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16-Jul-2010 15:01:57
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 15:08:10 by Dangela7
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Hello and welcome to my thread! <br> <br>My story is simple: <br>I started playing back in 2004, and loved the game, until I found out who Jagex really are... <br> <br>There is such a big contrast on how good this game is and how custommers are handled, that's why I had chosen to post this thread in this forum, not in the Rants forum. <br> <br>Over the months I had experienced something that I did not anywhere in the world. (I had been traveling alot) <br> <br>People simply do not care about you! They don't want to listen to you, help you, do their best. <br>And I'm not talking about people in the game, as that's understandable, they are not paid to help, but I'm talking about Jagex Moderators. <br> <br>Before, I was always surrounded by people who wanted to help, for which I did*<2A>t had to pay. <br>For Jagex I paid for almost 4 years and now, they are not willing to help me no matter what. <br>They had created this game for 10 years now; I<>ve been with them for almost 5 of them. I had almost grown up with this game. <br> <br>My story is that my account had been hacked, it kept being recovered, Jagex randomly gave it to me or to them. <br>After a long struggle, I found out that my account has been banned for hijacking. <br>I had no previous offences until this happent, and they dare to say that I commited it, and that I won't have my account back. <br>If they wold listen more carefully, and investigate, these things would not happen! <br> <br>My point is: if this had happent to me today, maby tomorrow you will be the next. <br> <br>Now let me tell you something even more interesting! <br>I asked Jagex to look at my suggestion thread, tell me what they think, since I won't be able to bump it anymore, my membership runs out. <br>What they did? They went to my thread in the Suggestions forum and moved it to... Suggestions forum!
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16-Jul-2010 15:02:07
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 20:58:34 by Dangela7
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I also noticed that a more rude appeal would have more success. If you go and search on the internet, you will find people appealing mutes with a very very rude language, and what do they get? They're account gets unmuted. <br> <br>Others appeal over 10 offences, some of them include macroing, what do they get for speaking so &quot;nicely&quot;? They get unbanned! <br> <br>What do I get for being civilised and for 1 offence I had not even do? Banned! Permanently! <br> <br>They also have a mail address, to which, if you write them, they do not respond you regardless if it's about my account, or my child's safety.
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16-Jul-2010 15:02:19
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 15:13:37 by Dangela7
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Note: <br>I do not ask for my account to get it back, since I know that with Jagex you can't talk, they do not listen. <br>My purpose is to show who they really are, and to warn every player out there that they might be their next victim. <br> <br>Edit: For those of you who want to see my suggestion thread, go here: 185-186-488-61318955 <br>You might take that as the continued part of this thread, which is really constructive, if anybody will listen. <br>Thanks for reading if you did, if not, thanks for visiting my thread.
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16-Jul-2010 15:02:30
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 15:10:53 by Dangela7
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I might be editing these in the future...
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16-Jul-2010 17:35:37
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Hello Dangela7 i first want to say i read this thread right when u posted it and i wanted to post on your thread but i cud** find it probly bc ur title name. i think u were trying to spell unacceptible. im a horrible speller and i mean horrible. But anyways the funny thing is i was talking about this same topic in one of my friends cc's. And im completly with you. My parents own a couple of printing stores and my uncle owns his own computer company where he fixes hospital and big busniess computers. And i know for a fact that all of my familys stores have ALOT better support. Even my uncle as busy as u may be sits down with a person on the phone about problems or dead lines. He even has his own site and guess what there is NO fourms where he ignores paying customers. I know we only pay $5 a month but i wud even pay $6 to help probs like yours. <br> <br>Im truly sorry about your account, and i am kinda scared if i ever have a prob like your how little help i wud be givin. <br> <br>well i have to go now even though i wud like to wrote more. Mabe latter today i can come back to this page. Take care and im sorry if there are any grammer errors or bad spelling
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16-Jul-2010 17:45:37
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 17:46:28 by Ron<6F>Fett
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Things happen. And it's pretty amusing to see that someone claims their life has been ruined over an issue in a game.
