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25-Apr-2010 05:20:16
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 05:24:06 by Fred<65>Garvin1
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FFDN now has a community events thread. Please see 42-43-552-60621489 <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> (c) <br> <br> <br>~ FAST FREE DOUBLE NATURES WORLD 36 ~ <br> <br>WORLD 36 (Main Company World): Always Open <br>WORLD 39 (Backup World): Check the last page to see if the backup world is in use <br>-The Backup World is only used if World 36 should have technical issues. <br><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <br>Hello and welcome to Fast Free Double Natures, a company founded on March 10, 2007 by Masterdez and Sword Kill11, dedicated to supplying runners with a quick and simple method of making money. <br> <br>= You assist a 91+ runecrafter, and have the ability to craft your own double natures = <br> <br>Company Operators <br>================ <br>Cai2222 <br>Chef9810 <br>Duckfins <br>Fred Garvin1 <br>Laur <br>Masterdez (Rob Vi) <br>Plain Steel <br>Sierranic <br>Sugar887 <br>Sword Kill11 <br> <br>Thread Operators <br>============== <br>122ace <br>Aimeelynn200 <br>Belladawne <br>Dusty 125 <br>Earl Uhtred1 <br>Evel678 <br>Gr34t 1 <br>Master 0rich <br>Salty <br> <br>Channel Operators <br>=============== <br>Derdad <br>Empowered1 <br>Forsberg888 <br>Jiggy Elve <br>Mandy <br>Pal2cool <br>Paleo Soldat <br>Pewter Envoy <br>Shrrgnien14 <br>Sirjoshuaj1 <br>Zaynaka <br> <br>Advisors <br>======= <br>Chaoy2 <br>Gial5 <br>Josephda3rd <br>Sideway.s X <br>Wandyer <br>Yrolg <br> <br> <br>Effigy Coordinators <br>==================== <br>Colin Cham <br>Love Dan <br>Miirec <br>Nightgale93 <br>Operation <br>Seif Cham <br>Snakebites X <br> <br> <br>Within the company chat channel (channel name: &quot;FFDN&quot; ) - <br> <br>Gold Star = Company Operator - Can Kick <br>Silver Star = Thread or Channel Operator - Can Kick <br>Bronze Star = Company Crafter <br>Smiley Face = Advisor <br>3 stripes = Effigy Coordinator <br>No Star = Runners/Anyone else <br> <br>&gt; See Post 21 (page 3) for further information about the company chat channel. <br> <br> <br>FFDN now holds bi-monthly events. Please see 42-43-552-60621489 for more information <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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25-Apr-2010 05:21:20
<br/>Last edited on 20-Jun-2010 05:50:58 by Fred<65>Garvin1
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~ 2. Table Of Contents ~ <br> <br>= Page 1 = <br>Post 1: Introduction <br>Post 2: Table Of Contents <br>Post 3: How The Running Process Works: Getting Your Fast Free Double Natures <br>Post 4: Banking Methods <br>Post 5: Becoming a Company Crafter and Crafting Guidelines <br>Post 6: Frequently Asked Questions <br>Post 7: Crafter List: 0-D <br>Post 8: Crafter List: E-K <br>Post 9: Crafter List: L-Q <br>Post 10: Crafter List: R-Z <br> <br>= Page 2 = <br>Post 11: Updates &amp; Announcements <br>Post 12: 99 Runecrafters <br>Post 13: Why Lines Are Essential <br>Post 14: Policies Regarding Line Cutters <br>Post 15: Policies Regarding Line Cutters - Continued <br>Post 16: Differences Between Company Crafters and Independent Crafters <br>Post 17: Why FFDN Does Not Hurt the Nature Rune Economy <br>Post 18: Crafters: Why Should I Craft? <br>Post 19: Operator Information <br>Post 20: Crafter Acceptance - For Operator Use Only <br> <br>= Page 3 = <br>Post 21: Company Chat Channel <br>Post 22: Company Chat Channel - Continued <br>Post 23: Thread Use <br>Post 24: Level Time Chart <br>Post 25: Efficient Crafting Methods + How to Deal with <br> Effigy <br>Post26-30: reserved <br>= Page 4 = <br>Post 31: Company Graduates ~ #1-100 <br>Post 32: Company Graduates ~ #101-200 <br>Post 33: Company Graduates ~ #201-300 <br>Post 34: Company Graduates ~ #301-400 <br>Post 35: Company Graduates ~ #401-500 <br>Post 36: Company Graduates ~ #501-600 <br>Post 37: Company Graduates ~ #601-700 <br>Post 38: Company Graduates ~ #701-800 <br>Post 39: Company Graduates ~ #801-900 <br>Post 40: Company Graduates ~ #901-1000 <br> <br>= Page 5 = <br>Post 41-50: Reserved for future use.
