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29-Mar-2009 07:57:17
<br/>Last edited on 03-Jul-2010 05:29:52 by Makoto<74>D
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It is strongly encouraged that one disables the smilies for one's account before viewing terminal-based commands. <br>--- <br> <br>This thread is an *unofficial* support system for existing Linux users. Discussing the pros and cons of Linux, as well as experimenting/dual-boot advice is outside of the scope of this guide. <br> <br>************* <br>[NEWS 2/7/10] <br> <br>By popular demand, I've added instructions on how to install binary/proprietary drivers. It's not glorious, and it comes with two caveats: <br> <br>1) The easy way will almost *never* give you up to date proprietary drivers. <br> <br>2) The hard way comes with limitations; if your hardware is listed as legacy, you have to download specific drivers (not the newest ones). <br> <br>Let me know of any issues with it. <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>--- <br> <br>Guides for your distribution of choice are being accepted - feel free to post! <br> <br>************* <br>Contents: <br> <br>- A Brief on System Information - Page 2 <br>- Installing and troubleshooting Java - Pages 3-4 <br>- Advanced topics - Pages 5-6 <br>- FAQ, Information, Terminology and User-Contributed Info - Page 7-10 <br> <br>************* <br>Scope: <br> <br>- The guide at the moment specifically covers Debian specific/derived Linux distributions that run the GNOME environment by default; this includes Ubuntu Linux and by extension, Linux Mint. Preliminary support for RPM systems exists, but may not be as complete as Debian support. <br> <br>************* <br>What versions/flavors of Linux does the guide support? <br>(Support exists for both 32- and 64-bit platforms.) <br> <br>Ubuntu [Linux Mint]: <br>&lt;8.04 [5], 9.04 [7] - 10.04 [9]&gt; (32-bit Hardy [Elyssa] ONLY) <br> <br> <br>Fedora (partial): <br>A guide by Pinguicula (thanks!) exists on pages 85 and 101 of this thread. It will be refined in the near future. <br> <br>************* <br>Need help? Be prepared to provide the following: <br> <br>- Java (and version) <br>- Your browser (name and version) <br>- General system information (OS, graphics card, processor, how to get that is posted in the second post of this thread)
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:23
<br/>Last edited on 18-Nov-2009 08:49:51 by Makoto<74>D
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************* <br>A Brief on System Information (UPDATED 18 Oct 2009) <br> <br>There is a significantly better tool available for Linux users, which is platform independent. This tool is known as &quot;hardinfo&quot;, which is short for &quot;hardware information&quot;. This tool does a very good job of pulling as much information as it can, and presents it in a very easy to read format. <br> <br>------ <br> <br>To install hardinfo: <br> <br>1) Go to your Terminal. <br>2) Type the command &quot;sudo apt-get install hardinfo&quot;, without the quotes. Satisfy all security requirements, and wait for it to finish installing. <br>3) It's complete! Now either run it through the terminal &quot;hardinfo&quot;, or through System -&gt; Preferences -&gt; System Profiler and Benchmark. <br> <br>[In Karmic and above, the menu will be found under Applications -&gt; System Tools.] <br> <br>------ <br> <br>&lt;Finding the vital information&gt; <br> <br>Most, if not all of the information required to diagnose your machine and its problems can be found directly in the &quot;Summary&quot; menu. To get to this menu: <br> <br>1) Run hardinfo via Terminal, Alt+F2, or navigate to System -&gt; Preferences -&gt; System Profiler and Benchmark (Applications -&gt; System Tools in Karmic and above). <br> <br>2) Click on the Summary side menu. In the right hand side, in order, you will find your Processor (model name), Memory, OS, Resolution, OpenGL Renderer (which essentially translates to your graphics card), and your X11 Vendor. <br> <br>If I, another maintainer, or someone else needs more information, we will not only request it, but we will tell you where to find it. I am confident though that hardinfo will be so simple to use, you probably won't need our advanced guiding with it.
