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26-May-2010 21:59:10
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 21:12:57 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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<EFBFBD>Welcome to the Rage Unleashed Recruitment Thread!<21> <br> <br><EFBFBD>Currently recruiting for strong leadership roles, to help run the Clan<61> <br>_____________________________________ <br> <br>This is a remake of a Clan which died out about a year due to inactive leaders, but we're back now, and hopefully will be even stronger than before! <br>_____________________________________ <br> <br><EFBFBD>We welcome you to our thread, and hope that you consider joining our clan. We are a small friendly Clan which does a variety of different activities; from Stealing Creation, Fishing Trawler and Great Orb Project to God Wars Dungeon, King Black Dragon and Dungeoneering. <br>We aim to host at least 1 scheduled event, like these, a day. <br> <br><EFBFBD>We are currently a GMT based Clan; please consider if GMT is the best for you. We are happy to recruit players from places such as USA and Australia, but we do not currently run events for other timezones - events will be held at evening forum time only. <br>We're open to strong candidates who wish to expand the Clan for other timezones though. <br> <br><EFBFBD>We are currently a 100+ combat level events clan <br>We will accept any players with level 90+ combat who wish to join Rage Unleashed, in hope that they will soon reach level 100 combat. <br> <br><EFBFBD>We are an active warring clan - if you wish to war Rage Unleashed, please fill out the correct application form which as been posted below. Please be aware we are a new Clan though, so more experienced clans may be declined. <br>We are also looking for allies to do events and wars with. <br>__________________________ <br> <br><EFBFBD>Clan chat: Ru Home <br><EFBFBD>Homeworld: 84 <br>__________________________
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26-May-2010 21:59:22
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jun-2010 13:32:50 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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========================================================== <br>----------------------------------------<2D>-Rage Unleashed-<2D>---------------------------------- <br>=========================================================== <br> <br>Post 1 - Introduction <br>Post 2 - Contents <br>Post 3 - Clan rules <br>Post 4 - Recruit application <br>Post 5 - Timezone chart <br>Post 6 - How to gain ranks <br>Post 7 - Clan Advert <br>Post 8 - Wars and alliances <br>Post 9 - Events Schedule <br>Post 10 - Recent News <br>Post 11 - Acceptance Letter <br>Post 12 - Memberslist
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26-May-2010 21:59:28
<br/>Last edited on 26-May-2010 22:14:32 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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=========== <br>-<2D>- Rules -<2D>- <br>=========== <br> <br>1. Please respect all Members and please respect Ranks. Banter between players is allowed but please remember if they ask you to stop, please stop - failure to do so will result in further action. <br> <br>2. All Jagex Rules Apply. We do not encourage rule breakers. <br> <br>3. Please Bump the Clan's Thread as regularly as possible, however, please be sensible when bumping - bumping too much is considered spam. <br> <br>4. Please Attend as many Events as possible - we appreciate that players have a life outside of Runescape but we expect players to attend at least one event a week. <br> <br>5. Please do not join multiple Clans. <br> <br>6. No Flaming - either on the thread or on the Clan Chat, this is considered as spam. This includes rival Clan chats and threads. <br> <br>7. We ask that if a Clan Member dies to Bless their Grave if at all possible. <br> <br>8. Be in Clan Chat whenever you can - Failure to do so and you will be deemed as inactive, this will most likely result in being expelled from the clan. <br> <br>9. Please respect other people's opinions, you may not necessarily agree with them but please be courteous. Please act politely at all times. <br> <br>10. You may invite friends into the Clan Chat but please inform us of it. Please also respect that this is a Clan Chat and not a party chat. We encourage you to get as many of your friends involved with the clan as possible. <br>__________________________________ <br> <br>We will generally follow a '3-strike' system with rule breakers. This means you will have 2 warnings from high ranked members before further action will be taken. This does not mean you may break rules twice, we see rule breaking as a serious offence. <br> <br>Please also note that if you find you're being kicked by a high ranked member for nothing or what appears to be in the rules, or you're being abused, to contact another member of the clan such as myself. We will deal with everything accordingly - hopefully this will never happen.
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26-May-2010 21:59:33
<br/>Last edited on 19-Jun-2010 00:45:36 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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-==\<5C>/== Recruitment Application ==\<5C>/==-- <br><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <br>PLEASE READ BEFORE APPLYING <br> <br>We are a 100+ combat clan, but we will accept any player with the right attitude. Players with 100+ combat will take priority, and only players with 100+ combat (with exceptions) will be able to participate in Wars. Players with lower combat levels may also find that they cannot take part in a few high levelled events, such as Godwars Dungeon. <br> <br>It is also desired that you have a good friendly attitude, and a yearn to bring something positive to the clan's community. Some warring and general Runescape knowledge is preferred but not necessary. Players must also be able to make 5-10PM GMT timed events. <br>New recruits will initially be given the friend rank; they will only be ranked as a recruit once they have completed their first event. <br>________________________ <br> <br>Please copy and paste this application form into a new post and fill out. <br> <br>User name: <br> <br>Combat Level : <br> <br>Attack level : <br> <br>Strength level : <br> <br>Defence level : <br> <br>Hitpoints level: <br> <br>Magic level : <br> <br>Range level : <br> <br>Prayer level: <br> <br>Summoning level : <br> <br>Highest level : <br> <br>Total level : <br> <br>Can you use Ancient magic? <br>Can you use Lunar magic? <br> <br>What time zone are you in? <br> <br>How did you find out about Rage Unleashed? (If a member of this clan recruited you please state their username)? <br> <br>Have you had any experience with Clans in the past? <br> <br>Any Other Information?