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25-Apr-2010 05:22:15
<br/>Last edited on 25-May-2010 05:35:21 by Fred<65>Garvin1
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~ 3. How the Running Process Works Getting Your Fast Free Double Natures ~ <br> <br>GUIDELINES FOR RUNNING <br>- You must supply your own pure essence <br>- Request assistance from our crafters wearing gold robes <br>- Do not wear gold robes yourself as this will cause confusion <br>- You must come inside the altar to be assisted. This means you need a nature talisman/tiara (can be bought from the Grand Exchange and does *not* require any level to use), or use the abyss <br>- Please do not bring any animals, with the exception of abyssal creatures, Spirit Graahks, Geyser Titans and Terrorbirds (the only animals beneficial to runecrafting) <br>- You must stay in line - those who cut lines won't be assisted <br>- We do NOT allow V.I.P's <br>- Once you are finished with the assist, please say &quot;done&quot; <br> <br>WHERE TO GO <br>- Fast Free Double Natures is always located on world 36; however, check the last page of this thread or join our chat channel (FFDN) to see if the backup world (world 39) is in use if world 36 is having technical issues. <br>- The nature altar is located in the southern part of Karamja island, directly outside the northeast corner of Shilo Village. For a helpful map, see: Game Guide &gt; Manual &gt; Skills &gt; Runecrafting &gt; Runecrafting - Locating the Altars <br> <br>RECEIVING ASSISTANCE <br>- Form a line behind a crafter, and move up in the line until it is your turn. When it is your turn, assist the crafter, and you will be able to craft your own double natures. Examples: <br>*If you craft 28 pure essence while being assisted, you will gain 56 nature runes. <br>*If you craft 27 pure essence while being assisted, you will gain 54 nature runes. <br>*If you craft 26 pure essence while being assisted, you will gain 52 nature runes. <br>*And so on...
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25-Apr-2010 05:23:17
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~ 4. Banking Methods ~ <br> <br>After receiving your fast free double natures, there are many ways in which you can bank to get more unnoted pure essence and come back for more natures. The methods are ranked in order of their speed. Note: You can also bring along an abyssal familiar to hold 7 pure essences for you. <br> <br>1. Spirit Graahk <br>-Use a ring of dueling or glory to teleport to a bank. Then, use the spirit graahk familiar to teleport just west of the nature altar. <br>---Requirements: Level 57 Summoning to summon the Spirit Graahk. <br> <br>2. Abyss <br>-Use a glory to teleport to Edgeville bank, and use the Abyss to travel back to the nature altar. Be sure to watch out for revenants. <br> <br>3. Fairy Rings <br>-Use a glory to teleport to Edgeville bank. Walk northeast from the bank until you come to a bridge across the river. Cross the bridge, then head south to the fairy ring. Use the combination CKR to teleport to Karamja, just a bit west of the nature altar. <br>---Requirements: Must have completed the beginning of the Fairytale 2 Cure a Queen quest to gain access to fairy rings. <br> <br>4. Gnome Gliders <br>-Use a glory or ring of dueling to teleport to Al Kharid, and use the bank. Fly the gnome glider sitting north of the bank to Karamja. Walk north along the river until you come to a log. After crossing the log, the nature altar is to your southwest. <br>---Requirements: Must have completed the Grand Tree quest. <br> <br>5. Brimhaven House <br>-Set your house location to Brimhaven. Use a house teleport, then have your butler unnote your pure essence. Walk out of your house and head southeast to the nature altar. <br>---Requirements: Level 40 Construction to change your house location to Brimhaven and some cash to pay your butler. <br> <br>6. General Store <br>-Run to the general store north-west of the nature altar, and use your noted pure essence with the store's NPC to exchange for unnoted essence. <br>---Requirements: A good amount of cash to exchange your essence.
