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What does this mean and what should I do?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#inbox"><font color="black">How do I get to my inbox messages?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#bug"><font color="black">How do I report a bug?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#subscription"><font color="black">How can I get help with my subscription?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#moderator"><font color="black">Please can you make me a moderator?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#Jagex"><font color="black">Someone has messaged me in game. They say they are from Jagex and they are selecting me to become a moderator. What do I do?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#email"><font color="black">How do I change the email address associated with my RuneScape account?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#hijacker"><font color="black">A hijacker committed offences on my account and/or used up my appeals!</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#name"><font color="black">I was hijacked and the hijacker changed my account name!</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#gained"><font color="black">I accidentally gained XP I didn't want. Can it be removed?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#cash"><font color="black">I have lost my items/cash (lost on death, lag, hijacker, etc). Can they be replaced?</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#taken"><font color="black">I keep recovering my account but it keeps getting taken again.</b></a> <br> <br><a href="forumsdbf5.html?250,251,0,61111833,goto,1#scammer"><font color="black">Player X is cheating / Player Y is a scammer / Player Z has been harassing me in-game (or any other in-game rulebreaking issues)</b></a> <br> <br> <br><hr> <br><a name="banned"></a><p><i>I<EFBFBD>ve been banned; how can I get back into the game?</i> <br> <br>We usually allow players to appeal the offences on their account, just in case we have made a mistake, or there is an explanation for the rulebreaking which we should take into consideration. <br> <br>To manage the offences on your account, including appealing offences where this option is available, please use the link below: <br> <br><a href="https://offence-appeal.runescape.com/account_history.ws" target="_blank">Appeal an offence</a></p> <br><hr> <br><a name="password"></a><p><i>How do I change my password?</i> <br> <br>If you know your current account password, and you would like to change it, please click the link below: <br> <br><a href="https://password-history.runescape.com/password.ws" target="_blank">Change your Password</a></p> <br><hr> <br><a name="stolen"></a><p><i>My account has been stolen; what can I do?</i> <br> <br>If you have forgotten your password, or you think someone else also knows it, you can set a brand new password from the following link: <br> <br><a href="../../../site/loginapplet/loginappletb4b5.html?mod=accountappeal&amp;dest=passwordchoice.ws" target="_blank">Forgotten or Stolen Password?</a></p> <br><hr> <br><a name="locked"></a><p><i>My account has been locked. What does this mean and what should I do?</i> <br> <br>Locking an account is not a punishment - it is a protective measure designed to safeguard the security of an account. We may lock an account if we have evidence that it is being accessed by someone other than the account creator. <br> <br>If your account has been locked, you can start the unlocking process by using the link below: <br> <br><a href="../../../site/loginapplet/loginappletef7e.html?mod=accountappeal&amp;dest=lockchoice.ws" target="_blank">Recover a Locked Account</a></p> <br><hr> <br><a name="inbox"></a><p><i>How do I get to my inbox messages?</i> <br> <br>If we need to send you any important information, we will send it to your account inbox. Use the link below to get to the Message Centre: <br> <br><a href="https://ticketing.runescape.com/inbox.ws" target="_blank">Account - Read Messages</a></p> <br><hr> <br><a name="bug"></a><p><i>How do I report a bug?</i> <br> <br>If you believe you have found a bug, we would ask you to follow this link to let us know: <br> <br><a href="http://bugtracker-v4.runescape.com/index.html" target="_blank">Submit a Bug Report</a> <br> <br>This can also be accessed from the title bar at the top of every page on the site: <br> <br><a href="../../../site/kbase/guid/Customer_Support.html?guid=Customer_Support" target="_blank">Help</a> &gt; <a href="http://bugtracker-v4.runescape.com/index.html" target="_blank">Submit a Bug Report</a></p> <br><hr> <br><a name="subscription"></a><p><i>How can I get help with my subscription?</i> <br> <br>If you want to subscribe your account to become a member, please use <a href="https://billing-core.runescape.com/paymentoptions.ws" target="_blank">this link</a> to get things started. <br> <br>For more help with billing problems, head to the <a href="forumsa1e2.html?103,104,4,59074190">Billing Issue? Read Here!</a> forum thread. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="moderator"></a><p><i>Please can you make me a moderator?</i> <br> <br>It's great to see that you are so passionate about RuneScape. We provide a useful guide about the type of people we want as Player Moderators/Forum Moderators. To find out more, click <a href="../../../site/kbase/guid/moderators.html" target="_blank">here</a>. <br> <br>As we have a lot of players wishing to be a moderator, we suggest you keep on helping other players in-game and reporting any rule breaking you may come across; who knows, maybe you will be invited at some point via a message to your inbox. <br> <br>If you have read the above link and wish to post on the 'Are you community focused?' forum thread, click <a href="forums3536.html?103,104,2,60722635" target="_blank">here</a>. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="Jagex"></a><p><i>Someone has messaged me in game. They say they are from Jagex and they are selecting me to become a moderator. What do I do?