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29-May-2010 14:48:19
<br/>Last edited on 29-May-2010 21:55:01 by Jedi<64>Donald2
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Post 2 <br> <br><EFBFBD> Company Welcome <20> <br> <br>Welcome to the Ultimate Mining and Smithing Branch. Our Employees will be glad to help you in anyway possible. If you see problems, please contact NAH225 in-game, or make a post and please patiently wait for my reply. <br> <br>Our Employees keep every GP that they make. This Company does not take any of it. This Company is simply to help other people get the resources they want, make new friends, and earn experience. We don<6F>t collect fees for being in this Company either. <br> <br>Every Employee of the Ultimate Branches is very friendly and will work their hardest for our Customers, and will try their very best to get whatever Ores or Bars you may need when you need them. <br> <br>If you have any specific questions not mentioned in this thread, then please join the Company Clan Chat (Ultimate Co) at any time for any help you may require. I will always be in there whenever I am on, and it should also have some Employees in it. If you can<61>t find anyone in there, then please just post your questions on this Thread, and someone will answer them right away. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Information <20> <br> <br><EFBFBD> The Ultimate Mining and Smithing is <20> and <20> as of May, 2010. Any unauthorized publishing won't be tolerated and will immediately be reported. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Company Clan Chat <20> Ultimate Co <br> <br><EFBFBD> Currently Hiring! <br> <br><EFBFBD> Accepting Order Applications! <br> <br><EFBFBD> Now Accepting Gem Orders!
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29-May-2010 14:48:35
<br/>Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 08:58:54 by Jedi<64>Donald2
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Post 3 - Table of Contents <br> <br><EFBFBD> Page 1 <20> <br> <br>Post <20> 1: Branch Logo <br>Post <20> 2: Company Welcome and Info <br>Post * 3: Table of Contents <br>Post <20> 4: Company Branches/History <br>Post <20> 5: Orders Post <br>Post <20> 6: Sponsorship <br>Post <20> 7: Employee List <br>Post <20> 8: Employee List <20> Continued <br>Post <20> 9: Employee of the Month <br>Post <20> 10: All Formats <br> <br><EFBFBD> Page 2 <20> <br> <br>Post <20> 11: All Rules <br>Post <20> 12: Employee Guide <br>Post <20> 13: Employee Roles <br>Post <20> 14: Employee Roles <20> Continued <br>Post <20> 15: Employee Applications <br>Post <20> 16: Buyers Guide <br>Post <20> 17: Customer Applications <br>Post <20> 18: Completed Orders <br>Post <20> 19: Basic Items we sell <br>Post <20> 20: Employee Stocks <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Page 3 <20> <br> <br>Post <20> 21: V.I.B. Center <br>Post <20> 22: Employee Achievements and Goals <br>Post <20> 23: Company and Branch Meeting and Events <br>Post <20> 24: Ideas or Problems <br>Post <20> 25: Banned Customer's <br>Post <20> 26: Reserved <br>Post <20> 27: Reserved <br>Post <20> 28: Reserved <br>Post <20> 29: Reserved <br>Post * 30: Reserved
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29-May-2010 14:48:47
<br/>Last edited on 30-May-2010 12:33:04 by Jedi<64>Donald2
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Post 4 <br> <br><EFBFBD> Company Branches <20> <br> <br>Please give our Branches a visit for any Orders you may require, everyone in the Ultimate Company would appreciate it if you would check out our other Branches. Thanks for choosing The Ultimate Company! <br> <br> <br>- The Ultimate Company <20> CEO - NAH225 (QFC:201-202-447-60992819) <br>- Ultimate RuneCrafting <20> CEO - Da Emmy (QFC:37-38-896-60951397) <br>- Ultimate Woodcutting &amp; Fletch <20> CEO - Greg5640 (QFC:31-32-850-60978268) <br> <br><EFBFBD> Company History <20> <br> <br><EFBFBD> May 8th, 2010 Ultimate Mining and Smithing Opens! <br><EFBFBD> May 9th, 2010 Ultimate RuneCrafting Opens! <br><EFBFBD> May 15th, 2010 Ultimate Woodcutting &amp; Fletch Opens! <br><EFBFBD> May 18th, 2010 The Ultimate Company Opens! <br><EFBFBD> May 27th, 2010 Ultimate Mining and Smithing isn't accepting any more orders for a while. <br><EFBFBD> May 29th, 2010 Jedi Donald2 has made a new Thread for the Mining and Smithing Branch <br><EFBFBD>
