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30-Jun-2010 04:31:20
<br/>Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 04:50:30 by E<>Ratz
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If you want to join, read pages 1-3 first, and then use our application. <br>We do not join unions. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Celebrating over 5 years of clan activity! <20> <br> <br> <br>########~ Dragon Clan RuneScape ~###### Welcome to Dragon Clan RuneScape! We <br>###################################### have been around since March of 2005. To <br>###################################### join it is required you read the first, <br>#################TTTTT################ second, and third page so you know <br>#################TTTTT################ the workings of the clan, but it is also <br>#################TTTTT################ recommended that you read the extra pages <br>#################TTTTT################ (90-91-24-30902558). If you are <br>##########TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT######## inactive and un-intelligent, please leave <br>##########TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT######## now, this is not the clan for you. We thank <br>#################TTTTT################ you for considering our clan. Enjoy your <br>#################TTTTT################ day. <br>#################TTTTT################ Thanks. <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ Clan Mission Statement- <br>#################TTTTT################ Dragon Clan RuneScape endeavors to be <br>#################TTTTT################ a community where you can gain <br>###################################### long lasting friendships, be loved <br>###################################### and respected, better develop yourself, <br>###################################### and have a good time. <br>###################################### <br>###################################### <br> <br> <br>In God we Trust
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:26
<br/>Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 04:50:20 by E<>Ratz
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______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.2 <20> Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>______________________________________________________________ <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Information and Rules <20> <br>-Page 1- <br>Post 1.1 <20> Welcome <br>Post 1.2 <20> Table of Contents <br>Post 1.3 <20> About <br>Post 1.4 <20> Rules <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Apply <20> <br>Post 1.5 <20> Clan Application <br>Post 1.6 <20> Acceptance Letter <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Activities <20> <br>Post 1.7 <20> Events <br>Post 1.8 <20> Events Continued <br>Post 1.9 <20> Clan Chat Channel Info <br>Post 1.10 <20> Clan Chat Channel Rules <br>-Page 2- <br>Post 2.1 <20> DCRS Activities Council (AC) <br>Post 2.2 <20> Leaders and Council (LC) <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Leadership <20> <br>Post 2.3 <20> LC Continued and LC Meetings <br>Post 2.4 <20> Administrative Members <br>Post 2.5 <20> LDC Elections <br>Post 2.6 <20> Prayer, Invite, and Thread Activity <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Ranks <20> <br>Post 2.7 <20> Members Intro <br>Post 2.8 <20> Members List 110+ <br>Post 2.9 <20> Members List 100-109 <br>Post 2.10 <20> New Recruits List <br>-Page 3- <br>Post 3.1 <20> Friends of the Clan <br>Post 3.2 <20> D C R S Promise and Inactive List <br>Post 3.3 <20> Allies and List of Acronyms <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Rewards <20> <br>Post 3.4 <20> DCRS Birthdays <br>Post 3.5 <20> DCRS Points and Most Active Member of the Month <br>Post 3.6 <20> Clan Records <br>Post 3.7 <20> Clan Records Continued <br>Post 3.8 <20> State of the Clan <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD> Punishment <20> <br>Post 3.9 <20> Clan Chat Reporting System <br>Post 3.10 <20> Learn and Warn System <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>----------------- <br> <br> <br>The following posts are at the thread- 90-91-24-30902558. <br> <br>Page 1 <br> <br>Post 1: Intro <br>Post 2: Table of Contents <br>Post 3: Motto and poem <br>Post 4: Time Chart, High Scores, and E Ratz Workshop <br>Post 5: Question and Answer <br>Post 6: Coolnate Workshop <br>Post 7: Kimballtiger's Text Effect Guide <br>Post 8: Fish Trawler Guide <br>Post 9: Pest Control Guide <br>Post 10: Castle Wars Guide <br> <br>Page 2 <br> <br>Post 11: Barrows Guide <br>Post 12: Choas Elemental Guide <br>Post 13: Kalphite Queen <br>Post 14: Logo I <br>Post 33: Logo II and Logo III <br>Post 16: Logo IV <br>Post 17: Logo V <br>Post 18: King Black Dragon Guide <br>Post 19: Summoning Guide 1 <br>Post 20: Summoning Guide 2
