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20-Jan-2009 23:24:51
<br/>Last edited on 20-Jan-2009 23:51:14 by Mod<6F>Stevew
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Each time we introduce small improvements to the game (patches), we release a list of the changes in a thread called 'patch notes' in the Recent Updates forum. <br> <br>In addition, we have created this archive thread so that all the patch notes can be posted here, to act as a permanent record of the patches released. <br> <br>As this thread is intended to act as a source of information only, the thread will be locked. <br> <br>However, if you wish to comment on the latest patches, you can post on the current thread, in the Recent Updates forum. <br> <br>If you want to let us know about a graphical error or possible bug in the game, please use the 'Submit a Bug Report' option from the top tab bar help menu, on the main page. <br> <br>We hope you find this archive interesting and useful! <br> <br>Steve
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20-Jan-2009 23:35:13
<br/>Last edited on 20-Jan-2009 23:49:13 by Mod<6F>Stevew
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>13 JANUARY 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphical</b> <br><ul><li>Torch flames were appearing in the floor above in a few locations. <br><li>Fixed render issues with the Pendant of Armadyl and the Varrock achievement reward armour. <br><li>The giant hand from Balthazar Beauregard<72>s Big Top Bonanza has been adjusted to look better when wielded. <br><li>A couple of animation bugs have been fixed in the "Surprise Exam!" random event. <br><li>Guthan's bodies have been graphically adjusted so all four metal studs on the chest should now show correctly. <br><li>Hooknose Jack has been in a fight with our graphics team and his nose was bent in the scuffle. <br><li>The lunar helm no longer causes odd stretching. <br><li>The Stealing Creation reward staff should no longer clip through your shoulder when running. <br><li>The Stealing Creation platelegs reward has been lengthened by our craftsmen and now reach your feet. <br><li>Amulet of fury now sits closer to your chest. <br><li>The symbol on Father Lawrence's chest is no longer visible on his back in normal detail. <br><li>Part of a farmer's face was missing in low detail. <br><li>Dagon<EFBFBD>hai robes no longer clip through the Falador Achievement Diary shield. <br><li>A section of wall was missing in Seers<72> Village. <br><li>Some black grass has been repainted green like normal grass should be! <br><li>A specific ladder to a dungeon will no longer put you in some railings. <br><li>The final cutscene in As A First Resort has had its interface tweaked and now renders properly. <br><li>A cupboard was missing the back panel in the Exam Centre. <br><li>The ectoplasm-covered bed sheet has had its colour adjusted to be more in line with ectoplasm. <br><li>The ghostly Ahrim's robes have been corrected to match the non-ghostly version. <br><li>A rug in the Burthorpe Games Room was a bit dusty on the edges and has been cleaned. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul><li>The magic secateurs can now be used in "In Pyre Need". <br><li>"In Pyre Need" chat clarified in a few places. <br><li>The fight in "In Pyre Need" has been fixed to cover some odd circumstances. <br><li>Duke Horacio will now only give you an air talisman during Rune Mysteries when you have inventory space. <br><li>The quest journal for Eadgar's Ruse now correctly crosses off the requirements if you meet them. <br><li>The quest journal for the Holy Grail will now inform you if you've killed the Black Knight Titan. <br><li>The weapons master found in the Shield of Arrav quest now fights as one should. <br><li>Quest journals have been adjusted so they open at the top if you<6F>ve not started a quest and at the bottom (as usual) if you<6F>re on it. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul><li>A few extra Stealing Creation quick chat phrases have been added. <br><li>Stealing Creation reward hammer now gives the correct experience for flatpacked furniture. <br><li>The Stealing Creation reward interface had the wrong number in a tool tip. <br><li>Stealing Creation items in the Fishing and Woodcutting skill guides are now correctly listed as members. <br><li>Villagers in Tai Bwo Wannai will now let you know what percentage of your favour remains after they pay you for helping out in the Tai Bwo Wannai Clean-up minigame. <br><li>The exclamation mark on the map in Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble wasn<73>t showing up all the time, but now should. <br><li>The message you get at Bounty Hunter when the crater is full has been updated. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Miscellaneous</b> <br><ul><li>You will no longer have to fight more than one earth elemental at once. <br><li>The phoenix pouch gave the wrong experience when created because the charm required changed during development. <br><li>Several interfaces have been updated code-wise (there<72>s little or no visual difference). <br><li>Several typos and grammatical errors have been fixed. <br><li>A table in Sophanem had the wrong examine. <br><li>Penguin emotes are properly kept across sessions. <br><li>The splash sound has been synchronised with a stepping stone Agility shortcut if you fail and fall into water. <br><li>The <20>Shining<6E> music track had incorrect unlock information. <br><li>"Addy" items have been changed to "Adamant" to help you find them on the Grand Exchange. <br><li>The code checks on the Oo'glog pools have been improved and optimised. <br></ul>
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20-Jan-2009 23:40:24
<br/>Last edited on 20-Jan-2009 23:49:22 by Mod<6F>Stevew