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29-May-2010 14:49:05
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 21:49:16 by Jedi<64>Donald2
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Post 5 - Orders Post <br> <br>(updated on 10/7/10 21:49 bst) <br> <br><EFBFBD> Open Orders <20> <br>* Zen*ry- 7k iron bars <br>* FlyinLife- 1.5k mith ore <br>* Chronic110- 5k bronze bar <br>* Nah225- 5k iron ore <br>* card board95 - 1k addy <br>* card board95 - 6k coal <br>* Dumbumclum - 4k coal <br>* Dumbumclum - 1k mithril ore <br> <br><EFBFBD> Taken Orders <20> <br><EFBFBD> NAH225 - 600 Iron Ores - Pickaxerage2 <br>* Dman- 8k coal- reaven <br>* NAH225- 5k gold ore- sir jerry 74 <br>* NAH225- 5k gold ore- Peaches <br>* No Air22 - 500 Opal - Jbeat12 <br>* Reaven10- 3k iron ore- Brian Catly <br>* Dreamerhope - 5k Iron ore - Salvation UK <br>* Dvarf7777777- 1k addy ore-Peaches <br>* Ch3m1c4lzz-1k tin ore-Flare mage49-1-3 days <br>* Kees jan-5k iron ore-x rng u x-asap <br> <br><EFBFBD> Ready Orders <20> <br>* GrabbenPillz - 1.5k Mith Ore - Sir Jerry74 <br>* Dreamerhope &gt; 3k steel bars &gt; Dman <br>* Nah225- 5k iron ore-jasonredwing <br>* Quake3master- 500 addy ore- jasonredwing <br>* Kees Jan-5k coal-flare mage49-1 day <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Permanent Orders <20> <br><EFBFBD> Mage Zim - 2500 Adamantite Ore - 100 at a time <20> 2200 done <br><EFBFBD> Libozal - 50k Gold Bar - 10k at a time <20> 25k done <br>* xMr Wiggles- 10k addy arowtips- 5k at a time <br>* Zapawaf- 30k Adamantite Bars - 500-1k at a time* 1k done <br>* Jupiter172- Runite ore- 250 at a time <br>* Dvarf7777777- 1k addy ore <br>* N d n- 50k addy med helms a week <br>* Bladz25- 20k clay- 1k done <br>* Quake3master- 3k addy ore <br>* IIIl lII IIl - 14k iron <br>* Kaiser4030 - 10k iron <br>* Kaiser4030 - 20k coal <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Ready Perm Orders <20> <br> <br>* Zapawaf- 3.5k Adamantite Bars- Dmanstasiu <br>* Jupiter172- 250 Runite ore- Peaches <br>* IIIl lII IIl - 28k coal - haha sacktap <br> <br> <br>To claim any Order or part of a Permanent Order please use this format: <br> <br>Customer Name - Order - Your Name - How long
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29-May-2010 14:49:27
<br/>Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 08:56:40 by Jedi<64>Donald2
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Post 6 - Sponsorship Information <br> <br>If you would like The Ultimate Company to Sponsor your thread, then you will need to fill out the Application below. Being Sponsored by This Company will give you a lot of benefits that we only give to Threads that we Sponsor. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Sponsorship Application <20> <br> <br>1 <20> Thread Name: <br>2 <20> When was your Thread created: <br>3 <20> What does this Thread offer: <br>4 <20> Thread QFC: <br>5 <20> How many members does your thread have: <br>6 <20> Would you like us to Inspect your Thread: <br> <br><EFBFBD> Sponsorship Benefits <20> <br> <br><EFBFBD> We will advertise your Thread <br><EFBFBD> We will help out your thread when needed <br><EFBFBD> Regular Bumps for your Thread <br><EFBFBD> People in your Thread can attend Company Events <br><EFBFBD> We will Inspect your Thread (optional) <br> <br><EFBFBD> Sponsorship Logo <20> <br> <br>When your Sponsorship Application has been accepted, Please put this on the first or second post of your First Page. <br> <br><EFBFBD>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C><>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C><>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C> <br>..,<2C><>'<27>*<2A><>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C>*<2A>,<2C><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.;;;::::.....Sponsored by.....::::;;;.