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01-Jul-2010 14:18:13
<br/>Last edited on 06-Jul-2010 18:25:18 by ZarosDivine
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Hi this is my thread about the Upcoming treasure trail rewards. <br> <br>This is about any new rewards added about the old rewards and how it will effect them. <br> <br>If you are a Jmod reading this POST! <br>Just give us a little clue about the unconfirmed items so I could add some to the confirmed list. <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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01-Jul-2010 14:18:20
<br/>Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 14:20:22 by ZarosDivine
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Quoth from the BtS July 2010: <br> <br>Our final update this month starts with a rework of our old treasure trails. We wanted to make sure that players felt more rewarded for doing every treasure trail and not just rely on blind luck to get a treasure trail-only reward or cool pieces of costume. So we<77>ve changed all of the existing trails to ensure that you<6F>ll always get a unique, trail-specific reward every time you open the reward casket at the end! Naturally, to achieve this, we needed to add a plethora of new rewards and challenges, so this update will also introduce a brand new set of treasure trails <20> called the elite treasure trails <20> and new rewards. <br> <br>These trails (dropped only by high-level boss monsters like the Skeletal Horror and Bork) introduce a new puzzle known as the celtic knot. These knot puzzles are similar in style to the sliding tile puzzles, but with a whole new set of challenges to solve them. You may also be asked to fight a Guthix wizard while searching for the 150+ new rewards, many of which have been added to the existing trails in the game. Look out for dragon masks, 3rd Age prayer gear, holy ranger gear, treasure trail-specific familiars and animal staves to name just a few.
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01-Jul-2010 14:18:22
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 14:53:07 by ZarosDivine
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What's new? <br> <br>Items that could be a possible reward: <br> <br>Confirmed: <br>- dragon masks <br>- 3rd Age prayer gear <br>- holy ranger gear <br>- treasure trail-specific familiars <br>- animal staves <br> <br>Unconfirmed(but suspected): See next post it's too much for this post <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Wanted(could be a clue reward but not an expected reward): <br>(If you know a good item for here feel free to post it here with a brief discription and i'll post the name and a link to your post!) <br>(See page 2 post 2 for an example) <br>- Skull mask (page 2 post 2) <br>- Potion Flask (page 9 post 4) <br>- Thunder Spells (page 9 post 9) <br>- Fireworks (page 10 post 5) <br>- Blue, Red and Black Robin hats (page 14 post 6) <br>- Funky Hats (page 20 post 1) <br>- General Graador Plush <br>- Paddle <br>- Sara/zam/guthix ranger boots <br>- Full Animal Armour <br>- skillcape emote changers <br>- Boss Masks <br>- Dragon Heraldic Helms/Kiteshield <br>- Bob the Cat hat <br>- heraldic platebody <br>- heraldic platelegs <br>- God(long)bows <br>- Again feel free to suggest more
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01-Jul-2010 14:18:23
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 09:52:01 by ZarosDivine
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Unconfirmed: <br>- Rune/Addy/Black Platelegs (H1 to 5) <br>- Rune/Addy/Black Platebody (H1 to 5) <br>- Rune/Addy/Black Chainbody (T) <br>- Rune/Addy/Black Chainbody (G) <br>- 3rd age defender <br>- Robin Hood Tunic <br>- Amulet of Power (T) <br>- Mithril (G) armour <br>- Mithril (T) armour <br>- 3rd age Melee sword <br>- 3rd age Ranged bow <br>- 3rd age Magic staff <br>- Saradomin platebody (G) <br>- Zamorak platebody (G) <br>- Gilded Mahogany Treasure Box <br>- amulet of defence, accurity and fury (T). <br>- Black wiz (g) and (t) <br>- White Cavalier with black feather <br>- more animal mask's fox' dog' rat mask's <br>- Zaros Blessed Dragonhide (purple) <br>- Armadyl Blessed Dragonhide (yellow) <br>- Bandos Blessed Dragonhide (gray/brown) <br>- Seren Blessed Dragonhide (white) <br>- Ammulet of Fury (T) <br>- Dragon Cane <br>- Red Dragonhide (T) <br>- Red Dragonhide (G) <br>- Zaros god book pages (magic damage bonus) <br>- Bandos god book pages (strenght bonus) <br>- Armadyl god book pages (ranged damage bonus) <br>- Seren god book pages (lower summoning points drain) <br>- Ammulet of Fury (level 4 clues only) <br>- Zaros Monk Robes (Black/Purple) <br>- Armadyl Monk Robes (yellow) <br>- Bandos Monk Robes (Brown/Gray) <br>- Seren Monk Robes (White/Cyan) <br>- Flared Top <br>- Dragon Armour (G) <br>- Dragon Armour (T) <br>- Penguin, Wolf, Cat, Bat, penguin and Dragon staves. <br>- holy warrior gear <br>- holy mage gear <br>- holy summoner gear <br>- treasure trail-specific pets <br>- Zaros Rune trimmed armour (purple/black trim) <br>- Bandos Rune trimmed armour (gray/brown trim) <br>- Armadyl Rune trimmed armour (yellow trim) <br>- Seren Rune trimmed armour (crystal coloured semi transperant trim) <br>- Feel free to suggest more!
