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01-Jun-2010 12:44:38
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 15:33:47 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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Welcome to Star Exiles Version 3! <br>We<EFBFBD>re a star hunting group founded on 7th February 2010. If you haven<65>t hunted stars before, then we suggest that you read the first few pages of this thread, before you join our clan chat, but it is not a requirement. If you need more help, then feel free to ask a rank to pm you. On page 4 you will see a list of all ranks, and it is noted which ones usually have private chat on, but you can always enter our clan chat and ask for help. <br> <br>The ONLY skill requirement to mine stars is mining level 10. You DO NOT need a telescope to hunt stars with us. A higher mining level and a telescope are advised though <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>The name of our clan chat is <20>Star Exiles<65> ~ we hope to see you there! <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Sincerely, <br>iSnowy Fox &amp; ranks
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01-Jun-2010 12:44:46
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jun-2010 19:04:05 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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Table of contents <br> <br>Page 1: <br>~ Post 1: Introduction <br>~ Post 2: Table of contents <br>~ Post 3: News &amp; Updates <br>~ Post 4: Rules <br>~ Post 5: Rules clarifications <br>~ Post 6: Templates <br>~ Post 7: Star basics <br>~ Post 8: Aids and boosts part 1 <br>~ Post 9: Aids and boosts part 2 <br>~ Post 10: Clan logos <br> <br>Page 2: <br>~ Post 1: How to spot a star <br>~ Post 2: How to scope a star <br>~ Post 3: How to solo a star <br>~ Post 4: List of possible landing spots part 1 <br>~ Post 5: List of possible landing spots part 1 <br>~ Post 6: Star transportation <br>~ Post 7: Star transportation <br>~ Post 8: Star transportation <br>~ Post 9: Star transportation <br>~ Post 10: Star location requirements <br> <br> <br>Page 3: <br>~ Post 1: Exact spot guide <br>~ Post 2: Exact spot guide <br>~ Post 3: Exact spot guide <br>~ Post 4: Exact spot guide <br>~ Post 5: Star glossary <br>~ Post 6: Wilderness guide <br>~ Post 7: Wilderness guide <br>~ Post 8: PVP guide <br>~ Post 9: Reserved for future guides <br>~ Post 10: Reserved for future guides <br> <br>Page 4 <br>~ Post 1: Ranked members <br>~ Post 2: Reserved for future ranked members <br>~ Post 3: Rank rules <br>~ Post 4: Rank guide <br>~ Post 5: Rank guide <br>~ Post 6: Rank guide <br>~ Post 7: How to get ranked <br>~ Post 8: Reserved <br>~ Post 9: Reserved <br>~ Post 10: Reserved <br> <br>Page 5 <br>~ Post 1: Registered members <br>~ Post 2: Registered members <br>~ Post 3: Star of the Month <br>~ Post 4: Rising Star of the Month <br>~ Post 5: Star Exiles Awards nominees <br>~ Post 6: Star Exiles Awards <br>~ Post 7: Current clan events <br>~ Post 8: Event calendar <br>~ Post 9: Skiller of the Month <br>~ Post 10: Skiller &amp; Miner winners <br> <br>Page 6 <br>~ Post 1: Star Exiles in Dutch <br>~ Post 2: Star Exiles in Dutch <br>~ Post 3: Star Exiles in Dutch <br>~ Post 4: Reserved <br>~ Post 5: Reserved <br>~ Post 6: Reserved <br>~ Post 7: Catch the Coow information <br>~ Post 8: Catch the Coow information <br>~ Post 9: Catch the Coow information <br>~ Post 10: Credit &amp; copyright
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01-Jun-2010 12:44:54
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 23:32:48 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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News &amp; Updates <br> <br>11th July: New rule <br>Rule number 15 has now been added. <br>&quot;Rule 15: Please do not mention any real life actions or circumstances that can possibly offend anyone.&quot; <br> <br> <br>1st June 2010: Welcome to Version 3 <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />! <br> <br>There are a few changes: On page 6 you will find a little star information in Dutch. Thanks Saskeia for making the useful translation <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Miner of the Week is temporarily cancelled, since I simply do not have the time anymore. Skiller of the Month will be continued. Skill of the Month June is agility, the contest will start tomorrow <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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01-Jun-2010 12:45:01
<br/>Last edited on 10-Jul-2010 23:30:51 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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Rules <br> <br>Rule 1: Please follow all Jagex<65> rules while you<6F>re using our clan chat or forum thread. <br>Rule 2: You will have to help hunt the clan hunted stars, if you want to mine them. <br>Rule 3: Please do not use an excessive amount of foreign language. <br>Rule 4: Please be sure to respect everyone in the clan chat, whether they are ranked or not. <br>Rule 5: Please keep all topics discussed in the clan chat pg rated, and please do not use any kind of swearing or otherwise offensive language, this includes foreign languages. <br>Rule 6: We hunt all possible worlds, including foreign language worlds and pvp. <br>Rule 7: Do not attack other clan members in pvp or bounty worlds <br>Rule 8: Please be as quiet as possible when there are clan hunts going on <br>Rule 9: Please make sure to assign everyone who is willing to help, <br>Rule 10: Please do not lie about star information. No-one is forcing you to share your star with us, if you do not want to. <br>Rule 11: Please let the ranks deal with rule breakers as much as possible. If you see someone breaking rules, then please inform a rank. <br>Rule 12: Please do not advertise for other clan chats in our clan chat. Likewise, please do not spam, advertise for us or otherwise cause problems in other clan chats. <br>Rule 13: Please do not invite people who are not in our clan to our stars. <br>Rule 14: Please do not hop from one star before it is finished to mine another. <br>Rule 15: Please do not mention any real life actions or circumstances that can possibly offend anyone.
