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<a name="contents"></a> <br><div style="background-color: #ffffc0; border: #ffc080 solid 5px; padding: 5px"><a name="Headlines"></a><center><div style="background-color: #DEB887; border: #A0522D solid 2px; padding: 5px; width: 95%;"><font style="stencil" color="#e9dec5"><font face="forte" color="SaddleBrown" size="8">The Roleplaying Guide</font> <br><font face=verdana size="1" COLOR="black"><i>A General Guide to RuneScape Roleplay</i></font></b></div></center> <br> <br><hr> <br> <br><center><img src=../../../site/img/main/kbase/aow_icons/area_guides.webp> <br></center> <br> <br><hr> <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><font face=verdana color="black" size="2"><i>All the world's a stage, <br>And all the men and women merely players; <br>They have their exits and their entrances, <br>And one man in his time plays many parts, <br>His acts being seven ages.</i></sup></div></div></center> <br><hr> <br> <br><b> The following page is not up yet, but it will be soon hopefully!</b> <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Welcome to the In-Game Roleplaying Guide. <br> <br>If you have not yet read the Game Manual on Roleplaying, I would strongly recommend doing it! <br> <br>The Roleplaying Page [hyperlink] can be found here and answers questions such as; <br> <br>- What is Roleplaying? <br>- How can I join in? <br>- Where can I find others who Roleplay? <br> <br>If you already know all that, then this Guide is the place to start. It will go over some basic "etiquette" as well as sample rules/systems and tips on creating your own characters. <br> <br>This guide focuses primarily on in-game Roleplaying. If you're more interested in "Forum Roleplaying" then you can find a number of excellent threads here in the Roleplaying Forum and many of the basic tips in this guide will help you as well. <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><font face=verdana color="black" size="2">Not everybody enjoys Roleplaying and that's absolutely fine. One thing we would like to encourage though, is to be respectful of those who *do* enjoy Roleplaying and to not disrupt their fun in RuneScape.</sup></div></div></center> <br> <br><i> I'm sure you wouldn't like it if a Roleplayer came and disrupted your Skilling/PvP/Questing would you? <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> </i> <br> <br>Below are the contents of this thread, please read through each section. <br> <br><hr> <br><center><div style="background-color: #DEB887; border: #A0522D solid 2px; padding: 5px; width: 95%;"><a name="contents"></a><b><font face=verdana color="SaddleBrown">Contents</font></b></div> <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><center><font face=verdana color="black" size="2"><i> <br> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/themedworlds.webp"> <br> <br><center><a href="#basics"><font size="3">The Basics</a></font></center> <br><i>Learn the basics about how to RP, the terminology and what to expect. As well as some tips on names and general etiquette.</i> <br> <br><hr> <br> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/manual_minigames.webp"> <br> <br><center><a href="#combat"><font size="3">Combat & Obstacles</a></font></center> <br><i>Heroic adventures often result in heroic battles. Read this for a general overview of roleplaying combat as well as some ideas on how to resolve it.</i> <br> <br><hr> <br> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/mg_ranging.webp"> <br> <br><center><a href="#character"><font size="3">Creating a Character</a></font></center> <br><i>Explanations on what a Bio is and how to fill one out, as well as tips on creating balanced, fun and original characters.</i> <br> <br><hr> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/controls_notes.webp"> <br> <br><center><a href="#adventures"><font size="3">Writing and hosting an Adventure</a></font></center> <br><i>How to run an RP story/group/adventure and have fun doing so.</i> <br> <br><hr> <br> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/manual_quests.webp"> <br> <br><center><a href="#conclusion"><font size="3">A Conclusion</a></font></center> <br><i>A final section to wrap everything up and some useful links.</i> <br><br> <br><br> <br></sup></div></div></center> <br><br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#contents">Back to the first page</a>
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02-Jun-2010 12:06:36
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<a name="basics"> <br><div style="background-color: #ffffc0; border: #ffc080 solid 5px; padding: 5px"><a name="Headlines"></a><center><div style="background-color: #DEB887; border: #A0522D solid 2px; padding: 5px; width: 95%;"><font style="stencil" color="#e9dec5"><font face="forte" color="SaddleBrown" size="8">The Basics</font> <br><font face=verdana size="1" COLOR="black"><i>The basics of Roleplaying and Terminology</i></font></b></div></center> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/themedworlds.webp"> <br></center> <br><font face=verdana color="black"> <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><font face=verdana color="black" size="2"><i>Forsooth dear fellow, I dost not knoweth what thine "Str Level" is! Ye speak madness!</i></sup></div></div></center><a name="basiccontents"></a> <br> <br><center><b><u>Contents</u></b> <br> <br><a href="#whatisrp">What is Roleplaying?