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>20 JANUARY 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphical</b> <br><ul> <br><li>A render issue has been fixed with the home teleport spell. <br><li>The animation when drinking a keg of Slayer<65>s Respite has been adjusted. <br><li>A path in Varrock has had its verge tidied to blend in better. <br><li>A piece of wall was missing in Seers<72> Village. <br><li>The Varrock Smithing Tutor's head no longer appears empty from certain camera angles in low detail mode. <br><li>An odd graphical issue has been resolved in Brimhaven Dungeon. <br><li>A wieldable banner causing stretching has now been detached from players wearing berets. <br><li>A hut near Brimhaven has had its floor reinforced against subsidence. <br><li>Silver armguards are now silver, and similarly gold armguards are gold. How they became green remains a mystery! <br><li>Traiborn no longer wears two cloaks, which were causing some interesting looks. <br><li>A ladder to a cellar no longer sticks out of the trapdoor. <br><li>The Agility shortcut in Draynor has been made to look better when using it. <br><li>The windmill blade on the Cooking Guild no longer clips through the building. <br><li>A washing line appeared to be floating in mid air. The supporting post has been fixed. <br><li>A strip of the Stronghold of Security reward boots no longer changes based on your hair colour. <br><li>Players without hair will no longer gain hair while wearing party hats. <br><li>Fixed some render issues on the spottier cape when performing certain animations like fishing. <br><li>Several hairstyles have been adjusted to better suit the huge selection of hats that are available. <br><li>The Lighthouse bulb has been replaced with a brighter one and should look better. <br><li>The Robin Hood hat now works better with spiky hair styles. <br><li>Players can no longer stand in a signpost and look like they are in a set of gallows or possibly pretend to be a scarecrow. <br><li>Several icons weren't appearing in high detail mode in Port Sarim, this has been resolved. <br><li>A render issue with the circus ringmaster hat in low detail has been resolved. <br><li>A roof has been re-attached to its supports in Port Khazard. <br><li>Parts of a floating tree in the Tree Gnome Village have been cut down. <br><li>The colours of the Stealing Creation reward hammer should better match the inventory icon when wielded. <br><li>It seems the imp chathead was no longer an imp but a human head wearing an imp costume after the graphical update! The imp is now quite glad to be back to normal. <br><li>The salamanders near the Chaos Altar were occasionally getting stuck near one of the trees, this should no longer occur. <br><li>The chests in the Temple of Ikov ice area were back to front, these have been turned around. <br><li>Your chathead when wearing the Guthix mitre should now look more consistent with the actual headwear.</ul> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Players will only get the "This is a requirement for While Guthix Sleeps" message once when they gain a level in attack or strength equal to the Warriors<72> Guild requirements. <br><li>The 'New Key' from the Mourning's Ends quest can now be placed on the key ring. <br><li>There is now a quest start icon for both sides of The Shield of Arrav quest. <br><li>The Grand Tree quest journal has had a bit more information added for a certain part which wasn't as clear as it could've been. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Penguins no longer have slightly squished heads during their hiding animations for the Hide and Seek distraction and diversion. <br><li>Certain penguins from the Hide and Seek distraction and diversion were wandering a bit further than we thought <20> those sneaky penguins! <br><li>The Shooting Star distraction and diversion code has been adjusted so that you're no longer given strange estimates of the next landing e.g. 1 hour 61 minutes should obviously be 2 hours 1 minute. <br><li>The Sanfew serum from Temple Trekking has been brought in line with the recent changes to restore Summoning as well as the existing stats. <br><li>Stealing Creation items in the Ranged skill guide are now correctly displayed as members only. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Miscellaneous</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Weapon switching causing unusual behaviour with Darklight when attacking various demons wasn't intended and has been fixed. <br><li>A few typos and grammatical issues have been fixed. <br><li>Several interfaces have been updated and improved, with little or no visual change. <br><li>All spirit shields are now in the skill guide. <br><li>You can no longer cut pineapple into slices without the necessary inventory space. <br><li>The message when you reach 99 Slayer has been made clearer to account for the possibility that Duradel might not be there. <br><li>It should be easier to walk and pick up any dropped belongings while adventuring near Baxtorian Waterfall. Previously, some places you could lose your items were hard to get to or impossible. <br><li>A Fishing spot previously inaccessible is now available once more near Shilo Village. <br><li>The mogre Fishing spot's clickable area has been increased as it was a bit smaller than we'd like. <br><li>The PvP gloves that give bonus Hunter experience should now last longer. These had been wearing out quicker than we intended. <br><li>Adjusted one of the Lumbridge Achievement Diary tasks to move its location slightly and updated the information accordingly. This won<6F>t affect anyone who has already completed the task. <br><li>A level-up message for Smithing was informing players the incorrect location for the Smithing Tutor. <br><li>A few items such as the hat and eyepatch couldn<64>t be taken to Entrana. These don't have any combat stats, so we've removed the restriction.</ul>
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27-Jan-2009 10:32:26
<br/>Last edited on 27-Jan-2009 10:32:53 by Mod<6F>Luke