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01-Jul-2010 14:18:24
<br/>Last edited on 06-Jul-2010 18:16:19 by ZarosDivine
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The Drop tables. <br> <br>I think the drop tables and rarity of items will stay the same. I think it's a bit like this. <br> <br>Imagine a disk. It's divided into 10000 seperate same sised pieces. <br>Currently it looks a bit like this: <br> <br>Each item specific to a clue scroll has the same amount of peices on the table exept 3rd age armour. <br> <br>6000 Empty spaces. <br>3984 spaces equally divided among the other rewards. <br>16 spaces 3rd age armour. Each piece of armour has it's own space. <br> <br>Now after the update it will be like this: <br> <br>9984 spaces equally divided among all rewards. (the new rewards will be added so the chance of getting a specific item will be the same) <br>16 spaces 3rd age armour. <br> <br>As seen in the example 3rd age will not become more common the new rewards will just fill in the empty spaces on the disk. In this way we'll receive 1 item each clue without making items more common.
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01-Jul-2010 14:18:25
<br/>Last edited on 11-Jul-2010 08:56:34 by ZarosDivine
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Credit to Gharimkor for this. <br> <br> <br>There are currently 221 items unique to Treasure Trails. <br> <br>We are expected to get 150+ new items, that is more than 2/3 of what we have now, think of how amazing that is! <br> <br>I think it is safe to say that the new items will not be 150+ unique separate items, but rather will include sets, such as heraldic helms, or saradomin rune armor. <br> <br>There is an average of 70.3333 items unique to each level of clue, plus 10 items unique to TT that can be obtained at any clue level. <br> <br>We are getting one new level of clue, so 70-71 items will be right there. That leaves about 80 items elsewhere. <br> <br>If we assume that maybe 4 new items will be introduced in the &quot;Any clue level&quot; area, then that leaves 76 or so to be divided up into the four categories. <br> <br>That means we can expect to see 19-20 new items in each tier, for a total of roughly 90 items in each tier, including the 4th tier. <br> <br>So: What items will go where? <br> <br>Dragon Masks: I can expect 4 masks, Green, Blue, Red, Black. These will probably be an addition to other Animal Masks, so I would guess this to be in Level 2 Clues. That leaves 15 other items in Level 2. <br> <br>3rd Age Prayer Armor: Obviously a part of Level 3, so 4 items in level 3. That leaves 15 other items in level 3. <br> <br>Holy Ranger/Mage/Warrior gear: This one is tougher, but I might think it to be split up over 3 or 4 clue levels like Vestements are. so maybe 3 items in the set, 3 different sets per each God? This would mean 9 items in each tier, not including tier 4, which would that maybe the head piece is level 1, legs level 2, body level 3, (weapon level 4?). <br>This might change because we dont know they are gonna be available for different gods, but I suspect they will be. <br> <br>Treasure Trail specific Familiars: No clue on this one, I suspect there will be different levels of them but whether there will be 2 varieties, or 5 varieties cant be known.
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01-Jul-2010 14:18:27
<br/>Last edited on 11-Jul-2010 08:57:16 by ZarosDivine
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Continued from the above post. <br> <br> <br>So maybe 4 different types of familiar, a healer, forager, fighter and BoB, 4 different tiers, This means 16 new familiars, Do they come with scrolls? Or do we have to make those ourselves? Do they come as pouches, or do we get second ingredients in the clue? Dunno, but this is what I am most looking forward to (117 combat, 92 summon) <br> <br>Animal Staves: <br>Perhaps these will be tier 4? They are obviously related to the Animal Masks, so there will probably be the 5 current ones, plus possibly the 4 dragon ones. This means 9 new items... Dunno where these will go though... <br> <br>These are all the items we know about, and they account for as many as 55 new items, which leaves nearly 100 that we dont know about. <br> <br>I do suspect we will get new Heraldic items, new Trimmed and Gilded items in tier 4, which would be about 20 items, which leaves another 50 or so items in Level 4 clues that we dont even know about, so I really can't wait for this update.
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01-Jul-2010 14:18:28
<br/>Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 21:20:24 by ZarosDivine
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Dropped By: <br> <br>Confimed: <br> <br>- Bork <br>- Skeletal Horror <br> <br> <br>Possible droppers: <br> <br>- Barrows brothers <br>- Phoenix <br>- TzTok-Jad <br>- Basilisk boss <br>- Kurask overlord <br>- Mightiest turoth <br>- Monstrous cave crawler <br>- Commander Zilyana and her bodyguards <br>- K'ril Tsutsaroth and his bodyguards <br>- General Graardor and his bodyguards <br>- Kree'arra and his bodyguards <br>- Dagannoth Rex <br>- Dagannoth Supreme <br>- Dagannoth Prime <br>- Chaos Elemental <br>- Corporeal Beast <br>- Giant Mole <br>- Kalphite Queen <br>- King Black Dragon <br>- Tormented Demon <br>- Tormented Wraith <br>- Ice strykewyrm <br>- Dark beast
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01-Jul-2010 14:18:29
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