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25-Apr-2010 05:24:16
<br/>Last edited on 10-May-2010 10:33:55 by Fred<65>Garvin1
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~ 5. Becoming a Company Crafter and Crafting Guidelines ~ <br> <br>To become a crafter, you will need to sign up using this form and post it on this thread: <br> <br>Runescape Name: <br>Runecraft level: <br>Do you agree to follow our guidelines?: <br>Have you read the entire first page?: (Hint: We are looking for a specific phrase) <br>Do you agree to not allowing V.I.P's?: <br>Will you support company guidelines, help update altar status, and answer calls for assistance?: <br> <br>PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to re-post this if you have applied before or changed your name, we keep all users and update names automatically (or within one week) <br> <br>CRAFTING GUIDELINES <br>- You MUST have 91+ runecraft <br>- Assist the runners as they move up in the line and wait for them to finish <br>- Allow at least 2 crafts per runner <br>- Wear gold robes (Canifis Clothing Shop) when crafting <br>- You must form a line when crafting and not stand on other crafters <br>- Acknowledge that you may occasionally lose your bronze crafter star in the channel, and all that is required to regain it is to simply ask an Operator politely (see Post 1 on Page 3 for more info). <br>- Respect all runners <br>- Absolutely no V.I.P's <br>- While not required, feel free to bring along some teleother runes in your inventory to help runners in case they forget to bring their own teleport <br> <br> <br>***Finally, for new crafters filling out our application: <br>In response to the question &quot;Have you read the entire first page?&quot;, you should answer &quot;I took the hint&quot; to show you actually did read the first page and for your application to be accepted.
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25-Apr-2010 05:25:28
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~ 6. Frequently Asked Questions ~ <br> <br>Q: Do I need to ask someone if I can run? <br>A: No, you do not need to ask if you can run, just come. <br> <br>Q: Are you selling natures or buying pure essence? <br>A: No, please do not advertise selling/buying on this thread or in our chat channel. <br> <br>Q: Are you currently crafting natures? <br>A: Yes, there are always crafters at the nature altar - but see the last page of the thread for the current number of crafters present. <br> <br>Q: Can you switch worlds? <br>A: No, we will always be on world 36 unless otherwise indicated on the first post. <br> <br>Q: Why did a crafter let someone cut the line? <br>A: A crafter's assist screen is constantly up and we may easily miss a cutter. Also if a runner is poisoned, crafters use their own judgement to help the person get his nats before he dies. Dont worry, we will not let anyone take advantage of this. <br> <br>Q: I have pouches, how many times may I craft while being assisted? <br>A: Company crafters are required to allow at least 2 crafts per runner; however, most crafters will allow as many crafts as you need. <br> <br>Q: Can you come outside the altar? <br>A: No, you must come inside the altar to be assisted. <br> <br>Q: Do you supply