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:26
<br/>Last edited on 07-May-2010 23:20:51 by Makoto<74>D
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************* <br>Troubleshooting and Installing Java <br> <br>There are two distinct ways to install Java - one is easier, but not always the best option; the other is harder, but keeps your Java up-to-date. Choose your method wisely. <br> <br>--- <br> <br>[NOTE] OpenJDK will work fine with RS if you're using Firefox. Follow these steps if you want Sun/Oracle Java, or wish to use Java in a different browser. <br> <br>The way to figure out which Java version you're running is by use of the 'java -version' command. This will display information in the following manner: <br> <br>user@host:~$ java -version <br>java version &quot;1.6.0_15&quot; <br>Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_15-b03) <br>Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.1-b02, mixed mode) <br> <br>--- <br> <br>Installing Java <20> The *easy* way <br> <br>0) Add the &quot;partner&quot; repository in Lucid and above. Reference the release notes for Ubuntu 10.04 (Sun Java moved to the Partner Repository) for clearer instructions. <br> <br>1) Run the Synaptic Package Manager. This is found in System -&gt; Administration -&gt; Synaptic Package Manager. <br> <br>2) Satisfy the security requirements, and go to the search bar, located at the top of the program, or in Edit -&gt; Search, or press Ctrl + F. <br> <br>3) Type in 'sun-java6' and hit Enter. A list of packages matching that should appear. <br> <br>4) Check the following package [all prefixed with sun-java6]: fonts, bin, jdk, jre, and plugin. <br> <br>5) Apply the changes by hitting the green check at the top. <br> <br>6) Wait for it to finish downloading and installing, then go to a terminal to confirm Java is installed by typing 'java -version'. <br> <br>The distinct advantage of this is that it's virtually painless, and for most players, further work on Java's installation is not required. However, this does not always give you the latest Java. <br> <br>[WARNING] Unless RuneScape does not function properly, or you want the newer Java releases, don't attempt the other method!
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:30
<br/>Last edited on 22-May-2009 23:31:32 by Makoto<74>D
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************* <br>Troubleshooting and Installing Java <br> <br>Installing Java <20> The *hard* way <br> <br>[ You MUST have the sun-java6 packages installed for this to properly work. This also makes use of the Java Development Kit. ] <br> <br>[WARNING] Any time a command requires the prefix <20>sudo<64>, it means that it is being done with super-user privileges. Please exercise caution whenever told to perform a sudo command. The following sudo commands are safe enough to be done without causing permanent damage to your machine, although, if done incorrectly, may cause damage to your Java installation. <br> <br>1) Go to the Java website and download the latest packages. It *must* be the self-extracting, binary JDK, and not the JAR or RPM! Place this file to your desktop. <br> <br>2) After the file has downloaded, type the following command: 'cd ~/Desktop; chmod +x jdk-&lt;TAB&gt;', where &lt;TAB&gt; is when you hit the tab button, which auto completes the file name. <br> <br>3) Type the command .'/jdk-&lt;TAB&gt;', and agree to the license agreement. <br> <br>4) You should now have a directory that has the binaries in it for Java. <br> <br>5) Type the command <20>sudo mv jdk1-&lt;TAB&gt; /usr/lib/jvm<76>. This moves it to /usr/lib/jvm/, the global location of Java on Ubuntu. Then, type 'cd /usr/lib/jvm', which will put you in the /jvm directory. <br> <br>6) Type the command 'sudo rm java-6-sun'. This will *remove* your symbolic link to Java on your system <20> please exercise caution at this point. If no symlink here exists, continue to the next step. <br> <br>7) Type the command 'sudo ln -s jdk-&lt;TAB&gt; java-6-sun'. This will recreate your symbolic link to the new Java on your system. <br> <br>8) Type the command 'sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun'. This command will recreate all previously broken links to your old JRE. <br> <br>The distinct advantage of this is that it will always give you the latest Java, and for most players, that may actually be required. However, this is definitely not an easy thing to do.
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:34
<br/>Last edited on 08-Jan-2010 02:55:34 by Makoto<74>D
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************* <br>Advanced Topics <br> <br>- New Java Plugin [UPDATED 5 January 2010] <br> <br>The new Java Plugin adds some speed and reliability performances to Java applets. It currently only has the 'server' run-mode implementation, so performance may seem a bit sluggish at first. <br> <br>This is enabled by default; if you wish to revert to the old plugin (32-bit only), the guide to do that is at the bottom of the first page. <br> <br>- Compositing Manager [UPDATED 27 March 2009] <br> <br>Compositing managers allow for really nice eye candy with OpenGL and a graphics card that can support it. Recently, users of ATI cards would have conflicts with compositing and OpenGL applications (RuneScape uses JOGL, a port of OpenGL to Java), but with the ATI Catalyst 9.3 driver, it is possible to have these extra features and play RuneScape at the same time. NVidia cards have had a workaround for months, and could use these features alongside playing RuneScape. <br> <br>If you do not wish to have this, you can disable compositing features through the following tool. <br> <br>1) Go to a Terminal and type in the command &quot;sudo apt-get install fusion-icon&quot;, without quotes. Satisfy security requirements, and wait for it to finish installing. <br> <br>2) Run this command by pressing Alt+F2 and typing &quot;fusion-icon&quot; into the dialog. This will create the icon in your notification area. <br> <br>3) *Right* click (left click will do nothing), and if you wish to switch rendering schemes, navigate to &quot;Select Window Manager&quot;, and click &quot;Metacity&quot;. <br> <br>4) If you wish to start this by default at all times, navigate to System -&gt; Preferences -&gt; Sessions, click on the &quot;Add&quot; button, type in a simple name (like Fusion Icon), type the command &quot;fusion-icon&quot; into the 'command' box, and place any comment you like, but it's not advised to leave it blank. While your machine is logged in, it will be displayed in the notification area, and not get in your way.
