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15-Feb-2010 05:03:18
<br/>Last edited on 11-Apr-2010 07:35:53 by Ex<45>liiiliiil
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Welcome to the Requiem thread. We are gunna be an elite pking group with great organization, a great community and great activitey. I have lead clans before this so i am expierenced and with the help of all my officials we will make this into a great pking team. <br> <br>Events will be held at eastern time because that is the time myself and all my officials all go by. <br> <br>We will pk almost everyday so it is gunna be a requirement that you stay active in the cc and i will tell you to get in the cc if ur not in it. If you are part of an official clan such as <br> <br>Phalanx <br>Higher force <br>Valhalla <br>Final Ownage Elite <br>The Last Pures <br>Mayhem Makers <br> <br>Those clans will take priority, if your in a clan but its not official i expect you to be in our clan chat at all times unless your doing something else which in that case you can just tell me and ill understand. <br> <br>I will have 6 officials helping me run Requime. All of them meet the requirements and are good leaders/pkers. They arnt afraid to die so you shouldnt be either. <br> <br>Founders <br>- P Guthix God - 99 Range <br>- O 0 O O 0 - 99 strength <br> <br>Officials <br>- Ireapers - 99 range/mage/defense/hitpoints <br>- Cued Specs - 99 strength <br>- Mizzery Inc - 99 range/mage <br>- I Big B0i I - 99 range/hitpoints <br>- Drew is Pure - 99 strength/mage <br> <br>AT THE MOMENT THE CLAN CHAT IS UNDER: <br> <br>CLAN CHAT: <br> <br>- RadianceHome
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15-Feb-2010 05:11:31
<br/>Last edited on 06-Apr-2010 07:18:40 by Ex<45>liiiliiil
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Table Of Contents <br> <br>- introduction <br>- Table Of contents <br>- Requirements <br>- Application <br>- Acceptance Letter <br>- Wars <br>- Allies/Enemies <br>- rules <br>- Youtube Videos <br>- Memberlist <br>- Memberlist Res. <br>- Historical events <br>- Historical events
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15-Feb-2010 05:19:14
<br/>Last edited on 28-Feb-2010 21:35:02 by Ex<45>liiiliiil
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Requirements <br> <br>The requirements to get in To Radiance are quite high for one simple reason. we only want expeirenced pkers, we will not tolerate any people that will run from fights unless instructed to or people that are afraid to lose pixels so they tele unless theres no point in the fight. I believe usually the higher the stats someone has the more experienced they are as a pker so they will be of use to the team. <br> <br>The requirements are <br> <br>- 94+ magic <br>- desert treasure done <br>- 90+ combat skill other then mage <br>- 3-5 return sets <br>- Every return set must be 150-200k+ <br>- MUST HAVE VENTRILO <br>- Always come to trips when asked <br>- 95-110 cb <br>or <br> <br>- 99 combat stat <br>- 82+ magic (if magic is 99 It counts as both) <br>- Desert treasure completed <br>- 3-5 return sets <br>- Every return set must be 150-200k+ <br>- MUST HAVE VENTRILO <br>- Always come to trips when asked <br>- 95-110 cb <br> <br>Application <br>The application must be copy and pasted to a reply to join this clan. <br> <br>- Username: <br>- Combat Level F2p: <br>- Combat Level p2p: <br>- Summon Level: <br>- Attack Level: <br>- Range level: <br>- Mage level: <br>- Strength Level: <br>- Defense Level: <br>- Prayer Level: <br>- Desert Treasure completed?: <br>- Clan history: <br>- Are you in another clan right now? <br>- If you are in another clan right now which one? <br>- Do you have Ventrilo? If not are you willing to get it? <br> <br>Acceptance Letter <br> <br>Congratulations _____ You have been accepted to be part of the new and upcoming team called requiem. If you have not already Please go download ventrilo, One of the 3 leaders below will help you with it, Please add <br> <br>- P Guthix God <br>- O--0--O-O--0 <br>- Drew Is Pure <br> <br> <br> <br>And Join the Clan Chat &quot;RadianceHome&quot; at all times when you are on because we have Pk trips at any moment of the day. Make sure you have 3 sets of gear to return with and be sure to be respectful to all our clan members. We look forward to having you in our community