<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>,<2C>*<2A>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C><>*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>,.. <br>..<2E>,<2C><>,<2C>..,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C>*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>*<2A>he Ultimate Company*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>*<2A>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,..<2E>,<2C><>,<2C>.. <br>;;;::......<2E>,<2C><>,<2C>.<2E><>*<2A>,<2C>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C>,<2C>*<2A><><EFBFBD>*<2A>,.<2E>.,<2C>*<2A><><EFBFBD>*<2A>,<2C>,<2C>*<2A>*<2A>,<2C>,<2C>*<2A><> .<2E>,<2C><>,<2C>......::;;; <br> <br>You may use this also if you would like to use less room. <br> <br><EFBFBD>,.<2E><>*<2A>'`<60><><EFBFBD>'<27>*<2A><>.,<2C><><EFBFBD>'<27>*<2A><>.,<2C>`*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>*<2A> <20>p<EFBFBD><70><EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>d by `*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>*<2A><>,.<2E><>*<2A>'`<60><>,.<2E><>*<2A>'`<60><><EFBFBD>'<27>*<2A><>.,<2C> <br><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>'<27>*<2A><>., `<60>,<2C><>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,.<2E><>*<2A>'`<60><>,<2C><>*`<60><>*<2A><>,<2C> Th<54> Ult<6C>m<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD> <20><>mp<6D><70>y <20>,<2C><>*`<60><>*<2A><>,<2C><><EFBFBD>'<27>*<2A><>.,<2C>`<60>,<2C><>,<2C><><EFBFBD>,.<2E><>*<2A>'`<60>
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29-May-2010 14:49:43
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 07:42:20 by Jedi<64>Donald2
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Post 7 - Employee List <br> <br><EFBFBD> Founder of The Ultimate Company <20> <br>- NAH225 <br> <br><EFBFBD> Board of Directors <20> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Owner of The Ultimate Company <20> <br>- NAH225 <br> <br><EFBFBD> CEO <20> <br>- Jedi Donald2 - P2P <br> <br><EFBFBD> Assistant CEO <20> <br>- Jasonredwing - F2P <br> <br><EFBFBD> Manager <20> <br>- haha sacktap <br> <br><EFBFBD> Assistant Manager <20> <br>- flare mage49 <br>- <br> <br>* Ultimate Worker <20> <br>- Peaches623 <br> <br><EFBFBD> Head Miner <20> <br>- Hotchicky181 - F2P <br> <br><EFBFBD> Head Smither <20> <br> <br> <br>* Thread Manager <20> <br>- jedi Donald2 <20> P2P <br> <br><EFBFBD> Thread Assistant <20> <br>- Quake3master - F2P <br>- <br> <br>* Events Manager <20> <br>- Bballman463 <br> <br>* P2P Employees <20> <br>- Epicmonkeyz <br>- Peaches623 <br>- Dan Man218 <br>- Night Swordz <br>- ProAtMining <br>- Beastlyjad3 <br>- Sir Jerry74 <br>- WildChild666 <br>- 99Frost <br>- Jbeat12 <br>- Treason <br>- da emmy <br>- Snake7565 <br>- Reaven10 <br>- rimney1 <br>- Chr0mef1re <br>- Mageryan8 <br>- 1800-RsGuide <br>- tallystwinki <br>- Shepardtalon <br>- Robuk88 <br>- Charbelcher <br>- 0mg itz meh <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> F2P Employees <20> <br>- Mr-A-Tank <br>- Frack 65 23 * <br>- GruntSully * <br>- Carpenter890 * <br>- Demonethes1 *** <br>- Miningisdead <br>- Teapot5 <br>- Reaven10 <br>- askme44 <br>- angle d2 <br>- Da Roostra69 <br>- Salvation UK <br>- Exode713 <br>- Demonethes1 <br>- FlyinLife <br>- deathmage925 <br>- 3ntrepenuer <br>- itz teh mine <br>- Bobie Jo Jo <br>- Nleifeld10 <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Idle List <20> <br>- Skiller Crux - P2P <br>- <br>- <br>- <br>Note: If you are an Employee, then you will remain a smiley face in the Company Clan Chat until you have completed 3 Orders. After which, you will be promoted to Recruit. For more information on ranks and how you can be promoted look at the Employee guide.