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>27 JANUARY 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphical</b> <br><ul> <br><li> An issue with male jaws and moustaches has been sorted out. <br><li> Pest Control Void Knights have a better death animation. <br><li>Saradomin spiritual warriors and mages were using the wrong attack animations. <br><li>Players<EFBFBD> hair should no longer change styles in an odd set of circumstances. <br><li>Certain female hair styles no longer have issues with pith helmets. <br><li> A gate in the tutorial was changing textures when opened. <br><li>The ice titan's chathead has been updated. <br><li> Players no longer daze themselves with warhammers when running! <br><li> The Grim Reaper hood should no longer cause female heads to wobble slightly. <br><li> The nurses<65> hat should no longer interfere with certain hairstyles. <br><li>The orange bandana won't appear to make your head really small when you're talking to NPCs. <br><li> Occasionally the Stealing Creation hammer was using the wrong animation. <br><li>Fish splash about once more when caught using the barbarian fishing method. <br><li> Fixed label issues with the crab claw and hook and gold studded bodies. <br><li>Eyepatches were causing some odd issues with chatheads. <br><li>A door between a bookcase and a wall seems a little unnecessary and has been removed. <br><li>The Seers<72> headband from the recent Achievement Diary was causing a few chathead issues. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul> <br><li> Modified the Wanted! quest journal to better point you in the right direction. <br><li>Players can now use the Stealing Creation hammer in the TokTz-Ket-Dill quest. <br><li> We've fixed the ability to charm sailors if you're on the Dragon Slayer quest. <br><li> Fixed an issue with the Garden of Tranquillity quest. <br><li> Icthlarin's Little Helper quest journal has been updated and gives a little more assistance in some cases <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Stealing Creation hammer can now be used to craft Fremennik shields. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Other</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Spelling errors were fixed. <br><li>The gnome glider interface has been made more user-friendly. <br><li>A small handful of interfaces have been brought in line with current standards. <br><li>Chat has been adjusted slightly when talking to the Slayer Masters. <br><li>The warning when entering the Corporeal Beast's cave can now be turned off. <br><li>Two of the Slayer Masters were getting a little confused as to the location of a few creatures, this has been resolved. <br><li>Two buttons on the welcome screen had the wrong tooltips. <br></ul>
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<div class="modtype">Jagex Mod</div>
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10-Feb-2009 15:18:09
<br/>Last edited on 10-Feb-2009 15:18:39 by Mod<6F>Luke
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>10 FEBRUARY 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphical</b> <br><ul> <br><li>The santa suit no longer renders through capes on male characters. <br><li>Pirate Pete no longer swaps hats when he moves between various locations. <br><li>The obsidian maul no longer causes head injuries while running. <br><li>Rowdy the dwarf has been adjusted to remove clipping issues. <br><li>A bridge and the associated render order has been adjusted. <br><li>The animations when hacking at jungle foliage with a machete have been tidied up. <br><li>Players no longer end up in some railings when going down a ladder into a dungeon. <br><li>Sick-looking sheep are now more important when it comes to render order. <br><li>Lumbridge citizens<6E> arms weren't rendering correctly when viewed from the side. <br><li>The blue-grey cat no longer has the same chathead as the brown cat. <br><li>An odd graphical issue with the Slayer face mask and Barrelchest anchor have been resolved. <br><li>Smiddi Ryak's chathead now looks more like it was originally intended. <br><li>The cockatrice's chathead has been resized to properly fit the chat window. <br><li>An issue with Elly the Camel's chathead has been resolved. <br><li>The animation for stepping stones has been slightly adjusted. <br><li>An NPC in the Warriors<72> Guild has had his facial hair and lips fixed. <br><li>A beer, the property of the lazy guard near the Fight Arena, no longer floats above the table it resides upon. <br><li>The view from the Yanille Watchtower is no longer ruined by a large green wall. <br><li>Some ground areas in the Wilderness have been adjusted to look better . <br><li>The potential for overlapping text on the Grand Exchange interface has been fixed. <br><li>Players should now retain their heads when wearing the level 5 Stealing Creation mage hats. <br><li>An Agility log no longer renders through the floor. <br><li>The reward interface for the Ranging Guild has been adjusted so your inventory items no longer appear to move around slightly.</ul> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul> <br><li>An animation in Back to My Roots has been fixed. <br><li>The Heroes<65> Quest and Haunted Mine quest journals are a little more helpful regarding requirements. <br><li>The A Soul<75>s Bane quest starting icon has been added. <br><li>The Underground Pass quest journal is no longer completely blank at a certain state. <br><li>Some additional checks have been added to the Shield of Arrav and the Weaponsmaster. <br><li>A permanent solution to fix the ability to run in the Kennith's Concerns puzzle has now been implemented. <br><li>Some Catapult Construction quest logic has been adjusted. <br><li>Galahad is now much more helpful during the Holy Grail quest.</ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul> <br><li> While performing the Agility task at Balthazar Beauregard<72>s Big Top Bonanza, you should no longer have a two handed weapon out if you were wielding one previously. <br><li> Climbing up a slope in the Skull Ball Agility Course has had its code adjusted. <br><li> The Blast Furnace code checks have been changed to prevent too much coal being added. <br><li> Players in Fist of Guthix can no longer attack familiars while holding the stone of power. <br><li> Bork now dies if a familiar gets the last hit in. <br><li> Earth elementals were not always counting for the Seers<72> Village Achievement Diary task. <br><li> The Fist of Guthix reward gloves and the Stealing Creation harpoon were not correctly stacking their bonus xp at Piscatoris.