</a> <br><a href="#term">Terminology</a> <br><a href="#beingIC">Being "In-Character"</a> <br><a href="#respect">Respectful RP</a></center> <br> <br><hr> <br> <br><a name="whatisrp"></a> <br><b><u> What IS Roleplaying? </u></b> <br> <br>Roleplaying is a simple activity, but one that can provide an endless amounts of entertainment. <br> <br>Roleplaying is simply "playing a role". It means to create a "character" that fits in with the world around you and then to play out that character. <br> <br><i>It's like acting but with more dragons.</i> <br> <br>Roleplaying has been around forever and if you've ever played "pretend" as a kid then you've done some Roleplaying before. <br> <br>Whether you've pretended to be a Soldier, a Knight, a Princess or a Spy you've engaged in the basic idea of Roleplaying; the idea of creating another persona. <br> <br>--- <br> <br>With regards to RuneScape; Roleplaying is the act of pretending you are a *character* who fits into the world of RuneScape. <br> <br>You stop being Josh/Chloe who plays Runekilla889 and grinds Attack experience. Instead you are "Ceric" or "Ayania", a skilled Hunter or perhaps a wily thief who gets caught up in fantastic adventures or is simply looking to make a bit of bonus gold. <br> <br>You stop asking people about how much XP they need for their next and ask them how their training in swordplay goes, or if they have heard the rumours of undead trying to cross the River Salve. <br> <br>RuneScape is a world full of character and lore and gives you a lot of opportunities to make your own fantastic adventures with friends, rather than waiting for the next quest or grinding some XP. <br> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/guides/pet/falador_rocks.gif"> <br></center> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#basiccontents">Back to Contents</a> <br><hr> <br></center> <br> <br><a name="term"></a> <br><b><u> Terminology </u></b> <br> <br>When you see people in World 42 (The Roleplaying Server) or here in the Forums, you might find them using a ton of unusual acronyms or putting double brackets around everything they say; ((like this)). <br> <br>What does it all mean? <br> <br>This brief guide should introduce you to the basic terminology used by Roleplayers. <br> <br>--- <br> <br><u>OOC</u>: "Out of Character". This is often used to refer to a time when somebody is talking as themselves, instead of as their character. This is often represented by using double brackets for example; <br> <br>(( Hey guys what CC should we join for this? )) <br> <br>You should try and make it clear when you are talking OOC to avoid confusing everybody. <br> <br><u>RP</u>; "Roleplaying". Simply the shorthand way of saying Roleplaying. <br> <br><u>IC</u>: "In Character". Pretty much the opposite of OOC, IC refers to when somebody is speaking as their character and not as themselves. People assume this is how you are speaking by default. An example of how it is used might be; <br> <br>(( Hey Josh did you just say that IC or not? I couldn't tell...)) <br> <br><u>Godmodding</u>: "God Mode/God Modding". This is when a player is roleplaying an obscenely powerful character who cannot be hurt and instantly kill anybody. It's generally seen as a very newbish and rude thing to do. <br> <br><u>GM/DM</u>: "Game Master/Dungeon Master". These terms were coined in the days of Tabletop Roleplaying like Dungeons & Dragons. They generally refer to the person(s) running the RP and controlling events. Often they are allowed to do things normal players aren't to progress the story (if there is one). <br> <br><u>Bio</u>: "Biography". Generally this refers to a post on the forums that details your character. Not every RP needs one, but some may ask for one as a requirement to join. Often they provide a template for you to fill out details about your character. <br> <br><u>Autohit</u>: "Automatically Hitting". If somebody fights you in a Roleplay and never lets you defend yourself, or similar, then they are guilty of "Autohitting". Like Godmodding it's looked down upon. <br> <br><u>*words in asterisks*</u>: Words in asterisks usually indication an action. For example a player may type; <br> <br>*opens their pack and retrieves a scroll* <br> <br>This is a way of performing actions the game won't let you perform normally. <br> <br><u>-words in dashes-</u>: Not commonly used but can be used to indicate a character's thoughts. For example; <br> <br>-Hmm, it seems that this stranger has more to him than meets the eye- <br> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#basiccontents">Back to Contents</a></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="beingIC"></a> <br><b><u>Being "In Character"</u></b> <br> <br>Roleplaying means to immerse yourself in the world around you, in this case the Fantasy world of RuneScape. <br> <br>Somebody who is part of the RuneScape world wouldn't know what TV is, or what "levels" are. They don't talk in leetspeak or chat about their favourite movies. <br> <br>That stuff is what non-RP worlds are for, or are reserved for "OOC" chat. <br> <br>Likewise, when roleplaying you are playing out the persona you have created. <br> <br>If you want to roleplay as a big, tough, gruff, Fremmennik Barbarian, you probably aren't going to go around wearing bunny ears asking if anybody knows where to buy some pink ribbon. <br> <br>You would act as you think a big, tough, gruss Fremmennik Barbarian would. <br> <br>It's helpful to think about things like; <br> <br><u>What does your character know and what do they not know?</u> <br>For example, a simple farmer probably won't know about the plots of Lucien. A Druid of Taverly isn't going to know much about Dwarven cannons or commanding armies. <br> <br><u>How does your character react to certain situations?