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15-Feb-2010 05:30:25
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~Wars~ <br> <br> -Clan wars- <br> <br>amount- 0 <br>Wins - 0 <br>Losses - 0 <br> <br>- Clan wars, war history: <br> <br> <br> -PvP War/Run in- <br> <br>Amount- 0 <br>Wins- 0 <br>Losses- 0 <br> <br>- PvP wars, war history:
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15-Feb-2010 05:39:56
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Allies/Enemies <br> <br> <br>Allies <br> <br>Amount - 0 <br> <br> <br>Enemies <br> <br>Amount - 0 <br> <br> <br>Rules <br> <br>- No running from clan fight unless told to <br>- Always come to pk trips <br>- No teleing from clan fight unless told to <br>- No BackStabbing <br>- Official Clans take priority over this team <br>- MUST HAVE VENTRILO <br>- Must have 3-5 return sets <br>- Must return untill told to stop
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15-Feb-2010 05:43:26
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Youtube: <br> <br>Videos of Team~ <br> <br>Amount ~ 0 <br> <br>- <br>- <br>- <br>- <br> <br>Youtube Accounts Dedicated For Clan <br> <br>Amount ~ 1 <br> <br>Y0urpwned <br>- Subs: 43 <br>- Videos: 0 <br> <br> <br>Youtube Account application: <br> <br>Youtube username: <br>Subscribers: <br>amount of videos:
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15-Feb-2010 05:51:06
<br/>Last edited on 18-Apr-2010 16:19:18 by Ex<45>liiiliiil
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~Memberlist~ <br>The memberlist will have the players that joined and their 99 beside their name, If there is a (V) beside their name it means they have yet to get ventrilo and will be asked to get it fast. <br> <br>Amount: 35 <br> <br> <br>1) P Guthix God - Founder - 99 range <br>2) O 0 O O 0 - Founder - 99 strength <br> <br>3) Ireapers - Official - 99 range/mage/defense/hitpoints <br>4) Mizzery Inc - Official - 99 Range/mage <br>5) <br>6) Cued Specs - Official - 99 strength <br>7) I Big B0i I - Official - 99 range/hitpoints <br>8) Drew Is Pure - Offical - 99 strength/mage <br> <br>-Normal members- <br> <br>9) Hmo0b pride - 99 range/strength &lt;-- first application member <img class="sm6" alt=":D" title=":D" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br>10) pumpumplow - 99 range <br>11) 100miI_Pker - 99 strength <br>12) <br>13) anguish_34 - 99 range <br>14) <br>15) perf3ct aim1 - 95 mage <br>16) Sad chi1d - 99 range <br>17) <br>18) v ii r u s z - 99 range/mage/defense <br>19) arjun sekhon - 94 mage <br>20) <br>21) <br>22) Your Normal - 99 range <br>23) jesus pur - 99 range/mage/health/Defense <br>24) e4t my ag5 - 99 strength <br>25) dark cat 99 - 94 mage <br>26) Spy-Net - 99 strength/mage <br>27) simples Pk - 99 range/defense <br>28) o hatch o - 99 range <br>29) Uqex - 99 mage <br>30) I d3nny I - 99 Strength <br>31) Gu Ru ki o - 99 range <br>32) <br>33) D i r t y ko - 99 strength/range/mage/health <br>34) Range to ko - 99 range <br>35) <br>36) tankmyweed - 99 range <br>37) scr3am3 - 99 range/mage <br>38) <br>39) <br>40) fatalz Tank - 99 range <br>41) youto gangst - 99 range <br>42) <br>43) 87cutlas - 99 range <br>44) <br>45) Pukasa - 99 range <br>46) <br>47) ran99mag94 - 99 range <br>48) <br>49) devoid1337 - 99 attack/strength <br>50) <br>51) Emi854 - 99 range <br>52) Gu Ru ki o - 99 range
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15-Feb-2010 05:51:26
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Memberlist Res.