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01-Jun-2010 12:45:09
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 07:41:52 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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Rule Clarifications <br> <br>Rule 1: We do also consider <20>??????????????????????<3F> and similar sentences spam, so please do not use it. <br> <br>Rule 7: If you are a registered member or regular user of our clan chat, then it doesn<73>t matter if you leave the clan chat temporarily. You may not under any circumstances attack another clan member. <br> <br>Rule 8: If you have an open star or need help with cracking a star, then please do not announce it before all clan hunted stars have landed and been found. Also, saying <20>hi<68> or <20>goodbye<79> is disturbing star chat as well, so please avoid it. <br>It is allowed to break star chat to ask someone to turn their private chat on - unless it's completely uncalled for. <br>Examples of pm during wave: <br>- It's ok if you were doing something with someone from the cc when the star chat began (boss hunt, penguins, quest etc.) <br>- It's ok to ask for pm if you need guidance (could be with anything, but mostly star locations) or believe you can help someone. <br>- It's NOT ok to ask for pm during wave if you just want new friends. <br> <br>Rule 9: This means that if your star is covered, then it is your duty as a scoper to assign doubles, triples and so on until every single person willing to help has been accepted into the hunt. If your star is landing soon (for instance, you got 0-7 in your teak scope), then you may refuse helpers if you want to. <br> <br>Rule 11: If no ranks are present, then experienced members may try to deal with rulebreakers. However, they should always please make sure they understand the rules properly before you they to convey them to others. <br> <br>Rule 14: You may hop from one star to solo or spot for another hunt, but only for the sake of helping <20> don<6F>t be greedy even if your team has found a tiny star.
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01-Jun-2010 12:45:16
<br/>Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 12:51:20 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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Templates <br> <br>If you would like to be added to our members list and possibly have a rank in the future, then you need to fill in and post the following template on this thread: <br> <br>Name: <br>Mining level: <br>Telescope: <br>Have you read and agree to follow our rules?: <br>Have you hunted stars before?: <br> <br>Example: <br>Name: Foesz <br>Mining level: 99 <br>Telescope: Mahogany <br>Have you read and agree to follow our rules?: Yes <br>Have you hunted stars before?: Yes <br> <br>----------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>If you have been banned from the clan chat, then you can fill in and post following template if you wish to have your ban appealed. Please note that if you have gotten kicked once, then it doesn<73>t necessarily mean that you are banned. A general will usually warn you before you get banned, if you have private chat on. <br> <br>Name: <br>Former name(s): <br>Which rule(s) you broke to be banned?: <br>Do you promise to follow those and our other rules in the future?: <br> <br>------------------------------------------------------------ <br> <br>Please make sure to read the rules again before you post your ban appeal or member application.
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01-Jun-2010 12:45:23
<br/>Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 12:51:50 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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Star Basics <br> <br>Stars fall every 2 hours in all member worlds; this includes PVP and bounty hunter worlds. In spite the fact that stars are p2p only, we do allow f2p players to chat in our cc, however they must not pretend to be p2p. <br> <br>You may mine as many stars a day as you please, however you can only cash in stardust once. If you cash in 200 stardust, the maximum amount of stardust you can have, then you will receive 50002gp, 152 cosmic runes, 52 astral runes, 20 gold ores and 15 minutes of magical mining from the star sprite. <br> <br>The mining level required to mine a certain layer of the star is 10 times the size. This means to mine a size 6 you will need mining level 60, mining level 20 for a size 2 and so on. Please note that the sizes of the stars are very commonly abbreviated to S and then the size. So size 4 would be S4. <br> <br>You can tag ANY star you are first to find. You do not need a pickaxe or the required mining level. Even someone with level 1 mining can tag a star. To tag a star you simply need to be the first to click on it. Having the star land on you might increase your chance of tagging if multiple people are around. You do NOT die if the star lands on you. <br> <br>The lower layers (especially sizes 1-3) contains a lot of dust, so don<6F>t worry if you only got fifty star dust after the star has gone from a high size to size 3. If the star is size 9 or 8 it often seems like forever before it finally turns size 7, and you might think the miners are getting a lot of dust, but it<69>s quite the opposite. The dust comes slower at higher layers, but the xp each dust is much higher than in the lower layers.
