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Pay by Wallie Card
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<div class="faqsList" id="withlinks">
<li><a href="#method">How does the Wallie Card payment method work?</a></li>
<li><a href="#countries">What countries is this payment method available in?</a></li>
<li><a href="#secure">How secure is this payment method?</a></li>
<li><a href="#cost">How much does it cost?</a></li>
<li><a href="#subscribe">How do I subscribe or make a one-off payment?</a></li>
<li><a href="#unsubscribe">How do I unsubscribe?</a></li>
<li><a href="#start">How long will it take for my membership to start?</a></li>
<li><a href="#include">What should I include with my payment?</a></li>
<li><a href="#payment">I no longer wish to pay for a subscription. What should I do?</a></li>
<li><a href="#member">I have sent my payment, but I<>m still not a member. How long will it take?</a></li>
<li><a href="#credit">How many months of membership credit can I buy at a time?</a></li>
<li><a href="#taken">How many payments will be taken?</a></li>
<li><a href="#left">I have some credit left over on my Wallie Card. Can I use it for future payments?</a></li>
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<a name="method"></a>
<span class="title">1. How does the Wallie Card payment method work?</span>
<p>Wallie Cards are a prepaid payment method; so, when you have purchased a Wallie Card you can use it to pay for RuneScape membership.</p>
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<a name="countries"></a>
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<span class="title">2. What countries is this payment method available in?</span>
<p>Wallie Cards may be used to pay for membership in the following countries:
<li>United Kingdom</li>
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<a name="secure"></a>
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<span class="title">3. How secure is this payment method?</span>
<p>Wallie Cards are purchased from an independent company who take great care with your payment details and enable you to pay for other services without revealing any information. You can also purchase them from retailers in some towns and cities, so your details may never be attached to your Wallie Card.</p>
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<a name="cost"></a>
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<span class="title">4. How much does it cost?</span>
<p>The cost depends on the currency you use to purchase your Wallie Card.</p>
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<a name="subscribe"></a>
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<span class="title">5. How do I subscribe or make a one-off payment?</span>
<p>Select 'Upgrade Your Account' on the <a href="../../index.html">RuneScape front page</a> (under the 'Account' drop-down menu) and select the prompts for using the Wallie Card payment method.</p>
<p>Please be sure to follow the instructions and ensure you understand all the points.</p>
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<a name="unsubscribe"></a>
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<span class="title">6. How do I unsubscribe?</span>
<p>All payments are one-off, non-recurring payments, so there is no need to unsubscribe from any service.</p>
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<a name="start"></a>
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<span class="title">7. How long will it take for my membership to start?</span>
<p>The membership credit will be added to the account as soon as the payment has been processed. This is normally instant.</p>
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<span class="title">8. What should I include with my payment?</span>
<p>Details of exactly what to provide with your payment will be noted during the subscription process.</p>
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<span class="title">9. I no longer wish to pay for a subscription. What should I do?</span>
<p>You do not enter into a contract until you pay for a new subscription. If you have changed your mind and no longer wish to subscribe using Wallie Card payments, simply do nothing.</p>
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<a name="member"></a>
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<span class="title">10. I have sent my payment, but I<>m still not a member. How long will it take?</span>
<p>First of all, please check your Wallie Card account for the payment. If it is present and you are still not a member, then contact us, <a href="https://secure/m=ticketing/billingsupport.ws">here</a>; otherwise, please contact Wallie Card.</p>
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<a name="credit"></a>
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<span class="title">11. How many months of membership credit can I buy at a time?</span>
<p>You can purchase 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 months of credit at any one time. Promotional Wallie Cards allow access to 7 days of free membership.</p>
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<a name="taken"></a>
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<span class="title">12. How many payments will be taken?</span>
<p>Only one payment will be taken if you subscribe using a Wallie Card.</p>
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<a name="left"></a>
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<span class="title">13. I have some credit left over on my Wallie Card. Can I use it for future payments?</span>
<p>You can use up to five Wallie Cards to cover the cost of a single transaction. Once you have entered your first code, you will be given the option to add more credit before completing the payment.</p>
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<a href="paybysms_payment.html">PayBySMS Payment</a>
<a href="real_time_payment.html">Pay by Real-time Bank Transfer</a>
<b>Pay by Wallie Card</b>
<a href="voucher_payment.html">Pay by RuneScape Card</a>
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