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13-Jul-2010 23:34:16
<br/>Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 23:36:55 by Cpt<70>Cave
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************************************** Week 98: 14-20 Juli 2010 ************************************** <br> <br> <br>We have a permanent title! <br> <br>Mrs Shrugs suggested it first and it then gathered the largest number of votes. We would like to thank everyone for their input and suggestions and in particular Mrs Shrugs for coming up with the winning title. Congratulations!! As a reward, Tinkerbell will give you <20>eternal infinite pixie dust<73>. <br> <br>Hopefully, the new permanent titles for worlds 71 and 99 will enable both our regulars and more incidental hunters to recognize us more easily amongst the cacophony of effigy-related spam. The title also marks an anniversary of penguin hide and sake based on a unique combination of intuition, skill and spontaneously choreographed teamwork. In the past, we compared our approach to herding and trapping in terms of dancing. Having seen some amazing pieces of trapping skill over the past 12 months, I can verify that avatars have a far greater repertoire of dance moves than those prefab emotes <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> ! <br> <br>Despite the fact that our approach has proven to be durable, successful and extremely effective, we are still interested in game play innovations and also want to invite many more players to experience the fun of penguin hide and seek. We welcome all kinds of players, high levels as well as low levels, experienced as well as inexperienced, skillers as well as killers <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />.
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13-Jul-2010 23:34:33
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Thread-based penguin hunting is stronger than ever. Therefore we are not linked with any clan chat(s) that hunt penguins on W99 or W71. Our trade mark is that we hunt on the basis of threads only and it is a formula that works extremely well. <br> <br>We rely on a whole community of hunters and continue to be grateful for all forms of support. The continuity of this support has been overwhelming and makes us all feel proud to be part of it. <br> <br>Since the beginning of the alternative form of penguin hunting (by thread only) we have continuously flourished and succeeded with the help of many amazing hunters. We have always used the forum as communication for penguin locations and this is how we will continue to report. <br> <br>Please rest assured that you do not need a cc to hunt penguins effectively. Over 6 months of successfully reporting penguin locations by thread only has proven to many that no clan chat is needed for finding, herding and trapping penguins and you can get your penguins in a record time just using a thread. We do our best to cater for experienced and well as inexperienced hunters. <br> <br>This is a concept we strongly believe in and it is a conscious choice for us. However, we are very happy to support on an individual basis, clan-based hunting for friends-groups. If you are hunting with friends, or if you want us to give locations in your cc, we are happy to do so. We can also support hunters who prefer to correspond in German or Dutch. We can also help you hunt penguins on your own home world. Just contact us if you are interested!
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13-Jul-2010 23:34:51
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The thread is our main lifeline. That is why it is dominated by location updates. However, we welcome all forms of constructive input; even if it is just to say that all is well. Several of us will have PM on when in game if you need to contact us. <br> <br>There are a few minor rules we hope you can stick to: <br> <br>(1) Do not report our activities in world60-only clan chats. This is very disruptive to those chats and confusing to the players who depend on them to find their penguins. If you are not sure whether your cc supports non-world60 reports, please ask one of the ranked members of that cc. <br> <br>(2) Do not set out to disrupt this activity or encourage others to do so. You will be reported and as a result your account might accrue enough black marks to warrant a ban. This also applies to alias accounts. <br> <br>(3) Respect the open and friendly community atmosphere. Everyone has an equal entitlement to the pursuit of happiness (as long as it is within the same spirit of the game). If someone is irritating you or provoking you, simply place them on ignore. <br> <br>(4) If you want to learn more about hunting, herding and trapping, ask advice from those who are with you. Perhaps you can teach each other some new tricks of the trade <br> <br>(5) On this thread, we welcome all reports on penguins across the whole of world 71, as long as they are genuine. We also welcome any constructive comment about what you think of our initiative and how we might improve this activity for the benefit of all. <br> <br>(6) We kindly ask you to keep in-game issues in-game. Our thread is not intended to be a discussion forum but primarily a forum for communication concerning penguin locations. We really welcome people posting updates as they spy, even if it is simply to confirm that the locations are correct. <br> <br> <br>With every good wish
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13-Jul-2010 23:35:39
<br/>Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 23:59:17 by Twillow
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As a reminder, we wish to minimize the posting of off-world locations on our threads unless in exceptional circumstances (primarily the Nardah herbalist building) to keep our communications channels running smoothly. For example, when a world already has 2 threads devoted to penguin hunting there, there is no need to put updates for that world on our thread. <br> <br>When you encounter a random penguin, we encourage you to use the two specialist threads for location updates across RuneScape. <br> <br>These threads are: <br> <br>1. Penguin Information; hosted by Secretwishes; Quick find code: 75-76-383-58536764 <br>This thread also provides comprehensive information about penguin hide and seek in general. <br> <br>2. Penguin Hide n' Seek- Penguins; hosted by ForestKimmel; Quick find code: 75-76-754-58727161 <br> <br>~~~~~~ <br>Additionally, as an Elven penguin spy is rumoured to be in our midst this week, an excellent resource is <br> <br>Elven Penguins <20> How to Find, hosted by Melissa; Quick find code: 75-76-333-59289857 <br> <br>~~~~~ <br>Moreover, we have a thread on the German forums, if you prefer to use that to hunt penguins. It is "Welt71: Pingu Gemeinschaft", with a quick find code of 62-63-104-59546. <br> <br>~~~~~ <br>Finally, if you wish to hunt penguins in a small group setting: <br> <br>penguins: w60_find_pen, hosted by rlgilly; Quick find code: 75-76-69-58515219