</u> <br>A common pickpocket isn't going to bravely rush into a fight against an armoured knight. A good-hearted Knight of Saradomin isn't going to push over a begger and laugh at them. <br> <br>Roleplaying is all about fun, but a lot of that fun comes from playing your character and developing them as a person. It's about immersing yourself in the world and forgetting about the "real world stuff" for a little bit. <br> <br><center> <br><img src="../../m%3ddevblog/images/rest/busker_concepts_thumb.webp"> <br></center> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#basiccontents">Back to Contents</a> <br></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="respect"></a> <br><b><u>Respectful Roleplaying</u></b> <br> <br>It's very easy to have giggle a bit when somebody is roleplaying a serious character, or to try and boss everybody around by pretending you're unkillable/something ridiculous. But none of that is going to help you make any friends and you might find that nobody wants to RP with you. <br> <br>Roleplaying is a social activity and that's why it's important to be respectful. It's a community thing after all and it's more enjoyable when everybody is nice to each other. <br> <br>Here are some little "reminders" about being respectful when RPing <br> <br><u>We all have to start somewhere</u> <br> <br>Everybody was a newbie once and you shouldn't look down on people who are just trying Roleplaying out. Help them, answer their questions and involve them in what you are doing. If you make it enjoyable for that person, they will be more inclined to come back and improve. <br> <br><u>Respect the RP/GM/Thread</u> <br> <br>If you join an RP group, or an in-game adventure, or a forum thread; you should always respect those who have taken the time to run it and their intent. If a group isn't for you, politely leave and find one that is more suited to you. <br> <br><u>A good critic is a polite critic</u> <br> <br>Not everybody wants your opinion, but if they do ask for it try to be as constructive and polite as possible. If you think an RP stinks then politely leave and join another, or speak to the owner and offers some ideas politely. <br> <br><u>Do your best with spelling and grammar, don't lay into those whose best isn't the same as yours</u> <br> <br>Not everybody is Shakespeare and they may not always use the best spelling and grammar. Try and get helpful pointers but don't belittle them for it. <br> <br>Likewise, if you know your spelling and grammar isn't great still try your best. It makes things clearer for everybody and they will appreciate the effort. Don't be lazy and expect people to understand you. <br> <br><u>The GM/Thread Owner has the final call</u> <br> <br>If a disagreement appears, the GM/thread owner gets the final say and you should respect that. That's just to keep things running smoothly and in line with the story. <br> <br>But if you are the GM/Thread owner pay close attention to the next point... <br> <br><u>Don't abuse your position!</u> <br> <br>If you're running an RP group or Thread, don't abuse your position! Be fair with your players and they will be fair with you. <br> <br>----- <br> <br>This final one is something which I think can make a big difference with Roleplaying and I heartily encourage you to think about it; <br> <br><u>A good RP shouldn't be a competition. A good GM isn't the enemy.</u> <br> <br>Roleplaying is a co-operative hobby and it's best when you get to work as a team to tell an awesome story. Of course there are times when the GM will need to put challenges and obstacles in your way but these are to make it exciting and interesting, never forget that we're all doing this for fun and as a team. <br></font> <br><hr> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#basiccontents">Back to Contents</a></center> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#contents">Back to the first page</a></center>
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02-Jun-2010 12:06:59
<br/>Last edited on 02-Jun-2010 12:07:53 by Mod<6F>Mark<72>H
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<a name="combat"> <br><div style="background-color: #ffffc0; border: #ffc080 solid 5px; padding: 5px"><a name="Headlines"></a><center><div style="background-color: #DEB887; border: #A0522D solid 2px; padding: 5px; width: 95%;"><font style="stencil" color="#e9dec5"><font face="forte" color="SaddleBrown" size="8">Combat and Obstacles</font> <br><font face=verdana size="1" COLOR="black"><i>Roleplaying fights and overcoming obstacles.</i></font></b></div></center> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/manual_minigames.webp"> <br></center> <br><font face=verdana color="black"> <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><font face=verdana color="black" size="2"><i>The Ceric brings his shield up to block the incoming blow and thrusts his longsword forward intending to impale his attacker</i></sup></div></div></center><a name="combatcontents"></a> <br> <br><center><b><u>Contents</u></b> <br> <br><a href="#whatisrpfight">What is an RP Fight?</a> <br><a href="#whowins">How to determine who wins?</a> <br><a href="#noncombat">Non-Combat Obstacles</a></center> <br> <br> <br><hr> <br><a name="whatisrpfight"></a> <br><b><u>What is an RP Fight?