2022-09-27 15:40:41 +09:00

396 lines
14 KiB

export default {
template: `
<div v-if="dropTables && itemConfigs">
<div class="centered">
<input type="radio" v-model="pick" value="Drop Tables" checked />Drop Tables
<input type="radio" v-model="pick" value="Item Sources" />Item Sources
<input type="radio" v-model="pick" value="Item Data" />Item Data
<div class="headings">
<span class="headertitleleft"><span class="headertitleright" id="search">{{pick}}</span></span>
<input v-model="input" style="width:50%;" placeholder="NPC/Item Name">
<p>Notes: RDT Slot = Rare Drop Table <a href=".././rdt.html">(link)</a>, Summoning Charms are rolled separately</p>
<!-- NPC Droptables (bynpc) -->
<div v-if="pick == 'Drop Tables'">
<div v-for="npc in searchResults">
<h1>{{ npc.name }}</h1>
<p class="npcIds">NPC ids: {{ npc.ids }}</p>
<tr v-for="item in npc.items">
<td><img :src=iconURL(item.id)></td>
<td>{{item.name}} <br> id: {{item.id}}</td>
<td @click="sortAmount(npc)">
<p style="font-size:12px">
<td :class=item.rarityStyle @click="sortFractional(npc)">{{item.fractional}}</td>
<div v-if="pick == 'Item Sources'">
<!-- Item Sources (byitem) -->
<div v-for="item in searchResults">
<h1>{{ item.name }}</h1>
<p class="npcIds">NPC ids: {{ item.ids }}</p>
<tr v-for="npc in item.items">
<td><img :src=iconURL(npc.id)></td>
<td>{{item.name}} <br> id: {{npc.id}}</td>
<td @click="sortAmount(item)">
<p style="font-size:12px">
<td :class=npc.rarityStyle @click="sortFractional(item)">{{npc.fractional}}</td>
<div v-if="pick == 'Item Data'">
<!-- Item Data (itemstats) -->
<div v-for="item in searchResults">
<h1>{{ item.name }}</h1>
<p class="npcIds">Item id: {{ item.id }}</p>
<td v-if="item.bonuses" :set="bonus = getBonuses(item)">
<div class="stat-data">Attack bonuses</div>
<td><img src=".././img/items/1207.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/items/1325.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/items/1339.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/magic.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/ranged.png"></td>
<div class="stat-data">Defense bonuses</div>
<td><img src=".././img/items/1207.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/items/1325.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/items/1339.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/magic.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/ranged.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/summoning.png"></td>
<div class="stat-data">Other bonuses</div>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/Strength_icon.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/RangedStrength.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/MagicStrength.png"></td>
<td><img src=".././img/alt/Prayer_icon.png"></td>
<td>{{item.name}} <img :src=iconURL(item.id)></td>
<p v-for="prop in dumpKeys(item)" style="text-align:left;margin:0;"><b>{{prop.key}}</b> {{prop.val}}</p>
<div v-else>
<div class="centered">
<p>Loading JSON..</p>
data() {
return {
dropTables: null,
itemConfigs: null,
itemIdToName: {},
npcObjects: {},
npcIdToName: {},
itemSourceNPCIds: {},
input: "",
pick: "Drop Tables",
searchResults: [],
methods: {
dumpKeys(item) {
const list = []
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(item)) {
list.push({ key: key, val: value })
return list
getBonuses(item) {
const stats = item.bonuses.split(",")
return {
aStab: stats[0],
aSlash: stats[1],
aCrush: stats[2],
aMagic: stats[3],
aRanged: stats[4],
dStab: stats[5],
dSlash: stats[6],
dCrush: stats[7],
dMagic: stats[8],
dRanged: stats[9],
dSummoning: stats[10],
strength: stats[11],
prayer: stats[12],
magicStr: stats[13],
rangedStr: stats[14],
iconURL(id) {
switch (id) {
case 0: return "../img/items/nothing.png";
case 1: return "../img/items/2677.png"; //Clue Scroll (easy)
case 5733: return "../img/items/2801.png"; //Clue Scroll (medium)
case 12070: return "../img/items/2722.png"; //Clue Scroll (hard)
default: return "../img/items/" + id + ".png"
sortFractional(d) {
d.fractionSorted = !d.fractionSorted
if (d.fractionSorted) d.items.sort((a, b) => a.rarity - b.rarity);
else d.items.sort((a, b) => b.rarity - a.rarity);
sortAmount(d) {
d.amountSorted = !d.amountSorted
if (!d.amountSorted) d.items.sort((a, b) => a.maxAmount - b.maxAmount);
else d.items.sort((a, b) => b.maxAmount - a.maxAmount);
spaceToUnder(str) {
return str.replaceAll(' ', '_').toLowerCase()
search(input) {
this.searchResults = []
class Result {
constructor(name, ids) {
this.name = name;
this.ids = ids;
this.items = [];
class DisplayItem {
constructor(id, name, min, max, weight, totalWeight) {
this.percent = (weight / totalWeight) * 100;
this.id = parseInt(id);
this.name = name;
this.minAmount = parseInt(min);
this.maxAmount = parseInt(max);
this.amount = (min != max) ? min + "-" + max : min;
this.weight = weight;
this.totalWeight = totalWeight;
this.fractional = this.getFractional();
this.rarity = (this.weight != -1) ? parseFloat((this.percent).toFixed(2)) : 100;
this.rarityStyle = this.getStyle();
this.expectedQuantity = this.getExpectedQuantity();