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:38
<br/>Last edited on 02-Feb-2010 05:21:16 by Makoto<74>D
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************* <br>Advanced Topics <br> <br>- 64-bit OS + RuneScape [UPDATED 1 February 2010] <br> <br>As of 1 Feb 2010, RuneScape HD will work properly within 64-bit Linux, including the new Java plugin. If you have any problems though, don't be afraid to post about it. <br> <br>- Sound with Linux in RuneScape [UPDATED 28 November 2009] <br> <br>&lt;In Karmic, using Google Chrome with the following methods will work. This tactic will NOT work with Firefox.&gt; <br> <br>For an unknown reason, sound in Java will not work unless you're not listening to any other music at the moment. That's all good and dandy; just don't turn on your music until after RS has loaded, right? Wrong. Java will usurp control of the sound card, rendering it absolutely unusable by anything else (but not damaged) until you log out. <br> <br>To eliminate this, simply wrap Firefox around PulseAudio. The way to do this is <20>padsp firefox<6F> (or &quot;aoss firefox&quot;, for those using ALSA - Thanks Redbloodx5!). <br> <br>I don't like typing that every single time I load Firefox, though, so there is a simple way to do this. <br> <br>1) Right-click on your menu bar, and select <20>Edit Menus<75>. <br>2) On the left-hand side, click on the <20>Internet<65> Menu. All of your Internet applications should pop up. <br>3) Navigate to your web browser (Firefox, Opera, etc), right-click on it, and select <20>Properties<65>. <br>4) That is simply a quick link to the program you're trying to run. Prepend (put at the front) the aforementioned command, hit Close, and you're done. <br> <br>- Screen flickering [UPDATED 5 January 2010] <br> <br>A unique problem occurred if you moused over the Jagex logo while playing a game; your game screen would go white. It has been a while since I've observed this behavior, so it is unlikely an issue now. If you *do* notice this, though, please don't hesitate to post.
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:42
<br/>Last edited on 25-Jul-2009 21:14:26 by Makoto<74>D
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************* <br>Frequently Asked Questions <br> <br>Q) Can RS run on Linux? <br> <br>A) Short answer: Yes. <br>Long answer: RuneScape can run on pretty much any architecture that Java has been ported to, so this should cover your PC. There are, of course, hardware limitations, which would prevent RuneScape from running efficiently or at all, so at this time, there won't be any RS for your mobile or your PS3 through Java. <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Q) Does Linux cost anything? <br> <br>A) No. The majority of distributions are free; if you wish to pay, you'll probably be able to pay for support. <br> <br>Q) Can Linux get viruses? <br> <br>A) Not in the sense that you think. Every operating system can contract viruses, but the way that Linux handles executable files to begin with is unique from Windows. On most modern distros, you are never logged in full-time as the root account by default, so the damage done is limited to only your home directory. Next, if you were to download a malicious program, you would have to make it executable. After that, you would have to run it! That's a whole lot of work for someone to try to infect your machine, and an alert user would catch it before it was too late. Lastly, there are only a handful of viruses for Linux that not only can run without your permission, but can actually propagate themselves to other machines, so the odds of you actually getting one are incredibly slim. <br> <br>Q) Sound is a few seconds behind a normal action! What's wrong? <br> <br>A) The problem here is with the sound on Linux. To be frank, there are a lot of sound options on Linux platforms (OSS, ALSA, PulseAudio), and I'm not sure if there's a conflict or something someplace, but the sound from plugins such as Flash or Java come out slightly slower than normal. Your best option is to report the issue with Sun, developers of PulseAudio, or Adobe, as they are much more likely to come up with the solution. At this time, there's no readily available fix.
