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17-Jun-2021 02:38:00
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Most of the time we are having back to back game update and it is fantastic! However, we are working on some updates for our website as well and I would love
to share the progress with all of you.
So we have changed the layout of the website's nav-bar like the sneak preview last time. We have added all your basic needs to the drop down
<b> The First section is Game Guide</b>
<li> Game Guide : The Game Guide is where you are going to find guides of ingame content and is the main hub of this section. </li>
<li> The Credit System : Since credits are such a big part of 2009scape. I thought that it would be nice to have it as a drop down option. </li>
<li> Our Rules : A new rule page to pair with the new Discord #rules section. This will help players who do not use discord to know the rules to avoid getting banned. </li>
<li> About 2009scape: A new about page with a little bit of history on us with our goals in mind. </li>
<b> The next section is the Community Garden ( You can click on the tab itself to go to the garden. )</b>
<li>Discord Server : A link to our discord if you could not find the giant one on the home page. </li>
<li>Matrix Server : A link to our matrix community which was hidden before. </li>
<li> The Highscore pages still where they have been and will not be changed. </li>
<li> The Hall of Fame: For now it links to the legacy HoF but it will be updated to link to a hub. </li>
<li> Meet the Staff : Now you can know who is who within the staff. </li>
<li>To the Tributes : A page dedicated to our contributors who aren't staff as a thank you. </li>
<li> Play Classic : The og Rs 2009 site actually had a Classic page and this one links to a classic page that showcases Open RSC ( Open source Runescape Classic )</li>
<b> The last section is the Help Center and much ike the Community Garden just click the tab to go to the hub. </b>
<li> Frequently Asked Questions: This is a new page based off of the discord's FAQ but also has a few that are not on Discord. Make sure to read this. </li>
<li> Bug report section : Make sure to do <b> Super</b> detailed bug reports with all sorts of information, coords, rs wiki link for check, etc. More information will be over there.</li>
The update page was also updated to look more like a forums and the home page is currently underconstruction.
More pages are on their way but this is what we currently have ready!
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