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20-Dec-2009 12:51:53
<br/>Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 23:30:40 by SuperMe
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Welcome to the biggest (well, only) Great Orb Project guide on the forums! <br> <br>Version 3 might be coming on these forums! <br>Join &quot;Gop World&quot;, the GOP community clan chat! <br> <br>...............<2E>,-~ <20><><EFBFBD>~---,<2C>.....................<2E>,.--~****~-.,<2C>.............,-~~~~~~~~~~~-., <br>..........,-^.......<2E>,,,,,,<2C>.......`<60>,-............,-<2D>......<2E>,,,.,,,<2C>......`~,...........`;;;.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<2C><>.....`, <br>.......,*;;....,-*<2A>.........``-.,.,-<2D>..........,*;;....,-*..........`~,......`,..........;;;...,<2C>................).....; <br>......;;;....,<2C>..........,-,<2C>...................;;;......,<2C>...................<2E>,......<2E>,.......;;;....`~~~~~~*.......; <br>.....;;;....;............;.. <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>;....;;;......;.....................;.......;........;;;...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..-<2D> <br>......<2E>,;;...<2E>-,.........;,,,,,,,,,.......;......<2E>,;;.....<2E>,..................,<2C>.......;........;;;...; <br>........<2E>-;.....`*~.,,,,,...~*<2A>.......;........<2E>,;;....`~.,<2C><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>,,..-*.......,<2C>.........;;;...; <br>...........`~,...................,,..-*............<2E>~,..................._,-<2D>............,<2C>;;....<2E>, <br>................``<60><><EFBFBD>*****<2A><><EFBFBD>`.....................`<60>*~~~~~*<2A>`.................`<60><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <br> <br> <br>Why should you play the Great Orb Project? Here<72>s why<68> <br> <br> <br>~Reliable way to earn 500k+ per hour <br>~Effortlessly train runecrafting; get 80+ without getting bored. <br>~Find yourself playing the most diverse minigame on Runescape. With multiple roles to fulfill and up to 8 altars to play, you will always have something to try. <br>~Master Runescape itself. Knowledge from the Great Orb Project will make everything easier. <br>~Home to one of the most dedicated communities on Runescape. Commit to the Great Orb Project, and you<6F>ll be hooked. <br> <br>This guide is split into 4 sections: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Elite. Judge for yourself which level you are at, and the knowledge is there waiting for you. You won<6F>t find a guide as in-depth as this anywhere else on the internet, so rest assured you<6F>ve come to the best place to learn about the Great Orb Project
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:06
<br/>Last edited on 24-Feb-2010 15:50:55 by SuperMe
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CONTENTS <br>~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>-~^*^~-Introduction <br>~Logo: Post 1 <br>~Contents: Post 2 <br>~GOP in a nutshell: Post 3 <br>~GOP dictionary: Post 4 <br>~Unwritten Rules of GOP: Post 5 <br> <br>-~^*^~-Beginner Section <br>~Introduction: Post 6 <br>~The Guild: Posts 7-10 <br>~Basic Play: Posts 11-14 <br>~Rewards: Posts 15-16 <br> <br>-~^*^~-Intermediate Section <br>~Introduction: Post 17 <br>~Taps: Posts 18-19 <br>~Duo Tactics: Posts 20-21 <br>~Solo Tactics: Posts 22-25 <br>~Defending: Posts 26-29 <br>~HD Settings: Post 30 <br>~Fixed Screen: Posts 31-35 <br> <br>-~^*^~-Advanced Section <br>~Introduction: Post 36 <br>~Game Mechanics: Posts 37-40 <br>~Lagshield: Posts 41-42 <br>~Afterlag: Posts 43-44 <br>*Experimenting: Posts 45-48 <br> <br>-~^*^~-Elite Section <br>~Introduction: Post 49 <br>~Notation: Post 50 <br>~Solo: Posts 51-70 <br>~Proper Defending: Posts 71-75 <br>~Gop Skills: Posts 76-79 <br>~How to Highscore: Post 80 <br>~Highest Score Possible: Posts 81-82 <br>~Advanced Game Mechanics: Posts 83-84 <br> <br>-~^*^~-Miscellanious <br>~Diord; A Challenge: Posts 85-86 <br>~Altar lines: Post 87 <br>~IP strength; how to find and altar you IP: Post 88 <br>~Common Misconceptions <br>-Higher runecrafting means you move orbs faster: Post 89 <br>-Higher runecrafting means you move orbs over a longer distance: Post 89 <br>-Higher runecrafting makes your barriers stronger: Post 90 <br>-Runecrafter robes make a difference to your gameplay: Post 90 <br>-IP priority has been fixed: Post 90 <br>-5050 is a good way to make tokens: Post 91 <br>-A certain rank in a certain cc means that you're pro: Post 91-92 <br>*Worlds List: Post 93 <br>~Other GOP related threads worth reading: Post 97 <br>~Acknowledgements: Posts 98-100
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:06
<br/>Last edited on 25-Mar-2010 19:37:29 by SuperMe
