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<div class="cont"><font color="gold"><b><u>PvP Forum Guide</u></b></font>
<p>Fight! Win! Prevail!</p>
<font color="#00FF33"><b><u>What is the PvP Forum for?</u></b></font>
<li>You<EFBFBD>re welcome to challenge other players here. Let us know who wins!
<li>Combat related 'Rate me' threads. Please use the Skills forum if you<6F>re asking for player's opinions about non-combat skills.
<li>PKing/Duelling goals and achievements.
<font color="#00FF33"><b><u>FAQ</u></b></font>
<li>Another player called me a noob. Can I create a thread to hire people to beat him up in RuneScape?
<p><i>It<EFBFBD>s not really in the spirit of the game. Train your character and eat plenty of spinach. Soon you<6F>ll be able to defeat him and prove who the noob really is. You can find some useful PvP tips in this forum.</p></i>
<font color="gold"><b><u>How to Maximise your PvP Drops</u></b></font><br>
In order to get a good drop on a PvP world, there are a few simple things that you must do to both build up a high drop potential and to claim that potential.<br>
If you find that you continually only get drops of a lower value than you would like, it's almost certainly because you aren't building up enough drop potential. In this case, you need to spend more time building up your drop potential BEFORE making a PvP kill. To do this you must:<br>
1) Spend time outside of safe zones.<br>
For every 30 minutes you spend on a PvP world outside of a safe zone, your drop potential will increase. Those 30 minutes do NOT have to be all in one go - you can log out or visit safe zones - but the system only counts full minutes, so it will likely take longer to build up your drop potential if you do not spend 30 consecutive minutes outside of safe zones.<br>
Note that your drop potential will increase by more if you spend time in hot zones (Ardougne, Varrock, Falador and the Wilderness).<br>
2) Risk at least 75k coins' worth of items.<br>
Your drop potential will ONLY increase if you are risking at least 75k coins' worth of items on a members' world, or 25k coins' worth of items on a free world. An item is considered to be at risk if it is something you would have lost if you were to die - i.e. it is not covered by the Protect Item prayer or the 'keep three items on death' rule. If you are not risking enough, then however long you spend outside of safe zones, your drop potential will not increase.<br>
As an example, one way of doing this is to take 75k coins' worth of items, not protected by death or prayers, then go outside of a safe zone and train as normal (by training a skill of fighting NPCs), and avoid PvP combat. All the time you are doing this, not only are you earning XP from whatever activity you are doing, you are also increasing your drop potential. Once you have built up some drop potential in this way, you can get your PKing gear on and try to get a kill to claim your drop.<br>
1) Once you have built up some drop potential, you will need to find and defeat another player to get a drop. Don't forget that the player you defeat must be risking at least 25k coins' worth of items (on either a free or members' world) for you to receive a good drop. If the player you defeated was not risking that much, you will only receive a token drop, but, in this case, NONE of your drop potential will be used up to determine your drop.<br>
There are some other, less important, rules to PvP worlds, but you should read about them on the Knowledge Base to learn more.<br>
<font color="gold"><b><u>PvP Item FAQ</u></b></font><br>
Some people have expressed a little confusion regarding some of the new PvP items, so I have created a little guide to try and explain a little bit about these items. <br>
<font color="green"><b><u>What are the PvP Items?</b></u></font><br>
The following items can only be found on PvP worlds and can only be obtained by killing other players. <br>
<b><u>Ancient Warrior's Equipment</u></b><br>
Many of you will have seen some of these, extremely powerful items, turning up all over RuneScape. <br>
<b>These items come in two states:-<br>
<ul><li>One with full requirements (78) - <u>Lasts an hour of combat</u>. Meaning as soon as you enter combat with this item, it will only last one more hour, regardless of whether you are in combat or not. </li><br><li>One with level 20 requirements - Lasts for only 15 minutes.</li></ul></b><br>
The items are:-<br>
<ul><li>Statius's full helm</li><br><li>Statius's platebody</li><br><li>Statius's platelegs</li><br><li>Statius's warhammer</li><br><li>Vesta's chainbody</li><br> <li>Vesta's plateskirt</li><br><li>Vesta's longsword</li><br><li>Vesta's spear</li><br><li>Zuriel's hood</li><br><li>Zuriel's robe top</li><br><li>Zuriel's robe bottom</li><br><li>Zuriel's Staff</li><br><li>Morrigan's coif</li><br><li>Morrigan's leather body</li><br><li>Morrigan's chaps</li><br><li>Morrigan's javelin</li><br><li>Morrigan's throwing axe </li></ul><br>
<center><b><font color="red">Remember: These items will only last for <blink><u>one hour</u></blink>, after entering combat.</font></b></center><br>
<b><u>Corrupt Dragon Equipment</u></b><br>
<li> Chainbody </li><br><li> Medium helm</li><br><li> Platelegs</li><br><li> Plateskirt</li><br><li> Square shield</li><br><li> Battleaxe</li><br><li> Dagger</li><br><li> Longsword</li><br><li> Mace</li><br><li> Scimitar</li><br><li> Spear </li></ul><br>
Corrupt dragon equipment has the same stats as normal dragon equipment, however each item is severely damaged. As such <b>you will only be able to wear these for 30 minutes before they crumble to dust</b>.<br>
As you only have them for 30 minutes, be sure to use them wisely. <br>
<b><u>Brawling Gloves</u></b><br>
Brawling gloves are especially designed to temporarily increase the experience you earn while training on a PvP world. While wearing them, you will receive a 50% bonus to any experience you earn in the relevant skill while on a PvP world. If you use them in the Wilderness on a PvP world, you will receive even more - quadrupling the amount you would normally receive.<br>
<b>Brawling gloves don't last forever, and will disintegrate after a certain amount of time spent earning the relevant experience. </b><br>
<font color="green"><u><b>Are these items tradable?</b></u></font><br>
In their non-degraded state, the Ancient Warrior equipment is tradeable. However, as soon as they begin to degrade, they cannot be traded. <br>
<font color="green"><u><b>Can I buy them?</b></u></font><br>
You're welcome to buy these items, rather than earning them, however, these items only last for <blink><u><b>one hour</u></b></blink> before they degrade to nothingness. <br>
Remember, these items are designed to be earned, to give you a massive advantage in PvP combat, they are not designed to give you permanent items. If you want to buy these items, you should be prepared for them to degrade. <br>
As these items are expensive, you must be prepared to invest a great deal of money for one hour's worth of stat bonuses. <br>
Buyer beware. <br></div>
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