</b></u> <br> <br>Heroic stories are littered with heroic battles and conflict in Roleplay is pretty much assured. <br> <br>Generally this conflict takes the form of fighting, whether it is between a character and some villains or between two characters. <br> <br>Different groups will handle things in different ways, below are some examples; <br> <br><u>Normal Combat</u> <br> <br>Some groups incorporate the monsters and NPCs of RuneScape into their story and simply use the normal combat of RuneScape for their RP Fights. <br> <br>The GM will often voice a particular villain/monster but let the normal game do the fighting. This tends to make the most sense to most people and also gives some visual clues to help with the story. <br> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/combat/special_attacks/dark_bow.webp"> <br></center> <br> <br><u>Descriptive Combat</u> <br> <br>This is probably the most common way of resolving RP conflict out there. <br> <br>The roleplayers describe their actions through chat and then will have a set way to resolve who wins. I'll cover more on how this is adjudicated later, but for now here is an example of how a descriptive combat might take place; <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><font face=verdana color="black" size="2"><i> <br> <br>Player 1: *I swing my axe towards the Orc, aiming at the creatures torso* <br> <br>GM: The Orc bring's his jagged sword across and parries the blow, then lashes out with its spare hand to grab you <br> <br>Player 1: *I let the creature grab me and then aim a kick at it's head* <br> <br>GM: The orc staggers backwards stunned by the surprising blow, but you land on your back on the floor <br> <br>Player1: *I throw my axe at the orc whilst it's stunned, aiming for the head* <br> <br>GM: The axe sails through the air and cleaves into the Orc's brain. <br> <br></i></sup></div></div></center> <br> <br>This is just a very basic idea of how it works, often it is much more descriptive and with lots of participants. <br> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/combat/special_attacks/vesta_spear.webp"> <br></center> <br> <br><u> PvP Combat </u> <br> <br>Some players choose to resolve RP fights in a very straightforward manner and simply duke it out using a PvP area/world. <br> <br>This style does provide a clear resolution but can result in a severe death penalty or rely heavily on in-game levels. <br> <br>Some players simply choose to use a PvP World, others may use areas like the Duel Arena or comvat minigames where they can keep their items on death. <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/combat/special_attacks/vesta_longsword.webp"> <br></center> <br><br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#combatcontents">Back to Contents</a> <br></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="whowins"></a> <br><b><u>How to determine who wins?</b></u> <br> <br>If somebody is fighting a monster or another player, it's very easy to decide who wins. <br> <br>If the character kills the monster/other player, they win. If the monster/other player kills the character then they don't win. <br> <br>Simple! <br> <br>But what about when an RP Fight doesn't actually involve any fighting using the RuneScape combat system? <br> <br>How do you determine who wins when people are simply describing their actions? <br> <br>Below are three of the easiest and most common methods. <br> <br><u>Trust</u> <br> <br>Often used by smaller grounds, this way of deciding who wins relies on those taking part. They are trusted to act fairly and appropriately when attacked. <br> <br>Often this is based on the more descriptive player winning fights, however it relies on the other player admitting when their character cannot avoid an attack and when they would realistically defeated. <br> <br>It can cause a lot of arguments, but if you have a small group of friends it means the action can flow freely. <br> <br><u>Dice</U> <br> <br>Inspired by games like Dungeons & Dragons, using a dice to determine who wins is a pretty solid way to keep things fair in an RP. <br> <br>If you speak to Faruq in Al-Kharid you can purchase a bag of dice for a small sum. This bag allows you to select a dice of different values and then generates a number from that dice. <br> <br>You can roll it privately or in a Clan Chat, for RPing a CC roll is probably a better idea. <br> <br>The way it works is that when two players reach a point where they need to see where somebody succeeds or fails, they each roll the same type of dice. The higher roller wins and their action is successful. <br> <br>Using a dice can be intermixed with the other methods as well, often it's a really good fall back as the dice are unbiased. <br> <br>Faruq has lots of cool tools and features for you to use. You can find out more about Faruq's "Tools for Games" by <a href="../../../site/c%3dx6g1BlJz9gE/kbase/guid/faruq_s_tools.html">clicking here</a> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/guides/faruq/intro.webp"></center> <br> <br><u> GM's Decision </u> <br> <br>Like trusting your fellow RPers, this method relies on you trusting the GM/DM of your RP to make a fair, unbiased decision. <br> <br>The GM/DM is usually the person running the RP and so it makes sense to let them decide who wins or not, it's a very useful way of solving any conflicts as well. <br> <br>The GM/DM should always have the final decision, but they should also try to be as fair and reasonable as possible. <br> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#combatcontents">Back to Contents</a></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="noncombat"></a> <br><b><u>Non-Combat Obstacles</b></u> <br> <br>Not every conflict or obstacle needs to be a battle or monster/villain. <br> <br>Non-combat obstacles are a great way to build a story and provide a little tension drama, without the risk of a fight. <br> <br>Some can be adjudicated just like a fight, using either a <u>trust, dice-based or GM decision</U> to decide the outcome. <br> <br>Examples of these types of <u>Non-Combat Obstacles</u> might include; <br> <br>- Researching for ancient knowledge in a library <br>- Navigating a mysterious fog that creates illusions and chaos <br>- Interrogating a captured prisoner, or convincing a noble to help the character(s) <br>- Searching a room for a secret door or hidden chest <br> <br><i>When deciding if they are successful or not, you can even mix things up and give them bonuses to their dice rolls for describing their actions very well. If somebody takes time to really roleplay their actions, give them a +2 or +4 to whatever they roll.