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22-Jun-2010 02:56:35
<br/>Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 02:58:59 by s5451927
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Welcome to stars4fun! <br>Clan Name: stars4fun <br>Leader: s5451927 <br>Co-Leaders: Sylvanna Ree, Fired, and Lady Bug 117 <br>Status: 3rd biggest star cc in rs. <br> <br>&quot;Fun stars are happy stars&quot;. <br> <br>We specialize in helping new people. <br> <br>-We are open, so you are welcome to invite all your friends. <br>-We offer the best kind of star hunting, fun, fun hunting, fun with friends, fun mining. -We are people who think stars should be fun, and if it isn't fun we failed, so we made our own cc to allow us to make sure we and everybody else has the best time possible. <br>- We can teach you all there is to know about star hunting. <br> <br>Ailled clans: <br> <br>Allied with treefindcc look at QFC# 75-76-235-59052709 for all the information you need for evil trees. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>....... <20><>.<2E><><EFBFBD>*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.......*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ...<2E><><EFBFBD> ...<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>... <20><><EFBFBD>... <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>*.........<2E><>.<2E><><EFBFBD>*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <br><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> *<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ................*<2A><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD><5F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> . s5451927 <20> . <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD><5F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>* .............. <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>* <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.<2E><> <br>...<2E><>.<2E><>.......<2E>*<2A><><EFBFBD>.<2E><>_<EFBFBD><5F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ........ leader of stars4fun........<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD><5F>.<2E><><EFBFBD>*<2A>....... <20><>.<2E><> <br>..........<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD><5F>.<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> . <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>... <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.. <20><><EFBFBD>. <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> .<2E><><EFBFBD> ..<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ...<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> . <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.<2E><>_<EFBFBD><5F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
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22-Jun-2010 02:56:41
<br/>Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 02:59:34 by s5451927
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GENERAL RULES <br> <br>These rules must be followed to allow a considerate and friendly experience for everybody who is in the Star Hunting community. <br> <br>If you break any rule, you will be warned; if rules are broken 3 times you will be kicked. <br> <br>- No insulting memberss or other cc's as we are friends with all of them <br>- Scopers' can not leave scope until star is down <br>- Be friendly and considerate to others <br>- Leaders' decisions are final <br>- The clan chat is: 'stars4fun' <br>- You must have one bar or higher to scope/start to scope for cc <br>- Free for all in pvp worlds, go at your own risk <br>- While the scoper is setting up, general conversation should stop and only be about star hunting. <br>- If you are lucky enough to be allowed to double, thank your friend who let you double with them, and be respectful and give them the tag as they would of gotten it if you weren't there. <br>-New and old members alike will not be able to join/help hunt a star after scope hits the 0 to 9 min cross point. <br>-No freeloading please. It is not polite. Just ask for a spot we will help you out. (See the Q and A section for more on this topic.)
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22-Jun-2010 02:56:47
<br/>Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 03:16:23 by s5451927