</ul> <br> <br><b>Miscellaneous</b> <br><ul> <br><li>The bug that caused familiars to get lost in certain circumstances (like the Phoenix Lair) has been fixed, so you should be able to call your familiar if it disappears. It was actually fixed a couple of weeks ago, but the note recording it got lost and never made it onto the patch notes! <br><li>For consistency, all bracers, vambs and v'braces, etc. have been changed to 'vambraces' so you can easily search for them on the Grand Exchange. <br><li>A couple of older interfaces have been updated to the newer format and functionality <br><li>The Runecrafting skill guide has been updated as some changes were left off recently. <br><li>The skill guide entry and wield requirements referring to the brine sabre have been corrected. <br><li>Code dealing with NPC chatheads has been updated in a couple of places to be more robust. <br><li>Players will experience less hassle when using the mine cart to travel with familiars. <br><li>The code behind hammers and how they work has been updated for efficiency and future ease. <br><li>Upon using the ectophial, you will now automatically attempt to walk to the Ectofuntus to refill it. <br><li>An issue with open zogre coffins has been fixed. <br><li>Explorer Jack is a little more responsive when you use items on him that he doesn't want. <br><li>The warning messages and sounds for the antifire potion and summoning familiar despawn warnings are now much clearer. <br><li>An NPC has been changed back to members-only as it is no longer involved in the free-to-play area. <br><li>A safe spot in PvP worlds has been removed. <br><li>Players listening to music manually will no longer be interrupted on balloon trips. <br><li> A bug has been fixed involving combat with NPCs while using prayers and the divine spirit shield. You should no longer lose Prayer points when you negate melee or ranged damage with active protection Prayer effects rather than the shield. <br><li>Your favourite: A few typos have been fixed, and a grammatical error while we were at it!</uL>
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<div class="modtype">Jagex Mod</div>
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25-Feb-2009 12:04:59
<br/>Last edited on 26-Feb-2009 16:16:14 by Mod<6F>Luke
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>25 FEBRUARY 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphical</b> <br><ul> <br><li>The Hunter box trap wasn't textured when dropped. <br><li>The fire cape shouldn't change in low detail when teleporting around in the Wilderness. <br><li>Hell kittens had the wrong chat head during the A Tail of Two Cats quest. <br><li>A gate in the Tree Gnome Village that thought it was a door is now correctly a gate again. <br><li>The icons for sets on the Grand Exchange weren't correctly appearing in the collect interface. <br><li>Clipping issues have been reduced for the black mask. <br><li>The Camulet should no longer be visible through female players' backs. <br><li>The tambourine from Balthazar Beauregard<72>s Big Top Bonanza shouldn't cause players to float slightly. <br><li>Ahrim's ghostly robes have been further tweaked to be ghostly! <br><li>Agility stepping stones were interfering with players<72> feet. <br><li>The Guthix cape was clipping with the animation when lighting a fire. <br><li>Removed some odd black outlines from Construction interfaces. <br><li>The shadow on items in your inventory no longer changes colour when opening banks and shops. <br><li>Some cloaks were not correctly attached to the player. <br><li>You can now walk on certain parts of the Lumbridge riverbank where you couldn<64>t before (even though it looked like you should be able to). <br><li>You can now enter Lumbridge General Store via both doors when they are closed. <br><li>Some smoke puff animation hadn<64>t been updated <20> they should all look much better now. <br><li>T he Musa Point pier popular with fishermen has had its posts lined up correctly with their bases. <br><li>Your feet will no longer <20>sink<6E> into the stones when crossing the River Lum near Draynor Manor. <br><li>Females will no longer observe a gap between their hand and the Iban Staff. <br><li>All of the feather textures in the game have been improved. <br><li>The fog is now the correct colour in the Soul Wars tutorial, and a tent which was floating near the entrance has been anchored. <br><li>Nomad <20> of Soul Wars fame <20> no longer has a beard on his chathead, since he doesn<73>t have a beard. <br><li>Neither the white apron nor the Saradomin platebody cover the Ice amulet anymore. <br><li>The animations in a cutscene during Shadow of the Storm have been improved. <br><li>Some superfluous bankers have been removed from the Seers<72> Village bank. <br><li>The flames from some torches in Enakhra<72>s temple no longer go through the ceiling/floor. <br><li>The back legs of Diango's toy stall are no longer floating off the ground slightly. <br><li>One patch of ground in Bounty Hunter was blank and textureless <20> some rocks have been added to cover this up. <br><li>Infernal magi no longer have to contend with hair rendering over their hats. <br><li>A missing gate to a cow field north of East Ardougne has been put back. <br><li>One of the textures on a wall near Varrock was upside down. <br><li>The cooking animation used during the tutorial has been improved. <br><li>The <20>Give Thanks<6B> emote no longer glitches at the end. <br><li>The roof of a wall section near the Grand Exchange in Varrock was not being hidden properly. <br><li>The lights outside of Melzar's Maze are now actually light sources. <br><li>The top of a section of Yanille<6C>s main gate was not being hidden properly. <br><li>The mast of the ship in Oo'glog was a bit disjointed, but is now properly connected. <br><li>Fixed some animation problems with the Hitpoints skillcape emote being interrupted. <br><li>The render order of some posts near the Wizard's Guild in Yanille was causing graphical problems. <br><li>You will no longer see an incorrect chathead on your pet/familiar side interface when suffering from lag. <br><li>A