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29-Jun-2010 17:24:39
<br/>Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 19:40:10 by Responds
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׺<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>`<60><><EFBFBD>׺<EFBFBD><D7BA><EFBFBD>`<60><><EFBFBD>׺<EFBFBD><D7BA><EFBFBD>`<60><><EFBFBD>׺<EFBFBD><D7BA><EFBFBD>`<60><><EFBFBD>( Free Fall Recruitment Thread )<29><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>`<60><><EFBFBD>׺<EFBFBD><D7BA><EFBFBD>`<60><><EFBFBD>׺<EFBFBD><D7BA><EFBFBD>`<60><><EFBFBD>׺<EFBFBD><D7BA><EFBFBD>`<60><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <br> <br>Welcome to Free Fall, <br>We are a P2P clan running in the GMT (UK) time zone. The current clan requirements are 110+ combat P2P. <br> <br>Free Fall was founded by JD in January 2008 but has now moved into a different clan on 27th May 2010 with all of our members. Free Fall is a diverse clan, welcoming those with a certain level of maturity and capability of challenge. We, the clan community, encourage social interaction between each other as well as having fun at both in-clan activities and outside of clan activities. <br> <br>The events of Free Fall are mostly focused on monster-hunting and minigames. These events allow for total clan involvement, developing team-work skills and, most importantly, for fun. We do all clan events and we let you chose what u want to do. <br>With some great members we like to go to many events including Stealing Creations, Pest Control and much, much more. <br> <br>We also like to grab our Swords, Bows and Staffs and battle against large monsters, the likes of King Black Dragon, Godwars Boss Monsters, Kalphite Queen, Chaos Element and much more including: <br> <br><EFBFBD> Clan Wars <br><EFBFBD> Castle Wars <br><EFBFBD> Dungeoneering Teams <br><EFBFBD> Killing KBD <br><EFBFBD> Mithril Dragon Slaying <br><EFBFBD> Pest Control <br><EFBFBD> Soul Wars <br><EFBFBD> Stealing Creation <br><EFBFBD> GWD <br><EFBFBD> House Parties <br><EFBFBD> Fight Pits <br><EFBFBD> Fist of Guthix <br><EFBFBD> And many others! <br> <br>WE ARE TAKING PART IN ALL THE CLAN CUPS: <br> <br>Combat Cup - 251-252-0-61144017 <br>Skilling Cup - 251-252-2-61144034 <br>Combined Cup - 251-252-1-61144027 <br> <br> <br>If you would like to join the Free Fall, please read over our CLAN RULES below and fill in an application. <br> <br>Clan chat <20> Free Fall Cc <br> <br>We hope that you will enjoy your time with us. <br> <br>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-= <br> <br>FREE FALL HOME PAGE: 90-91-668-61224400
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29-Jun-2010 17:33:32
<br/>Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 16:47:19 by Responds
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-+- Contents -+- <br> <br>Page 1:- <br> <br>Post 1: Introduction <br>Post 2: Contents <br>Post 3: General Information <br>Post 4: Clan Rules / Clan Chat Rules <br>Post 5: Members Rules / Events Rules <br>Post 6: Clan Ranking Policy / Trial Period <br>Post 7: Clan Application <br>Post 8: Acceptance/Declined Template <br>Post 9: Member list <br>Post 10: Member list Continued <br> <br>Page 2:- <br> <br>Post 1: Old Member list <br>Post 2: Old Member list Continued <br>Post 3: Res <br>Post 4: Res <br>Post 5: Res <br>Post 6: Res <br>Post 7: Res <br>Post 8: Res <br>Post 9: Res <br>Post 10: Res
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29-Jun-2010 17:34:24
<br/>Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 20:03:29 by Responds
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-+- General Information -+- <br> <br>Home World (P2P): 82 <br> <br>Clan Founder: Need Toilet <br>Clan Co Founders: Responds, Dave Hardman, RO5B, Flip Hardman <br>Contacts: Responds, JD, Dave Hardman <br> <br>Average Combat Level P2P: 124 <br>Clan Members: Over 80 <br> <br>Clan chat <20> Free Fall Cc <br> <br>Time Zone: GMT (although we welcome anyone from anywhere) <br> <br>Current requirements to join Free Fall: P2P 110+ Combat. <br> <br> <br> <br>FREE FALL HOME PAGE: 90-91-668-61224400
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29-Jun-2010 17:34:40
<br/>Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 19:42:53 by Responds