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APPLICATION FORUM ------ FOR SIGNING UP <br> <br>(COPY AND PASTE THIS FORUM) <br> <br>Name: <br>Mining Level: <br>Construction level: <br>Name one of the rules: <br>Will you follow each and every rule? : <br> <br> <br> <br>RANKS: <br> <br>Ranks are only given to people who come in the cc on a regular basis, help new people and by spotting and scoping and by bumping the forums. Being ranked means you are a senior member of the chat and have proven that you can handle the responsibilities that come along with being ranked. No rudeness , impoliteness, and annoyance to other players will be tolerated. <br> <br>Ranks are only given to people who have shown a certain level of maturity. That being said, if you abuse your powers in any way, your rank will be removed, and depending on what you did, you could be banned from the cc. Laziness pulls a big part in this too. <br> <br>ranks comes with in: 1 week to 1 month <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>SPOTTERS: <br>Spotters are the people who help the scoper find the star. Spotters are always new people or other clan members. There are only a certain amount of spotters that can be with one scoper. The job of the spotter is to stay in one potential drop spot. When the star is announced &quot;down&quot;, the spotter reports. The report format is, World#, your location, 'down' or 'clear', and size of star. To get the size of the star, right click and select prospect. To obtain a spot for a star you need to ask for one. Do not just go to a spot as this becomes confusing. <br> <br>JUST SAY &quot;SPOT PLEASE&quot; and you will be helped <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" /> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>SCOPERS: <br>Scopers use there telescope to find out the kingdom and landing time of the star. The scooper will set up the star by giving positions. Please do not ask for specific positions. The scooper will give them out. All you need to do is ask for a spot. The scooper will give time updates when the star might land. The scooper job is done by a ranked, experienced star hunter that wants to take charge. It is the harder part of the two because you have no chance of a tag. When star is down, scoper says &quot;down&quot; and &quot;report
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22-Jun-2010 02:56:53
<br/>Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 03:02:54 by s5451927
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Q AND A'S <br> <br> <br> <br>Q. Where does the star fall? <br>A. Stars fall over RS, in this star clan chat we hunt 4 particular kingdoms of stars. We hunt Kandarin [Yanille and Ardy] The Kharidian Desert, Asgarnia [Falador], and Mistalin [Varrock and Lumbridge]. Sometimes we branch out and do a harder kingdom but will always have a second easy star that does not require a quest to get to the spots. <br> <br> <br>Q. Where do I turn in my dust? <br>A. When a star opens up, a little guy, often called a <20>tubby<62> is there waiting to be rescued. <br> <br>Q. How long between stars? <br>A. Each star wave is 2 hours. <br> <br>Q. What is a tag? <br>A. When you the first to touch a star you get a mining exp bonus, of 75 times your level. <br> <br>Q. When and how do we get ranked up? <br>A. Please refer to our rank section, and we remind you to not to ask for a rank, but to please participate and help others! <br> <br>Q. How do I help find a star? <br>A. You help find a star by staying in the star clan chat and waiting on the scoper to announce the star and ask for spotters. Then you can ask for a spot. [See previous posts for definitions of a scoper and spotter]. <br> <br>Q. Can we choose our spot? <br>A. No. In this clan the scoper chooses your spot. <br> <br>Q. If I do not hunt the star, can I still mine? <br>A. No! This is called freeloading, and is inconsiderate and not tolerated at all in this clan chat. You will be kicked. To avoid this happening to you, all you need to do is ask for a spot. Don't be shy, we are all very nice and will help you in any way we can. <br> <br>Q. If I do not hunt the star, can I still come to the tubby? <br>A. Usually. Unless the scoper says otherwise, tubbies are always free. <br> <br>Q. I have done stars before, but I am new to this clan, can I scope? <br>A. No. You have to have at least 1 rank before you can scope. This is to assure us that you know our procedure and know how to scope.
