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15-Jun-2008 09:43:01
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 06:24:11 by Infinity<74>A8
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MY OTHER STORY AGONY IS ALMOST FINISHED! PLEASE READ IT, FOR IT IS BETTER THAN THIS ONE IN MY OPINION. <br> <br>~Introduction~ <br> <br>Hi, welcome to my thread. This is my fourth story on the forums and my second to still be alive (and actually be good. <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />) <br> <br>I've been on the forums for some time now, constantly learning and improving my writing skill. <br> <br> <br>My others works! <br> <br>~Nightmare~ <br>Genre: Horror <br>Quickie: 49-50-327-56159462 <br> <br>~Agony~ <br>Genre: Horror <br>Quickie: 49-50-307-57974397 <br> <br>~Contents~ <br> <br>1. Intro/Contents/Synopsis/Advertisement <br>2. Characters <br>3. Characters <br> <br>1-4. Story chapters I-IX <br>28-32. Story chapters *-XXIII <br>67. Story chapters XIV-XV <br> <br>Author: Carrotman714/General ACE/Infinity A8 <br>Genre: Suspense/Mystery/AA <br>Story Posts: 96 <br>Quickfind code: 49-50-702-56883030
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:07
<br/>Last edited on 24-Apr-2009 10:19:58 by Infinity<74>A8
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~Characters~ <br> <br>I AM NOT ACCEPTING BIOS. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!! <br> <br> <br>Name: <br> <br>Runescape name: A <br>Real Name: ??? <br> <br>Age: ??? <br>Race: Human <br>Gender: Male <br>Weapon: The Godsword (Armadyl)/Saradromin Sword/Abyssal Whip <br>Armor: Full Initiate, Amulet of Fury, Fire Cape, Climbing boots, Adamant Gloves and Berserker Ring <br>Appearance: <br> <br>Ingame: Armour hides features <br>Outgame: ??? <br> <br>Personality: Unknown, hardly speaks ingame to anyone but friends <br>Alignment (Good/Evil/Neutral, God): Good <br>Short History: Arguably Runescapes best Initiare Pure with an interestingly rare username. Renowned for his Pking videos and amazing skill. Also well known for his firm views on the attitudes of others. Was affected by the glitch along with ten others. <br>Outside the game he is unknown save for friends and family. <br> <br>Account combat stats: <br>Attack: 99 <br>Strength: 99 <br>Defense: 20 <br>Prayer: 52 <br>Range: 99 <br>Mage: 99 <br>Hitpoints: 99 <br>Combat: 100 <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Name: <br> <br>Runescape name: Fatality1 <br>Real name: Adrian <br> <br>Age: 14 <br>Race: Human <br>Gender: Male <br>Weapon: Abyssal Whip/Dharocks Greataxe/DDP++/Rune Crossbow/Ancient Staff <br>Armor: <br> <br>Meele:Helmet of Neitiznot, Fighter Torso, Rune legs, Dragon Boots, Amulet of Glory, Barrows Gloves, Rune Defender and obsdian cape. <br> <br>Mage: Full Ahrims, mystic boots and gloves <br> <br>Range: Full Karils and black spiky vambs. <br> <br>Appearance: <br> <br>Ingame: Armour hides features <br>Outgame: ??? <br> <br>Personality: Confused and overly cautious, lashing out fiercely at the smallest threats. Hates to see people bullying or cheating, despite doing it himself. <br> <br>Alignment (Good/Evil/Neutral, God): Evil <br>Short History: An average Runescape player with average stats. He does have a great pking ability, but is not well known. <br>Adrian in real life is struggling at school, is constantly picked on and is contemplating taking drastic action and the glitch he was affected by may just be able to do that... <br> <br>Account Combat Stats: <br>Attack: 80 <br>Strength: 80 <br>Defense: 80 <br>Prayer: 43 <br>Range: 70 <br>Mage: 94 <br>Hitpoints: 85 <br>Combat: 100
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:10
<br/>Last edited on 24-Apr-2009 10:20:58 by Infinity<74>A8