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:26
<br/>Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 04:50:12 by E<>Ratz
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______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.3 <20> About - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>______________________________________________________________ <br> <br> <br>We are a clan started back in March 2005 by E-Ratz and Spis 10 (although Spis 10 is no longer with us). We have an off-site clan website and forums (ask one of the Leaders for more info on these). The clan is now directed by E-Ratz and his team of Leaders. We focus on friendship between all the members and try to stay active by having clan events, but this is more of a fellowship between players. Be prepared to face that some of our members are different. As long as you follow the rules and be mature we will be laid back and will take things not so strictly. This clan is not a normal clan. <br> <br>########~ Dragon Clan RuneScape ~###### <br>###################################### <br>###################################### <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>##########TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT######## <br>##########TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT######## <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>#################TTTTT################ <br>###################################### <br>############### .Toan104 ############## <br>+DRAGON CLAN RUNESCAPE FOREVER+
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:27
<br/>Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 04:50:04 by E<>Ratz
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______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.4 <20> Rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>______________________________________________________________ <br> <br> <br>Rule 1- Respect <br>Respect and love everyone, no matter their rank, no matter if they are in the clan or not. <br>Love and respect others as you would like to be treated. <br>This means out of respect for others you would naturally: <br>-Mind your own business <br>-Be active in the clan by participating in events, posting on thread, spend your time in the Clan Chat <br>-Encourage and help others out and not beg for things <br>-Be mature in your actions and words (think before you speak) <br>-Not insult, bash others, or swear (see bottom of Post 1.10 for more information) <br>-Obey leaders and those placed above you <br>-Follow Jagex rules <br> <br> <br>If you are applying and read this put D. when prompted to enter the code on your application.
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:28
<br/>Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 05:43:35 by E<>Ratz
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________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.5 <20> Clan Application - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>________________________________________________________ <br> <br> <br>Level Requirements- <br>105+ Combat Level and 1,400+ Total Level <br>Also must be a P2P Member <br> <br> <br>Applicants: <br>- Need to find the application themselves, no one posts an empty application for them <br>- Need to completely fill the application and not copy it from someone else <br>- Must be respectful about the questions <br>- Are only allowed two chances to correctly complete the application after their first try <br>- Please do not edit your application post, but re-post it <br> <br> <br> <br>To copy just highlight everything below the line and press Control (Ctrl) C. Then to paste it press Control (Ctrl) V. <br> <br> <br>___________ <br> <br> <br> <br>1. Display Name: <br>2. Combat Level: <br>3. Total Level: <br>4. How many hours are you on weekly (about)?: <br>5. Have you read the entire first, second, and third pages? (No skimming): <br>6. Post any codes you found while reading the thread here: (Not Quick Find Codes): <br>7. What is the first rule?: <br>8. List any one of the current Leaders except E-Ratz: <br>9. Will you be mature, active, bump the thread, and respect other clan members?: <br>10. Do you understand when and where the events are?: <br>11. What timezone do you live in?: <br>12. When is your birthday (Optional. Do not give the year. More info at Post 3.4)?: <br>13. What is your favorite event to do in RuneScape?: <br>14. How did you hear about us?: <br> <br> <br>It may take awhile to be accepted so please be patient. If you have any questions post them with this application.
