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31-Dec-2009 14:18:20
<br/>Last edited on 21-Jun-2010 16:34:23 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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If I get banned or muted Smz Rifleman takes temporary charge and if neccesary has the rights to recreate this thread. <br> <br>|__00____000000_00000_000000_00000000_000000-000000_000000_| <br>|__00____00__00_00__0_0_________00____00_____00__00_0______| <br>|__00____00__00_00__0_0_________00____00_____00__00_0______| <br>|__00____00__00_0000__0_________00____000000_00__00_0______| <br>|__00____00__00_00__0_000000____00____00_____000000_000000_| <br>|__00____00__00_00__0_____00____00____00_____000________00_| <br>|__00____00__00_00__0_____00____00____00_____00_0_______00_| <br>|__0000__00__00_00__0_____00____00____00_____00__0______00_| <br>|__0000__000000_00000_000000____00____000000_00___0_____00_| <br>|__________________________________________________________| <br>|____________________________Catherby Lobsters United G.C.______| <br>|___________________________________________________####___| <br>|__________________________________________________######__| <br>|__________________________________________________######__| <br>|___________________________________________________####___| <br> <br>NGL Season 6 Quarter Finals <br>NGL Season 7 6th place <br>NGL Season 8 DNS <br>NGL Season 9 Semi Finals <br>GPL Season 1 Runners Up <br>GWC Season 1 Runners Up <br>WGL Season 1 5th place <br>WGL Season 2 Runners Up <br>NGL Season 10 Runners up <br> <br>Hello and welcome to the Catherby Lobsters United Gnomeball Club. We play in the NGL. Feel free to look around and even apply. <br> <br>Post 1 - Welcome! --- You are here! Fixtures will be posted here! <br>Post 2 - General gnomeball information <br>Post 3 - Applications! <br>Post 4 - The squad <br>Post 5 - WGL rules and CLU rules! <br>Post 6 - League tables <br>Post 7 - Hall of Fame <br>Post 8 - Hall of Fame continued and results history. <br>Post 9 - Results history <br>Post 10- Goalscorers history <br> <br>Page 2 Contracts + Player awards <br> <br>FIXTURES AND MEETINGS FOR THIS WEEKEND!
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31-Dec-2009 14:18:28
<br/>Last edited on 31-Dec-2009 14:35:39 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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Introduction: <br> <br>General information: <br> <br>Gnomeball is a game played at the Gnome Stronghold, at the pitch to the west of the Grand Tree. <br> <br>To play the game is quite easy once you know how to. A team can bring seven players onto a field at any one time. The game is split into two halves of ten minutes each. Game times are always at 7 or 8pm GMT in world 69 unless stated. The aim of the game is to get the ball from the gnome referee and get it up field to the goal to score. You must play as a team, meaning no passing to gnome wingers and to cooperate as a team. You must try to avoid the gnome tacklers to make sure you don't loose the ball. You can choose any means posible to get the ball up to the goal as long as it is a legitimate method. There is a human referee at every game to make sure you play the game fairly. <br> <br>At full time, whoever has scored the most goals wins. There are ways to steal the ball off the other team during play, including taking the ball off a gnome if the other team is tackled, the other team accidentally passes to you, or even they miss a shot. There are many different tactics you can play, choose which ever is best for you to win the game. Players with higher range and agility levels will not miss as often and they will not get tackled as easily. <br> <br>Directory of terminology and positions: <br> <br>Collector: Collects ball from referee (the gnome referee). <br>Passer/Midfielder: Plays in midfield and can pass the ball to striker if involved in tactics. <br>Striker: Shoots at the goal. <br>Tackler/Defender: Tackles gnomes around your team to protect them from getting tackled. <br>Referee: Referees the game to make sure the game is played fairly. <br>God mode: A glitch where the gnomes do not tackle you after a prolongued period on the pitch. <br>Manager: Runs the team, is responsible for the team's activities. <br>Free agent: A player who applied on the main thread and doesn't specify which team to join. A team can take this player if they wish.
