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24-Aug-2008 04:47:15
<br/>Last edited on 24-Aug-2008 05:20:46 by Rebelrbl
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Welcome, All, to the &quot;Your Clan History Thread&quot; <br> <br>This thread is for discussion of players and their past histories with Clans/Alliances/Organizations. <br> <br>All who post here/have posted on the previous thread, are agreeing that their name and history can be posted here. <br> <br>The Following words *ARE NOT*, my own. I do not take credit for them, nor would I even dream of taking credit for this idea. The following is a Permission's post by the original thread creator, giving me permission to carry on in his stead. <br> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br>Yrjdrdt <br>02-Aug-2008 04:47:32 <br>Hey everyone, just letting you all know I'm canceling my account, seems to be a waste of money seeing as I only come on about once a month if that. <br> <br>If no one has any objections, you may let this thread die as it seems no one is interested. Rebelrbl has my permission to remake this thread if she chooses and she will also be able to give permission to anyone she sees fit to make it if she does not want to. <br> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>So, Without further delay, I give to you, the thread that contains so many different angles on history, that it makes it all the more interesting to try and piece together the mystery of what's happened around here for so many years! <br> <br>I'll be around and may check up in game now and then, cya.
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24-Aug-2008 04:47:31
<br/>Last edited on 24-Aug-2008 05:22:12 by Rebelrbl
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So far I've pretty much seen only popular RSBians post their histories and even then they don't tell the whole thing, there never has been a good place to share past clan experiences, so I thought I would make a place. <br> <br>Thus, what is your RS clan history? What brought you to be where you are now? <br> <br>~Yrjdrdt
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24-Aug-2008 04:47:34
<br/>Last edited on 24-Aug-2008 05:24:17 by Rebelrbl
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rules:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>1. Follow the Jagex Rules. <br> <br>2. No flaming or arguing of any kind is to be permitted. <br> <br>3. Please limit all histories to two posts. <br> <br>4. No pointing blame for past grievances in your histories, I would not like to see any past conflicts come up on this thread. <br> <br>5. Anyone's history is allowed no matter how dull or short it may seem, whether it be by rivals of someone who has posted or if its been posted elsewhere, and I want no one claiming otherwise. <br> <br>6. No claiming anyone's history is a lie, it is merely how the person saw the event, if you wish to post how you saw the event happening in your history then you may do so as long as it doesn't conflict with any of the other rules. <br> <br>7. If anyone is caught breaking a rule, they are to be reported to the FE thread and nothing more, anyone caught fighting with a rulebreaker will be labled as rulebreakers themselves. <br> <br>Just get along nicely and we won't have any problems <br> <br>To mods: If you see anyone breaking any of these rules you may do something about it if you so choose.
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24-Aug-2008 04:47:39
<br/>Last edited on 31-Jan-2010 15:17:48 by Rebelrbl
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Index of Histories~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>~Rebel's clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>~Yrjdrdt's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Lady Spyr*'s Clan History~ <br>~Define Life's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Cripplebro99's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Stormy013's Clan History~ <br>~Saragirl555's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Zielke0's Clan History~ <br>~Niceday05's Clan History~ <br>~Tallon911's Clan History~ <br>~Cloud535's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Gusgus7782's Clan History~ <br>~King Joel's Clan History~ <br>~Ymc*398's Clan History~ <br>~707balla's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>~Crzygrl71's Clan History~ <br>~Kizowitsu's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>~I Elf's Clan History~ <br>~Maloy10's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>~Renshe*'s Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>~Stewie390's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>(Continued) <br>~GvJordan's Clan History~ <br>~Drei Hundert's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Soulbad's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Justcute4u's clan History~ <br>~Slothex's clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Ranger Trix's Clan History~ <br>(Continued) <br>~Imortalrain's Clan History~ <br>~Rarelicious 's Clan History~ <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~More soon to come!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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24-Aug-2008 04:47:50