window is no longer missing from a house in Yanille. <br><li>The cow milking animation has been improved so that it no longer glitches. <br><li>You can no longer jump over the Wilderness ditch into a pile of logs next to one of the Wilderness beacons. <br><li>A couple of poles in Draynor Village were left over from Hallowe<77>en, they have now been removed. <br><li>Chatheads wearing bandanas will no longer be very small (for females) or glitch (for males). <br><li>Two palm trees on Ape Atoll have had their branches reattached to their trunks. <br><li>The Varrock Guards<64> armour will no longer show through their shields. <br><li>You should no longer be able to see Arnold Lydspor<6F>s collar through his head. <br><li>The icons on law and body talismans have been updated to make the difference between them clearer. <br><li>Torag<EFBFBD>s platebody will no longer clip with the mirror shield. <br><li>The <20>Jump for Joy<6F> emote will no longer cause your hand to stretch when wearing the crabclaw and hook. <br><li>When female players are mixing a potion, a vial will once again appear in their hand. <br><li>The blue skirt (g)<29>s gold trim is now 80% more gold<6C>. <br><li>The ectoplasm-less bedsheet no longer looks covered in ectoplasm. <br><li>It is now easier to read the names of towns on the newcomer map. <br><li>Nanuq, the beacon network<72>s polar bear, has had its model and textures updated and improved. <br><li>The trapdoor to the Port Phasmatys brewery no longer has floating floor tiles on top when its open. <br><li>Mawnis Burowgar<61>s skin no longer shows through his beard <20> no Fremennik would want such a feeble beard! <br><li>Some rocks around the entrance to the God Wars Dungeon no longer look like they<65>re floating. <br><li>The fairy ring in Dorgesh-Kaan now has a bigger <20>clickable-area<65>, consistent with the other fairy rings. <br><li>Players will no longer disappear when performing some emotes while wearing certain combinations of items. <br><li>Your Tok-Xil will no longer render through the floor/ceiling in your house<73>s dungeons. <br><li>Your eye colour will no longer change when you select the <20>curls<6C> hairstyle. <br><li>The inventory icon for the volatile clay hammer is no longer a different colour from the equipped model. <br><li>Some odd shadows around the Air Obelisk have been made normal. <br><li>There is no longer a floating piece of wall in Seers<72> Village. <br><li>You can no longer walk on a some lava in the Temple of Ikov. <br><li>The Miscellania NPCs have had their woodcutting animations been updated and improved. <br><li>Kalphites will no longer render through the floor when attacking. <br><li>Pumping the Blast Furnace while wearing Bandos tassets will no longer cause graphical glitching.</ul> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul> <br><li>The Sea Slug quest journal has been changed to clarify certain parts. <br><li>Fixed several grammar mistakes and spelling errors in Hooknose Jack<63>s chat during the Rat Catchers Quest. <br><li>You can now complete the One Small Favour quest if you are part way through the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest. <br><li> You will now receive a warning about your familiar disappearing before entering the Well of Voyage room. <br><li>The Inferno Adze had the wrong Woodcutting requirement if you used it while you were wielding it. <br><li>The quest start icon for the Romeo & Juliet quest has been returned to the map. <br><li>The end of the Merlin<69>s Crystal quest has had its gameplay and graphics improved. <br><li>A typo during the Grand Tree quest was fixed. <br><li>The destroy message on an Eagles' Peak quest object referred to the wrong place to find a replacement. <br><li>You will now receive a warning about your familiar being dismissed when you enter one of the caves during the Path of Glouphrie quest. <br><li>The tracks in the Eagle<6C>s Peak quest have been made easier to see. <br><li>The Thieving requirement will now be crossed out on The Feud quest journal if you have the appropriate level. <br><li>'Bird's-Eye' Jack<63>s chat is now consistent however you chat to him. <br><li>The level 20 Strength recommendation for Zogre Flesh Eaters has been added to the quest journal. <br><li>The Holy Grail quest journal now lists the requirement to be able to wield Excalibur (level 20 Attack). <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul> <br><li> Fixed a logic issue that may occur when performing in Balthazar Beauregard<72>s Big Top Bonanza. <br><li> When unlocking the music in Bounty Hunter, sometimes it wouldn<64>t work and sometimes you would receive the message twice. Both of these problems have been fixed. <br><li> You can now shoot at all of the targets in the Ranging Guild. <br><li> You can no longer block people from leaving Runecrafting altars by building barriers around the exit portal during the Great Orb Project minigame. <br><li> Collecting Pest Control rewards is now easier if you have the same noted items in your inventory already. <br><li>You should now be able to put more coal on the conveyor belt after you have used some up in the Blast Furnace. <br><li>The backgrounds of the Vinesweeper instruction interfaces have been made consistent. </ul> <br> <br><b>Miscellaneous</b> <br><ul> <br><li>We<EFBFBD>ve changed the way player stock prices are calculated at the TzHaar shops because a small number of people were taking advantage of the fact that TzHaar have little conception of how much human adventurers value gold. Obviously, we prefer fair trade, and the TzHaar should now be able avoid a recession. <br><li>Quick Chat options were missing silver and gold bars in the Smithing section, this has been rectified. <br><li>What looked like an extra space has been removed from the bartering section of Quick Chat. <br><li>Black candles are no longer visible in the player stock for the candle seller as they are untradeable. <br><li>The Mining skill guide has had missing information added to the previously blank section. <br><li>A few interfaces are now more compatible with the French game. <br><li>The mystic steam