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31-Dec-2009 14:18:36
<br/>Last edited on 31-May-2010 16:47:16 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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- Catherby Lobsters United are a gnomeball club who play in the NGL (National Gnomeball League). <br> <br>- Our requirments to join are 50 agility and 60 ranged. <br> <br>- Our home world for training is world 104 however all of our NGL competitive matches are played at the Gnomeball Pitch in the world stated on the fixture. <br> <br>- We have one kit. Our home kit, which is the kit we always will use is blue Freminnik shirt, with blue Canifis robe bottoms, gloves, boots, and hat, with a skillcape of your choice (not range, strength or agility!), if you don't have a skillcape wear a yellow cape. Freminnik shirts can be bought from the Relleka Clothes Shop. <br> <br>Summary: <br> <br>Requirments: 60 Ranged and 50 agility. <br> <br>Team Kit: <br> <br>Blue Freminnik shirt, with blue Canifis robe bottoms, gloves, hat and boots, with a skillcape or a yellow cape. <br> <br>YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING YOURSELF WITH A KIT <br> <br>Home World: 104 <br>Match world: Depends what the fixtures say. <br> <br>AFTER SIGNING UP AND BE CHECKED OUT BE ME YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN A CONTRACT TO PLAY FOR US. <br> <br>Insert the number of seasons to make it definite how long you are playing for us. <br> <br> <br>Applications: <br> <br>Name: <br>Levels: <br>what position do you want to play? (see above for positions) <br>Loyalty level (from 1-100): <br>Activeness in game (1-100): <br>Do you work well in a team: <br>Did you read the Catherby Lobsters rules: (see below for these rules) <br>Signature:
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31-Dec-2009 14:18:44
<br/>Last edited on 21-Jun-2010 16:32:07 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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The team: <br> <br>Manager: Tamed Pickle (Blue Narrows) <br>Captain: Smz Rifleman <br> <br>Squad: <br>Tamed Pickle (COLLECTOR/MIDFIELDER) <br>DrNo35 (MIDFIELDER/STRIKER) <br>Keefe Sensei (STRIKER) <br>Imitate214 (TACKLER) <br>Smz Rifleman (STRIKER) <br>Tjeef Tjaf (STRIKER) <br>Middy 43(STRIKER) <br> <br>Bench: <br>CM PUNK (MIDFIELDER/COLLECTOR) <br>Kamykazee (STRIKER) <br>Mu Ha Ha2006 (TACKLER) <br>D0 rockertje (TACKLER) <br>A Bent Bunny (TACKLER) <br>King Warduke (STRIKER) <br>X DeathFever (STRIKER/MIDFIELDER) <br>Varakrath (STRIKER)
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31-Dec-2009 14:19:05
<br/>Last edited on 31-Dec-2009 14:49:15 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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~ Rules ~ <br> <br>1. All Jagex rules. <br>2. Treat each other with respect. <br>3. Only 7 players are allowed on the field for each team at any time. <br>4. Managers must not come onto the field unless they are player-managers. <br>5. A game lasts 20 minutes - 10 minutes each half and 5 minutes break in the middle. <br>6. The game can start at any time in the 20 minutes. <br>7. The toss of the coin determines who starts and finished the game. <br>9. Only 1 ball is allowed in play at any time. <br>10. You may call &quot;time out&quot; to stop play, but ONLY when your team has the ball, and this must NOT be misused. <br>11. Everybody apart from the players and the referees must stay off the field for the duration of the match. <br>12. All players must leave the field at half-time. <br>13. When a team scores or misses, the opposition gets the ball. <br>14. Potions to enhance skills must NOT be used. If a player is caught using pots to score, a straight red card will be given and a three match ban handed to the player. <br>15. When a player is tackled by a gnome, ANY player can tackle the gnome to win the ball for their team. <br>16. Holding the ball for 10 seconds or more in a place where a player can't be tackled by a gnome (eg. behind the goal) will result in a ball turnover. <br>17. Do not waste time arguing or you will be given a yellow card. <br>18. Two yellows = red card. <br>19. If you refuse to leave the pitch when told, you may be banned from the league. <br>20. Turn up at games with the team kit, and wear nothing else but your team kit. <br>21. Cats are not allowed on the field during the match. <br>22. If a team fails to show to a game, they receive -1 points. <br>23. Each team may only reschedule a match 3 times a season, and this must be done at least 24 hours before a game. <br>24. Gnome winger usage is strictly forbidden unless in exceptional circumstances, one man teams included here. <br>25. On your application, change in &quot;Did you read the rules:&quot; to &quot;Deed you read the rules&quot;. <br> <br><EFBFBD>Touchwood 1 2010
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31-Dec-2009 14:19:12
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 13:16:13 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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League table: <br> <br>~`Group B`~ <br> <br>Name - Pl - W - D - L - GF - GA - GD - Pts <br>Falador Park Falcons - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 <br>Catherby Lobsters - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 <br>Seers Swords - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 <br> <br>~`Group B**
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31-Dec-2009 14:19:48