the pure essence? <br>A: No, you must supply your own. However, search the Runes Forum for &quot;Free Ess&quot; for companies that can provide you with some for free. <br> <br>Q: Who do I assist for natures? <br>A: Locate a Company Crafter wearing gold robes, and line up behind their line. <br> <br>Q: I am under level 91 runecraft, can I join the company? <br>A: Sorry, no. Because you need level 91 runecraft to assist double natures, we do not allow anyone below level 91 to join. <br> <br>Q: I'm wanting to join the company in the future, so how can I raise my Runecraft level? <br>A: Refer to this great Runecraft guide: 98-99-696-58530389
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25-Apr-2010 05:29:00
<br/>Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 00:12:39 by Fred<65>Garvin1
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~ 7. Crafter List: 0-D ~ <br> <br>This Crafter List contains all FFDN Company Crafters with 91-98 runecraft. Due to our massive Crafter List, 99 runecrafters are now listed on the second page and all company graduates are listed on the fourth page to conserve space. <br> <br>00angel4200 <br>1 800 Cat <br>11111471 <br>14cragzies <br>2 Light <br>28 Jingle <br>2st0ned2p00n <br>354k Boots <br>3at__My Arow <br>3kris3 <br>75elyk <br>903 <br>A Blu3 Kitty <br>A Single Ant <br>Aaahockytank <br>Aaron Skated <br>Ace Kill 22 <br>Adrian0032 <br>Adtr Tyler <br>Agent Fubar <br>Agile Jebrim <br>Agony88 <br>Ahhhhhhhh Ne <br>Ailabyoo <br>Akslar <br>Alex Hc <br>Alex Pro1 <br>Alexander <br>Andy2984 - Retired Channel Op <br>Andy69er4 <br>Angellotus <br>Annie Kaye <br>Antdalton <br>Ants0fthesky <br>Anvilrage <br>Aol Servant <br>Apokahlypse <br>Aquaduckk <br>Asian Buns <br>Autumnorchid <br>Avio Nova <br>Azzurrii <br>Bad B0y I Am <br>Badroom <br>Balancenuke <br>Bantilocks <br>Barbarare <br>Bawby Lewis <br>Bazooka Joes <br>Bballa5 <br>Bdb <br>Becky67 <br>Bent Truth <br>Birdcheep <br>Black Geggo <br>Black Opswar <br>Blitzprog Io <br>Bolivius <br>Bolton367 <br>Bondkt <br>Borndied <br>Bregan D <br>Brigitte227 <br>Bro Fox Jr <br>Brutus <br>Bt.yhuntr <br>Bullet626 <br>Buysome Weed <br>Bv202 <br>Calcium Man0 <br>Caosmaker <br>Captaincuba <br>Cash On Mind <br>Catycee1 <br>Cconejo <br>Certifydcrew <br>Cesarz 2006 <br>C.exy Tom125 <br>Chasesthesun <br>Cheif Clegg <br>Chessland <br>Chesterpeck <br>Chimp103 <br>Chiubo <br>Choco Archer <br>Chorley3 <br>Choron <br>Cirdora <br>Clnteas1wood <br>Cman8778 <br>Coca Semcola <br>Codster 57 <br>Colin Cham <br>Cometts <br>Cool Kick <br>Crashmac <br>Creo <br>Crunchyp00py <br>Cruzi <br>D3crypt3r <br>D4rk Legend5 <br>Daburgaaking <br>Dan M <br>Danigoy4 <br>Dark Iron9 <br>Dark Octobor <br>Dark Tzal <br>Darkest Ange <br>Darkman 181 <br>Darlokneo <br>Dchenry <br>Death 4 U422 <br>Deathking694 <br>Dees 4 Life <br>Demoilsh <br>Derick Z <br>Desafc <br>Dev203 <br>Dj Alex T <br>Djdevil20 <br>Dk Killer44 <br>Dr Dreamcast <br>Dr Tomashov <br>Dragmatical <br>Drkkennyh <br>Druid Xyphus <br>Ducttape89 <br>Duffy <br>Duke Jon <br>Dutch Sorrow <br>Dux Halcyon
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25-Apr-2010 05:30:12
<br/>Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 00:13:09 by Fred<65>Garvin1