<br/>Last edited on 11-Jan-2010 16:54:39 by Rebelrbl
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rebel's Clan History~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>A Long, *LONG* time ago...back when the game of Runescape had just introduced itself into the cyber world of MMORPG's...A young Rebel happened upon the very first Beta for Runescape. <br> <br>Now, this Rebel had been playing the wonderful game of Diablo. Sadly her interests had not been kept within the game, and she felt it time to move on to brighter horizons. So, I happened upon Runescape, and made a character after the beta had ended, and the actual game had launched. Shortly afterwards, the army of friends I had built on Diablo slowly started to switch games. Upon seeing how easily it was for others to attack one another on the game, I knew me and my friends would be more safe in the game if we teamed up. Seeing how groups of people often traveled around Vorrack killing anyone and anything that crossed their paths, The Death Rebels of Renegade came to life shortly thereafter in the year 2000. <br> <br>I guess you could say that my curiosity about the RSB started in around November of 2003, when the Forums Beta was released to Members of Runescape to test out. I didn't really speak upon them and be active, however, as that's about when Mass Numbers of people were being hacked, banned, etc, as the rules were not as defined upon here back then, as they are now. <br> <br>So, I was silently watching the forums testing, and seeing how it was affecting the game. Communication upon the game seemed to increase in a good way, yet people were being hacked left and right, so I steered away from posting upon the RSB until the &quot;Official&quot; forums came out, which I believe, was around February or March of 2004, if memory serves me right.
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24-Aug-2008 04:47:51
<br/>Last edited on 11-Jan-2010 16:57:37 by Rebelrbl
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rebel's Clan History~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>There was mass confusion to everybody when the &quot;Official&quot; forums were released. Things had been moved around and changed, but that only heightened my interest in things. Thus, I left my clan that I had started (DROR), and went exploring upon the rsb. I was wandering pretty aimlessly around the Clan Recruitment forum, Checking out the clans that had sprung up upon there, and was amazed that there were so many that I had never heard of. That's when I started seeing a clan named The Guild of Honor being mentioned. I decided to check it out, and almost immediately wished I was in that clan. I took the steps needed, joined, and then set to helping out GOH as much as I could. While in GOH, I met the Honorable Leviathan587, and came to learn what strong loyalty, and Honor, was, and how important it was to have within a clan, as many of the newer clans that were created upon the RSB, quickly fell away to rubble due to lack of Loyalty. I also had the pleasures of meeting the legendary Preda, and marveling at his ways with making logos. <br> <br>It was during a war that GOH was helping aid in, when I met the famous UFC, and Young Neo Atlantian Leader King Aladdin. There was a party held within the Gnome Stronghold after the war in celebration of the Victory of The Union For Clans, and it was then that I was formally introduced to King Aladdin. I learned the somewhat basics of how Alliances work, what they do, and why they're important to the survival of other clans from him, and that knowledge has been carried with me throughout my RSB History. (NOTE: You must remember, back then, it was every person for themselves, so the thought of clans being Allied under the same banner, blew my mind...My clan had allies, but the theory of an actual organization where clans interact in actual events, aside from wars, amazed me.)
