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23-Mar-2021 00:00:00
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<p> Hi everyone! It's just me, Summer, I thought I would do a small post on our website of some of our previous small events we had
that some people didn't get to attend on World 2. One of the biggest aspects of that game we're remaking ( lets try to say that word
less on this website ) was the social aspect! From Community boss battles to play owned house events. I remember the boxing ring was
something plenty of people did as well as the other game rooms. Official alter runs, dungeons, and even corny videos using the throne room.
<p> The first unofficial event for World 2 took place inside of the Godwars dungeos where a few people gathered together and had a load of fun
they were even awesome enough to take screenshots so I'd love to share those now! It went on for a little while and it was awesome to see
everyone coming together and having fun!
<img src="../img/community/gwdevent1.png" width="660" height="400" style="border: solid gold 5px">
<img src="../img/community/gwdevent2.png" width="660" height="400" style="border: solid gold 5px">
<img src="../img/community/gwdevent3.png" width="660" height="400" style="border: solid gold 5px">
It was a super fun event that I hope can happen again! but that concludes this event. I know Rusty is always looking for players
to come with him. Remember before hosting an event. Talk to <b style="color:darkgreen">Kermit</b>, he doesn't need to host the event he just can approve it to make Official
and the Host and other people attending the event will get credits. To learn more click <a href="../../../site/game_guide/credits.html">HERE</a>.
The Other event was <b style="color:darkgreen">Kermit</b>'s Hide-N-Seek which was an Official event where all participants will be credited!
The name of the game was a special Easter one with the holiday coming up. <b style="color:darkgreen">Kermit</b> turned into a bunny and you had to
find him for your rewards. I know he will be hosting more events from now on. So make sure that you come to him with some ideas for events so we can
get together as a Community! There weren't many photos so I grabbed what was posted inside of the #community-events channel on discord! :)
<img src="../img/community/hidenseek22-03-2021.png" width="660" height="400" style="border: solid gold 5px">
This concludes our little Community posts! I will possibly make another for Easter and more in the future! Thank you so much for the read.
These pages aren't hard to make but obviously time goes into them and I'd like for us all to be more of a community! If you have any questions
about events at all you can always ask the <b style="color:darkred">developers</b>, but you should go to the <b style="color:red"> Community Manager </b>
and our current CM is <b style="color:darkgreen">Kermit</b>.
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