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GOP in a nutshell <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>There are only two things you'll need to realise to make it in GOP. These are: <br> <br>1) Realise that you have to think before you click <br>2) Realise that the altar is a collection of obstacles, not a collection of angles <br> <br>Of course, there is a good bit more to GOP than just that <20> what the hell would this guide be for if it's wasn't! But essentially these are the only two obstacles that you need to overcome. The first will probably come quickly, but you probably won't break the second obstacle until you start to really understand GOP and start experimenting. I'm not sure whether it is lack of interest or lack of reward, because you'd be surprised at how many people aren't past the second. Anyways, I hope you find this guide interesting, motivating, challenging... hell, I don't care how you find this guide. My only real goal at GOP is to inspire just one person to take new players under their wing and teach them how to play, just like all of the elites did for me all those months ago. <br> <br>Happy orbing, <br> <br>Super Me212
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:07
<br/>Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 13:39:11 by SuperMe
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GOP Terminology <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>The Runecrafting Guild lobby is home to a very diverse community of players. There are a large amount of terms that are not used anywhere other than here, so here<72>s a handy list of some commonly used terms so you don<6F>t get confused. <br> <br> <br>1vs1: private game whereby two players solo <br>2vs2: private game whereby all four players play <br>50/50: a horrible way in which players essentially admit that they<65>re not willing to learn how to play <br>A/D: private game whereby one person on each team defends and the other attacks <br>Afterlag: altar based trick. See *Advanced section <20> afterlag<61> for more information <br>Angle: generalised term for any way that an orb can be manipulated <br>Average solo: the solo score you usually get <br>Blue wizzy: using the blue wizards to join so that you are placed in a random team <br>Co ord: term used to describe the popular duo strategy <br>Defending: stopping opposite orbs from being scored <br>Glitcher/ glitching: breaking your wand at the exact time that the portals opens so the game will start but you won<6F>t get a penalty <br>Green/G: the green team <br>Holder/ holding: in the official world, this is when somebody doesn<73>t let go of an orb. Also means when you don<6F>t pull out of an attract/ repel <br>Lagshield: what happens when an orb goes out of sight in a hold. See *Advanced section <20> Lagshield<6C> for more information <br>Max solo: the most orbs you can score by yourself <br>Piler/ piling: when two or more people try to manipulate the same orb at the same time <br>Pro: vague term used to describe <20>good<6F> players <br>Random: any player that isn<73>t very good <br>Sabb: when a player deliberately prevents their team from winning <br>Sitter/ sitting: joining a game and doing nothing so that the other two players can solo <br>Solo: scoring all orbs by one person <br>Stacker/ stacker: when lots of people try to join the same team at once <br>Tap: when you interrupt yourself manipulating an orb <br>Trick: another term for an angle <br>Yellow/Y: the yellow team
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:07
<br/>Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 13:40:07 by SuperMe
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The Unwritten Laws of GOP <br>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>I know this isn<73>t particularly relevant to the guide, but I feel that you should all know this so that the GOP community will be a lot better and dweebs will be fewer. This is just my own opinion, but a lot of the other people at GOP believe the same way. <br> <br>1) If you can talk a good game, you<6F>d better be able to back it up with scores. There<72>s not much worse than claiming you solo 40 and then getting a 25. Even if you can back it up with scores, you<6F>re not going to make yourself very popular. <br> <br>2) Don<6F>t brag about your rank in a clan chat. It really doesn<73>t mean anything and you make yourself look like an idiot. <br> <br>3) If a decent player is already in one team or there is a duo in one team, don<6F>t join the other team and stack against them. <br> <br>4) Don<6F>t blame spawns for you losing a game. Whilst spawns do make a difference, a decent player should be able to get 28-29 as an absolute minimum. Making excuses isn<73>t the way to go about justifying a low score. <br> <br>5) This isn<73>t PVP, so there<72>s no need to change your name to something like <20>Gop owner<65>. <br> <br>6) If a lot of the other team has left, there really is no need to defend against them. <br> <br>7) If somebody tells you to stop piling or stop holding, stop. It can be extremely frustrating if they are trying to do something and you mess it up. <br> <br>8) Find out who the good players are and try not to get on their bad side.