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16-Jul-2010 20:43:33
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Thank you for your posts guys <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>While I agree that a big company with many custommers is hard to mantain, I do not agree with the fact that if a company is big and has alot of prestige, they should really do more about their custommers, no matter how hard it is. <br>The company growth is mainly because of its custommers, and if they do not take care of them, they will loose. <br> <br>For now, I feel so unable to do something, but I hope soon enough people will realise what kind of company Jagex is (even though many had already). <br> <br>I was so proud of Jagex, they were my idol, but it is said that the higher you climb, the better you will hurt yourself when you fall. Well... They dissapointed me greatly. <br>I had never expected this from their side...
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16-Jul-2010 20:54:57
<br/>Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 20:55:14 by RB<52>Gift
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Its a difficult situation for them to find the right owner of an account to give the account back. <br> <br>What I personally believe jagex should do, is ask questions from various points in time. They could add quests which, a player could choose one way or the other. After the quest, there would be no evidence of the chosen path. <br> <br>Jagex could then ask players which path they chose when they did that particular quest. <br> <br>I've never had an account locked, so I don't really know how the process itself works at all. But if they implemented multiple crossroads kind of decisions in quests, then the real owner of the account could remember them and the hacker would would not know which way the player chose. <br> <br>I feel for you, I've heard stories of true owners getting their accounts back, and I've heard the opposite. My advice is to make a strong pass, even add some numbers after it as well. And to never share your pass with anyone. Even best friends. And never visit random sites <img class="sm2" alt=":P" title=":P" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />. <br> <br>Trust me, people don't get hacked if they follow that last paragraph. They just don't.
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16-Jul-2010 21:40:40
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They went to my thread in the Suggestions forum and moved it to... Suggestions forum! <br>--------------------------------- <br>I don't get what you're trying to say here. <br> <br>Jagex do care. They tried to get your account back, find out who was the legitimate owner, couldn't, and then caught you, or the hacker macroing. They tried to help you, but can't stand cheaters at all. I know it's not fair, but you have to see it from their position. They want the game to be an equal playing field, and they know some people will cheat any chance they can take. If they easily let everyone go, there would still be as many macroers as there used to be at one time. <br> <br>For the appeals that have been accepted even though silly messages have been entered, I'd imagine it would have to do with the type of offence, and the person's offence history. I can't be certain because I'm not a J mod, but it makes the most sense. They wouldn't just let people off the hook so easy if they knew they would stir up a lot of trouble. <br> <br>And also, most people don't get &quot;hacked&quot; unless they've been on certain websites they shouldn't have. Perhaps Jagex took this into consideration when your account was found macroing, but I of course can't be too sure. <br> <br>-B
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16-Jul-2010 22:41:38
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I posted in the Forum Help thread if they could go take a look at my suggestion thread, since my membership runs out soon, so I will not be able to bump my thread. What they did is indeed strange. I got my thread moved. It was in the suggestion forums, and when I go to the thread, it says &quot;moved&quot; and it's moved in the suggestion forum. <br> <br>As for the offence, it was hijacking, not macroing. <br> <br>There would also be many ways in which Jagex could decide the true owner, and see if the hacked did the offence or not. <br>Trust me, from what I experienced, it's clear to me that they do not care. <br> <br>As for the way the hacked got my account is from a mistake I made... I had my details on a CD, along with another 300 CD's collection, which I gave away when I moved to another country. <br>You immagine what happent then... <br>However, if they would just listen me out, it would be no doubt that I had no offence, and that the account is mine. <br> <br>It should be clear in the beggining, since I had no previous offences, and this offence happent in the exact same time when I was struggling to recover it. <br>They could also check the IPs, to see that I logged in only twice, and stood like 5 minutes (time in which an offence like that can not be commited. <br>And there would also be the option to see that everything from my account is missing. <br> <br>There are so many things that could and should be taken into consideration.... But believe me... they really do not care. <br>You are just another custommer to them. No matter if you had paid for 4 years, or jsut started playing. <br>After this time, in my opinion, i would've had to earn some reputation, which they do not take into consideration... <br>It's 5 years lost for me, but they lost nothing, they gained 4 years of membership money. <br>And if Im gone it's no problem. There are many others. <br> <br>That's their policy. Really...
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