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01-Jun-2010 12:45:33
<br/>Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 12:52:02 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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Aids and Boosts for Star Hunting - Part 1 <br> <br>Construction (spicy stew, crystal saw, tea) - These raise construction, good for getting scopes when you're not actually at the required level, evil stew can be obtained from Evil Dave's basement (after Recipe For Disaster). The Crystal saw can be obtained from The Eyes of The Glourphie quest. Tea can be made in POH's. Spicy stew boosts up to +6 levels (you will need 3 doses of orange spice for this boost), crystal saw boost +3 levels and tea boosts between 1 and 3 levels, depending on which shelves you got. <br> <br>Enchanted Water tiara (for desert) - This is very useful for desert hunts as when wearing it you will not need waterskins, it can be obtained from Dealing with Scabaras quest. <br> <br>Ring of Charos - This is useful for many things, it reduces cost of carpets and boat fairs in particular. It is obtained from Creature of Frankenstein quest and is enchanted in the Garden of Tranquility quest. <br> <br>Camulet - Obtained from Enakhra's Lament quest, it teleports you to the temple you visit during that quest, positioning you close to the quarry. <br> <br>Lunar/dramen staff - This is useful as it lets you get closer to Piscatoris and the nature mine, they<65>re obtained from The Lost City quest and Lunar Diplomacy quest. <br> <br>Teleport tablets (rc) - These are obtained from doing the minigame The Great Orb Project are useful to teleport you to the Nature altar, Chaos altar (for Skeleton mine) and Astral altar (for lunar mine) which are fast ways of transportation to those mines. Chaos tablet costs 40 tokens, Astral tablet costs 41 tokens, Nature tablet costs 42 tokens. <br> <br>Ardy capes - These can be obtained from doing the Ardrougne Achievement Diaries and are very useful for getting to the monastery spot location. <br> <br>Lunar Magic - Lunar teles require a moderate magic level, and are achieved from completing the Lunar Diplomacy quest. They have various locations very useful for spots such as Lunar isle teleport and Port Khazard teleport.
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01-Jun-2010 12:45:47
<br/>Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 12:52:18 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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Aids and Boosts for Star Hunting - Part 2 <br> <br>Ancient Magic <20> These are obtained from Desert Treasure quest serve the same purpose as the Lunar teleports, as they teleport you to nearby star locations such as Edgeville and Kharyll (Canafis) teleports. <br> <br>Mining boost ales <20> Dwarven stout and the (m) are useful to raise your mining just enough so you can mine the next layer of the star and also so that you receive dust at a faster rate. They can be made with cooking or bought from the Grand Exchange or other players. The normal stout boosts your mining and smithing level by 1, while the mature (m) boosts your mining and smithing level by 2. <br> <br>Familiars: <br>Desert Wyrm, level 18 summoning required, boosts mining by +1 <br>Void Ravager, level 34 summoning required, boosts mining by +1 <br>Obsidian Golem, level 73 summoning required, boosts mining by +7 <br>Lava Golem, level 83 summoning required, boosts mining by +10 <20> and can teleport you to Lava maze, near the rune rocks in Wilderness.
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01-Jun-2010 12:45:55
<br/>Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 12:52:39 by iSnowy<77>Fox
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One of our two logos, made by The Dave Boi. <br> <br> <br> <br>________________________SSS_________________________ <br>_______________________EEEEE________________________ <br>______________________SSSSSSS_______________________ <br>_____________________EEEEEEEEE______________________ <br>____________SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS_______________ <br>_____________EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE________________ <br>______________SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS_______________ <br>_____________EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE______________ <br>____________SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS_____________ <br>_____________________EEEEEEEE_______________________ <br>______________________SSSSSS________________________ <br>_______________________EEEE_________________________ <br>________________________SS__________________________ <br> <br> <br> <br>And the second clan logo, made by Coow: <br> <br>-----(*\-----/*)-----Star Exiles---------- <br>-------))----((------------------------------ <br>-----.-&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;-.----------------------------- <br>-/^\/---.----.--\/^\------------------------ <br>-\(---/__\-/__\-)--/------------------------- <br>--\,--\o_/_\o_/,--/-----------JJ Sadler<65>,<2C><>*`;<3B>,<2C><>*`;<3B>,<2C><>*`;<3B><>,,,<2C> <br>----\----(_)-----/-------------<2D>,<2C><>*`;<3B>,<2C><>* ------ Coow ---- .*,*) <br>-----*-.'==='.-'----------------------------- <br>--------)---(**------------------------------ <br> <br> <br> <br>Thanks a lot <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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