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17-May-2006 03:11:49
<br/>Last edited on 20-Jun-2010 22:00:36 by Braden657
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Hey, I am Braden657, a good friend of a person named acolyte88. She created a marvelous and unbelievable (in both uses of the word, due to runescape changing so much since this time) called 'something you shouldnt read', which I helped to partly co-write. She started the first post nearly 61 months ago. Sadly she quit Rs about 59 months ago. She has graciously given myself 100% permission to use and repost this story. So I took the liberty to bump the thread nearly every day. THE ORIGINAL THREAD HAS BEEN OFF THE FORUMS FOR MANY MONTHS (OVER 56). My friends and I (whom I owe complete credit to for this story's overwhelmingly long existence) who admire this story decided the best thing we could do was to copy and paste the story onto a second thread, which is what you are now viewing. <br>So thank you and I hope you enjoy this as much as I do &lt;3 <br> <br> <br>__________________ <br> <br>\FAQ'S <br> <br>Is this story true? <br>No <br> <br>Did you write the story? <br>Acolyte88 wrote most of the story, I helped to give suggestions and partly co-write it. I also edited the story (grammar, spelling, punctuation). <br>I now have the full permission to use this story, as given to me by Acolyte88 <br> <br>Does acolyte88 still play? <br>No, she quit <br> <br>Is there really a clan called the rogues of arrav? <br>Yes, well there was at some point in 2006 <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Is acolyte a boy or girl? <br>Girl <br> <br>Are you (braden657) a boy or girl? <br>Boy <br> <br>Can I add you on runescape? <br>Sure, I'm always happy to talk to anyone who reads the story, I always keep my private switched to online so give me a message :] <br> <br> <br>~~~ also ~~~ <br>A HUGE THANKS TO NPINKPANTHER, TOXIC78 and everybody else who has made sure this thread is not taken off the forums by the page 51 monster. Without your hard work, this story would no longer be able to be read by the users of the forums. <br> <br> <br>vvv <br> <br>the following is EXACTLY how the story was in its final form before Acolyte88 quit editing and adding on to it.
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17-May-2006 03:12:48
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jan-2010 08:57:05 by Braden657
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Acolyte88 <br> <br> 06-Sep-2005 23:28:29 <br> <br>This is the story about a noob who hacked a level 120 with a total level of 1800 and doesnt know anything about runescape, and plays on the level 120s account for 30 days. However, after selling all the level 120's items and giving away the money, the hacker realizes that this is wrong and has less than 30 days to get all his stuff back Account name {double oh 7} <br> <br>The hacker, having recently hacked double o 7, decides to try out his account. he logs in with the pass and, whoa, he cant. He has to log in a member world, so he does, and ends up in seers vilage outside of the bank. With full dragon and a yellow party hat and legends cape, the hacker thinks these items look cool and wants some money.
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17-May-2006 03:13:17
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he quickly shouts: &quot;selling yellow crown, 100000 gp! <br>several people attempt to trade with him. and he eventually gives to a guy named haharof17. He feels proud that he earned 100 grand so quickly. And walks around the town, heading north. <br> <br>The hacker notices strange vials filled with a bland liquid and examines it. &quot;Prayer potions (3)&quot; he reads. The hacker accidently drinks all of the potions and drops the vials on the floor
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17-May-2006 03:13:47
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hmm, whats there to do in this game, thinks the hacker, he quickly messages one of his friends, and after a while, his friend knows hes been hacked. So the hacker puts him on his ignore list and examines the ring he was wearing. <br> <br>&quot;Duel ring&quot; hmm, whats that? <br> <br>The hacker rubs it and goes to the al kharid duel arena, where several levl 100s and 110s are challenging each other. one of them, called lotr2000 challenges the hacker to a duel. He accepts, and bets all of his runes in his inventory, about 4000 blood runes, and the other guy bets full sara. lotr2000 decides the rules and they fight <br> Acolyte88 <br> <br> 06-Sep-2005 23:37:53 <br>Last edited on 09-Sep-2005 02:05:51 by Acolyte88 <br>the hacker, not knowing what hes doing, starts clicking on another guy, who is level 65, named funny bunny3. 'what are you doing?' askes the level 65, youre supposed to be attacking a guy with an arrow over his head. <br> <br>And sure enough, the level 110 named lotr2000 had an arrow on his head and was shooting strange balls of fire and numbers would appear on double o 7. <br> <br>The hacker quickly clicked on the level 110, and he had some kind of whip. He sat back and watched as the other guy suddenly had a sword appear over his head. How strange, thought the hacker