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:29
<br/>Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 04:49:48 by E<>Ratz
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______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.6 <20> Acceptance Letter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>______________________________________________________________ <br> <br> <br>Welcome! You have been accepted to Dragon Clan RuneScape! Before you move on, please make sure you read this whole post. <br> <br> <br> <br>Details of recruitment: <br>- Come to five events within approximately two weeks from now <br>- After those two weeks the Leaders and Council will vote whether or not to admit you to full time membership based on your event count, attitude, character, and helpfulness <br>- If you can't make these events because you are busy, please let us know <br>- If you don't attend those five events you will be automatically removed from the list <br>- Add all of the Leaders and Council (UDC and LDC) and any other members you wish to add <br>- As you have read the entire thread, you are now expected to follow the rules and such on the thread <br>- Please have general discussion on the DCRS chat channel, owner is- E Ratz <br>- DCRS Recruitment thread should only be used for bumping (every 8-10 minutes) and for posting applications <br> <br> <br> <br>Summary of what we expect: <br>- Active participation in events <br>- Active listening and talking in the Clan Chat <br>- Kind and respectful towards others, even when they aren't to you <br>- Bumping and reading the thread often <br>- Loyalty, cooperation, and patience <br>- No swearing, for details look at the bottom of Post 1.10 <br> <br> <br>-Dragon Clan RuneScape-
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:30
<br/>Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 04:49:39 by E<>Ratz
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______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.7 <20> Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>______________________________________________________________ <br> <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD>We have three event selection systems: predetermined, majority vote and impromptu <br> <br> <br> <br>-Predetermined- <br> <br>Every day (except Sunday) the first four events will be predetermined by the AC at the weekly AC Meeting. Look on the next post for these events. Events will start at the selected activities location (or it can start in the event leaders house). <br> <br> <br> <br>-Majority Vote- <br> <br>At Event 5 and Sunday events, the event leader will call for a few event suggestions in the Clan Chat (or it can start in the event leaders house). Then anyone who is going to the event will vote on them. The event that gets the most votes will be the one we do. <br> <br> <br> <br>-Impromptu- <br> <br>Anyone, at anytime (except scheduled event times), can start an event if 3 or more people go (including yourself). <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>-Event Guidelines- <br> <br>Within reason, a certain event won't be more than once a day. Example- On Wednesday, we can't do Games Room more than once, but if there are not enough people at the later event to do the selected event, then you can do Games Room again. <br> <br>The Leaders or Council Members have permission to kick anyone that argues or complains over the event choices or event that has been decided. <br> <br>In order to get full credit, events must: <br><EFBFBD> Be at least 30 minutes long more is better. <br><EFBFBD> Have at least 3 people attending <br><EFBFBD> Anything less, within reason, will get half points <br> <br>For all types of event systems, make sure that you or someone else posts an event report so those who came receive an Event Point. <br> <br>We do all types of events. <br> <br>Our home world is 99. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>-Event Reporting Template- <br> <br>Always use this to post who came to an event <br>List players full name and your full name <br>Also put a symbol next to your name so credit for posting can be given <br> <br> <br>-Event Report- <br>Time: <br>Event: <br>Participants:
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:32
<br/>Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 21:21:19 by E<>Ratz