staff has been added to the Attack skill guide. <br><li>The delay when eating Karambwan and its effects has been reduced. <br><li>Scorpius will now bless any unholy symbols you have in one go and Brother Jered will do the same for holy symbols. <br><li>There are several various types of black demon and these should all drop charms. <br><li>Increased the gargoyles<65> <20>clickable area<65> to make them a bit easier to attack. <br><li>The mystic steam staff has had its wield requirements fixed to the intended 40 Attack and 40 Magic. <br><li>The skeletal mages under Baxtorian Waterfall will now retaliate against players and have also learned a few new tricks! <br><li>When building items in your house with a sacred clay hammer, sometimes you would not be given the correct experience. <br><li>The tiny elf crystal now has an <20>Enchant-x<> option. <br><li>The reset time for collecting pineapples and seaweed from Arhein will no longer slowly creep forward. <br><li>A missing apostrophe has been found and added back to the Cooking Tutor<6F>s chat. <br><li>Free players can no longer be given leather coifs as a task from Cadmus, the Crafting Tutor in Lumbridge. <br><li>Some mouse-over text on the Player Creation interface was incorrect. <br><li>The scrollbars used throughout the game have had their code improved and a bug has been fixed which would stop you dragging some scrollbars under certain circumstances. <br><li>All familiars will now disappear properly when their timers run out. <br><li>Some of the stairs in Brimhaven Dungeon had broken and the temporary fix has now been replaced with some working stairs. <br><li>Yew and magic trees are no longer listed as logs on the in-game Farming skill guide. <br><li>Stealing Creation items are now listed as members-only on the in-game skill guides. <br><li>A missing hyphen has been put back in one of the Quick Chat trade phrases. <br><li>Friend login/out messages no longer have a <20>Add Friend<6E> option <20> obviously, they<65>re already your friends! <br><li>The Mourning's Ends quest was spelt incorrectly in the Runecrafting in-game skill guide. <br><li>You can now talk to Cornelius when he is behind his bank booth in Burgh de Rott. <br><li>A spelling error in the unlock hint for the music track <20>Technology<67> has been fixed. <br><li>Fletching while your cannon is firing does not work <20> you should now receive a message about this when you try. <br><li>The phrase <20>My Slayer level is: ...<2E> no longer appears twice in a Quick Chat search. <br><li>The Mage Arena bank is now single-way combat to resolve a confusing bug on PvP worlds. <br><li>Some lucky TzHaar now carry onyx bolt tips; some lucky adventurers might 'find' them on the ground after a particularly 'vigorous' 'disagreement' with them. <br><li>Fixed a few more typos in various places. <br></ul>
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<div class="modtype">Jagex Mod</div>
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10-Mar-2009 15:42:36
<br/>Last edited on 10-Mar-2009 15:43:14 by Mod<6F>Luke
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>3 March 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphics and Audio</b> <br><ul> <br><li>The baby kurask animations were incorrect. <br> <li>A few of the older interfaces have been converted to our new standard of interface. <br><li>The cauldron of thunder was missing its animation. <br><li>Player chatheads should now be the right size when wearing certain combinations of pirate headwear. <br><li>An NPC in Icthlarin's Little Helper has been adjusted so that their body and head are actually attached during a cutscene. <br><li>Fixed a label issue with the Khazard plate and a cape while fishing. <br><li>Prevented the client crashing when drawing a player chathead in an obscure set of circumstances. <br><li>The TzHaar maul animation and wield positions have been changed to be more like the original wield position and style. <br><li>The hairstyles associated with the female ponytail and male fringe no longer cause issues with the snail shell helmets. <br><li>Verac<EFBFBD>s armour should no longer lift your character up off the ground. <br><li>A stretching issue has been resolved on the rune crossbow and the Zamorak stole. <br><li>The special attack animation for the Ancient Goblin Mace has been adjusted. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Removed duplicate text from the While Guthix Sleeps Quest Journal. <br><li>Fixed a typo in the Defender of Varrock quest. <br><li>You can now buy back a bullroarer for the cost of an oomlie wrap when undertaking the Legends<64> Quest. <br><li>Players should be able to go back into the Phoenix Lair if they lose connection at a particular stage in the event. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul> <br><li> Fixed a bug in the Stealing Creation team logic. <br><li>Fixed a bug with an interface not closing in Barbarian Assault. <br><li>Adjusted the code dealing with the Seers<72> Achievement Diary task when praying with full Prayer points. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Miscellaneous</b> <br><ul> <br><li>The level up message for achieving 99 in Ranged has been made clearer. <br><li>The Farming Skillguide appeared to be missing its <20>Milestones<65> section. <br><li>Code for a few NPC chatheads have been adjusted. <br><li>The use of 'claws' in game has been standardised, as they were often referred to as 'claw'. <br><li>Fixed a bug regarding the Oo'glog pools as it could have been exploited. <br><li>A long-lost bamboo tree has been renamed to <20>tropical tree<65>. <br><li>The inventory space check when purchasing a cannon is more rigorous. <br><li>Some shops have had a few price changes (like Hudo<64>s <20>Grand Tree Groceries<65>, Heckel Funch<63>s <20>Funch<63>s Fine Groceries<65> and the Culinaromancer<65>s chest) to combat real-world traders; some of the ingredients were only available from these shops (like limes), so if you<6F>re not happy with the price change you<6F>ll be pleased to know that they<65>ll soon be added to the gnomes<65> drops to keep up the brisk trade. <br></ul>