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17-May-2006 03:14:34
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several players, awed by double o 7s level, fire him with questions <br> <br>Where did you get that full dragon? <br>the hacker responds: &quot;uhh... the black temple, after i fought the bone dragon&quot; <br> <br>How much money do you have? <br>the hacker responds &quot;1000000&quot; <br> <br>Thats it? <br>&quot;What? uhh... no, of course not, what do you think i am stupid?&quot; <br> <br>Add me. says one of the players <br>Add you what?&quot; responds the hacker. <br> <br>The hacker, thinking this is like halo 2, decides to use some slang. <br> <br>&quot;wh4t fr33lo4d3rz 4sk5 th0s3 k1nd 0f q's&quot; (well not exactly halo 2 slang
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17-May-2006 03:14:57
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the other players ponder his question aloud <br> <br>?????? they say
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17-May-2006 03:15:21
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so then the game begins, he is trapped in a room with dozens of other players and asks one of them, &quot;where is everyone going?&quot;, the player, who is level 89 responds, &quot;ha ha, very funny,&quot; and heads out the portal. The hacker goes out of the portal too and eventually makes his way into the center float in the river. He see rows and rows of people killing each other in a turn based battle, but no one seems to be attacking him. Then a loud sound blares on the hackers computer and he sees his character frozen. <br> <br>&quot;Who did it?&quot; said double o 7 <br>&quot;me,&quot; a levle 103 answers with strange spear thingy and dark robes. He raises the spear thing again and double o 7 freezes again. <br>&quot;[censored]&quot; shouts double o 7 <br>after 6 more hits, double o 7 arches and falls dead
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17-May-2006 03:16:11
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&quot;o [censored], i died already! what a waste of haking&quot; says the hacker. <br> <br>But double o 7s body is fine, just back in the room with the first aid packs. Decding that he didnt want to die again, the hacker grabs an inventory full of packs and heads out the door. <br> <br>The hacker quickly realizes that this is a powerful account and can massacre severals players with a certain ease. Few poeple dare attack double o 7 <br> <br>Then suddenly, the game finishs and the kill cound below says: 11 Two tickets appeared in his inventory. <br> <br>The hacker tried to enter and play again, becuase he thought it was rather fun. but he cant! its says he cannot take non combat items into the arena!
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17-May-2006 03:16:57
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&quot;i earned these tickets, even though i didnt earn this account.&quot; &quot;where should i put them?&quot; <br> <br>The hacker walks around the room and eventually finds an option: {use bank chest} he uses it... <br> <br>And suddenly a window appears with at least 100 items inside appears. Armor sets, keys, runes, food, robes, amu <br>lets, you name it. The hacker decides he'll play with this stuff later, after he finishes that castlwars game again.
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17-May-2006 03:17:25
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Time until next game starts: 2 <br> <br>the hacker observes the text on the screen. 2 minutes, thats not so bad. <br> <br>So then the game starts, and the hacker goes once again and kills at least a dozen people before dying then he takes a good look at the score. <br> <br>Saradomin:4 Zamorak:6 <br> <br>&quot;What does that mean?&quot; he asks. <br> <br>Bewildered, the hacker explores all around the castle. Finally he gets to the top level and sees at least 6 or 7 people guarding a blue flag with a star on it. Then suddenly a man with a red flag appears and goes to the blue flag. the red flag disappears and saradomin score changes to 5. <br> <br>other people shout: <br>&quot;W00t!&quot; <br>&quot;we captured it&quot; <br>&quot;suack on that you zammy freaks&quot; <br>&quot;i call the flag this time&quot;
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