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Name: <br> <br>Runescape name: Siegfried121 <br>Real Name: Siegfried <br> <br>Age: 17 <br>Race: Human <br>Gender: Male <br>Weapon: Bandos Godsword <br>Armor: Full Bandos, Dragon Full Helmet/Helm of Neitiznot, Fire Cape, Amulet of Fury, Barrows Gloves and Berserker Ring. <br>Appearance: <br> <br>Ingame: Armour hides features <br>Outgame: Blonde spiky hair, large build and constantly scowling. <br> <br>Personality: Forever infuriated for no apparent reason. Refuses to talk to anyone whos trust and friendship hasn't been earnt. <br>Alignment (Good/Evil/Neutral, God): Good <br>Short History: Befriended A during their time in a clan. Often goes pking with him. He is famous for his outstanding stats and wealth. He is one of the few who were infected with the glitch. <br>In the real world, he is a temperate high school dropout looking for something to do with his life. <br> <br>Account Stats: <br>ALL: 99 <br> <br> <br>Name: <br> <br>Runescape Name: Mod Katrina <br>Real Name: Katrina <br> <br>Age: 24 <br>Race: Human <br>Gender: Female <br>Weapon: Anything she wants! <br>Armor: Anything she wants! <br>Appearance: <br> <br>Ingame: Shoulder length brown hair, light blue top and black skirt. <br>Outgame: Exactly the same as ingame! <br> <br>Personality: Calm, determined and focused. Intent on finding what caused the glitch and stopping it. <br>Alignment (Good/Evil/Neutral, God): Good <br>Short History: One of Jagex's assistant programmers, subdued to the glitch and unable to fix anything from her end. The only way to stop it is to go ingame and destroy it... <br> <br>Account Stats: <br>ALL: 99
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:15
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jun-2008 07:32:30 by Infinity<74>A8
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~Prologue~ <br> <br> <br>At exactly 4:32pm Sydney, 5:32am Cambridge, 12:32am New York and 11:32pm Chicago, Runescape was hacked. <br> <br>It was only very briefly and no one could have detected it. Like movement out of the corner of your eyes no one really was sure if it happened. At these times fourteen online players were randomly chosen and infected with what would be known as 'The Fatal Glitch'. <br> <br>They were disconnected simultaneously and upon logging in found something quite strange. <br> <br>They were able to attack other players outside The Wilderness. <br> <br>Three of these players chose not to abuse the glitch and reported it instantly. One of them walked into the next office and told her boss what had just happened. The other ten were about to make a huge profit but ultimately result in their ban from abusing the glitch and were about to attack random players. <br> <br>Until the message appeared. <br> <br>Eight minutes after the glitch had been discovered, every player infected had their computer screen turn black. Then writing appeared. Bold, red writing appearing sinisterly on the screen. <br> <br>&quot;The gift I have bestowed upon you is to be used cautiously. You will be able to attack players and kill them for their items. But not only that, any player killed by this glitch will not only be killed in game but die in the real world as well. <br>Jagex will not be able to stop this, the only way to get rid of it is to kill each player with the glitch using the glitch. <br>Those who do not wish to participate should click the no sign that is about to appear on your screen. Those who wish to stay will click yes. <br>Happy Hunting.&quot; <br> <br>Eight players, all of which had desired to kill for money clicked the 'no' button, not wishing to kill. The other six clicked yes. <br> <br>One was curious to see what happened. <br> <br>One saw this as something to do with his life. <br> <br>One saw no choice in the matter, and had to stop it as her responsibility. <br> <br>One saw this as a chance for vengeance.
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:18
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jun-2008 07:52:21 by Infinity<74>A8
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For two years nothing happened. Nobody was reported to have been killed outside of the wilderness and certainly nobody was killed outside of the game. <br> <br>But the players were still infected. Some people complained that they were hit by what seemed to be another player, only to have a returned message from Jagex stating that it had just been a small glitch and it would be fixed momentarily. <br> <br>But it couldn't be fixed. No matter what Jagex tried the glitch remained. For a while it didn't matter. <br> <br>Until one player snapped.