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22-Jun-2010 02:57:03
<br/>Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 03:03:17 by s5451927
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STAR LOCATIONS <br> <br> <br> <br>Misthalinia (lumby, varry) <br> <br>Lumbridge Swamp Mine <20> East Mine North of the rocks <br>Mine South-East Of Varrock - South of the fence <br>Mine near Champions Guild <20> Just south of the rocks <br>Varrock Rune Shop/varrock east bank - Between the damaged walls <br> <br>Asgarnia (fally) <br> <br>West Falador Mine <20> Over the broken wall and west <br>Rimmington Mine - In the center <br>Outside Mining Guild - North of the guild south of the house <br>Crafting Guild <20> Center of gold rocks <br> <br>Kandarin (Kand or kandy) <br> <br>Yanille bank <20> Between the bank and the magic guild <br>Monastery Mine <20> South of Ardy Zoo, east of the iron rocks <br>legends mine - Mine South of Legends Guild <br>port k - Mine south of Port Khazard <br>Coal Trucks Mine <20> Eastern part of the mine <br> <br>Crandor/Karamja (k and c) <br> <br>Crandor Mine <20> By the mith rocks <br>Near the Nature Altar <20> North of the addy rocks <br>Shilo Village <20> Gem rocks <br>Gold Mine and/or horse shoe <20> East of the Gold Rocks <br>Brimhaven Dungeon <20>South of the gold rocks <br> <br>Morytania/Mos Le Harmless (m and m) <br> <br>Outside Canifis Bank <br>Outside Burgh De Rott Bank <br>South Of Mos Le'Harmless Bank <br> <br>Piscatoris/Gnome Stronghold/Tirannwn (pgt) <br> <br>Gnome Stronghold - North of the Bank <br>Mine Near Fishing Colony - South of the entrance to the colony <br>Lletya <20>South of the Teleport spot <br> <br>Fremennik and lunar (f and l) <br> <br>Rellekka Mine <20> Inside the gated mine <br>Neitznot <20>South of the rune rock island <br>Lunar Isle Mine <20> Above the Ess mine <br>Jatizso Mine <20> Bythe underground mine entrance <br>Keldagrim Mine <20> By the mith rocks <br>Miscellania - By the coal rocks <br> <br>Desert <br> <br>Nardah bank - East of the bank <br>Quarry <20> Center of the mine <br>Vultures <20>Just south of the gold ore <br>Al Kharid Bank <20> East of the bank <br>Uzer Mine <20> Near the clay rocks, north of the city <br>Scorpion Mine <20>By the coal rocks <br>Duel Arena <20>West to the hospital, south of the mage training gate <br> <br>The Wilderness (wildy) <br> <br>Mage Bank <br>Skeleton mine <br>Bounty Hunter Bank <br>Rune Rocks <br>Pirates Mine <br>Zammy Mage <br>Hobgoblin Mine
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22-Jun-2010 02:57:11
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 00:24:03 by s5451927
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Members List <br> <br>1. S5451927 <br>2. Sylvanna Ree <br>3. lady bug 117 <br>4. firedwarf504 <br>5. DS <br>6. Lucky ferno <br>7. wboy <br>8. Skata Holic <br>9. Burningluv <br>10. Menfreya <br>11. Pyro Scape2 <br>12 sa ti us <br>13. Ice Demon454 <br>14. teasha4 <br>15. Emz00 <br>16. Huntinwv15 <br>17. Big Fire78 <br>18. Shock Me95 <br>19. Nuwanda31 <br>20. Cazfromwales <br>21. cowtipin1 <br>22. Dune Blythe <br>23. jinimy crick <br>24. Sir Lokar <br>25. robert3745 <br>26. skillerzpro1 <br>27. Brypon2 <br>28. 1 old cookie <br>29. Geromerder <br>30. Blumin Onion <br>31. Evil Borg2 <br>32. Boy1311 <br>33. Soto163 <br>34. insanoflex2 <br>35. Avernix <br>36. Pur3 Donut5 <br>37. Daemoni magi <br>38. Pauliefun <br>39. P1N3APPL3S <br>40. Arsenic Soda <br>41. Myra Canyon <br>42. Rockinjonas <br>43. champ rasmus <br>44. SaltySpoons <br>45. Cheerwinee <br>46. Lonan Arikos <br>47. Komrad821 <br>48. Evaley <br>49. xGrimmjow666 <br>50. Marshmelow66 <br>51. Heilige Kip <br>52. Batmanrulz00 <br>53. Aefre-Willa <br>54. GhosTigerTim <br>55. Sgt Reznor*k <br>56. sophistocat <br>57. maxx lumen* <br>58. Annabellaw <br>59. Hi Im Elyk <br>60. Quizzicall1 <br>61. mhshow <br>62. Aurhora <br>63. evalramman <br>64. sniped189 <br>65. Long_Rib <br>66. Legacy Cubed <br>67. Iv Own vI <br>68. hall6969_ip <br>69. Dark midget14 <br>70. Gangsteris <br>71. Tehnoobyum <br>72. Dtdragonstar <br>73. Star Strife <br>74. thadex45 <br>75. jen6nick <br>76. iron plow <br>77. Sharya Umak <br>78. 