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______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.8 <20> Events Continued - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>______________________________________________________________ <br> <br> <br> <br>-Daily Event Times- <br> <br>1st Event: 3:00 AM AEDT, 5:00 PM GMT, 12:00 PM EDT, 11:00 AM CDT, 10:00 AM MDT, 9:00 AM PDT <br> <br>2nd Event: 6:00 AM AEDT, 8:00 PM GMT, 3:00 PM EDT, 2:00 PM CDT, 1:00 PM MDT, 12:00 PM PDT <br> <br>3rd Event: 8:00 AM AEDT, 10:00 PM GMT, 5:00 PM EDT, 4:00 PM CDT, 3:00 PM MDT, 2:00 PM PDT <br> <br>4th Event: 11:00 AM AEDT, 1:00 AM GMT, 8:00 PM EDT, 7:00 PM CDT, 6:00 PM MDT, 5:00 PM PDT <br> <br>5th Event: 2:00 PM AEDT, 1:30 PM ACDT, 12:00 PM AW*T, 4:00 AM GMT, 11:00 PM EDT, 10:00 PM CDT, 9:00 PM MDT, 8:00 PM PDT <br> <br> <br> <br><EFBFBD>Go to Post 3.3 to view what each time zone abbreviation means <br><EFBFBD>If you think your time zone is wrong or are unsure of your time zone, ask any Leader or Council Member for help <br><EFBFBD>Any times that are AM, are the next day for your time zone <br><EFBFBD>Times will change when Daylight Savings Times starts/ends <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>-Predetermined Events- <br> <br>(Remember: the first 4 events each day are predetermined; Event 5 and Sunday events are majority vote) <br> <br> <br>Monday, July 12th <br>1st- <br>2nd- <br>3rd- Fishing Guild <br>4th- Barrows <br> <br>Tuesday, July 13th <br>1st- KBD <br>2nd- Alching at GE <br>3rd- Castle Wars <br>4th- Fishing at Shilo <br> <br>Wednesday, July 14th <br>1st- Games Room <br>2nd- Stealing Creation <br>3rd- Rev Hunting <br>4th- Brimhaven Agility Arena <br> <br>Thursday, July 15th <br>1st- Avianies <br>2nd- Dungeoneering <br>3rd- Thieving Ardy Market <br>4th- Killing Tzhaars <br> <br>Friday, July 16th <br>1st- Duel Arena <br>2nd- Woodcutting, Firemaking, and Fletching: Maples next to Sinclair Manor <br>3rd- Clan Wars FFA <br>4th- KBD <br> <br>Saturday, July 17th <br>1st- Tea Time at someones house <br>2nd- Clan Wars with your favorite pet <br>3rd- Barbarian Agility <br>4th- P2P Pking
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:33
<br/>Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 04:49:18 by E<>Ratz
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______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.9 <20> Clan Chat Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>______________________________________________________________ <br> <br> <br> <br>Main Channel: <br>User Name- E Ratz <br> <br> <br>Leaders and Council Channel: <br>User Name- Dragonclanrs <br> <br> <br>Activities Council Channel: <br>User Name- D C Rs <br> <br>-Ranks: Symbols- <br> <br>Friend: Smiley face (Someone on my Friends List not ranked and Friends of the Clan) <br>Recruit: 1 stripe (New Recruit) <br>Corporal: 2 stripes (Member) <br>Sergeant: 3 stripes (Recruiting Admin) <br>Lieutenant: Bronze Star (Lower Dragon Council and Special People) <br>Captain: Silver Star (Upper Dragon Council) <br>General: Gold Star (Leaders) <br>Channel owner: Gold Key (E Ratz) <br> <br>(Lieutenant and up can kick people for 1 hour) <br> <br> <br>-How to talk- <br>To use the chat channel, all you need to do is type / before anything you write. If you are connected to a channel this will automatically be sent to everyone else in the chat. <br> <br> <br>-How to join channel- <br>You must click 'Join chat' and type in the name of the channel owner to access a clan chat channel. <br> <br> <br>For more information, visit the Knowledge Database -&gt; Manual -&gt; Controls -&gt; Controls - Clan Chat
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30-Jun-2010 04:31:34
<br/>Last edited on 30-Jun-2010 04:49:08 by E<>Ratz
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______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post 1.10 <20> Clan Chat Rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br>______________________________________________________________ <br> <br>(These also apply to Events) <br> <br>1. No spamming or drawings <br> <br>2. Obey leaders <br>-If you have been kicked from the Clan Chat, when you come back do not complain or argue about it <br> <br>3. Do not talk about reporting or accuse anyone of it <br> <br>4. If you have any grievances with another player, private message them about it and sort it out <br>-That means don't whine about them in the Clan Chat <br> <br>5. Do not try to intervene in arguments, it only makes things worse <br> <br>6. If you try to bait someone into an argument, you will first be warned, if it happens again, you will be kicked <br> <br>7. Policy on swearing for the Clan Chat and events: In order to keep chat beneficial, set a good influence for the greater community, and be a clan with high standards, we do not want anyone to swear. To not treat you childishly there are varying levels of punishment from only warnings to kicking. Regardless of our policy, swearing is filthy, immature, rude, and unnecessary. <br> <br>Words that will only get a warning: <br>-Censored words <br>-Common uncensored words: damn, ass, hell, and etc. <br>-Telling people to shut up in a harsh or malicious way <br>-Abbreviations or acronyms with the F, S, B, or other extreme words in them <br> <br> <br>Words that will get a warning then a kicking: <br>-Anything from the first level maliciously directed at someone or used a lot after being given warnings <br>-Bypassing the censor <br> <br> <br>Anything that is really bad/offensive will receive an instant kicking
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