34 <br> <br>Gender - Male <br> <br>Role - Prince <br> <br>Race - Human <br> <br>Strengths/weaknesses - (Strengths)Swords, daggers, and melee weapons (weaknesses) I have a big fear of Kalphites, i do not ever want to go near them. <br> <br>Appearance - Prince - like clothing (not frog prince), <br>the clothes from the circus. <br> <br>Rs god i follow - Guthix <br> <br>Short history about yourself - I was born into the royal family of Falador. My father, King (name TBA), has ruled over Falador for 37 years now along with my mother, Queen (name TBA). I have trained in the art of sword fighting throughout my life, and have become quite skilled at it. i have also been sent on many adventures, many of them being dragon slaying. i am now age 34 and am the Prince of Falador. <br> <br>Extra information you should know - None
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10-Jul-2010 02:20:22
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 22:12:14 by Tztok-Colo
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============- Accepted Bios and their roles! -========== <br> <br>Everyone is now a white knight, but if you choose the role of black knight, you will not get a white knight rank, instead you will get a black knight rank. If you have a Friend smiley face rank, you are a squire white knight. Stripes rank means you are a white knight, and a star rank is a temple knight rank. The same ranks apply to black knights, but a general rank for black knights is the black knight warlord. <br> <br>===========- White knights with their ranks -=========== <br> <br>Tztok-Colo {Head MODERATOR} - Head Temple Knight <br>Hunter Jaxek {MODERATOR} - General temple knight <br>Xsoulrush* {MODERATOR} - General Temple knight <br>Benny Hop - Recruit White knight <br>Peaceforkoy - Recruit White Knight <br>Carrot Spy - Recruit White knight <br>zeek981 - Corperal White knight <br> <br>===========Roles taken by MODERATORS=========== <br> <br>Prince - Tztok-colo (Prince Colo in game) <br>[{HEAD MODERATOR}] <br> <br>Blacksmith/Miner - Hunter Jaxek (Jake Deri in game) <br>{{MODERATOR}} <br> <br>Thief/Hunter - xsoulrush* <br>{{MODERATOR}} <br> <br>===========Roles Taken By Players=========== <br> <br>Benny Hop - King (Ben Johnson in game) <br>Peaceforkoy - guard (Artemis in game) <br>Carrot Spy - Fletcher/Hunter <br>zeek981 - Advisor <br>Im a get cha - Assassin/public relations <br>Falxmaster - spy/thief <br>Ribonucleics - Physician/surgeon <br>oO HaTcheT - Priest <br>Wa Ocean - blacksmith <br>Hawk200101 - Assassin <br>Soulofmischf - Assassin <br>Alah habeep - Messenger/guard <br>dogwars - wizard/wealthy citizen <br>xballistica0 - BLACK KNIGHT WARLORD <br>Beo Wulf X - White Knight <br>Connorcymru -
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10-Jul-2010 02:20:38
<br/>Last edited on 11-Jul-2010 03:20:14 by Tztok-Colo
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[][][][][][][][] Races and descriptions [][][][][][][][] <br> <br> <br>Human <20> You know what this is<69> <br> <br>Centaur - Half human-Half horse, Centaurs are extremely fast and are excellent archers. Centaurs tend to be a little less smart than humans. Centaurs are endangered since the God Wars. They fought for Saradomin and were nearly made extinct in the fearsome war of the Gods. <br> <br>Elf <20> Life expectancy is about 7 times longer than humans. An elf is usually quite agile and good with a bow. Elves are excellent rangers and are a little bit shorter than most humans. Elves live in the area called Tirannwn, on the western side of Gielinor. Elves tend to be quite intelligent , but not as smart as a human. <br> <br> <br>Tzhaar <20> These lava-like creatures favor crush weapons and fire related spells. They have high strength but their defense isn<73>t very great. Tzhaar live in the Karamja volcano, west of Musa Point. Tzhaar are not very smart, so a position in Falador that requires intelligence is not suitable for them. Their size also makes them relatively slow. <br> <br> <br> <br>Vampire <20> Vampires are not very strong nor very agile, but they are quite good in the magical arts. They specialize in draining spells such as blood rush. Vampires also like skill draining spells such as weaken. Vampires do not tend to be smart at all. Vampires tend to be found around the Mort Myre swamp area. <br> <br> <br> <br>Dwarf <20> Dwarves handle stabbing weapons fairly well, although they are mostly skilled in mining and smithing. Dwarves have been skilled in mining and smithing for as long as we can remember. Dwarves tend to be extremely smart, about as smart as an intelligent human. Dwarves are found in Agarinia, in their massive mine called the Dwarven Mines. Dwarves can also be found in their underground city, Keldagrim, where the entrance is located northeast of Rellaka. <br> <br> <br> <br>To be continued<65>