00nightmare3 <br>79. fish familiar <br>80. superieur 91 <br>81. lefty734 <br>82. itz capitan <br>83. 99rocky34 <br>84. astronomalix <br>85. boy1311 <br>86. prince aruza <br>87**** little shock <br>88. Littlebuddy14 <br>89. holyfuryguy <br>90. 031850 <br>91. nelsen151 <br>92. l-o-l yourface <br>93. Jaysunrider <br>94. ripple ray <br>95. raver magic <br>96. BabyEmoBear <br>97. T-nature_T <br>98. s5 rocks <br>99. slade 4222 <br>100. Red3ye Jedi <br>101. Sun Spader <br>102. Nyarai <br>103. jaged star <br>104. t rex 567 <br>105. E1r2i3c1 <br>106. Shock3d Ice <br>107. TubaManiac <br>108. tb2314mil <br>109. Sir Valren <br>110. Hollowpast <br>111. drgnofgold <br>112. Kronk31 <br>113. Kkolb7 <br>114. Snk7 <br>115. General Vine <br>116. rin14220 <br>117. Raphspike <br>118. Firestrife_x <br>119. Blue Chief28 <br>120. i take gifts <br>121. casperrr5 <br>122. Dark Zarkia <br>123. Ov3rL0ad9000
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22-Jun-2010 02:57:21
<br/>Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 03:04:36 by s5451927
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124. SoulStigma <br>125. william c135 <br>126. charplyr1 <br>127. Water vs Sun <br>128. capn hook999 <br>129. scatterling <br>130. Capt Angua <br>131. Spitfyre Elf <br>132. brb t0 pwn u <br>133. BALLER 157 <br>134. Thadex45 <br>135. Bboy P1noy <br>136. Lolnonames <br>137. Noble K <br>138. Collink99 <br>139. Cjmftw <br>140. rich dock <br>141. hellbound993 <br>142. Death Magi99 <br>143. Vyla Loki <br>144. Sapir5522 <br>145. armadyl revo <br>146. kymykat1 <br>147. JonL008 <br>148. N1ght N1ght2 <br>149. Pyrac <br>150. thewaytokill <br>151. Zig666 <br>152. korn puppy <br>153. Gigolie <br>154. Marbel70 <br>155. quest polnts <br>156. The Gaesatae <br>157. HeyImCorrey <br>158. Noah Mericle <br>159. 4th rib <br>160. sauder68 <br>161. Lietuvis32 <br>162. lavender681 <br>163. vaco draghon <br>164. Nominurhp <br>165. Blitzer216 <br>166. Jenny11493 <br>167. Djmk93 <br>168. Alkald <br>169. Dr DuB-A1UK <br>170. Sir relyc <br>171. Insanity829 <br>172. lakota1010 <br>173. CPLstone <br>174. Chunq <br>175. lakota1010 <br>176. Hellz Below <br>177. Greenscot <br>178. pink quartz* <br>179. I heart s5 <br>180. Party Peve <br>181. Nitroblood <br>182. R3dDrag0n08 <br>183. Russian Wif3 <br>184. ghostlymetal <br>185. Faznr2 <br>186. Ninjastar189 <br>187. Gilthanaas <br>188. Captian elon <br>189. UltimateC0N <br>190. brainn9d <br>191. Captain evo <br>192. Bl0oDy rAiin <br>193. buzz3470 <br>194. Red Serpent <br>195. Lenuss1 <br>196. mxelectricxm <br>197. Xanthellion <br>198. 1Pt <br>199. ilovekate <br>200. johanmustdie <br>201. melita_16 <br>202. Wouti Range <br>203. Aodusao <br>204. sammiexlover <br>205. Wrap B4 UTap <br>206. Rusted 1589 <br>207. Jls900 <br>208. Moon Rawr <br>209**** Runemajor <br>210. Attoffy09 <br>211. Robyn dm <br>212. Undeath2kool <br>213. blackhawklc <br>214. danielis90 <br>215. iSmitty <br>216. drone wolf <br>217. PaNiiC ShAdo <br>218. zeusdemigod <br>219. pug**96 <br>220. miss smurfet <br>221. Kurtinss <br>222. Sir Kamyk <br>223. yonofui0 <br>224. sabatuff <br>225. tom the bomb <br>226. sgt turner2 <br>227. Drakylias <br>228. Grandcanyon0 <br>229. i amaz3 U <br>230. Preparedness <br>231. Charxy-Ice <br>232. Blaql <br>233. B4lls Kk <br>234. Tetsuga Yuro <br>235. assassin0925 <br>236. TerrrBear <br>237**** Alvin PF <br>238. na321497 <br>239. diam0nds123 <br>240. We run airs <br>241. 1I MIKEL I1 <br>242. i vosty i <br>243. Nalow <br>244. Mrdenman
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22-Jun-2010 02:57:29
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 00:23:24 by s5451927
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245. Lord Mondays <br>246. Funky Boj <br>247. Butnug4 <br>248. Jessman007 <br>249. Luchymon <br>250. Dj_AppleX <br>251. 17surprise17 <br>252. IVIistress <br>253. Piitta <br>254. Saltyy <br>255. Great Miner <br>256. Rocketrune45 <br>257. Zing o_o <br>258. The Attack <br>259. 5MeOAMT <br>260. o_0 John <br>261. ladygaga r <br>262. Imunch Boltz <br>263. legend 1 <br>264. Lord Altecx <br>265. Helenoftroy <br>266. r b d3 <br>267. Mr Jimmaaaay <br>268. Ironbeast28 <br>269. Galadir Pi <br>270. Sum Jackd <br>271. astea frosty <br>272. runman292 <br>273. hammerhai2 <br>274. i got 200 <br>275. CamelGuyBob <br>276. Speedarrow20 <br>277. Dragonone24 <br>278. Ironbeast28 <br>279. lll RYAN lll <br>280. A T R MAXED <br>281. Saint Soph x <br>282. Third eye3 <br>283. rang3rcorp4 <br>284. AcousticWill <br>285. CyanLord <br>286. Ebmaj7 <br>287. *bkp <br>288. I Am Turc <br>289. Garnet Wing <br>290. Puter_Geeket <br>291. Not enuff ro