</i> <br> <br>Only Jagex Moderators can make someone a moderator, and if someone is selected they will be contacted via the message centre (accessed using the following link: <a href="https://ticketing.runescape.com/inbox.ws" target="_blank">Read Messages</a>. Jagex will not contact you in-game to invite you to become a moderator. <br> <br>If anyone contacts you in game from any server claiming that they will make you a moderator, the best thing to do is to report them under Staff Impersonation or Scamming, then add them to your ignore list. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="email"></a><p><i>How do I change the email address associated with my RuneScape account?</i> <br> <br>To change your mailing list email address please go here: <br> <br><a href="https://secure/m=email-register/set_address.ws" target="_blank">Email Registration</a> <br> <br>You will be asked to login to your account. Once you have logged in, you are given the email change request form. <br> <br>Filling in this form will send two confirmation emails; the first will go to your new email address. The second will go to your old address. Both confirmations must be entered in order to change your email address immediately. <br> <br>You may not know your current email address, in which case, leave this area blank. You will be told the email address that has been entered on the confirmation page. <br> <br>If you also do not have access to your old address and therefore cannot enter the second confirmation code, your new email will be changed over automatically in 14 days once you have entered the first confirmation code. If the abort code is entered from the old email address then your email change will not occur. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="hijacker"></a><p><i>A hijacker committed offences on my account and/or used up my appeals!</i> <br> <br>Please be assured that we take into account all information provided to us by our systems to identify whether the account holder was in control of the account at the time of the offence. <br> <br>If we can<61>t identify that the offence was committed by a hijacker, ultimately the account owner is responsible for the activity of the account, as stated in our <a href="../../../site/terms/terms.html" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions</a>. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="name"></a><p><i>I was hijacked and the hijacker changed my account name!</i> <br> <br>If your display name has been changed without your consent, feel free to let us know so we can reset it for you. You can post about this in the dedicated thread in the Contact Us forum: <br> <br><a href="forumse850.html?103,104,9,60027064" target="_blank">Name Changed?</a> <br> <br>If you have changed the name yourself, but now regret it, you will have to wait until the 28 days are over before being able to change the name again. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="gained"></a><p><i>I accidentally gained XP I didn't want. Can it be removed?</i> <br> <br>We are not able to edit an account's in-game stats, including XP, inventory, bank contents, quest points or anything else. Once XP has been gained, it cannot be removed again. We hope this won<6F>t have too large an impact on your enjoyment of the game. If we do create a tool for adjusting player stats, we will let you know. <br> <br>We would recommend checking out the <a href="../../../site/kbase/guid/manual.html" target="_blank">Game Guide</a> before attempting a quest. The description page for each quest contains details of the rewards that can be gained, including any XP that will be given upon completion. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="cash"></a><p><i>I have lost my items/cash (lost on death, lag, hijacker, etc). Can they be replaced?</i> <br> <br>We are not able to edit an account's in-game status, including XP, inventory, bank contents, quest points or anything else. Once items have been lost, whatever the cause, they cannot be returned. <br> <br>We would recommend that you use the "Show items kept on death" function to find out which of your current items would be kept if you died, and avoid taking any other valuable items into dangerous areas unless you are prepared to lose them. <br> <br>We know it may take a lot of in-game time to replace some items and we can empathise. Panic ye not, for it is possible for you to acquire replacement items through a variety of methods. For example, we do have a number of money-making tips and techniques suggested in the Guides section of our forums. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="taken"></a><p><i>I keep recovering my account but it keeps getting taken again.</i> <br> <br>We provide a detailed <a href="../../../site/kbase/guid/security_information.html" target="_blank">Security Information</a> guide on our website. It contains instructions for how to help make sure your computer is safe and secure, including links to free software that you can download. If you follow the steps there, you can put yourself in the best possible position to keep your account safe in future. <br> <br>In some instances we may be able to send your account details to our specialist team to remove any information that was set by a hijacker. </p> <br><hr> <br><a name="scammer"></a><p><i>Player X is cheating / Player Y is a scammer / Player Z has been harassing me in-game (or any other in-game rulebreaking issues)</i> <br> <br>We don't allow allegations of in-game rulebreaking on the forums. Since there's no way to support the accusation with the relevant evidence, it essentially means it's one player's word against another (who may not even be aware of the allegations being made about them). <br> <br>If you believe someone is breaking rules in-game, then please use the in-game Report Abuse system. This sends evidence directly to our staff so that we can investigate the situation and take any necessary action.</p></div></font><center><img width="90%" src="../../../site/img/main/kbase/hr.webp"></center></div><div class="search"><div class="searchtop"> <br><div class="bottombordershad"><div class="leftshadow"><div class="rightshadow"><div class="topleft"></div><div class="topright"><div class="bottomleftshad"><div class="bottomrightshad"><div class="searchtext"> <br></p> <br></p> <br></p> <br></p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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