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:08
<br/>Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 13:40:33 by SuperMe
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-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>- <br>_________________BEGINNER SECTION_________________ <br>-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>-x<>x-<2D>- <br> <br>Ahh, welcome. Fancy playing a game or two of the Great Orb Project? Good idea; I had the same idea almost exactly a year ago and it changed my view of Runescape completely. GOP is by far the best minigame on Runescape <20> and as far as I<>m concerned that<61>s a fact. Have fun playing and I hope this section can help you get started!
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:08
<br/>Last edited on 09-Jan-2010 15:33:25 by SuperMe
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THE GUILD <br>~~~~~~~~~ <br> <br>Need we go through with this? Well, ok, if you<6F>ve never ever played GOP before, I suppose I might as well... <br> <br>First of all, the Great Orb Project is situated inside the Runecrafting Guild, to which you require 50 runecrafting to get inside. The official GOP worlds are 60 (members) and 61 (free players). <br> <br>What to bring? Well, here<72>s what I<>d recommend you wear: <br>-Runecrafter robes <br>-Explorer<65>s ring (3) <br>-Boots of lightness <br>-Spotty/ spottier cape <br>-Remember that you MUST leave your weapon and helmet slot free, otherwise you won't be able to play! <br> <br>The boots and cape are entirely optional; most people prefer to wear a cape of accomplishment, and show off their large stack of monies in their shield, boots, cape and amulet slot. Or you could just take nothing like I do. Anything but heavy armour. If you have over 50 agility, you needn<64>t worry about wearing low weight and weight reducing armour, since your run recharges more than fast enough. <br> <br>What to bring in your inventory: <br>-Small/ Medium/ Large/ Giant pouches <br>-Dramen/ Lunar staff if you use the fairy ring to get there <br>-Money for pouch repairs <br>-Ring of Stone/ Easter Ring<6E> <br> <br>Remember to leave space for the rune/ pure essence you receive as you go through the altars, and remember to have 2 free inventory spaces AT ALL TIMES, otherwise you won<6F>t be able to join a game. <br> <br><EFBFBD> Ring of stone/ Easter ring is sometimes used if you feel like lots of people are leeching tokens off of you, or people on the other team are quitting a lot before the game begins. You don<6F>t need to worry about it now, since you probably won<6F>t be playing well enough for that to be happening.