</i> <br> <br>--- <br> <br>Another type of <u>Non-Combat Obstacle</u> that often proves interesting and enjopyable are <b>puzzles!</b> <br> <br>Puzzles that allow people to use their brains are often a welcome break from describing actions or rolling dice. Although for some, they are less than enjoyable so make sure you have the right sort of people in your RP. <br> <br>Below are some examples of traditional puzzles used in Roleplaying; <br> <br>- Riddles <br>- Anagrams <br>- Logic Puzzles <br>- Math Problems <br>- Coded Letters <br>- Sudoku <br>- Magic Squares <br> <br>You can find some great examples of all of them online and it's easy to make up your own as well. <br> <br>It's always recommended to balance these depending on your RP group, not everybody likes puzzles but if they suit the mood and what's happening in the story then they can really make a difference. <br> <br>You could even mix up your in-game RP with the forums and post a coded letter in your RP group thread or similar. <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/minigames/trails/puzzle2_complete.gif"></center> <br><hr> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#combatcontents">Back to Contents</a> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#contents">Back to the first page</a>
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02-Jun-2010 12:08:20
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<a name="character"> <br><div style="background-color: #ffffc0; border: #ffc080 solid 5px; padding: 5px"><a name="Headlines"></a><center><div style="background-color: #DEB887; border: #A0522D solid 2px; padding: 5px; width: 95%;"><font style="stencil" color="#e9dec5"><font face="forte" color="SaddleBrown" size="8">Creating a Character</font> <br><font face=verdana size="1" COLOR="black"><i>Creating a cool, original and interesting character.</i></font></b></div></center> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/mg_ranging.webp"> <br></center> <br><font face=verdana color="black"> <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><font face=verdana color="black" size="2"><i>Josh you can't call your character "Captain Kirk" and he can't call his pirate ship the USS Enterprise!</i></sup></div></div></center><a name="charactercontents"></a> <br> <br><center><b><u>Contents</u></b> <br> <br><a href="#whodoyou">Who do you want to be?</a> <br><a href="#balance">Keeping it Balanced</a> <br><a href="#fittingin">Fitting in to the World</a> <br><a href="#whatisbio">What's a Bio?</a> <br><a href="#original">Being Original</a> <br><a href="#names">Don't forget your name!</a></center> <br> <br> <br><hr> <br><a name="whodoyou"></a> <br><b><u> Who do you want to be? </u></b> <br> <br>RuneScape is a world full of interesting people, fantastic places and a rich history and lore. <br> <br>The first question you should ask yourself when you want to start Roleplaying is; "Who do you want to be?" <br> <br>The beauty of RPing is that you can be almost anybody, a wiley thief, a noble knight, a blood thirsty tyrant, a mysterious assassin, a experienced hunter. <br> <br>The list is pretty expansive. <br> <br>The best thing is to think of concepts, like the ones above, and build on a basic framework. Below are some examples of "concepts" you may want to use; <br><i> <br>Guard <br>Assassin <br>Thief <br>Mage <br>Priest <br>Scholar <br>Barbarian <br>Bard <br>Princess <br>Prince <br>Pirate <br>Hunter</i> <br> <br>You can even use your existing skills and/or equipment to help you decide. <br> <br>Got high combat stats and some cool looking armour? Think about playing a Mercenary who doesn't know much but is an experienced fighter, or maybe you have awesome Herblore, Thieving and Attack? Go for an assassin who uses poisons and potions. <br> <br>Of course, your stats don't have to limit you either. It's up to you! <br> <br>--- <br> <br>Another source of inspiration can be the NPCS and factions around RuneScape. <br> <br>There are multiple guilds, groups and factions you can belong to. From the Phoenix Gang Thieves to the Druids of Taverly. Think about Quests you have completed and the people you have met there, perhaps you want to play a Mourner who has turned against the group and has become a Saradomist Priest to repent. <br> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../www.jagex.com/img/corporate/images/press/concept_art/PVPArmourSets_Mn.webp" width="400"> <br></center> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#charactercontents">Back to Contents</a> <br></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="balance"></a> <br><b><u> Keeping it Balanced </u></b> <br> <br>One thing to keep in mind when creating your RP character is to keep it "balanced". <br> <br>What that means is to make sure you aren't too powerful and will ruin the story for everybody else. If you group is focusing on new adventurers starting out in the world then turning up in Full Bandos and claiming you are Bandos' Avatar who is also part Dragon is not going to earn