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:23
<br/>Last edited on 30-Nov-2009 11:08:18 by Infinity<74>A8
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~Chapter I~ <br> <br> <br>Runescape was in its prime. Technological advantages were drastically improving the game by the month. The graphics had gone from what looked like cardboard glued together to amazingly realistic people and surroundings. One of the most recent advances was the ability to talk to another player via headsets, allowing the player to talk with their voice and without any typing necessary. <br> <br>At this time real world traders had suffered from the removal of the WIlderness, trade and staking and were quite rarely seen within the game until not long after the glitch was introduced. <br> <br>Somewhere, someone had been profiting from Real World Trading in some way and used the glitch to somehow continue profiting. <br> <br>It wouldn't be for several months into the glitch's havoc that it's purpose would be found. <br> <br> <br>-Six days after the glitch was inflicted... <br> <br> <br>Siegfried kicked the door of his apartment open and stormed in. He slammed his bag onto the table and sat down in his seat. <br> <br>He'd been fired. Again. <br> <br>He mouthed off at a customer who had complained to him. He wanted a refund because his burger had a hair in it or something like that. Siegfried had a hard time recalling. When Siegfried informed the customer that he couldn't get any money back, the customer said something quite offensive regarding Siegfried's intellect. <br> <br>Siegfried had never been one to take abuse lightly. He roared and swore, his thunderously loud voice scaring every single other customer at the restaurant away. Twenty seven minutes later, he was out of a job and heading back to his apartment. <br> <br>Whenever Siegfried was infuriated such as he was now, he would play Runescape to let off some steam. Siegfried adorned his headset and logged in. <br> <br>He stood in Draynor Village, tall and heroic with his god sword in hand and tremendously expensive armour shielding his body. Instantly, everyone in the bank was aware of his presence.
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:25
<br/>Last edited on 24-Apr-2009 10:21:33 by Infinity<74>A8
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Several players attempted to start a voice conversation with him, but all were ignored. Siegfried had his chat set to friends only. <br> <br>Siegfried stepped out of the bank, with two players following him and repeatedly spamming his chat box with messages requesting a voice conversation with him. <br> <br>About to burst with rage, Siegfried accepted both of the requests and went into the group conversation setting and gave his fans the small chat with him they wanted. <br> <br>&quot;Hey Sieg-!&quot; A teenage sounding girl began before SIegfried interrupted. <br> <br>&quot;Kindly do me a favour and stay the HELL away from me!&quot; Siegfried spat into his mic. <br> <br>&quot;But-&quot; The other, a young male boy started only to also be interrupted by the furiously angry Siegfried. <br> <br>&quot;SHUT UP!&quot; He roared, before closing the conversation and setting the 'follow' function to friends only. <br> <br>His virtual self strolled away from the startled pair towards the Draynor willow trees. He was alone and about to turn east towards Lumbridge where he would then head for the Duel Arena, only to stop at one of the trees. <br> <br>All dressed in the standard Tutorial Island attire, wielding a bronze woodcutting axe and hacking mindlessly at the trees were a collection of roughly ten to twelve characters. <br> <br>Macroers. <br> <br>Siegfried despised macroers, viewing them as vermin needing to be eradicated. Just the sight of them was enough to make him fume. What was more, these ones were probably just auto-trainers, accounts made purely to sell so that selfish players wouldn't need to do any work to have a good account. <br> <br>Siegfried had worked long and hard on his account and seeing other people poisoning the game like that was disgusting to him. Siegfried moved his cursor over the bots and right clicked them, checking their names so that he may report them. <br> <br>He scanned through the names (mostly a collection of letters and numbers) and jotted them down on a notepad beside him. He was about to report him until he saw something he'd forgotten about.