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:09
<br/>Last edited on 11-Feb-2010 21:34:13 by SuperMe
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Getting there: <br> <br>-The easiest option would be to cast home-teleport to Lumbridge and then walk through the back of the castle, run south-west through the swampy bit until you get to the Wizard<72>s Tower bridge, run south, into the Wizard<72>s tower, go up the stairs and into the purple portal. <br>-Teleport to Draynor Village via an amulet of glory, run south, keep running south until you get to the Wizard<72>s tower, go inside, up the stairs and into the purple portal. <br>-Use the fairy ring network. Dial the code <20>DIS<49>, run round the tower, go inside, up the stairs, and into the purple portal. Don<6F>t forget your dramen staff or lunar staff! <br>-Break a Runcrafting guild tablet. These take you directly into the Runecrafting guild, and can be bought for 15 runecrafting guild tokens from Wizard Elriss. <br> <br>Well done! You<6F>re now at the runecrafting guild! Time to meet the friendly faces... <br> <br>Wizard Acantha: The woman in the awesome chair thing, in the north west part of the room. She runs the green team. <br>Wizard Vief: The man in the yellow clothes, in the north east part of the room. He runs the yellow team. <br>Wizard Elriss: The woman in pink right next to the portal. She can give you all manner of rewards for your hard work! She can also combine all the talismans into an omni-talisman. <br>Wizard Korvak. A complete nutjob. He is usually loitering in the north of the room. He can sell you or repair pouches, for a small fee, and he can fuse talismans to staffs. <br>Wizards: These put you in the team with least player, or if the numbers are equal, a random one. <br> <br>To join a game, right click <20>join<69> on either Wizard Acantha (green) or Wizard Vief (yellow). Once you join, you will be given 3 wands.
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:09
<br/>Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 13:43:40 by SuperMe
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Attractor Wand: The default wand you will be holding. This wand pulls orbs towards you. You should spend as much time on this wand as possible. <br>Repeller Wand: This wand pushes orbs away from you. It is a lot harder to use than the attractor wand. Don<6F>t attempt using this wand until you<6F>ve got a decent hang of the attractor wand. <br>Barrier Generator: The third wand you are given. This wand can create a barrier which no orbs can pass through, and will need to be destroyed before they can. Barriers of the corresponding colour to your team can be destroyed with one attempt. Barriers of the opposite team may take many more tries... <br> <br>Once you join the game, there will be a short wait before you enter the portal in the north of the room. This will take you to the air altar, where the battle will begin! <br> <br>The goal of gop is to get as many of the different coloured orbs into the squares next to the altar. If you are on the green team, you want to score green orbs, and vice versa. <br> <br>The game consists of 6 altars, (8 if you are members) each of which has its unique specialities and difficulties. These are: <br> <br>Air altar: One of the two smallest altars there are. Use your attractor wand at all times. Difficult spawns to get involve any surrounding the portal. A score of 40+ is decent here. <br> <br>Mind altar: A very larger altar, with lots of obstacles. Often it will be quicker to use your repeller wand to score. Possibly the most fun altar there is; as it is the altar where most tricks (better known as <20>angles<65>) can be found. Most spawns can be tricky to get to, but if you know where to stand for each of them it should be easy enough. A score of 15+ is decent here. <br> <br>Water altar: A medium sized altar. Most orbs should be in range for you to score, however, a few spawn very vary away on the north east, east, south east sides, and well as near the peninsula. Use your attractor wand at all times again. A score of 25+ is decent here.
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20-Dec-2009 12:52:10
<br/>Last edited on 20-Dec-2009 13:45:10 by SuperMe
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Earth Altar: Another very large altar. Almost no orbs can be scored straight away, most need to be put to a new position before you can. Again, the repeller wand comes in handy here. A score of 12+ is decent. <br> <br>Fire Altar: A small altar. Use your attractor wand at all times. Difficult spawns to get involve any that involve the trees. A score of 35+ is decent here. <br> <br>Body Altar: A medium sized altar. Use your attractor wand at all times. Difficult spawns to get involve any near the veins. A score of 30+ is decent here. <br> <br>Chaos Altar (members): A very large altar. You can only stand on some spots along the walkways. Sometimes your repeller can come in handy here, but I wouldn<64>t recommend. Difficulty spawns invole those near the ladders or near the portals. Free player turning to members often find this altar very difficult. A score of 15+ is decent here. <br> <br>Nature Altar: The other very small altar. Use your attractor wand at all times. Difficult spawns to get involve any surrounding the portal. A score of 40+ is decent here.
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