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10-Jul-2010 02:20:50
<br/>Last edited on 11-Jul-2010 00:05:25 by Tztok-Colo
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============-Races (continued)-============= <br> <br>Werewolf - Werewolves can take the shape of a human or a wolf at any time, and are one of Gielinor's few races that can shape shift. Werewolves in their human form have the same traits as humans, except for their ruby red eyes. In their wolf form, the wolves are much faster, but their are weakened strength-wise. Werewovles in their wolf form can have the same strength as their human form is there is a full moon out. Werewovles are in between intelligent and unintelligent. <br> <br> <br>Demon - Extremely strong, Extremely defensive, and extremely stupid, demons are much like tzhaar. Demons do not wield any weapons and prefer to live in underground areas. These demons can only have low class jobs, and the people of Falador fear them, so don't expect kindness from the people if you choose to be a demon. IF you choose to be a demon, consider joining the Black knights.<img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br> <br>Semi-spirit - Humans that can transform into a transparent spirit (ghost) for a 30 minute time period every 2 hours. Semi spirits are not as smart as humans, but are still smart enough for any job. Semi spirits are weaker than humans, and less agile than humans, but in spirit form, semi spirits are extremely stealthy and can listen in on conversations without being noticed. <br> <br>Shape shifter - can take the form of any nearby object, but the shape shifting process is tiring so the shape shifter can only stay as the shape of something else for 3 minutes before being noticed. Shape shifters are in between smart and stupid, and can accept up to mid class jobs.
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10-Jul-2010 02:21:00
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 00:01:07 by Tztok-Colo
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=========-Recent News-========== <br> <br>The City of Varrock has fallen to the mighty Falador! We will role play at our new meeting time and feast for the victory over the City of Varrock! I invite all members of the role play to this feast, good or evil , with varrock destroyed we will celebrate with the world! I have a list below of things i I would like volunteers to bring to the Feast! PLease bring large amounts of the food you choose to bring as we are feeding Falador! <br> <br>-chicken <br>-any fish <br>-any fruit <br>-any vegetables <br>-any meat <br>-SLICES of cake, not full cakes <br>-PIZZA! <br>-anything else for a feast!!!! <br> <br>Meeting time for Falador! Please reply if this time is good for you! <br> <br>Meeting time - July 18 (Sunday) at 8:00 PM GMT <br> <br>If you need a converter, find one on the internet to convert to your time zone. <br> <br>The place will be world 42, at the Pub of Falador. Please reply if you can make it. <br> <br>An evil lord whose name is unknown has started a rebellion against the white knights. These knights, known as the black knights, were kicked out of Falador a long time ago. they recently have decided to take back Falador for themselves, and are currently at their hideout in the wilderness. <br> <br>Please join the official City of Falador clan chat at Falador RP! <br> <br>New Falador Role playing cc! J'oin the cc Falador RP!
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10-Jul-2010 02:21:16
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 16:18:45 by Tztok-Colo
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============-Rules-============= <br> <br>1) All Jagex rules apply, no exceptions! <br> <br>2)Asking for a rank will not do anything, it won't get you a rank, nor lower your chances of receiving one. <br> <br>3)No godmodding, and no overpowering. <br> <br>4)No metagaming, things that will happen will remain a surprise for all of us, including me. <br> <br>5)If i grant someone moderator privilages (rank of General) in the clan, please respect them. <br> <br>6)Clan moderators - Please do not kick for any random reason because if i find out, I'll kick you. <br> <br>7)Try to limit curse words <br> <br>8)Try to limit out of term speaking, don't say something that doesn't relate to the story at hand too often. If you really need to say something, please add double parentheses to your sentence. Example - ((okay so what do I need to do)) <br> <br>9)I will accept PG rated material in this role play. Nothing too bad please.
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