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Fairy Tale III: Subtitle Yet to Be Approved
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Subtitle Yet to Be Approved
by <a href="index3ea8.html?author_id=35">Mod<EFBFBD>Tytn</a> 26-Nov-2009
<div class="content"><p>I<EFBFBD>ve just finished the development work on <span class="em">Fairy Tale 3</span> and I should be happy, relieved and pleased with myself. But I<>m flummoxed, perplexed and generally vexed; the most challenging task is yet to be completed! A fairy quest<73>s subtitle is generally the most difficult thing to invent. This isn<73>t as simple as it sounds - it requires a subtle, humorous, tantalising and yet revealing insight into the quest, but shouldn<64>t give too much away. Perhaps I need to go on a course to improve my quest naming skills.</p><p>This project has taken more than the usual number of twists and turns on its unique trip through production - let me explain. The initial developer, <span class="strong">Mod Greg</span>, passed the Fairy Tale quest series on to <span class="strong">Mod Ingrid</span>. Both developers did great work and created a wonderfully whimsical world. The honour of writing the code and developing <span class="em">Fairy Tale 3</span> from the design brief came my way and I<>ve done my best to realise <span class="strong">Mod Ingrid</span><EFBFBD>s vision for the final chapter of the Fairy Tale series.</p><p></p></div><div class="hr"></div><h3>Military madness</h3><div class="imgright"><div class="topbord"><div class="bottombord"><div class="leftbord"><div class="rightbord"><div class="toplcorn"><div class="toprcorn"><div class="bottomlcorn"><div class="bottomrcorn"><a href="images/ft3/fairy_general.jpg"><img src="images/ft3/fairy_general_thumb.jpg" alt="Fairy General" /></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><a href="images/ft3/fairy_general.jpg">Fairy General</a></div><div class="content"><p></p><p>One of the new characters in the quest has a slight tendency towards military speak and getting into this character and writing the dialogue has been very interesting. Having done some amateur dramatics and also experiencing the old school pencil-and-paper role-playing games, I know what a difference it can make to <20>act the part<72> in a story. </p><p>Writing dialogue for characters can be fun, I really try to put myself in the place of the adventurer having to deal with this person and imagine the kind of verbal interaction that would happen. But at least I don<6F>t take my work home with me. For instance, it<69>s rare you<6F>ll catch me barking orders to imaginary fairy soldiers - <span class="em">"Get into line, you numbskulls; we<77>ve got a job to do!"</span> That never happens.</p><p></p></div><div class="hr"></div><h3>Orkish military precision</h3><div class="imgleft"><div class="topbord"><div class="bottombord"><div class="leftbord"><div class="rightbord"><div class="toplcorn"><div class="toprcorn"><div class="bottomlcorn"><div class="bottomrcorn"><a href="images/ft3/orks.jpg"><img src="images/ft3/orks_thumb.jpg" alt="NOT the bosses" /></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><a href="images/ft3/orks.jpg">NOT the bosses</a></div><div class="content"><p></p><p><span class="strong">Mod Chihiro</span> mentioned in his <a href="view_postd528.html?post_id=12&amp;page=1">Design Review</a> blog that a significant element of this quest was the boss fight. He wrote, "designing a boss fight for this was challenging". Well, the boss fight certainly is challenging, not just from a player<65>s point of view, but very much from a coding perspective too. </p><p>In this particular challenge, we really wanted to do something a bit different, really explore the tactical possibilities for a boss battle where the player has the choice about how to take out the enemies and which enemies to take out first. Yes, that<61>s right, multiple hard and tough enemies, all of them not liking you very much, all at the same time. Don<6F>t worry, though, we<77>ll give you a few allies, though they may be a bit long in the tooth.</p><p></p></div><div class="hr"></div><h3>Initial feedback</h3><div class="content"><p>The project has completed development and is getting initial feedback. This means that <span class="strong">QA</span> and some of my <span class="strong">RuneScape Content</span> colleagues have written what they think of the project with an aim of making it better. Most of the comments have been positive, but it<69>s clear that more improvements are possible. I<>ve compiled this list of suggestions and have started implementing them into the code. That which doesn<73>t kill a project only makes it stronger. I<>m enjoying this phase of development, seeing the slightly raggedy edges being polished and wrought into shape.</p><p></p></div><div class="hr"></div><h3>Implementation</h3><div class="content"><p>What I really love about developing RuneScape projects is the mixture of different skill sets it requires. It requires a technical mindset to force this chaotic creativity into the very particular constraints of a binary computer system, and it needs creativity to solve those technical problems. So, here<72>s a silly, but not too dissimilar example of a conversation I might have with myself:</p><p><span class="em">"Do I need to store all this information in so many variables, or can I just assume the player is going to do this specific thing?"</span><br /><span class="em">"We can never assume anything of our players! They<65>ll always do something slightly odd that we hadn<64>t expected."</span><br /><span class="em">"Okay, so I have to use all these variables then? Seems like a bit of a waste for the end result?"</span><br /><span class="em">"Hmm, maybe you<6F>re right; but what if you put a nice PINK FAIRY in that space there, wouldn<64>t it look nice?"</span><br /><span class="em">"Oh yeah! Yeah, it would... but hey, that<61>s not answering the question..."</span><br /><span class="em">"But it was a boring question, just store the information in another way!"</span><br /><span class="em">"Yeah, but what other way?"</span><br /><span class="em">"If you had a PINK FAIRY, right there, she could remind the player of all the stuff that you needed to store in those variables."</span><br /><span class="em">"Oh yeah!"</span></p><p>And, of course, I<>m sure that every other developer does exactly the same thing, and if they don<6F>t, they ought to.</p><p></p></div><div class="hr"></div><h3></h3><div class="imgright"><div class="topbord"><div class="bottombord"><div class="leftbord"><div class="rightbord"><div class="toplcorn"><div class="toprcorn"><div class="bottomlcorn"><div class="bottomrcorn"><a href="images/ft3/godfather.jpg"><img src="images/ft3/godfather_thumb.jpg" alt="We want your feedback..." /></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><a href="images/ft3/godfather.jpg">We want your feedback...</a></div><div class="content"><p></p><p>Once all the initial feedback for the project has been implemented, the project will go into QA for a thorough testing. I<>ve already done a lot of my own testing, so I<>m hopeful that the few issues that <span class="strong">QA</span> always find will be minor. This is usually the point at which I start to get a little nervous, even though I<>ve developed content for years; this is the start of the countdown for the project being ready for release. </p><p>And release means players, and players means feedback. I like to take a balanced approach to player feedback; read and accept all the positive comments and ignore anything negative - that works well for me! ;) But that<61>s not exactly true, I<>m far too interested in doing better next time to ignore any critical comments, I always want to make my next quest the <20>best quest ever!<21>.</p><p><span class="small">NB: No PINK FAIRIES were harmed during the development of this blog.</span></p><p>If you'd like to discuss this blog on the forums, please visit <a href="../m%3dforum/forums0aeb.html?16,17,43,59957850">this forum thread</a>.</p></div>
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