getStyle() {
if (this.rarity > 99.99) return "always"
if (this.rarity > 4) return "common"
if (this.rarity > 1) return "uncommon"
if (this.rarity > 0.1) return "rare"
return "veryrare"
getFractional() {
if (this.weight === -1) return "Always"
return "1/" + (+parseFloat(100 / this.percent).toFixed(2).replace(/(\.0+|0+)$/, ''))
getExpectedQuantity() {
let t = 0;
const range = Array(this.maxAmount - this.minAmount + 1).fill(1).map((x, y) => this.minAmount + y);
return ((range.reduce((a, b) => a + b, t) / range.length * (this.rarity / 100))).toFixed(2)
if (input.length > 2) {
const searchTerm = this.spaceToUnder(input)
if (this.pick == "Item Sources") {
// byitem.js
Object.keys(this.itemSourceNPCIds).forEach(itemName => {
if (itemName.includes(searchTerm)) {
console.log(searchTerm + " is like item: " + itemName)
let npcName = ""
let npcIds = this.itemSourceNPCIds[this.spaceToUnder(itemName)]
const result = new Result(null, npcIds)
for (const id of npcIds.split(",")) {
if (this.npcIdToName[id] && this.npcIdToName[id] != npcName) {
npcName = this.npcIdToName[id]
if (this.npcObjects[npcName]) {
try {
for (const item of this.npcObjects[npcName][itemName]) {
if (result.name == null) result.name = item.name
result.items.push(new DisplayItem(item.id, npcName, item.minAmount, item.maxAmount, item.weight, this.npcObjects[npcName].totalWeight))
} catch (e) {
console.log("error in" + e)
} else if (this.pick == "Drop Tables") {
// bynpc.js
Object.keys(this.npcObjects).forEach(npcName => {
if (this.spaceToUnder(npcName).includes(searchTerm)) {
console.log(searchTerm + " is like npc: " + npcName)
const result = new Result(npcName, this.npcObjects[npcName].ids)
// Guaranteed / 'default' drops
for (const drop of this.npcObjects[npcName].default) {
result.items.push(new DisplayItem(drop.id, drop.name, drop.minAmount, drop.maxAmount, -1, -1))
// Normal / 'main' drops
for (const drop of this.npcObjects[npcName].main) {
result.items.push(new DisplayItem(drop.id, drop.name, drop.minAmount, drop.maxAmount, drop.weight, this.npcObjects[npcName].totalWeight))
} else if (this.pick == "Item Data") {
// itemdata.js
for (const item of this.itemConfigs) {
if (this.spaceToUnder(item.name).includes(searchTerm)) {
console.log(searchTerm + " is like itemData: " + item.name)
watch: {
input() { this.search(this.input) },
pick() { this.search(this.input) }
created() {
// Proxy is used because GitLAB has CORS restrictions while GitHUB doesn't.
// this is refreshed every 15 minutes. If it's out of sync ping @downthecrop
const PROXY = "https://downthecrop.github.io/2009scape-mirror/Server/data/configs/"
fetch(PROXY + "npc_configs.json").then(r => r.json()).then(npc_configs => {
for (const npc of npc_configs) {
this.npcIdToName[npc.id] = npc.name;
fetch(PROXY + "drop_tables.json").then(r => r.json()).then(drop_tables => this.dropTables = drop_tables);
fetch(PROXY + "item_configs.json").then(r => r.json()).then(item_configs => {
// Create a dictionary of item ids to item names
for (const item of item_configs) {
this.itemIdToName[item.id] = item.name
// Edge cases where an itemId is being used outside of its original name.
// eg 5733 is "Rotten potato" but is instead a medium clue.
this.itemIdToName["0"] = "Nothing"
this.itemIdToName["12070"] = "Clue Scroll (hard)"
this.itemIdToName["5733"] = "Clue Scroll (medium)"
this.itemIdToName["1"] = "Clue Scroll (easy)"
this.itemConfigs = item_configs;
let checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (this.itemConfigs && this.dropTables) {
// Create an NPC object for each npc in the droptable
class NPCObject {
constructor(ids, name) {
this.ids = ids;
this.name = name;
this.totalWeight = 0
this.default = []
this.main = []
for (const npc of this.dropTables) {
let npcName = this.npcIdToName[npc.ids.split(",")[0]]
if (npcName === undefined) continue;
let npcObj = new NPCObject(npc.ids, npcName)
if (this.npcObjects[npcName]) {
console.log("Duplicate NPC:", npcName, " id: ", npc.ids)
npcName = npcName + npc.ids.split(",")[0]
// Add Guaranteed / default drops
npc['default'].forEach(drop => {
let itemName = this.spaceToUnder(this.itemIdToName[drop.id])
if (this.itemSourceNPCIds[itemName]) {
// Add the ids of the current NPC to item sourcelist of this drop
this.itemSourceNPCIds[itemName] += `,${npc['ids']}`
} else {
// This is the first NPC dropping this item.
this.itemSourceNPCIds[itemName] = npc['ids']
drop.weight = -1
drop.name = this.itemIdToName[drop.id]
if (npcObj[itemName]) {
} else {
npcObj[itemName] = [drop]
// Add Normal / main drops
npc['main'].forEach(drop => {
let itemName = this.spaceToUnder(this.itemIdToName[drop.id])
npcObj.totalWeight += parseFloat(drop.weight)
if (this.itemSourceNPCIds[itemName]) {
// Add the ids of the current NPC to item sourcelist of this drop
this.itemSourceNPCIds[itemName] += `,${npc['ids']}`
else {
// This is the first NPC dropping this item.
this.itemSourceNPCIds[itemName] = npc['ids']
drop.name = this.itemIdToName[drop.id]
if (npcObj[itemName]) {
} else {
npcObj[itemName] = [drop]
this.npcObjects[npcName] = npcObj
}, 100)