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-+- Clan Rules -+- <br> <br>1. Follow 'ALL' Jagex rules. <br>Failure to do so can result in being kicked from the clan chat, banned from clan or even at risk of someone reporting you. <br> <br>2. Follow 'ALL' Free Fall rules. <br>Failure to do so can result in being kicked from the clan chat, banned from clan <br> <br>3. Be Active. <br>Clan sweeps will be carried out at random. If you are marked as inactive you must reapply unless you give a good reason as to why you were inactive. Attend events, go into the clan chat or bump the RT to show your activity. ATTEND ALL WARS. <br> <br>4. No Multi Claning - Though you are allowed in minigame and PvP clans. <br>Banned from clan if found multi Claning. <br> <br>5. If you seek help report to a Leader/Commander. <br>We can't help you if we don't know what is wrong. <br> <br>6. Bump the Recruitment Thread daily <br>This goes well for your promotion and it helps us get more members. Many of you have been shown this clan by initially looking at the RT because it was bumped; please do the same for other people. <br> <br>If any of these rules are broken this could result in a temporary or permanent ban from the clan chat. <br> <br>============================================================================ <br> <br> <br>-+- Clan Chat Rules -+- <br> <br>. Clan Chat is for registered members (who meet the Requirements) of the clan only. <br> <br>. No Spamming in Clan Chat. <br>Given a warning at first, if not stopped - kicked from clan chat. <br> <br>. No excessive cursing or usage of harsh or discouraging language\words. <br>Given a warning at first, if not stopped - kicked from clan chat. <br> <br>. Be nice to people who come into clan chat. <br>Point them to the forums if they wish to join the clan. <br> <br>If any of these rules are broken this could result in a temporary or permanent ban from the clan chat. <br> <br>FREE FALL HOME PAGE: 90-91-668-61224400
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29-Jun-2010 17:34:56
<br/>Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 19:43:03 by Responds
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-+- Members Rules -+- <br> <br>. No racism in anyway directed towards any Free Fall member. <br>Immediate ban from clan. <br> <br>. No racist remarks <br>This will result in a minimum of 2 week's suspension from the clan. <br> <br>. In your application put a smiley face followed by some enters to prove you have read all of the rules. <br> <br>. Respect all clan members and allies. <br>Not everyone has the same ethnic background or religion etc, and so they may not have the same point of view as you. Please respect that. <br> <br>If any of these rules are broken this could result in a temporary or permanent ban from the clan chat. <br> <br>============================================================================ <br> <br> <br>-+- Event Rules -+- <br> <br>All regular rules apply to the events as you should be respectful, kind and helpful at the <br>events. Other than Wars, events are not manditory but please try to come to all the events you <br>can. We will be taking attendance and keeping a list as to how active everyone is but that will <br>not get you kicked from the clan. It may very well help you get ranked higher though. <br> <br>We do not war often but when we do and you are online, you must attend. <br> <br>This should not be a problem because I know everyone wants to support our clan and help <br>us win all wars. If you can't be online during a war, that is understandable. But if you are <br>online when we have a war and you do not go and help, you will be kicked from the clan. <br> <br>Leaders of events please take attendance at the events and post the list on our thread. Anyone can post attendance but the one leading the event should do it. <br> <br>FREE FALL HOME PAGE: 90-91-668-61224400
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29-Jun-2010 17:35:04
<br/>Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 19:43:12 by Responds