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15-Feb-2010 05:51:49
<br/>Last edited on 06-Apr-2010 07:07:19 by Ex<45>liiiliiil
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~historical Events* <br> <br>i thought to make this post april 5th because we need a track record of what big events are going down we forget some of the dates but i will be sure to tell you guys if i forgot the date. <br> <br>~Febuary 15th~ <br> <br>Radiance officially opens! <br> <br>~Febuary 21st~ <br> <br>We find out the name radiance has been taken so we decide to change our name to requiem. <br> <br>~*sometime in the middle of march*~ <br> <br>This was a great day requiem had hidden talent (the new rune pure/ tank clan) team up with them, together they pulled 20-25. so we are walking around the wild and see welf i tell everyone to get barrage/chins and we join welf. we meet up with them at the 50 portal gate and lucky for us they split into 3 groups, we fall in on one group and just as we hit dwarves we split apart and got the whole team of welf (30-40) in a barrage/chin pile and anihalated them! great job guys! <br> <br>~April 4th~ <br> <br>Clearing welf again sept we didnt do a sneaky approach we used our brute force and tactics! we were just hanging out around fog and one of our members lures down welf we just start picking off their low levels, but then we started getting more brave and went higher up. we held our position directley south of bh at level 14 we cleared welf (35-50) with 15 people (no idea how that works but we did it) we would use the trees to our advantage and in the whole fight welf got cleared 3 times gf! <br> <br>~April 5th~ <br> <br>The historical events post is up! <br> <br>~April 5th~ <br> <br>This must have been the darkest day and the brightest day in requiem history *so far -.-* The day started off AMAZING, we ran into vh and they cleared us but then we called our people and cleared a 3 year old clan with a 1 and a half month old team the piling and returning was superb! we fought em at green hill which resulted in us getting cleared we rged and fought em south sc, we didnt lose one person, then they rushed us south bh and we held firm clearing them in under two min. Con* ---&gt;
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15-Feb-2010 05:52:53
<br/>Last edited on 11-Apr-2010 07:27:12 by Ex<45>liiiliiil
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~Historical events #2~ <br> <br>~April 5th *Continued*~ <br>The fight with valhalla resulted in them trying to rg at bh bank. we saw their rg and they tried to run to ca, we didnt let that happen, we rushed them at 18 ports, it was the most even fight yet id say i died quite early on in the fight but when i got back there were 3 vh members left at ca which we quickly killed. from what i found out we ended their trip gj guys, thats gotta put a dent in their egoes. <br> <br>Now for the bad part, i dont know what happened wether it was the amount we were pking and people cant handle it but im pretty sure this was the first ever interclan war in rs history, our english member started fighting with our african members which lead to the two sides getting split apart and fighting for a lil over an hour the end result, english having to many people and dominating because they had the majority of people**** then goes down to 36 from 50 and new rules have been put in place, we will ensure this will never happen again! we are taking a week break from pking to make back our banks and building up our ml again wont be long guys well get through it! <br> <br>~April 11th~ <br> <br>Today we didnt feel like pking so we just did a huge ep trip, and through the whole trip people just kept coming and coming into our cc and near the end of the trip we pulled 23-25 at max which is amazing!, first pro bh pkr tried to fool us and he rushed our ep spot and we quickley demolished his team not even breaking a sweat. but then came the real challenge and our biggest accomplishment yet, hf tried to rush our spot but we found them first and rushed and killed their ep trip which was matched opts with us, and lemme tell you for a forum team thats been going for a month and a half that have the organization to take out hf who have been going for 6 years, in matched opts is amazing! we will keep going strong guys!!
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