you many friends. <br> <br>Likewise, claiming you are the fastest character in the world, or you have lazer beams that shoot out of your eyes is inadvisable too. <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br><u> Heroes have Weaknesses </u> <br> <br>One very good thing to keep in mind is that all heroes have their weaknesses. <br> <br>Achilles had his heel, James Bond can't resist a lady in distress and so on. <br> <br>Maybe your character is afraid of fire, or spiders. Maybe they are a very strong warrior, but can't use magic to save their lives. <br> <br>Generally, most RPers balance their characters depending on their strengths. <br> <br>A very quick character isn't likely to be very strong. A very strong character isn't likely to be very quick. <br> <br>A great Magic User probably can't take a beat, a tough fist-fighter probably can't take a blast of magical fire. <br> <br><b>In general, it's safer and easier to Roleplay as a character who isn't some super-special demi-god in disguise. It's often more fun to RP a naive squire getting caught up in things, then a legendary vampire duelist who can read minds. </b> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#charactercontents">Back to Contents</a> <br></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="fittingin"></a> <br><b><u> Fitting in to the World </u></b> <br> <br>RuneScape is a fantasy world and so there are lots of mysterious and fantastic creatures and things there. <br> <br>However, you don't see people using guns, cellphones or similar. <br> <br>Fitting in with the world is part of the fun in Roleplaying, it helps with the immersion and means that things don't seem out of place. <br> <br>When creating your character try to keep the world of RuneScape in mind. <br> <br>The Elves are a mysterious people who haven't made strong contact with Humans for a while. Dwarves tend to stay underground and don't associate with humans much either. <br> <br>The people of Al-Kharid wouldn't be used to cold climates whilst a Fremmennik Warrior might struggle in the desert. <br> <br>You should also consider how much your character knows about the world, it's unlikely that a normal city guard would know anything about the Mahjarrat. A guild Mage who has spent most of their life studying wouldn't be familiar with military topics or fighting skills. <br> <br>It's your character, but it will save you having to explain yourself a lot. <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br><center> <br><img src="../../m%3ddevblog/images/ra3/lores_thumb.webp"> <br></center> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#charactercontents">Back to Contents</a> <br></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="whatisbio"></a> <br><b><u> What is a Bio? </u></b> <br> <br>A "Bio" is a biography (sort of) of your character. In other roleplaying games/forums they are called "Character Sheets" as they represent the factual information about your character. <br> <br>It's always recommended you write a "bio" of your character, even if it is just for yourself. It helps you to get a basic idea of your character and "flesh them out" with some details. <br> <br>Some RP groups or threads will make having a bio a requirement. This is just so they can keep things balanced and in-line with the story. Such groups will likely provide a bio "form" for you to fill in as well, to get what information they need. <br> <br>Here is an example of a blank Bio form; <br> <br><i>Name: <br>Age: <br>Race (if applicable): <br>Personality: <br>Appearance: <br>Good/Evil/Neutral: <br>God/Deity: <br>Background/History:</i> <br> <br>Generally, it's advisable to not make your bio too short or too long. It's easy to try and pack a whole novel in there but chances are a lot of it won't be read, likewise only putting in some basic points will not give enough detail. <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#charactercontents">Back to Contents</a> <br></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="original"></a> <br><b><u> Being Original </u></b> <br> <br>Whilst Roleplaying is all about fun and doing your own story, sometimes it doesn't hurt to flex your creative muscles and be a bit original. <br> <br>Creating a "Vampire" whose is a bit emo and calling him Cedward Eullen might very well be fun, but expect a few giggles and laughs at your expense. <br> <br>There's nothing wrong with a little inspiration, but it's just about knowing where to draw the line. <br> <br>Let's take an example of Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. <br> <br><u> Complete Ripoff </u> <br> <br>A ranger called Runner turns out to be an heir of an ancient king and rises to reclaim his place with his ancestors re-forged sword. He also has fallen in love with an Elven woman but can't be with her due to her immortality. <br> <br><u> Inspired Influence </u> <br> <br>A gruff mercenary who frequently gets caught in drunken brawls, known as "King" by the locals, turns out to be a prince of a ruined kingdom. He turned from his position because he lost his wife and left the kingdom for good. He returns, though not through choice, and discovers his kingdom being corrupted by the government, he seeks out an ancient sword to help give him the power to reclaim it and leads an army of rebels to reclaim the nation. <br> <br>It might seem like a few cosmetic changes, but that's all it takes to go from "unoriginal" to "inspired by". <br> <br>If you enjoy video games and reading books, chance are you have a pretty good imagination and come up with some great ideas for a character! <br> <br>Don't be afraid to explore the world of RuneScape and use existing elements in new ways either. <br> <br><i>- A retired member of the Black Arm gang becomes a Saradomist Priest but still remembers how to pick pockets and locks better than most common thieves. <br> <br>- An ex-white Knight of Falador who disgraced themselves and his honour turns to Magic but retains all his chivalry and military training. <br> <br>- A young huntress from the Feldip Hills becomes a sniper-vigilante after her family is killed by Khazard Thugs out raiding villages.