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17-Mar-2009 13:43:30
<br/>Last edited on 17-Mar-2009 17:18:53 by Mod<6F>Luke
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>17 March 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphical</b> <br><ul><li>The dragon axe animations have been updated. <br><li>Locations and NPCs should stop disappearing for a split second, such as the archery targets in Lumbridge. <br><li>We have fixed an issue with a cutscene in While Guthix Sleeps. <br><li>Pikkupstix is a little livelier when he's standing around. <br><li>The floor in player-owned houses should no longer interfere with players<72> feet. <br><li>A few more interfaces have been converted to a new and improved format. <br><li>The TzHaar pit entrance has been restored to its former glory. <br><li>The Kudos interface should no longer be hidden by the minimap in High Detail mode. <br><li>The Third Age shield's border will no longer render through . <br><li>The height-mapping around Canafis bank has been evened out, due to subsidence. <br><li>Lighting fires in certain areas of Dorgesh Kaan should no longer remove the roof above. <br><li>Several locations in Mos Le'Harmless have had render issues removed. <br><li>The boulder in Olaf's cave now correctly animates when rolling the correct way. <br><li>Oldak's lightning machine no longer clips through the ceiling. <br><li>A render issue has been fixed in the Varrock Sewers. <br><li>A dry stone wall now better resembles a dry stone wall, and has fewer gaps. <br><li>The Digsite pendant now has the correct teleport animation associated with it. <br></uL> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul><li>An NPC involved in the Grand Tree quest can now fight properly. <br><li>We have removed a discrepancy with the King's Ransom starting requirements. <br><li>Prison Pete's chat now correctly refers to the door you need to unlock, rather than the old series of doors. <br><li>Some of the scenery in Back to my Roots has been updated and animated in the boss fight. <br><li>The Fremmenik Isles quest requires 40 Agility, and correctly enforces this requirement where necessary. <br><li>We have ensured that the checks for the In Search of Myreque quest handle players in all situations. <br><li>Some of the dialogue in Meeting History has been adjusted to make slightly more sense. <br><li>We have fixed an issue in the Myths of the White Lands quest when sliding around in a cutscene. <br><li>The Rocking Out quest<73>s final cutscene has been slightly adjusted to improve the graphics and general behaviour. <br><li>The Summoning requirement for While Guthix Sleeps has been clarified and should definitely be 23. <br><li>We<EFBFBD>ve given Daero an option for players to teleport to Ape Atoll if they<65>ve completed the quest but not received the reward. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul><li>The Fishing Trawler will now allow you to bank your fish rewards directly. <br><li>The doors in the Castle Wars entrance area are now open by default. <br><li>The Barbarian Assault fighter hat should no longer make male heads disappear in Low Detail. <br><li>The water effect was missed from an area near Pest Control. <br><li>We have made sure the minimap in Puro-Puro is still hidden, as was intended. <br><li>We have fixed an arithmetic error in the PvP world code. <br><li>Treasure Trail boxes are now destroyed on drop, but provide information about where to re-obtain them. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Miscellaneous</b> <br><ul><li>The Party Room is now a familiar-free area. <br><li>You can no longer have a familiar near the Grand Exchange. <br><li>The Party Room chest now has a bank pin. <br><li>Several items have had their market price reverted to what they were before the RWT fixes (while relaxing a restriction on the market price). The shop price will also be more consistent with player values of the item. <br><li>Gnomes will now drop certain gnome cuisine items. <br><li>Various NPCs around Lumbridge will occasionally drop grapes. <br><li>Spirit trees will now give information regarding the next evil tree spawn. <br><li>The god familiars (Zamorak hawk, etc) will now provide the same protection as god-related items while in God Wars. <br><li>Typos and grammatical errors have been fixed in a few places. <br><li>You should be able to store the Hallowe'en warlock outfit in your player-owned house. The costume room code was also reworked slightly. <br><li>The sound for the Home Teleport spell correctly stops if you interrupt its casting. <br><li>A pillar in Pollnivneach dungeon now blocks Ranged attacks. <br><li>An issue has been fixed with trying to summon a familiar if you don't have one. <br><li>We have updated some checks for when players are in costumes. <br><li>The code that checks the Defence and Ranged requirements for items has been made more consistent. <br><li>Tormented demons should now be considered demons by the Darklight weapon. <br><li>We have updated some combat code for various Ranged items and some more unusual weapons like mud pies. <br><li>Black spears were wrongly requiring an Attack level of 10 rather than Ranged to wield them. <br><li>Dagon<EFBFBD>hai robes are no longer allowed on Entrana. <br><li>You will now have to wait a few seconds after combat before you can use emotes. <br><li>Some item text is now clearer on the Grand Exchange expert interfaces. <br><li>The player-owned house god banners have been moved together in the Construction guide, and the Guthix symbol now matches the correct colours (from green to red). <br><li>The Statue of Saradomin in player-owned houses were slightly too tall for the room. <br><li>You should now gain Crafting xp when the pyrelord familiar crafts gold bars into jewellery. <br><li>Sacred and volatile pickaxes have been added to the Mining skill guide. <br><li>We have adjusted the message you get when you run out of Prayer Points. <br><li>The hints to penguin locations have been adjusted slightly, to help you catch the penguins in more cases. <br><li>Zaff will now be more flexible when you're trying to request battlestaves. <br></uL>