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26-May-2010 21:59:38
<br/>Last edited on 26-May-2010 22:30:47 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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--==\<5C>/== Time Zone Conversion Chart ==\<5C>/==-- <br><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <br>Rage Unleashed is a GMT based clan (forum time), so if you are not GMT then please check here for help with the times events are held at. <br> <br>GMT -12 International Date Line West <br> <br>GMT -11 Midway Island, Samoa <br> <br>GMT -10 Hawaii <br> <br>GMT -9 Alaska <br> <br>GMT -8 Pacific Time ; Tijuana <br> <br>GMT -7 Mountain Time ; Chihuahua, Mazatlan, Arizona <br> <br>GMT -6 Central Time ; Guadalajara, Mexico City, Saskatchewan, Monterrey <br> <br>GMT -5 Eastern Time ; Bogota, Lima, Quito, <br>Indiana (East) <br> <br>GMT -4 Atlantic Time ; Caracas, Santiago <br> <br>GMT -3:30 Newfoundland <br> <br>GMT -3 Brasilia; Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Greenland <br> <br>GMT -2 Mid-Atlantic <br> <br>GMT -1 Azores, Cape Verde Islands <br> <br>=GMT= - Greenwich Mean Time; Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, <br>London, Casablanca <br> <br>GMT +1 Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna, <br>Budapest, Prague, Brussles, Copenhagen, <br>Madrid, Paris, Sarajevo, Warsaw, West Central Africa <br> <br>GMT +2 Athens, Beriut, Istanbul, Minsk, Bucharest, Cairo, Helsinki, Jerusalem <br> <br>GMT +3 Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi <br> <br>GMT +4 UAE, Muscat, Baku, Tbilsi, Yerevan <br> <br>GMT +5 Islamabad, Karachi, Taskent, Kabul <br> <br>GMT +6 Almaty, Novosibirsk, Khaka, Sri Jayawardenepura,Kathmandu <br> <br>GMT +7 Hanoi, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk, Rangoon <br> <br>GMT +8 Beijing, Chongqing, Urumqi, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore <br> <br>GMT +9 Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Seoul <br> <br>GMT +10 Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Darwin <br> <br>GMT +11 Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia <br> <br>GMT +12 Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshal Islands <br> <br>GMT +13 Nuku'alofa
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26-May-2010 21:59:46
<br/>Last edited on 26-May-2010 22:39:32 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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How to gain Ranks: <br> <br>Bump! <br>- Bump our fine looking thread a couple of times a day and you will be rewarded. We dont look the other way when people work for the clan. <br> <br>Attend events <br>- Events are a big part of the fun of a clan. We ask that recruits attend at least one event per week. We appreciate that some people can't play Runescape that often. However, theres no cap to the amount of events you can do a week. The more events you attend, the more noticed you will become. <br> <br>Manners <br>- Manners in general are the keystone to any good clan. Being excessivly rude will not be tolerated. Being polite at all times makes a nice friendly atmosphere, and will also give us a good reputation so we can become even stronger. <br> <br>Stay in the Clan Chat when at all Possible <br>- This makes the clan more enjoyable for everyone. It helps us to get to know each other, and create a more friendly close community. You don't have to be in the clanchat all the time, but if you're not, it would be nice if you let us know you won't be and why.