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29-May-2010 14:49:56
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Post 8 <br> <br><EFBFBD> Employee List <20> Continued <20> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Reserved
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29-May-2010 14:50:08
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Post 9 <br> <br><EFBFBD> Employee of the Month <20> (EOTM) <br> <br><EFBFBD> May 2010 <20> Peaches623 <br><EFBFBD> June 2010 <20> <br><EFBFBD> July 2010 <20> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Voting Rules for EOTM <20> <br> <br>1 <20> You must either be an Employee, or a V.I.B. <br>2 <20> You get 3 Votes and they can't be for the same person. <br>3 <20> You must post your votes after the event is posted stating the EOTM vote has started. <br>4 <20> The winner will be temporarily promoted to Ultimate Worker, and will receive all of that roles benefits. <br> <br>As EOTM, you receive a bunch of extra benefits that you would normally not have. As EOTM you may accept or decline Orders if you like. You are also the Ultimate Worker and receive all of that ranks benefits. You will temporarily be a higher rank in the Company Clan Chat. For more information about the Ultimate Worker and their abilities, read the Ultimate Worker roles on the Employees Roles part of this thread.
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29-May-2010 14:50:21
<br/>Last edited on 30-May-2010 13:46:53 by Jedi<64>Donald2
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Post 10 - All Formats <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Accepting a Job Application <20> <br> <br>Congratulations _____, you are approved and you are a member of the Ultimate Mining and Smithing, as well as The Ultimate Company. You may now take open Orders to try to improve your rank by being promoted. The more Orders you complete, the higher chance you have of being promoted. Welcome to the Company. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Declining a Job/Promotion Application <20> <br> <br>I'm sorry _____, but your Application has been denied. The reason it has been denied is _____. Please fix this problem then try re-applying again. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Firing an Employee <20> <br> <br>I'm very sorry _____, but you have been fired. You are fired because _____. Please know that this Company doesn't tolerate this and you may re-apply later if you like. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Accepting an Order Application <20> <br> <br>Thank You _____ for Ordering from this Company. Your Order will be added to the front page shortly. Please check up on the status of your Order to see how it's going. You can also check on the status of your Order by joining the Company Clan Chat and asking someone in there. Please be patient as someone completes your Order. Hope to see you again. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Declining an Order Application <20> <br> <br>I'm very sorry _____, but your Order application has been declined because _____. Please fix this problem then try re-Ordering later. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Accepting a Promotion Application <20> <br> <br>Congratulations _____, I'm proud to say that your Application has been approved, and you are now a(n) _____. Please try to keep up to date with your new rank and do your best. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Claiming an Order (after it has been accepted) <20> <br> <br>Customer Name - Order - Your Name - How long
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