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:46
<br/>Last edited on 02-Jul-2010 22:29:41 by Makoto<74>D
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************* <br>Responses on this Thread <br> <br>I will do my best to answer any questions on this thread, schedule permitting. Don't feel bad if I take a little long to get back to you; I'm not ignoring you guys, I just have a lot of work to do elsewhere. <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>************* <br>Thread Maintainers <br> <br>If you want to become a thread maintainer, you must show exemplary knowledge of Linux and a willingness to help. <br> <br>Current Maintainers: <br> <br>Triggerhapp <br> <br>************* <br> <br>&quot;Big Three&quot; Hit List <br> <br>Have you ever seen me post &quot;I'm looking into it&quot; when faced with a peculiar problem? Well, this part of the post is geared to just that - to keep you all informed about what's going on with what I'm looking into. <br> <br>Due to time constraints, I'll only be able to look at three problems at any one time. <br> <br>[*] - Workaround found/explained here <br>[...] - Ongoing Issue <br>[J] - Jagex Moderator comment on issue <br>[?] - Fixed upstream? <br> <br>--- <br> <br>1) Padsp refuses to wrap around major browsers (Firefox/Prism, Chrome), and as such, one either listens to nothing but RS music and sounds, or none at all. <br>First Observed: 27 Oct 09 <br>Update: [*] Page 55, post 4 <br> <br>2) RuneScape appears to be running slower on Ubuntu than its Windows counterpart, even on the exact same hardware. <br>First Observed: 7 Nov 09 <br>Update: [?] If your machine can run in high definition, then the speed differences between Linux and Windows should be negligible. If not, and you have a dual boot system, check to see if there really is a difference between Standard Detail between Windows and Linux. <br> <br>3) After an amount of time (between 3 and 3.5 hours), RuneScape will freeze, *not* crash. This means that there's no debug statements, and the only way to resolve is to exit the browser/kill Java. <br>First Observed: 12 Apr 10 <br>Update: [...] Page 99, post 8 <br> <br>*************
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:50
<br/>Last edited on 02-Jul-2010 22:24:51 by Makoto<74>D
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************* <br>Terminology <br> <br>&quot;sudo, super-user, su, root&quot; - Equivalent to &quot;Administrator&quot;; your account can be granted temporary root powers <br> <br>&quot;Terminal&quot; - A simple environment for one to provide commands to the system <br> <br>&quot;Linux&quot; - A free and open-source kernel, which is at the heart of many distributions <br> <br>&quot;Distro, distribution(s), flavor&quot; - The variant of the Operating System that you're using, which runs the Linux kernel <br> <br>************* <br> <br>User-Contributed Information <br> <br>Every so often, I'll post information here that I found from other players in this forum, hopefully with full QFC so you can verify. <br> <br>- All information to this point sanitized; if you have more to add, please post! -
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29-Mar-2009 07:57:58
<br/>Last edited on 02-Jul-2010 22:19:42 by Makoto<74>D
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How to Install Proprietary Drivers in Ubuntu <br>---- <br> <br>Proprietary drivers are drivers that do not have publicly available source code. This means that any and all misnomers, problems, bugs or errata have to be handled through the vendor, and not the open source community. <br> <br>---- <br> <br>I. Installing the Easy Way <br> <br>For most machines, driver installation can be done in a few simple steps. <br> <br>1) Navigate to System &gt; Administration &gt; Hardware Drivers. <br> <br>2) Click on the *most* current version you can see. If there are no &quot;current&quot; versions, simply click on the proprietary driver available. <br> <br>3) Once it finishes installing, log out/restart X, and enjoy your new proprietary drivers. <br> <br>II. Installing the (very!) Hard Way <br> <br>(This method is suggested for non-Ubuntu derivatives as well) <br> <br>1) Find out which family your card belongs to. To do this, navigate to Applications &gt; System Tools &gt; System Profiler and Benchmark, click on PCI devices, and select VGA compatible controller. <br> <br>2) Navigate to the manufacturer's site (either AMD or NVIDIA), and download an appropriate driver for your machine. <br> <br>3) Download the binary package, and save it either in /home or somewhere convenient in your /home directory. <br> <br>4) Navigate to the Terminal, and navigate to where you saved your binary. <br> <br>5) Run the command &quot;chmod +x $name_of_binary&quot;, where $name_of_binary is the name of the binary you downloaded. <br> <br>[NOTE] You will have to do the following parts *EVERY* time a new kernel comes out! <br> <br>6) AMD users: You may run sudo ./$name_of_binary; after you do, reboot your machine, and you're set. <br> <br>7) NVIDIA users: Save everything you're working on and press CTRL+ALT+F1. This will drop you to a shell. From there, log in as you would with the GUI, run the commands &quot;sudo service gdm stop &amp;&amp; sudo ./$name_of_binary&quot;, and say &quot;yes&quot; to anything the installer asks. <br> <br>8) NVIDIA users: Run the command(s) &quot;sudo service gdm start &amp;&amp; exit&quot;. This will take you back to your desktop.
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