</i> <br> <br>See what you can come up with! <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#charactercontents">Back to Contents</a></center> <br></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="names"></a> <br><b><u> Don't forget your name! </u></b> <br> <br>Your account might be called Runekiller2002 but that's hardly a good name for a person in the RuneScape world is it? I doubt Lord of the Rings would have been so epic if Frodo had been accompanied by PK_U_Nubz instead of Samwise. <img class="sm1" alt=";)" title=";)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br>Your name is part of your identity and helps cement that character in your mind. <br> <br>Fantasy names like <b>Ayiana, Immerwyn, Cedric, Malkath, Tirin</b> and similar names fit well in the world of RuneScape. Make sure you do too! <br> <br><i> With the Display Name feature you can set that as your character name to really identify yourself as that character. Plus it will help people remember you a lot easier! </i> <br><hr> <br> <br><br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#charactercontents">Back to Contents</a> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#contents">Back to the first page</a>
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02-Jun-2010 12:09:18
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<a name="adventures"> <br><div style="background-color: #ffffc0; border: #ffc080 solid 5px; padding: 5px"><a name="Headlines"></a><center><div style="background-color: #DEB887; border: #A0522D solid 2px; padding: 5px; width: 95%;"><font style="stencil" color="#e9dec5"><font face="forte" color="SaddleBrown" size="8">Writing and hosting an Adventure</font> <br><font face=verdana size="1" COLOR="black"><i>Writing and running RP groups and Adventures!</i></font></b></div></center> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/controls_notes.webp"> <br></center> <br><font face=verdana color="black"> <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><font face=verdana color="black" size="2"><i>You enter the cave, it's dark gloom surrounds you and the cold causes your skin to prickle and goosebump. You look up and realise it is not a cave... but a mouth</i></sup></div></div></center><a name="adventurecontents"></a> <br> <br><center><b><u>Contents</u></b> <br> <br><a href="#goodstory">Writing a good story</a> <br><a href="#locations">Varied Locations</a> <br><a href="#rightgroup">Finding the right group</a> <br><a href="#sayyes">The Art of saying Yes!</a></center> <br> <br> <br><hr> <br><a name="goodstory"></a> <br><b><u> Writing a good story </u></b> <br> <br>Beginning, Middle, End. <br> <br>Every story should have them and an RP is no different. <br> <br>Use the beginning to set the stage, introduce them to the overall story ideas and plot, important NPCs and themes. The middle is for building suspense and creating tension, dramatic conflict and the possibility of failure. The end is the big reveal, the climatic ending and a chance to tie up loose ends. <br> <br>Writing a good story for Roleplaying is tougher than writing a normal book, but then it can be a lot more fun too. It's tough because you are writing a collaborative story and people may not necessarily go in the directions you thought they would. <br> <br>There is a lot of improvisation in Roleplaying and so if you want to run your own adventure or story, make sure you have a strong sense of what is going on elsewhere in the plot and who the major players are. IF you want the characters to go from A to B, but they go to C instead, try and think of a sensible way to get them to go from C to B or question if they still need to go to B at all. <br> <br><center><img src=../../../site/img/main/kbase/guides/area/isafdar/isafdar_intro.webp> <br></center> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#adventurecontents">Back to Contents</a></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="locations"></a> <br><b><u> Varied Locations </u></b> <br> <br>Whilst setting an RP entirely in one area can work for some people, often things will stagnate and get a little boring. Varrock may be one of the bigger cities in RuneScape but once you've been to the same tavern a hundred times it doesn't feel so big anymore. <br> <br>Mix things up a little. <br> <br>There are hundreds of fantastic locations in the game to explore or use in your RP! <br> <br>It may sound a little archaic, but why not have people *walk* to locations as a group. Not every character is a powerful mage and can teleport around the globe with a thought. <br> <br>Taking the long route might give you some unique opportunities, take some time to rest by a campfire and relax before continuing your journey. <br> <br>Remember that it is not always the destination that's important. <br> <br><center><img src=../../../site/img/main/kbase/guides/area/al_kharid/al_kharid_intro.webp> <br></center> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#adventurecontents">Back to Contents</a></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="rightgroup"></a> <br><b><u> Finding the right group </u></b> <br> <br>Like