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25-Mar-2009 12:05:04
<br/>Last edited on 25-Mar-2009 12:05:29 by Mod<6F>Luke
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>25 March 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphical</b> <br><ul> <br><li>The horns on dragon medium helms no longer float on female players. This was fixed alongside the dragon armour update. <br><li>Fixed an issue amulets had when rendering with the dragon platebody. <br><li>The imp chathead is no longer a human head in an imp suit <20> again! <br><li>Stopped a zombie from playing a human animation that made it appear to explode briefly. Zombies in RuneScape have enough to worry about without an irrational fear of spontaneous combustion. <br><li>Fixed a graphical issue with the light beams in the light maze from Mourning<6E>s Ends Part II. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Fixed an issue with the statues in Bandos<6F>s Throne Room after completing the Chosen Commander. <br><li>Slightly adjusted the logic in the final part of Chosen Commander. <br><li>Fixed an issue with the Chosen Commander quest journal not scrolling to the end when completed. <br><li>Your Magic interface will now be correctly restored after a certain point in Cold War. <br><li>Changed code to prevent the game crashing in HD mode during the Underground Pass quest. <br><li>Updated some of the Dragon Slayer code when you have to repair the boat. <br><li>Enhanced logic for the One Small Favour quest when making a drink from several ingredients. <br><li>Code dealing with Rantz and the Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest has now been properly fixed. <br><li>Fixed a problem with the Back to my Roots end fight in Low Detail. <br><li>In the Eyes of Glouphrie quest, Hazelmere was occasionally cutting the chat short mid conversation. This has been fixed. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Updated some arithmetic logic with Farmer Blinkin's Vinesweeper minigame. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Miscellaneous</b> <br><ul> <br><li>We<EFBFBD>ve slightly adjusted the way you make darts. <br><li>Bones can now be offered in varying quantities in the chapel in your Player-Owned House. <br><li>Updated several of the chat menu interfaces to a newer format. <br><li>Adjusted the newly re-written toybox code to better deal with male and female versions of clothing. <br><li>The gnomecopters have been removed as we no longer wish to advertise certain members' content in the free area. As a result, the Lumbridge Achievement Diary task has been changed to reflect this. If you've already taken a ride on a gnomecopter, you won<6F>t have to do the new task. <br><li>The Lumbridge Achievement Diary no longer tries to open the old-style quest list. <br><li>Prevented one particular object being given as a reward to free players in Random Events. <br><li>Removed a safe spot from PVP worlds where players couldn't attack each other. <br></ul>
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01-Apr-2009 12:52:05
<br/>Last edited on 01-Apr-2009 12:52:43 by Mod<6F>Luke
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<center><font size=4 color="#ff0000"><b><u>1 April 2009</b></u></font></center> <br> <br><b>Graphical</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Tortoises will no longer block you when you<6F>re walking causing you to get stuck. <br><li>Various standing torches will no longer let you stand in them. <br><li>Fixed some animations on a few desert NPC's that didn't seem to have any. <br><li>Some of the water near the Musa Point docks has been updated to better fit in with the rest of the area. <br><li>Players can no longer stand over a trapdoor in the Tower of Life. <br><li>The Bandos tassets no longer look odd when playing certain animations. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Quests</b> <br><ul> <br><li>The yeti's knockback in the Myths of the White Lands quest wasn't always working correctly <br><li>Removed some unnecessary messages from the Path of Glouphrie quest. <br><li>All black knights will now correctly update the Falador Achievement Diary task. <br><li>The Falador Party Room Achievement Diary task has been modified. <br><li>The pendant that Zanik destroys will no longer reappear in certain circumstances. <br><li>The quest list sorting feature now correctly handles members who become free players. <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Minigames</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Updated some of the code to give you hints about where the penguins are located. Occasionally even we lose those sneaky penguins! <br></ul> <br> <br><b>Miscellaneous</b> <br><ul> <br><li>Fixed a link from within the game to the website. <br><li>Updated code to better handle your familiars when you log-in to various places like cutscenes. <br><li>Removed some unnecessary code from the player-owned house script. <br><li>The Prayer button icon now correctly updates on death, when you run out of Prayer points and when you're attacked with a dragon scimitar special attack, amongst other things. <br><li>Changed code dealing with the quick Prayer selection in some areas of the game like Tears of Guthix. <br><li>Seagulls have now been added to the Hunter skill and can be found along some coastlines. You'll need to wave your butterfly net in a gullible fashion to catch these birds. <br><li>We<EFBFBD>ve slightly increased the price on items that you have to gather from remote areas, so you should be able to make more profit from these. <br><li>When closing a deposit box, it should now re-open the last thing you had open, like your inventory. <br><li>Changed a phrase in the Quick Chat system. <br><li>Adjusted the pre-purchase advice code where some items requirements were greater than you actually needed. <br><li>Reworked the code dealing with crossbow pouches and the interface. <br><li>You can now store kebbit bolts in the crossbow pouch. <br><li>Woodcutting axes are now called hatchets to avoid confusion with other objects in the game. <br></ul>
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