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Player Submissions
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<b><a href="../../../services.runescape.com/m%3dforum/forums.html">Click here</a> to go to the forums</b>
<b><a href="postbag.html">Click here</a> to read the Postbag from the Hedge</b>
<b><a href="gallery.html">Click here</a> to go to the Players' Gallery</b>
<div class="faqsList" id="withlinks">
<b>Postbag from the Hedge</b><br>
<li><a href="#postbag_email">Where do I send my letters to Postbag from the Hedge?</a>
<li><a href="#postbag_who">Who should I address my letters to?</a>
<li><a href="#postbag_topic">What should I write?</a>
<li><a href="#postbag_no_response">Why haven't I heard about my letter?</a>
<li><a href="#postbag_god_letters">Can I write to Guthix, Saradomin or Zamorak?</a>
<b>Players' Gallery</b><br>
<li><a href="#gallery_email">Where do I send my artwork for the Players' Gallery?</a>
<li><a href="#gallery_image_types">What types of image do you accept? </a>
<li><a href="#gallery_send_what">What do I need to send? </a>
<li><a href="#gallery_image_size">What image sizes are okay? </a>
<li><a href="#gallery_too_big">My image is too big to fit in the gallery, what should I do? </a>
<li><a href="#gallery_no_response">Why haven't I heard about my image? </a>
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<a name="postbag_email"></a>
<span class="title">1. Where do I send my letters to Postbag from the Hedge?</span>
You should send your letter in the body of an email to <img src="../../img/privacy/postbag.gif" style="vertical-align: bottom">. Please note that you cannot send your letters as email attachments, nor can you send images to the Postbag email address - our email filters will automatically delete them.
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<a name="postbag_who"></a>
<span class="title">2. Who should I address my letters to?</span>
That is entirely up to you! You can write to any RuneScape character you like (<b>note</b> that players and Jagex staff are not characters, so do not try to use the Postbag email address as a way of contacting other players or Jagex staff).
We get a lot of letters addressed to the same characters; we could arrange for Bob, Evil Bob, the Sandwich Lady and the Wise Old Man to reply to every letter they get, but then you'd never get all the interesting information from the TzHaar, or to hear Miss Schism's views on public decorum. Try to think about which NPCs you'd <i>actually</i> like to hear from, not just the famous ones.
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<a name="postbag_topic"></a>
<span class="title">3. What should I write?</span>
Believe it or not, we rather enjoy posting wee hints and spoilers to upcoming content, and we also like fleshing out RuneScape's history and background. Instead of asking for a party hat or why RuneScape doesn't have weather (which are really more game-related than story-related), try asking questions about things you know nothing about.
In general, try to avoid lists of questions and try to stay in-character - the more interesting your letter is, the more likely it is that it will be published.
We will not publish any letter that breaches the <a href="rules_of_conduct.html">Rules of RuneScape</a>, is abusive, asks about your account or asks about another player's account.
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<a name="postbag_no_response"></a>
<span class="title">4. Why haven't I heard about my letter?</span>
We receive hundreds of letters every week, and we cannot possibly arrange to have all of them published. We do keep interesting letters and will try to find space for them. Also, be aware that we prepare the Postbag from the Hedge several months in advance, so it may simply be that your letter will be published much later.
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<a name="postbag_god_letters"></a>
<span class="title">5. Can I write to Guthix, Saradomin or Zamorak?</span>
Unfortunately, the gods are much too busy to be able to reply to mortals, so no letters addressed to the gods can be published. If you're interested in what the gods think, you might like to try writing to their followers. For instance, if you have a question about Saradomin, you could try writing to one of the many priests and monks around RuneScape to find out what they think about their god.
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<a name="gallery_email"></a>
<span class="title">6. Where do I send my artwork for the Players' Gallery?</span>
You should email your images as an attachment to <img src="../../img/privacy/gallery.gif" style="vertical-align: bottom">.
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<a name="gallery_image_types"></a>
<span class="title">7. What types of image do you accept?</span>
We can only accept images in PNG, JPG/JPEG, GIF, or BMP format. Any other images will get eaten by our email filter before we get a chance to see them; this is done for our security. PNG is probably the best choice if the graphics software you are using supports it, with JPEG coming in a close second.
Note also that animated images of any kind get mangled by our various email filters, so we cannot publish these.
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<a name="gallery_send_what"></a>
<span class="title">8. What do I need to send?</span>
Obviously you need to attach the image to your email or we won't have anything to put up on the gallery! We <b>cannot</b> accept links to images - we won't click them. This is done for our security. Other than the actual image it would be great if you send us both your name and a title for the piece of art. We do put up images without a title, and sometimes without the name of the artist, but it's much nicer to get the credit for your work and to pick the title yourself.
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<a name="gallery_image_size"></a>
<span class="title">9. What size should images be?</span>
You can send the images in whatever size you like, we will do the cropping and scaling to make them fit so there's no need to worry about the size. Having said that, all the images in the gallery will ideally be made to fit into one of 3 sizes: 320x400, 420x400 or 520x400. So, if you make your image fit into one of these sizes, we won't alter it at all before putting it up. Some people may think these image sizes are rather small, but it is important to make sure the gallery is easy to use for everyone regardless of the size of their screen.
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<a name="gallery_too_big"></a>
<span class="title">10. My image is too big to fit in the gallery, what should I do? </span>
If you have any pieces of art you would like to see in the gallery then send it along to us in one of the image formats we can accept. If you've created a masterpiece that deserves to be shared with the world, we will do our best to fit it in. A good example would be the pixel art in Gallery 3. We could have squished it but it would have lost so much of the magic, so in the end we decided to link to the full size image, and we think it looks brilliant!
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<a name="gallery_no_response"></a>
<span class="title">11. Why haven't I heard about my image? </span>
You will never receive an email from us in reply to your image. If we were to reply to each and every one of you, we would have to have someone dedicated to just replying to those emails! We get loads of excellent images sent to us every day, and we really do appreciate every one of the pictures we get sent!
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