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13-Jul-2010 23:35:49
<br/>Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 00:00:55 by Twillow
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The Penguin Hunters and Whisperers are proud to announce that we have three <20>affiliated threads<64> which are threads that enable us to widen our modest contributions to nurturing D&D communities. As The Spud Bud has stated so well: <20>Affiliated threads and clan chats are not the same as Recommended Threads". <br> <br>We recognize that many if not most threads and groups share our ideals of developing an open and friendly community atmosphere and are welcoming and inclusive. On that count, we can recommend almost any group. Therefore, we have opted to limit our affiliations to highlight that there are special relationships with certain threads we wish to nurture, with an eye to more structured future collaboration. <br> <br>Threads affiliated with the Penguin Whisperers are: <br> <br>* Thread title: Find a D&D? Report here! vII <br>Thread Author: Marth Tater <br>QFC: 75-76-491-60338320 <br>Description: an extremely helpful thread with tons of information about various D&D activities <br> <br>* Thread title: Pickin Rocks! <br>Thread Author: MrsShrugs <br>QFC: 75-76-752-59632888 <br>Description: A friendly <20>community-feel<65> star hunting clan <br> <br>* Thread title: D & D Stress relief <br>Thread Author: MummyAkam <br>QFC: 75-76-25-59477396
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13-Jul-2010 23:36:31
<br/>Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 01:36:14 by Masteradi92
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V98 (14-20 July 2010) <br> <br> <br> <br>1. Burthorpe Rock (1 Point) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 13d 48m North, 13d 9m East <br>A Location Description: On path along fence marked above <20>Death Plateau<61> on world map <br>Spawns: 1 north of fence, on central square between 3rd and 4th pile of rocks <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>Where the Imperial Guard train<69> <br> <br>2. Rellekka Rock (1 Point) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 17d 22m North, 7d 20m East <br>A Location Description: near the rock crabs north of the Rellekka mine; 4 steps west, 5 steps north of north fence of mines. <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>Between Fremennik and Barbarians<6E> or <20>In the Kingdom of Kandarin<69> <br> <br>3. North Ardougne Bush (1 Point) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 6d 15m North, 1d 18m West <br>A Location Description: West of Outpost, at level 1 gnome area; it spawns: 1 west, 2 north of hammock <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>North of Ardougne<6E> <br> <br>4. Piscatoris Crate (2 Points) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 15d 31m North, 3d 41m West <br>West - Amongst the dead trees just south of Piscatoris Fishing Colony <br>Spawns: 1 NE of the 1st Dead Tree directly south of the east wall of the Cooking Range on mini-map <br>Fairy Ring: A K Q (Go north from it) <br>Larry or Chuck would say: Larry or Chuck would say: <20>Near the Fishing Colony<6E> or <20>Where Eagles Fly<6C>
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13-Jul-2010 23:36:33
<br/>Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 01:36:30 by Masteradi92
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5. Castle Wars Rock (2 Points) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 3d 28m South, 0d 3m West <br>A Location Description: Near quest start icon at Jiggig; it spawns: 1 north of the 1st tree directly south west of icon (westernmost spot of the 3 spots) <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>Near some ogres<65> <br> <br>6. Feldip Rock (1 Point) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 4d 50m South, 5d 11m East <br>NW of Quest Start Icon, just south of 3 protruding humps on coastline. It spawns 1 east, 5 north of the Dead Tree that is south of the middle hump <br>Fairy Ring: A K S (Go NE from it, to coast) <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>Near some ogres<65> <br> <br>7. Southern Desert Cactus (1 Point) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 3d 18m South, 25d 31m East <br>A Location Description: north west of the Desert Mining Camp, a few steps north east of the signpost <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>In the Southern Desert<72>
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13-Jul-2010 23:36:41
<br/>Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 01:37:13 by Masteradi92
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8. Haunted Woods/Canifis Bush (2 Points) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 10d 11m North, 36d 15m East <br>A Location Description: in Haunted Woods, south of A L Q fairy ring; it spawns: 4 south of brown mushroom that is just south east of the fairy ring <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>Where bloodsuckers rule<6C> <br>Quest Required: Priest in Peril <br> <br>9. Elf Camp Toadstool (2 Points) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 2d 3m North, 6d 54m West <br>A Location Description: SE of Log Balance to Elf Camp; it spawns 1 east of the north most evergreen tree <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>Located near the pointy-eared ones<65> <br>You must have completed Underground Pass Bring antipoison potion (just in case) <br> <br>10. Elf Limestone Rock (2 Points) <br>The respawn coordinates are: 3d 28m North, 4d 31m West <br>A Location Description: Between crystal wall and mines, on route to Limestone Quarry, between the trees just before you go into the open space of the mine. <br>Larry or Chuck would say: <20>Near some pointy-eared ones<65> <br>You must have completed the Underground Pass. <br> <br>11. Polar Bear (1 Poimt) <br>East Varrock Well
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14-Jul-2010 02:23:50
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5. Castle Wars Rock (2 Points) <br> <br>is trapped in south yanille wall <br> <br> <br>many thanks to mark, fire, adi, and a long time friend <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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14-Jul-2010 02:25:01
<br/>Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 02:31:02 by Twillow
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1. Burthorpe Rock (1 Point) <br> <br> <br>has quickly run away from the trolls and is currently on the north side of Burth castle (outside of the castle)
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