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26-May-2010 21:59:51
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 20:55:37 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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Please invite players into the Clan, by pasting this template into Threads posted on the 'Looking for a Clan' Forum. <br>This will be much appreciated! It will also gain you ranks! <br>*DO NOT COPY ABOVE THE LINE* <br>___________________________ <br> <br><EFBFBD>Rage Unleashed invites You!<21> <br> <br>Rage Unleashed is a friendly events Clan. We are a GMT based clan, which means we hold our events based on the time in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain and Portugal. However, do not let this stop you from joining - we accept people from all around the world! <br> <br><EFBFBD> So what events do we do? <20> <br>Rage Unleashed holds a massive range of different events to suit everybody. From God Wars Dungeon to the King Black Dragon, from Dungeoneering to Castle Wars. It doesn't just stop at Combat related events, we also do many skilling events for all you keen Skillers out there, such as the Agility Pyramid and Pyramid Plunder. We also different events, such as Bronze-Zamorak Godwars Dungeon! If this wasn't enough, Rage Unleashed is a warring Clan. <br> <br><EFBFBD> What if i don't have quite have the requirement of 100 Combat? <20> <br>Rage Unleashed is currently a 100+ P2P Combat Clan, this includes summoning. However, we allow recruits of 90+ combat level in hopes that they will soon achieve level 100 combat, providing they have the right attitude. Level 90-100 combat recruits, with some exceptions, will not be able to war and will take second priority to 100+ recruits. <br> <br>We are currently a new Clan, and so are looking for strong dedicated leadership roles within the Clan. Please contact us if you wish to apply for a leadership role. <br> <br>If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask. <br>You can contact us in the following ways: <br> <br><EFBFBD>Clan Chat: &quot;Ru Home&quot; <br> <br><EFBFBD>Leader: Vanilla Sky <br> <br><EFBFBD>Quick find code: 92-93-181-61031695 <br> <br><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> We hope to welcome you into our clan very soon! <20><><EFBFBD>
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26-May-2010 22:00:05
<br/>Last edited on 04-Jul-2010 20:10:26 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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-- <20>|<7C> -- Alliance Application -- <20>|<7C> -- <br><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <br>Clan Name: <br>QFC: <br>Leader(s): <br>How many members does your clan have: <br>How old is your clan?: <br>Why would you like to ally with Rage Unleashed?: <br> <br>-- <20>|<7C> -- War Application -- <20>|<7C> -- <br><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <br>Clan name: <br>Requirements: <br>Number of members: <br>Suggest when: <br>Special conditions: <br>Thread QFC(if possible): <br> <br>-- <20>|<7C> -- War Records -- <20>|<7C> -- <br>Wins: 0 <br>Losses: 0 <br>Draws: 0
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26-May-2010 22:00:10
<br/>Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 20:48:21 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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========================================================== <br>----------------------------------------<2D>-Events Schedule-<2D>---------------------------------- <br>=========================================================== <br> <br>For Week beginning 12th July: <br> <br>Monday 12th July <br>- Soul Wars - <br>Time : 7PM BST <br>World : TBA <br>Notes : Good combat equipment is highly recommended. <br> <br>Tuesday 13th July <br>- Giant Mole - <br>Time : 7.30PM BST <br>World : 84 <br>Notes : You will need a lantern, a tinderbox and a spade. The mole is weak to stab and ranged attacks. A terrorbird with scrolls is recommended. <br> <br>Wednesday 14th July <br>- Fishing Trawler - <br>Time : 6PM BST <br>World : 84 <br>Notes : You only need around 10k coins to buy plenty of supplies for the trawler. <br> <br>Thursday 15th July <br>- Castle Wars - <br>Time : 7PM BST <br>World : 6 <br>Notes : Good combat equipment is recommended, with different combat styles. <br> <br>Friday 16th July <br>- Zamorak Godwars Dungeon - <br>Time : 7.30PM BST <br>World : TBA <br>Notes : Please watch a guide if you're unsure about this boss, as it is very dangerous here. <br> <br>Saturday 17th July <br>- Fight Pits - <br>Time : 5PM BST <br>World : 84 <br>Notes : This is a safe minigame. Good combat equipment and skills are required to win. <br> <br>Sunday 18th July <br>- Barbarian Assault - <br>Time : 6PM <br>World : 6 <br>Notes : We will split up equally.
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26-May-2010 22:00:15
<br/>Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 01:27:02 by Vanilla<6C>Sky
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========================================================== <br>----------------------------------------<2D>-Recent News-*---------------------------------- <br>=========================================================== <br> <br><EFBFBD> 11th July <br> <br>I will be starting EST timed events for next week for our american members. This will not affect our usual BST timed events in any way <br> <br><EFBFBD> 10th July <br> <br>Rage Unleashed will no longer accept players with less than 90 combat <br> <br>* 1st July <br> <br>Rage Unleashed has joined the Reaver's trimumvirate team, look out for triumvirate events in the near future. <br> <br><EFBFBD> 28th June <br> <br>Rage Unleashed has made an alliance with Abyssal Faction <br> <br>* 9th June <br> <br>We are now part of the Flying Kackler's union. <br>Hopefully we will be seeing some union events in the near future <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br>Quick find code: 93-94-647-61086427 <br> <br><EFBFBD> 4th June <br> <br>I'm changing one of the Clan policies, however this will not really affect any existing members. <br> <br>Before, new recruits have been ranked recruit straight away. I am changing this, so new recruits will be giving the friend rank instead. They will then be promoted to recruit once they have completed their first event. <br>This is only a small change, but hopefully it will make a difference. It will allow us to see who new members are more easily, and it will give us an indication of who is active. <br> <br>This will come into effect next week.
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