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:31
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jun-2008 08:38:39 by Infinity<74>A8
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He grinned sickly, recalling the events of six days ago. The connection loss, the sinister message... <br> <br>There was an extra option among the regular walk/trade/follow/req. options. <br> <br>There was now attack. <br> <br>If he were to attack and kill one of these bots it would stop them auto-training. Delusions of grandeur began to form in Siegfried's mind. He could make a name for himself killing cheaters. Siegfried the Bot Basher! He clicked his special attack bar and right clicked the macro closest to him. <br> <br>His smile widening, another thought struck his head. If this WASN'T a bot, but actually a gold farmer, not only would the account be messed up, but the filth farmer (as Siegfried called them) would be killed as well. How it would happen, Siegfried didn't know. <br> <br>Nor did he care. <br> <br>Siegfried tensed himself for what he thought would be the start of purpose in his life. He pressed his finger down on the left side of the mouse. His character took two steps forward. <br> <br>But upon reaching the cheater, staring at it expecting to see a red ten splatter on them, nothing happened. Confused, Siegfried looked at his character and saw what looked to be a blue zero splatter on him. He then turned his eyes to the message box and saw 'You are already under attack.' <br> <br>As he moved his eyes to the right, a voice crackled in his head. <br> <br>&quot;If you ask me, that's not a good idea.&quot; <br> <br>The voice sounded artificial, as if it were a machine speaking but in truth it was a voice disguiser, one of Runescape's features should you wish for whoever you are talking to not to know who you are. Siegfried right clicked the figure clad in white to his right. <br> <br>A, one of Runescape's legendary pkers and good friend to Siegfried stood beside him, Abyssal Whip in hand, soon changed to a God Sword. <br> <br>&quot;You agreed you weren't going to use it unless it was necessary.&quot; A said. <br> <br>&quot;This was necessary!&quot; Siegfried retorted. &quot;These filth need to be extinguished!&quot; <br> <br>&quot;By murdering them?&quot; <br> <br>&quot;If that's what it takes!&quot;
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:36
<br/>Last edited on 18-Jun-2008 10:38:39 by Infinity<74>A8
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Siegfried heard what seemed to be an amused chuckle from A as he said that last sentence. <br> <br>&quot;Report them. They'll die out eventually, they just need to learn.&quot; <br> <br>His response was a displeased growl from Siegfried who clearly didn't care whether someone was killed or not. Plus he didn't exactly enjoying spending twelve minutes reporting each macroer. Fortunately, A was quite happy to help. <br> <br>&quot;I take it something bad happened today. Stay and talk with me while we report these cheats.&quot; He said calmingly. <br> <br>Siegfried sighed. If there was anyone in the world who could calm him down it was A. <br> <br>&quot;All right.&quot; He declared, but then said with a tone of concern &quot;But what do we do about...&quot; <br> <br>&quot;In time. There will be a situation where these abilities we've been given will be required. We just need to wait.&quot; <br> <br>The two of them stood beside the willow trees, reporting macroers and chatting quietly even though they were continents apart.
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15-Jun-2008 09:43:38
<br/>Last edited on 17-Nov-2008 09:48:57 by Infinity<74>A8
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~Chapter II~ <br> <br>-Two years after the glitch's appearance... <br> <br> <br>&quot;Have you tried just banning the players with the glitch...?!&quot; <br> <br>&quot;I can't believe we forgot all about it...&quot; <br> <br>&quot;It must be stopped, this cannot go on...!&quot; <br> <br>In the board room of Jagex HQ., all the bosses of the company met to discuss a horrifying event that occurred the day before. Before them lay a paper detailing the events. Katrina, one of the staff in the room scanned over the paper, thoughts rushing through her mind as she did. <br> <br>Someone was killed while playing Runescape. <br> <br>But this was no ordinary death. <br> <br>They suffered an amazingly powerful electric shock that entered through their arms and fried them internally. The computer they were using couldn't generate anywhere near enough energy to inflict the amount of damage dealt. What's more, the computer didn't show any signs of actually electrocuting the kid. <br> <br>The police don't suspect foul play, there'd been no incentive and the victim was alone at the time of death. There were no signs that anyone else had been in the house. <br> <br>What was really strange was what happened as the victim was killed. Friends report that he was going off to do an activity ingame (though the paper did not say it, they had been training on the monster Experiments) yet when Jagex staff logged the account in, he was found in his respawn location without any of his items. <br> <br>Though the media may not know it, dying at the Experiments is something not easily done, especially when the victim was quite high leveled and according to friends, heavily armoured. <br> <br>Katrina put the paper down and sighed. Upon looking up from her seat, she realised everyone was looking at her. <br> <br>&quot;Uh...What?&quot; She asked callously. <br> <br>&quot;As you well know, all attempts to shut down the game have resulted in failure,&quot; One of the bosses began. &quot;We've placed warnings on the site, but people play on regardless.&quot; <br> <br>&quot;We suspect that what happened two years ago may have something to do with yesterdays tragedy.&quot; Another said.
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