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24-Aug-2008 04:47:51
<br/>Last edited on 24-Aug-2008 05:27:20 by Rebelrbl
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rebel's Clan History~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soon to come!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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24-Aug-2008 04:47:52
<br/>Last edited on 24-Aug-2008 05:28:23 by Rebelrbl
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yrjdrdt's Clan History~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>I started RS in Feb 02 and never had even thought of joining a clan until the summer of 03 when, due to a chain of several very random events, I found myself leading a group called the Knights of Falador, which was changed to the Crimson Knights not too long afterwards, it was a lv40+ clan which grew to 300+, though less than 50 were actually active enough to be called clan members, but I guess that was still pretty good for an f2p clan back then, but it was doing poorly by early 04. <br> <br>Around that time I ran into King Aladdin, whom I had met several months earlier, he offered to let me and my clan join the Neo Atlantian Army, and seeing as I didn't think I could lead my clan by myself anymore, I accepted. Over the summer I quickly rose to Junior Councilman, then High Councilman(This is also about the time I finally became p2p), but I got tired of RS in October and quit. <br> <br>I came back for the Christmas event to find out something was going on with the NAA, so I rejoined, after that Aladdin told me that some people had taken his union, the UFC, from him and made it into the EFC. <br> <br>I pretty much dove headfirst into thing from there, I flamed the EFC without really taking the time to listen to their side of things(Which I admit was immature of me), I did whatever I could for the clan, and I tried to do what I could for Aladdin<69>s newly formed Neo Atlantian Federation, even though I had no clue how to run unions back then. I was pretty much Aladdin<69>s right hand man in everything. <br> <br>During that time I met some famous rsbians, many known as legendary today, such as Aricka Seri, Sascaroth, and Starlightie. <br> <br>Around late Jan/early Feb I started talking with Rebelrbl who was one of the ones who had supposedly stolen the UFC, due to her peacekeeping ways and because I was already partially familiar with her seeing as she was once Aladdin's rs girlfriend, to hear her side of the story. <br> <br>(Continued on the next post)
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24-Aug-2008 04:47:53
<br/>Last edited on 24-Aug-2008 05:29:59 by Rebelrbl
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yrjdrdt's Clan History~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Continued)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>Well, long story short, Rebel said that they were watching over the UFC so it did*<2A>t die while King Aladdin was away and eventually made it into the EFC when it seemed he wasn<73>t coming back, I decided to step back from it at that time and it eventually died down, then I decided to leave the NAA in March due to a disagreement with Aladdin. <br> <br>I was going to make my own clan, but Rebel invited me to join the Death Rebels of Renegade so I joined them in April, after a couple months Rebel and I started dating and in July I finally proposed to her in game, we kept having to postpone it until we finally married on August 12th, around that time I became the honorary advisor of DROR. <br> <br>During that summer the Red Storm Union(RSU) conflict began, I basically tried(And failed) to keep the peace until the RSU made a statement that offended me, then I decided to try and help destroy them, In the end the RSU was on its last leg and so I told Freir(One of the RSU leaders that I had become friends with) to shut it down while Blueraven was on vacation. <br> <br>After that the conflict died down and countless unions branched out from the remains of the RSU. <br> <br>2006 was pretty uneventful, there was a small conflict between Alexian and the Wicked Witches which I got involved in, but other than that not much really happened. <br> <br>In Feb this year DROR was doing pretty poorly so the clan council got together and we decided to start from scratch and thus the Divine Flames of Redemption was born. <br> <br>And ever since I<>ve mainly focused on leading DFOR with Rebel and the council and I<>ve pretty much stayed out of RSB affairs, though I think I may get a bit more active on the RSB now. <br> <br>~^v^~Yrjdrdt~^v^~
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24-Aug-2008 04:48:06
<br/>Last edited on 24-Aug-2008 05:31:22 by Rebelrbl
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lady Spyr*'s Clan History~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>Let me think back on the good old days.... <br> <br>I first started my clan career in October 2005 in the Rakhi-Sunita Family. I joined it cause my sis is the leader of it, and because of that, I knew I would love it, and I indeed did love it. I lasted 7 months, right up until chaos erupted, so I left to get away from the stress of what had happened <br> <br>I then joined WDW in May 2006, cause I had a fair amount of friends there. Within a few months I was promoted to co-leader of the skillguiders. However, a few months after that I soon got a taste of my first ranked wildy war. Obviously I was a nervous wreck, and had no clue what to do on the battlefield. After the war was over and I did some thinking, I left WDW. I lasted there 5 months <br> <br>At this point in October 2006, my sis, the leader of Rakhi-Sunita informed me she'd be doing some changes, and she was thrilled to hear I wanted to come back. I became a high council member, and in April or May 2007 I was promoted to co-leader of Rakhi-Sunita. I am still with Rakhi-Sunita at the current time.
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