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22-Jun-2010 02:57:37
<br/>Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 00:48:59 by s5451927
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1 YEAR EVENT PARTY THINGY!!!!!!!! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>TIME: Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th <br> <br>EVENTS: <br>whole cc on one star <br>soul wars <br>fight pits <br>race around the world with prizes <br>big party in one spot <br>hide and seek <br> <br> <br> <br>....... **.**************.......***** ...*** ...*****... ***... *****.........**.************** <br>**.**** ***** ................********** . s5451927 <20> . <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD><5F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>* .............. <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>* <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.<2E><> <br>...<2E><>.<2E><>.......<2E>*<2A><><EFBFBD>.<2E><>_<EFBFBD><5F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ........ leader of stars4fun........<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD><5F>.<2E><><EFBFBD>*<2A>....... <20><>.<2E><> <br>..........<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>_<EFBFBD><5F>.<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> . <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>... <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.. <20><><EFBFBD>. <20> <20> <20> <20> <20> .<2E><><EFBFBD> ..<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ...<2E><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> . <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.<2E><>_<EFBFBD><5F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
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22-Jun-2010 02:57:48
<br/>Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 03:07:58 by s5451927
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About cc: <br> <br>-Founded on July 29, 2009 by s5451927, firedwarf504 and 2 others now inactive. <br> <br>- most noted people in cc at a single time since opening : 38 <br> <br>- Active leaders atm: s5451927, ladybug117, Fired, and Ree <br> <br>Events and Special History: <br> <br>- July 31, 2009, first time I had to scroll down in cc to see my name, yay. <br> <br>- August 2nd, 2009, allies with star rebels(now gone) along with our first clan wars event. <br> <br>- August 4th, 2009, capt k,first ranked mem to have a mohogany scope. <br> <br>- August 12th, 2009, darkscooty, tagged our first s9 star as a cc hunt. <br> <br>- August 20th, 2009, s5451927, more personal, solo mined a star <br> <br>- Sept 2nd, 2009, D and D Birthday <br> <br>- Sept 20th, 2009, clan has 100 official members <br> <br>- Dec 5, 2009 , s5451927, got 7 tags in a row <br> <br>- Dec 7,2009, stars4fun v2 forum closed, posting on v3 began <br> <br>- Dec 17,2009, 30 people in the cc at once noted <br> <br>- Dec 29,2009, one wave, 2 scopers, both s9's, very lucky <br> <br>- Jan 1,2010 luckyferno got the first post in the new year <br> <br>- Jan 29,2010 6 month birthday day party <br> <br>- March 12,2010 stars4fun v3 forum closed, posting on v4 began <br> <br>- March 22,2010 stars4fun has over 200 active mems <br> <br>- March 28,2010 I personally solo merched shears to the #1 highest raise spot in the g.e on this day yay <br> <br>- March 30,2010 blOody raiin in under 24 hours (the same day) got 1 to 64 constuction to wield a teak scope <br> <br>- April 2,2010 Fired solo mined a s7 star <br> <br>- April 27,2010 Lady bug 117 became our 4th general <br> <br>- June 21, 2010 stars4fun v4 forum closed, posting on v5 began <br> <br>- June 23, 2010 a very speical b day of somebody we all love <img class="sm0" alt=":)" title=":)" src="../../../site/img/blk.gif" />
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