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-+- Clan Chat Ranking Policy -+- <br> <br>Please read this policy carefully. Your accepting it in full is a condition of your use of the ClanChat. If you do not agree with this policy, or any part, please do not use the ClanChat. Your using of our ClanChat is treated as an acceptance of this policy in effect at the time of your use. <br> <br>Clan rank is available to any 110+.and depends on time joined and how much activity they have in the clan. <br> <br>Clan ranks are only increased every SATURDAY, no other days and no exceptions. <br> <br> <br>-+- Trial Period -+- <br> <br> <br>Firstly to gain your rank, please apply on this forum using the clan application template. Afterwards your clan activity shall be monitored for the following one to two weeks. <br> <br>Some events and ALL wars must be attended for you to pass this trial period. <br> <br>If you fail to do this you shall be deleted from clan. After this period you must still carry on joining events and attending ALL wars, then you will progress up the ranks ladder. <br> <br>FREE FALL HOME PAGE: 90-91-668-61224400
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29-Jun-2010 17:36:33
<br/>Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 16:34:57 by Responds
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-+- Clan Application -+- <br> <br>How To Complete: <br> <br>1) Highlight and Copy this whole template. <br>2) Click 'Reply' at the top or bottom of this page. <br>3) Paste this template into the blank box. <br>4) Fill it out then click 'Add Message'. <br>5) Join Clan Chat and tell a leader. <br> <br>CURRENT Free Fall REQUIREMENT: COMBAT LVL 110+ <br> <br>PLEASE ONLY APPLY ON THE RECRUITMENT THREAD NOT THE HOME PAGE. <br> <br>Copy this template and make a reply to this thread, paste the template and fill out the application form <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br> <br> <br>RuneScape Name: <br> <br>Total Level: <br> <br>F2P Combat Level: <br> <br>P2P Combat Level: <br> <br>Attack Level: <br> <br>Strength Level: <br> <br>Defence Level: <br> <br>Hitpoints Level: <br> <br>Prayer Level: <br> <br>Ranged Level: <br> <br>Magic Level: <br> <br>Summoning Level: <br> <br>How did you hear about this clan? <br> <br>Were you in any clans, before applying for this one? If so, what is the name of the clan? <br> <br>Will you be an active, loyal, helpful member? <br> <br>Do you agree to follow the rules of the clan as found in this section of the forums under 'RULES', and understand that failure to do so will result in punishment? <br> <br>Do you agree to the Clan Chat Ranking Policy (previous post)? <br> <br>Anything else you would like to share? We would love to hear a bit about yourself eg favorite skill or something you enjoy doing.You don't have to answer this question but it would be helpful if you did.
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29-Jun-2010 17:37:02
<br/>Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 16:35:36 by Responds
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-+- Acceptance/Declined Template -+- <br> <br>*<2A><>) <br><EFBFBD>.<2E><><EFBFBD>.<2E>*<2A><>) <20>.<2E>*<2A>) <br>(<28>.<2E><> . .(,&lt;Name Here&gt; - You have been ACCEPTED/ DECLINED into Free Fall clan chat. <br> <br><EFBFBD> You have now been/ you aren<65>t yet granted access to the clan's ClanChat; <br> <br>I hope you enjoy yourself in Free Fall / Please post again at a later date when you fill the requirements. <br> <br>Please add leaders - Dave Hardman, JD and Responds <br> <br>Clan chat <20> Free Fall Cc <br> <br>FREE FALL HOME PAGE: 90-91-668-61224400
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29-Jun-2010 17:37:11
<br/>Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 20:07:15 by Responds
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-+- Members List -+- <br> <br>General: <br> <br>JD <br>Flip Hardman <br>Responds <br>Dave Hardman <br> <br>Captain: <br> <br> <br>Lieutenant: <br> <br> <br>Sergeant: <br> <br> <br>Corporal: <br> <br> <br>Recruit: <br> <br> <br>Trial: <br> <br>29/6/10: <br> <br>Feathurr <br>She peng fam <br>5l4y1ng z3rk <br>Lord Fafoo <br>ll Steff ll <br>Blakealot1 <br>Loadi n g <br>Darkmage7770 <br>BADG3RR <br>Help4Heroes <br>tztok-flower <br>M U S H RMS <br>flip hardman <br>I-PJ3D-JESUS <br>barkerboy88 <br>I Lust Mage
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29-Jun-2010 17:37:18
<br/>Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 19:18:26 by Responds
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