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~ 8. Crafter List: E-K ~ <br> <br>E Cra.cco <br>Eat My 99 Rc <br>Eatme3100 <br>Edisonsim1 <br>Eludify <br>Elysium God <br>Emptynogin <br>Epilim <br>Etinifni <br>Evilpiggie <br>Evx Cjt <br>Fairynuffs <br>Fast Farmin <br>Feta Annelie <br>Filipmeister <br>Fir Faye <br>Firedude18 <br>Fishfisher1 <br>Fittie Tuck <br>Flymi <br>Fun4est13 <br>Fzr Stage3 <br>G E G I <br>Ganja N N <br>Garfieldcats <br>Geostigma <br>Getat Ma Lvl <br>Ginga Dude <br>Gl1tch N00b <br>Gladz <br>Glennykins <br>Gnarly Wizz <br>Godcanthelp <br>Godz Nicky <br>Gold Manz <br>Golden I <br>Gooooogs <br>Goredon0 <br>Gosaipwnzyou <br>Goz <br>Gramps150 <br>Greenownzyoo <br>Grounded910 <br>Gunsentry <br>Gurt Dwarf <br>Gymbob <br>G__Punkt <br>Habibi69 <br>Happy Chap7 <br>Happy Lmao <br>Happy Tree1 <br>Harmr <br>Hawk E Balla <br>He Man2005 <br>Headshot808 <br>Heavy Bre <br>Helleman <br>Helpless28 <br>High Flyer05 <br>Hot16yearold <br>Hughmister <br>Hustla188 <br>I Cbow <br>I Do 2x Nats <br>I Heard Your <br>I Luke I <br>Idk Drugs <br>Idudexo <br>Ifonts <br>Igotlaid Xd <br>Iitz Adam <br>Ilessai <br>Ilikeboydick <br>Ima Mad Kint <br>Importz350z <br>Infra <br>Infranez <br>Inquisitive <br>Ipdonu2 <br>Irecovery <br>Iron Man 445 <br>Iti Fi S O N <br>Itsnursewho <br>Iuruk <br>Iva Bigens <br>Ivan W3 <br>Ix Ossie *i <br>Jake Bee <br>Jamesw 03 <br>Jami50n <br>Javeline 2 <br>Jbc <br>Jcong21 <br>Jconova <br>Jdblimegreen <br>Jeep59l V8 <br>Jelanic <br>Jellmeister <br>Jiggy Elve - Channel Op <br>Jimky <br>Jomo64 <br>Jomommi <br>Jonas.dcc <br>Junkie102 <br>Junksta X <br>Junskar <br>Just Jack6 <br>Just Jiggas <br>Justiiin <br>K Illzx <br>Kaevandaja1 <br>Kaizaa1 <br>Kardain <br>Kasox536 <br>Kat And Ken <br>Kcmeat <br>Keb005 <br>Keitaro Hina <br>Kelstons <br>Kenbo28 <br>Kesky88 <br>Kewanary <br>Kfc4monkeys <br>Kiemister20 <br>Kill6o <br>King Meri <br>King Obould3 <br>Kk1960 <br>Knight0375 <br>Kobukl <br>Kofi Bryant <br>Krielkipje <br>Krogoth22 <br>Ktwc Shawdow <br>Kuragina <br>Kuyori <br>Kyle
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25-Apr-2010 05:30:47
<br/>Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 00:13:42 by Fred<65>Garvin1
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~ 9. Crafter List: L-Q ~ <br> <br>L Shewbawx L <br>L0ki 1 <br>Labit.hia <br>Lady Daniyel <br>Lady Of God <br>Lady Silent <br>Ladyshar <br>Leaf Season <br>Leenuks <br>Lekker Blowe <br>Lerchen <br>Liberty Lost <br>Lightguy66 <br>Lilaznslaya <br>Link 7870 <br>Liri J <br>Live Fancy <br>Ljvr2 <br>Lk Lorie <br>Logic Chief <br>Lonestar855 <br>Lord Isanagi <br>Lord Simple <br>Lordcheshire <br>Lordfletcher <br>Lost Baggage <br>Lostaz.nbo1 <br>Lotty <br>Ltangel <br>Lucyjane <br>Lure Deluxe <br>Lx Draxcl Xl <br>Mage 131313 <br>Magic Fella1 <br>Magic Moose8 <br>Magnolia 69 <br>Masterdez - Founder / Company Op <br>Masterguy <br>Matys Legacy <br>Mawfaka <br>Maximx <br>Maxmus45 <br>Mayjex <br>Md Shields <br>Meeewz <br>Melnemar <br>Meschel <br>Meshuggah <br>Michael0o5 <br>Mickydread <br>Miirec <br>Mike2040 <br>Milk103 <br>Minishadow88 <br>Mirage Ace <br>Miss Adzyp <br>Missxshirley <br>Mister Jock.o <br>Misty Misha <br>Mithilarcher <br>Miza Boy <br>Mole Leader <br>Moligon <br>Mousecatmom <br>Mr Dumbbo <br>Mr Frankinet <br>Mr Simax <br>Mrjohngalt <br>Mualemjuggle <br>Mxg <br>Mystang1 <br>Mystic Cin <br>Myxscape2 <br>N3wb Sabre <br>Necuz <br>Nevertalk2me <br>Newamsterdam <br>Niceskillspp <br>Nick Sp <br>Nicktd123 <br>Nirvanahole <br>Nismo180sx <br>Nosta Khan <br>Nzu <br>O0o0 <br>Ogrim99 <br>Oillin <br>Ojes Yobe <br>Omarhameed6 <br>Omg Badcabb <br>Omniforce1 <br>Onlinesweets <br>Oski <br>Ourania4 Me <br>Over This <br>Panic Prone <br>Partyhat Lt <br>Penitentuary <br>Pennyxox <br>Ph Pinnnno <br>Phoenix99155 <br>Phonix260 <br>Pi Geek <br>Pickupnix <br>Pinkypeach <br>Pinoy Mage99 <br>Pizaaaaaaaaa <br>Pk Wanna Be <br>Pker Dude Jr <br>Pkgaundi <br>Porphyrojene <br>Posts <br>Potty Mouth <br>Powersun2 <br>Powotae <br>Prncesgodiva <br>Pro Cheese93 <br>Pro Park <br>Pro Youtuber <br>Psa <br>Psycho40 <br>Puremages50
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25-Apr-2010 05:31:23
<br/>Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 00:14:13 by Fred<65>Garvin1
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~ 10. Crafter List: R-Z ~ <br> <br>R U Gunabang <br>Rabbitman <br>Radon <br>Rajjin <br>Rarely Busy <br>Ravenn6 <br>Rawpenguins <br>Rawr Glad <br>Rc Dabomb <br>Rc Doc <br>Rcmat <br>Reaperx33453 <br>Redant100 <br>Regard <br>Richestguy <br>Rickysmom36 <br>Riot206 <br>Riskinitall <br>Rlb <br>Rocked <br>Roonscape <br>Rory Slays <br>Rs Desty <br>Rs Is Gayy <br>Rshh3 <br>Rumeboi <br>Rune Haxor23 <br>S Ali <br>S1mple Nick <br>Sadd104 <br>Safleha <br>Sam78991 <br>Samba37 <br>Scimitar40 <br>Se Tyler <br>Seeker 92 <br>Sensei Vega <br>Seth Rcrafts <br>Sharking <br>Shazzaroo <br>Sh.ef <br>Shemalelynx <br>Shyla <br>Sialeipata <br>Sina The 2nd <br>Sir Crafter <br>Sir Menno537 <br>Sir Robbiee <br>Sir Vinvyin <br>Sirchief <br>Sk8 4 Mag <br>Slayer Dragn <br>Smart Car <br>Snick <br>Snipe Baller <br>Snorbett <br>Snowy Sc <br>So Hinu <br>Soka Sta2 <br>Spartacuspo <br>Spectrala <br>Spin Pro Gp <br>Spoonmepl0x <br>Squirrelly <br>Sraet <br>Stannyyy <br>Steamy Feces <br>Stephen20073 <br>Stinkebear1 <br>Stolentimed <br>Strik3ster <br>Strikerzero0 <br>Supamagier <br>Superdogdie <br>Suu Bear <br>Swift Ags <br>Sxcjoe18 <br>Sy The Freak <br>Syamilo <br>Synced Pain <br>Taichi123 <br>Tak__123 <br>Talen <br>Tank 19 Kos <br>Tatt Two <br>Teacuptime <br>Tee11 <br>Tesh007540 <br>Thagaim <br>The Steelz <br>The Tyler Wf <br>Thebryzor <br>Thekinkyfrog <br>Thenixdorf <br>Tiempo <br>Tiessto <br>Tiggy18 <br>Tinywarrior0 <br>Tmazza <br>Tomy Hun <br>Torry <br>Trav <br>Trent Rulz <br>Tribbles <br>Trink <br>True Cursed <br>Ts Sven <br>Ttkmws <br>Tufty <br>Tunis Lt <br>Turciuos <br>Twister86 <br>Tylenol Mazx <br>Tyler Sal <br>Ukrebel <br>Uplink Virus <br>Veinti <br>Vie Lumiere <br>Viper Is Ill <br>Vi.rgin Queen <br>Vivaespania <br>Vivic8 <br>Vvv Impulse <br>Vyper Fangs <br>W I N N Y <br>War Ceremony <br>Wargagin <br>Warhead999 <br>Was <br>Wasup G Unit <br>Wced <br>Whos Senitex <br>Whywedream <br>Wildprowler <br>Wobbie569 <br>Wolf Daeva <br>Wutzafat <br>X Brand <br>X Skiller Xi <br>X Tom X 14 <br>Xboxownzrs <br>Xcrussader <br>Xdx94 <br>Xtezo <br>Xv Chaos Vx <br>Xwik.kid37x <br>Xy Rc Miner <br>Y R U Madbro <br>Yakin Lt <br>Yew Blood <br>Yo Fei 7 <br>Yooper <br>Yuan43 <br>Z3r0vic0us <br>Zac22 <br>Zanad45 <br>Zen Zealot <br>Zerphyx <br>Zio <br>Zirger <br>Zomelis <br>Zop4444
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