<br/>Last edited on 01-May-2010 09:00:50 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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Catherby Lobsters United were first formed in the NGL D2 season one. After a good run of results, we won promotion to the top league and we have been there ever since season 6. During season 6 and thanks to our superstars Saintfan1128, Milkyman13, and Sniper 427 we reached the playoff quarter final, however we lost it to F.C Bayern Mortton. We went into season 7 with high hopes however it didn't turn out the way we wanted it to be. Our superstars left and we began a rebuilding process, we got good results in our first three matches, but it just went downhill from there. I resigned from the team, and Skyfire165 renamed the team Hamsters United, and despite all his best efforts, they finished 6th place, failing to qualify for the playoffs. <br> <br>In Season 9 I recreated them, with a completely new squad, despite loosing twice, we finished top of the east league and qualified for the playoffs. We managed to get though to the semi finals but were halted by Harchester United, however fiished joint third place for this season overall, a very good finish for us, seeing as though when the season first began we had next to nothing. <br> <br>NGL was disbanded after that season and surviving teams founded a small league called GPL. In the first and only season of the GPL we managed a second place finish which again is a very good finish in a tough league. We now await the first season of the new RGL. Ontop of a runners up place in the Gnomeball World Cup. <br> <br>After a dismal RGL season in which we were suspended from**** Ha Ha2006 took over for the first WGL season which was even more dismal ending in a 5th place joint bottom finish. We are now entering the second WGL season back under old manager Touchwood 1 (Blue Narrows). <br> <br>Hall of Fame: <br> <br>Milkyman13: One of the best midfielders ever in the league, and was fiercely loyal to the club, and acheived a lot for us. <br> <br>Sniper 427: For the same reasons as Milkyman13. <br> <br>Saintfan1128: Our old captain and will forever be a legend at the Lobsters.
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31-Dec-2009 14:19:55
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 13:16:40 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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Hall of Fame continued: <br> <br>Z Mageman2 - Lobsters all time top scorer up until NGL Season 10 and long time captain, will forever be remembered for his goals and commitment to the team. <br> <br>Spel - Despite him only being at the club for just a season, his contribution to the club was outstanding and his ability as a winger was outstanding. A true team player and captain. <br> <br> <br>After the second season of WGL we exceeded expectations and finished as runners up, we now enter the coming NGL season with high expectations. The NGL season ended too soon, and a new season is beginning very soon. <br> <br>NGL Season 10 finished with Lobsters again reaching the final, however this time disappointment in the final came against Varrock City, Catherby Lobsters for the third time in their history losing in the final, continuing their long wait for a trophy. <br> <br>Results history: <br> <br>WGL Season 2: <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 20 - 4 Lletya Legends <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 24 - 22 Varrock City <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 25 - 12 Killer Knomeball Klan <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 17 - 19 Ape Atoll Monkeys <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 27 - 7 Fortius Giants <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 21 - 0 Keldagrim Knights <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 37 - 36 Harchester United <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 36 - 34 Harchester United <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 35 - 37 Ape Atoll Monkeys <br> <br>Friendly: <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 28 - 26 Varrock City <br> <br>NGL Season 10 <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 26 - 30 Falador Park Falcons <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 27 - 26 Seers Swords <br> <br>NGL Season 10 Restart <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 36 - 34 Varrock City <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 46 - 50 Ardougne City <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 34 - 32 Falador Park Falcons <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 33 - 21 Falador Park Falcons <br> <br>Catherby Lobsters 39 - 42 Varrock City
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31-Dec-2009 14:20:05
<br/>Last edited on 31-Dec-2009 14:55:20 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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Results history
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31-Dec-2009 14:20:14
<br/>Last edited on 21-Jun-2010 16:28:11 by Tamed<65>Pickle
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Goalscorers history: <br> <br>Varakrath - 174 goals <br>Smz Rifleman - 120 goals <br>* SandyClawz - 97 goals <br>Tjeef Tjaf - 69 goals <br>Middy 43 - 58 goals <br>Tamed Pickle - 38 goals <br>Impish Spell - 35 goals <br>Keefe Sensei - 22 goals <br>Imitate214 - 7 goals <br>Bedaca - 5 goals <br>Kamykazee - 3 goals <br>A Bent Bunny - 2 goals <br>49er88 - 2 goals <br>DRNO35 - 1 goal
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