in most things, different people want different things. <br> <br>This is true when it comes to Roleplaying as well. Not every roleplayer wants a detailed and in-depth story, full of political intrigue and espionage. Likewise, some roleplayer want something more than a generic Fantasy romp with tongue in cheek NPCs and comedy villains. <br> <br>Try and find a group of people you know well, friends are an obvious choice as it's likely you're all on a similar wavelength. <br> <br>Generally, it's always a good idea to try and find some friends who are interested in roleplaying to begin with. But that shouldn't stop you trying to introduce other friends into it either. You might be surprised at how many people will enjoy it. <br> <br>--- <br> <br><u>Clear things up</u> <br> <br>If you do manage to get a nice group of like minded individuals, make sure they know; <br> <br>- The basic premise of the plot <br>- The basic style of RP (serious, fun, intrigue, political) <br>- Some ground rules (GM has final decision, don't take things personally etc) <br> <br>If you keep things clear then it will help any arguments or conflicts and help keep things fun. <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br><center><img src=../../../site/img/main/kbase/guides/area/varrock/varrock_intro.webp> <br></center> <br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#adventurecontents">Back to Contents</a></center> <br><hr> <br><a name="sayyes"></a> <br><b><u> The Art of saying Yes! </u></b> <br> <br>Before joining Jagex I did a lot of work in Drama, Theater and Improvisation. <br> <br>There is a big thing in these about saying "yes". <br> <br>In any form of collaborative storytelling, you're encouraged not to say "No" to anything, no matter what it is. Saying no blocks off ideas and possible paths for the story to go, it's a negative thing. <br> <br>Saying yes on the other hand opens up ideas and possible paths, plus it's positive. <br> <br>But saying "Yes" to a Roleplayers idea or request may not be enough, sometimes you need a "Yes, but" or a "Yes, and". <br> <br><u>Yes, but...</u> <br> <br>Yes, but you'll need to make a check to do it. <br>Yes, but the troll punches you in the face. <br>Yes, but the Knight asks for a favour in return. <br> <br>When somebody asks, or tries to do something that has consequence it's always good to use a "Yes, but". It's often used to give the player an opportunity to earn their request. Whether that's a special attack, or assistance, or they are doing something very silly. <br> <br><u>Yes, and...</u> <br> <br>Yes, and the Knight agrees to give you a map to the tomb. <br>Yes, and after charging through the first you find another path. <br> <br>When somebody does something creative and interesting then you should consider using the "Yes, and". It's a great way to reward creative thinking and helps build new ideas. <br> <br>The idea of saying "Yes" works for in-game RP, Forum Roleplaying and even storytelling in general. <br> <br>Let a little "Yes" into your life. <br> <br><center><img src=../../../site/img/varrock/devdiary/diaryRunEnergy/busker_karamja.webp> <br></center> <br><br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#adventurecontents">Back to Contents</a> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#contents">Back to the first page</a>
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02-Jun-2010 12:09:42
<br/>Last edited on 02-Jun-2010 12:26:19 by Mod<6F>Mark<72>H
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<a name="conclusion"> <br><div style="background-color: #ffffc0; border: #ffc080 solid 5px; padding: 5px"><a name="Headlines"></a><center><div style="background-color: #DEB887; border: #A0522D solid 2px; padding: 5px; width: 95%;"><font style="stencil" color="#e9dec5"><font face="forte" color="SaddleBrown" size="8">A Conclusion</font> <br><font face=verdana size="1" COLOR="black"><i>Wrapping things up</i></font></b></div></center> <br><center> <br><img src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/category_pages/img_big/manual_quests.webp"> <br></center> <br><font face=verdana color="black"> <br> <br><center><div style="width: 98%; background-color: #F5DEB3; border: #000000 solid 1px"><div style="background-color: #F5DEB3; padding: 2px;"><font face=verdana color="black" size="2"><i>This is the state of man: to-day he puts forth <br>The tender leaves of hopes, to-morrow blossoms, <br>And bears his blushing honors thick upon him;</i></sup></div></div></center> <br> <br>The Roleplaying Community in RuneScape still has a lot of room to grow. <br> <br>We hope to do a lot of things to support the community that arises here, but really it all rests in your hands. If you're a fan of Roleplaying then please encourage your friends to join in, create groups and arrange Events. Let us know about them too! <br> <br>Spread the word about our Roleplaying Server (World 42) and shout from the rooftops; "Roleplaying in RuneScape is here!" <br> <br>Keep an eye out for other new threads. If you haven't seen it already check out the <a href="forumsf8e0.html?237,238,50,61061481">In-Game RP Group Directory</a> as it has a number of already-existing RP Groups. If you want to create your own then do so and post it up! <br> <br>Regards, <br> <br>Mod Mark H <br>RuneScape Community Management & Roleplaying Curator <br> <br> <br><center><img src=../../../site/img/varrock/devdiary/diary05/largeconcept.gif> <br></center> <br> <br><br> <br><center><img src="../../../site/img/forum/cmdicons/backtoforum.gif"> <a href="#contents">Back to the first page</a>
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